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In 279 patients who had undergone total hip replacement because of primary coxarthrosis, the occurrence of fractures, other diseases, and roentgen examinations was compared with that in the same number of age- and sexmatched controls from the same population. Coxarthrosis patients had had significantly more fractures than the controls before their hip operation but did not have significantly more after the operation except for fracture distal to the femur implant, which was rare but occurred only in the patients who had undergone surgery. Fragility fractures, including hip fractures, were equally frequent in coxarthrosis patients and controls. There was a higher tendency to morbidity in conditions related to ageing and degeneration; diabetes, however, was less frequent in coxarthrosis patients. Coxarthrosis patients had also had more frequent examinations of their gastro intestinal tract and their kidneys.  相似文献   

A cohort of 321 men between the ages of eighteen and fifty-five was randomly selected from a group of 1221 men who had been surveyed by a questionnaire. They then had radiographs made of the lumbar spine. Of the 292 subjects fulfilling the criteria for inclusion in the study, ninety-six (32.9 per cent) had never had low-back pain, 134 (45.9 per cent) had had or were having moderate low-back pain, and sixty-two (21.2 per cent) had had or were having severe low-back pain. In the three groups there was a similar frequency of transitional vertebrae, Schmorl's nodes, the disc vacuum sign, narrowing of the disc space between the third and fourth lumbar and the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae, and claw spurs. When there were traction spurs or disc-space narrowing, or both, between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, an increased incidence of severe low-back pain was evident. There also was a significant association of these two radiographic findings with symptoms (pain, weakness, and numbness) in the lower limbs. The measured lumbar lordosis, the length of the transverse process of the fourth lumbar vertebra, and the relationship between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebral bodies with reference to the intercristal line had no association with the low-back pain. Increased lumbar lordosis had a significant association with decreased disc-space height and wedging deformity of the disc between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A retrospective study has been made of the patients hospitalized in the Burn Centre of La Fe Hospital in Valencia (Spain) during 1989. Of the 1825 patients seen during this period, 146 (8 per cent) were admitted to hospital. The mean patient age was 31.42 years, 68.5 per cent of the patients were male; 34.1 per cent were children under the age of 15 years and 15 per cent were over 60 years old. Fire was the most common cause of burns (50 per cent), and produced the most extensive lesions. Electrical current and firm contact with hot surfaces caused deeper burns. Thermal lesions were most frequently produced within the domestic environment. Burns caused by fire affected mainly the head and neck, scalding tended to involve the trunk and electrical current caused injury to the limbs. Half the hospital admissions were discharged within 15 days. Most of the lesions requiring hospital admission occurred during the winter months.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the overall financial cost of the prosthetic care which war amputees have incurred since the injury occurred. Records of 98 war veteran amputees who had attended the Dundee Limb Fitting Centre were scrutinised, they revealed 52 survivors and 46 who had died by 1997 and represented all the records available at the time of the review. The number and nature of visits, the number of prosthetic limbs ordered were counted and using today's costs, the cost of these services calculated. The costs of stump socks, transport and social security payments were not included. The cost of the artificial limbs was calculated at Pound Sterling(GBP)69 million with the recognition that it is an underestimate and approximation. Despite this it shows that the cost, allowing for the underestimation, has been relatively insignificant in the total cost of a major war and the war machinery. The cost however to the individuals has been considerable with a substantial disability occurring at the prime of life resulting in a significant handicap. It is a continuing legacy that society is responsible for, as a direct result of armed conflict.  相似文献   



It is generally held that Dupuytren's disease is more common in northern than in southern Europe, but there are very few studies from southern European countries.  相似文献   

前列腺增生症发病情况的调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 了解常州及武进地区前列腺增生症(BPH) 的发病情况。 方法 调查该地区40 岁以上男性2 433 人的国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS) 、生活质量评分(L) 、最大尿流率(Qmax) 、前列腺体积(V) 及剩余尿(R)等情况,其中城镇职工1 089 人,农民1 344 人,测量118 人血睾酮(T) 、双氢睾酮(DHT) ,询问1 957 人性活动情况。 结果 BPH 发病率占总调查人数(2 433) 的25.7 % ,城镇职工30.4 % ,农民21.9 % ;BPH 组血DHT 明显高于正常组( P< 0 .01) ;初次性交时间早及失去性功能年龄大者BPH 发病率高( P< 0 .01) 。 结论 城镇职工BPH 的发病率高于农民,血DHT 升高与BPH 的发生有关,初次性交时间早( < 25 岁) 及性功能维持年限长与BPH 有关  相似文献   

Pulmonary histopathological and clinical changes associated with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) were found to be less severe in 10 HIV-positive patients (group A) with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) than in 8 patients (group B) with other immune deficiencies. Lung biopsies from group A showed minimal thickening of the alveolar walls from oedema and slight mononuclear cell infiltration, while in group B alveolar wall thickening was more prominent with distinct mononuclear cell infiltration and evidence of diffuse alveolar damage and interstitial fibrosis. Infection with P. carinii cysts was heavy in 60%, moderate in 30% and mild in 10% in group A patients v. heavy in 0%, moderate in 14% and mild in 86% in group B patients. These findings appear to suggest that AIDS/PCP presents with a heavy parasite load but only minimal histopathological changes that are reversible and that atypical change as observed in PCP in other immune deficiencies are caused by previous or concomitant insults other than pneumocystosis. Milder propagation of P. carinii in HIV-negative patients may be because there is a lack of undamaged type I pneumocytes to which trophozoites probably need to be attached at a certain developmental stage.  相似文献   

The epidemiological characteristics of 34 cases of eclampsia treated at Harare Maternity Hospital during 1982 are described. Of these patients 70.6% had received antenatal care and the majority of these had had a normal blood pressure 7 days before their first convulsion. A seasonal variation in the incidence of eclampsia was noted. Factors important in reducing the incidence of eclampsia are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 了解手部骨折的构成、分布及其影响因素.方法 对2005年4月1日-9月30日就诊的手外伤患者进行问卷调查,对其中发生手部骨折的患者进行分析.结果 5 234例手外伤患者中1797例发生手部骨折,共涉及2 259块骨,其中指骨骨折1 721块(76.2%),掌骨骨折468块(20.7%),腕骨骨折70块(3.1%).患者平均(30.9±9.4)岁,20~50岁常见;男女性别比为5.4:1;职业性损伤占58.3%,道路交通伤占21.7%,家庭生活伤12.2%,在娱乐场受伤占3.4%,运动伤占3.4%.其中73.0%为开放性损伤,27.0%为闭合性损伤.结论 手部骨折主要发生在青壮年男性,以职业性损伤多见.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of enuresis in Korean children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of enuresis in children of elementary school age, to evaluate the impact of enuresis on these children and their parents, and to identify the methods and effectiveness of managing enuresis. Subjects and methods A randomly selected cross-sectional study was conducted in one elementary school in each urban ward (nine schools) in Pusan, Korea. The parents of these 12 570 children aged 7-12 years were asked to complete questionnaires which included items about the presence and frequency of enuresis, its perceived impact and management. Enuresis was defined as an episode of wetting occurring at least once per month. RESULTS: The overall response rate to the questionnaire was 55.8% (girls 28.2%, boys 27.6%). The prevalence of nocturnal, diurnal and combined enuresis was 9.2%, 2.2% and 1.4%, respectively. The overall prevalence of enuresis declined with age from 20.4% at 7 years old to 5.6% at 12 years old; 342 (57.0%) parents and 318 (55. 6%) children were concerned about enuresis. The common self-help strategies were waking the child at night to void (38.1%) and restriction of water intake (25.7%). Of the enuretic children, only 13.7% had consulted a health worker. CONCLUSION: The prevalence rates for enuresis in Pusan are similar to those reported from European countries. Enuretic children and their parents were moderately concerned about enuresis and the parents primarily used self-management within the family.  相似文献   

Summary Kenya is a country of marked environmental and ethnic diversity. A study of osteogenic sarcoma occurring in Kenya from 1968 to 1978 revealed 251 cases, representing between 89% and 100% of the predicted number. Variations in age, sex and anatomical location were within classical limits. However, the incidence of osteogenic sarcoma amongst the Central Bantu was significantly higher than predicted (P<0.0001), whilst the incidence among the Western Bantu was significantly lower (P<0.002), despite their similar ethnic origins. Two geographically dissimilar areas likewise exhibited significant differences in incidence. The Eastern province showed a higher incidence (P<0.02), whereas the Nyanza Province (P<0.001) and the adjacent Western Province (P<0.005) showed a lower than predicted incidence. These observations suggest that in Kenya a geomedical variable affects the incidence of osteogenic sarcoma and that genetic variation has no effect on incidence.This study was supported in part by a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship (E.G.B.), International Communication Agency, U. S. State Department, 1979–1980  相似文献   

A statistical random sample of 600 patients from the population referred to Tygerberg Hospital for peripheral blood investigations was analysed statistically with an IBM 370/158 computer. Suitable transformations were used for normalization of the data. The results of Coulter Model S investigations, platelet counts (coulter F), erythrocyte sedimentation rates, differential counts (with regard to neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte and eosinophil counts), age, race and sex of the patients, as well as possible associations between the day of the week and the haematological tests were investigated independently for each of the four race and sex groups, i.e. White men, White women, non-White men and non-White women. Machine sorting was used to obtain graphs representing the mean values of 12 haematological variables versus age in the four race and sex groups. Regression analysis between the different variables was done, and mean values are reported. Normal haematological limits (+/- 2 standard deviations) for the different age groups were used, and with machine processing the results were evaluated as low, normal or high in order to obtain a table for the visualization of a normal or abnormal distribution, skewness to the right or left, and percentages of abnormal values for each variable for each of the different age groups in the four race and sex groups. In this study we investigated a selected group of patients. No conclusions with regard to 'normal' values can be made, but, with the use of statistical computing of routine numerical data, an approach to epidemiology is demonstrated.  相似文献   

对肾移植后红细胞增多症(PTE)的临床流行病学进行研究。在本中心完成的901例同种异体尸肾移植病人中,共发生肾移植后PTE84例,发病率为9.3%,发生于移植后16.8±11.3个月。就其性别组成、移植前Hb、移植前后高血压发病情况、利尿剂应用、免疫抑制药、自体肾是否切除、移植后发病前SCr/BUN(血肌酐/尿素氮)及移植前淋巴毒试验结果等,与非PTE组对照,发现PTE好发于移植前Hb相对较高、移植前后血压较高、不服用Aza而肾功能良好的男性肾移植病人。  相似文献   

目的 了解手外伤的发生、构成、分布及影响因素.方法 对2005年4月1日至9月30日在我院就诊的所有手外伤患者进行问卷调查,统计并分析其流行病学特点.结果 共5 233例手外伤患者,占骨科急诊的34.1%,平均年龄为(31.0±12.5)岁,男∶女为4.2∶1,83.0%为开放性损伤,就诊距受伤时间(2.5±4.0)h.职业性损伤占50.8%,家庭生活伤占21.3%,道路交通伤占14.2%,在餐饮及娱乐场受伤占9.9%,运动伤占2.5%,购物场所占1.3%.损伤机制以切割伤(44.4%)和压砸伤(27.7%)最常见.损伤以双侧示指和中指最易受累.结论 手外伤是一种高发损伤,主要发生在青壮年男性中,以职业性损伤多见.职业性损伤和生活性损伤均是预防的重点.
Objective To study the incidence,composition,distribution and influence of acute hand injuries. Methods From April 1st 2005 to September 30th 2005,all patients with acute hand injuries treated at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital were investigated by filling out a questionnaire focusing on all related epidemiological elements. Results A total of 5 233 patients were identified,accounting for 34.1% of all acute orthopedic injuries. Patients were typically (31.0±12.5) years old. They were mostly male,with a male to female hand injures. 21.3% were injured at home,14.2% injured on the road,9.9% injured at leisure places,2.5% injured during sports activities,and 1.3% injured at shopping places.Cutting (44.4%) and crushing (27.7%) were the most common injury mechanisms. Conclusion Acute hand injuries were common injuries,occurring mainly in male adults. Most of these injuries were occupational hand injuries. Prevention should be emphasized.  相似文献   

During the 6 years between 1980 and 1985, 39 nursing home patients were admitted to the Ilvidovre Burns Unit in Copenhagen with accidental burns. These patients accounted for 20 per cent of all burn patients above the age of 69 years admitted during this period. The median age of the patients was 80 years. Two-thirds of them suffered from burns of less than 15 per cent of their total body surface area. The mortality rate was 64 per cent. All patients were burned in single-person accidents, most often while sitting alone in their own living room, and smoking materials were involved in 85 per cent of the injuries. Senility, hemiplegia and other neurological diseases with tremor or paresis were frequently present in the victims.

Several preventive measures are proposed, including smoking under supervision, use of flame-resistant aprons of adequate size. Flame-resistant materials in chairs, etc.. and installation of smoke detectors in rooms where patients smoke. A possible relation between the marked incidence of these accidents during weekends or holidays, at a time when staff numbers are reduced in the nursing homes, is discussed.  相似文献   

上海地区骨质疏松性骨折的发病特点研究(附5923例分析)   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
目的 通过分析上海地区中老年人发生骨质疏松性骨折的部位、性别、年龄等,阐明该地区骨质疏松性骨折的发病特点,为骨质疏松性骨折的防治提供理论依据.方法 回顾2000年1月至2005年12月在我院因脆性骨折就诊的中老年患者5923例,按患者性别、年龄、骨折部位等进行归纳、分析及总结.结果 60岁以上女性骨折发生数明显多于男性,其中,常见部位骨折最高发生率的年龄分别为:桡骨远端骨折为70岁;股骨颈骨折为75岁;股骨粗隆间骨折为80岁.各年龄组女/男数据比较:60岁以后各年龄段的女/男值与总计中的女/男值1.96相比差异显著(P<0.05),表明按年龄段划分有统计学意义,60岁以后女性发生骨折的几率明显高于男性.结论 60岁以后女性骨折发生率明显多于男性,桡骨远端骨折、股骨颈骨折、股骨粗隆间骨折发病高峰的年龄各有不同,应在骨质疏松性骨折的防治中引起重视,并区别对待.  相似文献   

Urinary stone incidence and composition have changed markedly over the past half-century in industrialized countries, in parallel with profound changes in living standards and dietary habits, with a dramatic increase in the incidence of calcium oxalate stones. However, studies evaluating the influence of age and gender on the distribution of the various types of urinary calculi are scarce. We report the results of a study based on 27,980 calculi (from 19,442 males and 8,538 females) analyzed by infrared spectroscopy between 1976 and 2001. The relationships between age and sex and stone composition were investigated using a multivariate approach, based on correspondence factor analysis (CFA). We found a male predominance for calcium oxalate and uric acid, a female preponderance for calcium phosphate and struvite stones, and an increasing prevalence of uric acid stones with age in both genders. CFA was able to reconstruct in blind the age curve from stone composition. The first two axes of the multidimensional classification, which correspond to age, included 86.9% of the total variance, indicating that age was the main factor involved in stone type. Superimposition of age classes and stone components showed a strong relationship between age and whewellite, weddellite, brushite, carbapatite, octacalcium phosphate and uric acid, while other substances (whitlockite, amorphous carbonated calcium phosphate, struvite, proteins, mucopolysaccharides, triglycerides or ammonium urate) appeared weakly related to age. In addition, CFA suggests the role of common lithogenic factors between weddellite, carbapatite and brushite, which clustered in the same area, whereas the various crystalline forms of phosphate stones segregated into two different clusters, suggesting distinct pathogenic factors. In conclusion, this study provides a picture of the present epidemiology of urinary stones in France. CFA helped to confirm: (1) an etiopathogenic distinction between weddellite and whewellite, (2) etiopathogenic associations between chemical compounds, which were only suspected on a clinical basis, and (3) suggested yet unrecognized associations, especially with respect to the heterogeneous group of phosphate stones.  相似文献   

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