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The production of ferret visual cortical neurons was studied using 3H-thymidine autoradiography. The genesis of cortical neurons begins on or slightly before embryonic day 20 (E20) of the 41 d gestational period, continues postnatally until 2 weeks after birth (P14), and follows an inside-out radial gradient with neurons for the deeper cortical layers being generated before those for the superficial layers. Layer I neurons are generated both early (E20-E30) and late (P1-P14) in the period of cortical neurogenesis and, thus, provide at least a partial exception to the inside-out gradient of cortical neurogenesis. Tangential gradients of cortical neurogenesis extend across areas 17 and 18 in both the anterior-to-posterior and lateral-to-medial directions. Neither of these gradients bears a meaningful relationship to the cortical representation of the visual field. Most infragranular and granular layer neurons are generated prenatally, while most supragranular layer neurons are produced postnatally. Neurons destined for a given layer are produced over a period of several days, and the neurons generated on any given day contribute to the formation of 2 or more cortical layers. In general, prenatally generated neurons complete their migration in 1 week or less, while most postnatally generated neurons require approximately 2 weeks to complete their migration.  相似文献   

Genesis of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the ferret visual cortex   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The pattern of neurogenesis of GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the ferret primary visual cortex was determined using immunohistochemical and 3H-thymidine autoradiographic techniques. Neurons in the visual cortex of the ferret undergo their final cell division during a period extending from embryonic day 20 (E20) to postnatal day 14 (P14) and follow an inside-out pattern of neuronal production (Jackson et al., 1984) similar to that observed in other mammals. Earlier-generated neurons are found at deeper cortical positions in the adult than are those generated later. Layer I is an exception to this rule, since neurons destined for this layer are produced at both the beginning and end of neurogenesis. In this study, the pattern of neurogenesis of GABA-immunoreactive neurons is compared to the pattern observed for nonimmunoreactive neurons. The overall pattern of cortical neurogenesis (inside-out pattern) is similar for GABA-immunoreactive neurons and neurons that are not GABA-immunoreactive. However, the GABA-immunoreactive neurons born on a given day of development are more broadly distributed across the radial axis of the adult cortex than are nonimmunoreactive neurons generated on the same day. GABA-immunoreactive neurons generated later in neurogenesis are, on average, slightly smaller than those generated early. If GABA-immunoreactive neurons in the visual cortex are interneurons, then these findings suggest that interneurons follow the same pattern of neurogenesis as do projecting neurons in the visual cortex.  相似文献   

In the mammalian cerebral cortex, neurons in a given layer are generated at about the same time in development. These cells also tend to share similar sets of morphological and physiological properties and have projection patterns characteristic of that layer. This correspondence between the birthday and eventual fate of a cortical neuron suggests the possibility that the commitment of a cell to a particular laminar position and set of connections may occur very early on in cortical development. The experiments described here constitute an attempt to manipulate the fates of newly generated cortical neurons upon transplantation. The first set of experiments addressed the normal development of neurons in the primary visual cortex (area 17) of the ferret. Injections of 3H-thymidine into newborn ferrets showed that neurons generated after birth are destined to sit in layer 2/3 of the cortex, whereas neurons born on embryonic day (E) 32 populate primarily layers 5 and 6. Many layer 2/3 neurons in adult ferrets could be retrogradely labeled with HRP from visual cortical areas 18 and 19, while about half of the neurons in layer 6 were found to project to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). In the second set of experiments, presumptive layer 2/3 cells were labeled in vivo by injecting ferrets with 3H-thymidine on P1 and P2. Before the cells had a chance to migrate, they were removed from the donor brain, incubated in a fluorescent dye (DAPI or fast blue), and dissociated into a single-cell suspension. The labeled cells were then transplanted into the proliferative zone of a littermate host ferret ("isochronic" transplants). Over the next few weeks, many of these dye-labeled cells underwent changes in their position and morphology that were consistent with a radially directed migration and subsequent differentiation into cortical neurons. The final positions of isochronically transplanted neurons in the host brain were mapped out by using the 3H-thymidine marker after long survival periods. About 97% of radioactively labeled cells had migrated out into the visual cortex, where they attained a compact laminar distribution: 99% were found in layer 2/3, their normal destination. The labeled cells had normal, mostly pyramidal neuronal morphologies and appeared to be well integrated with host neurons when viewed in Nissl-stained sections. Ten isochronically transplanted neurons were successfully labeled after HRP injection into 2 normal target regions, areas 18 and 19.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

To study the prenatal development of connections between the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and the primary visual cortex in the cat, we have examined the relationship between the position of ingrowing afferents from the LGN and their target cells in cortical layers 4 and 6 at various times during the cat's 65 d gestation period and during the first 3 weeks of postnatal life. In 1 series of experiments, the method of transneuronal transport of intraocularly injected tritiated proline (3H-proline), followed by autoradiography, was used to label the developing geniculocortical pathway. In another series, the tritiated thymidine (3H-thymidine) method was employed to keep track of the cells destined for layers 4 and 6 by labeling them on their birthdates (layer 4: embryonic day (E) 37-43; layer 6: E31-36) (Luskin and Shatz, 1985b) and then charting their locations at subsequent times during development. The results of the 2 sets of experiments were compared at corresponding ages. By E39, many of the cells of cortical layer 6 have completed their migrations and are situated within the cortical plate immediately above the subplate. However, the transneuronal labeling pattern indicates that the geniculocotical afferents have not yet arrived within the vicinity of the future visual cortex, but rather are still en route and confined within the optic radiations of the telencephalon. By E42, a week after the first afferents can be detected in the radiations, substantial transneuronal label is found in the subplate immediately below future visual cortex. However, the overlying cortical plate is free of label. Over the next 2 weeks, geniculocortical axons continue to accumulate in the subplate zone, and, in addition, transneuronal label can be found in the marginal zone. By E55 a faint geniculocortical projection can be detected within the cortical plate, but only within its deeper half (future layers 5 and 6), and even then the major portion of the projection is still confined to the subplate. The absence of a projection to cortical layer 4 at these ages is remarkable in view of the results from our 3H-thymidine experiments, which indicate that by E57 the majority of cells destined to belong to layer 4 have already completed their migrations and assumed positions superficial to the cells of layers 5 and 6. By birth, a substantial geniculocortical projection to cortical layer 4 can be detected in the transneuronal autoradiographs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ferret has emerged as an important animal model for the study of neocortical development. Although detailed studies of the birthdates of neurons populating the ferret visual cortex are available, the birthdates of neurons that reside in somatosensory cortex have not been determined. The current study used bromodeoxyuridine to establish when neurons inhabiting the somatosensory cortex are generated in the ferret; some animals also received injections of [3H]thymidine. In contrast to reports of neurogenesis in ferret visual cortex, most neurons populating the somatosensory cortex have been generated by birth. Although components of all somatosensory cortical layers have been produced at postnatal day 0, the layers are not distinctly formed but develop over a period of several weeks. A small number of neurons continue to be produced for a few days postnatally. The majority of cells belonging to a given layer are born over a period of approximately 3 days, although the subplate and last (layer 2) generated layer take somewhat longer. Although neurogenesis of the neocortex begins along a similar time line for visual and somatosensory cortex, the neurons populating the visual cortex lag substantially during the generation of layer 4, which takes more than 1 week for ferret visual cortex. Layer formation in ferret somatosensory cortex follows many established principles of cortical neurogenesis, such as the well-known inside-out development of cortical layers and the rostro-to-caudal progression of cell birth. In comparison with the development of ferret visual cortex, however, the generation of the somatosensory cortex occurs remarkably early and may reflect distinct differences in mechanisms of development between the two sensory areas. J. Comp. Neurol. 387:179–193, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Comprised of at least five distinct nuclei, the pulvinar complex of primates includes two large visually driven nuclei; one in the dorsal (lateral) pulvinar and one in the ventral (inferior) pulvinar, that contain similar retinotopic representations of the contralateral visual hemifield. Both nuclei also appear to have similar connections with areas of visual cortex. Here we determined the cortical connections of these two nuclei in galagos, members of the stepsirrhine primate radiation, to see if the nuclei differed in ways that could support differences in function. Injections of different retrograde tracers in each nucleus produced similar patterns of labeled neurons, predominately in layer 6 of V1, V2, V3, MT, regions of temporal cortex, and other visual areas. More complete labeling of neurons with a modified rabies virus identified these neurons as pyramidal cells with apical dendrites extending into superficial cortical layers. Importantly, the distributions of cortical neurons projecting to each of the two nuclei were highly overlapping, but formed separate populations. Sparse populations of double-labeled neurons were found in both V1 and V2 but were very low in number (<0.1%). Finally, the labeled cortical neurons were predominately in layer 6, and layer 5 neurons were labeled only in extrastriate areas. Terminations of pulvinar projections to area 17 was largely in superficial cortical layers, especially layer 1.  相似文献   

We performed experiments using retrograde and anterograde labeling with DiI to examine the development of basal forebrain (BFB) projections to the visual cortex in postnatal rats. DiI placed in occipital cortex led to retrograde labeling of BFB neurons as early as postnatal day 0 (P0); labeled cells were found mainly in the diagonal band complex but also in the medial septum, globus pallidus, and substantia innominata. The retrogradely labeled BFB cells displayed remarkably well-developed dendritic arbors, even in younger animals, and showed increases in soma size, dendritic arbors, and dendritic spines over the first 2 postnatal weeks. Dil placements in the diagonal band led to anterogradely labeled axons in cortex. At early ages (P0–P1), labeled axons were largely confined to white matter. With increasing age, greater numbers of labeled axons were seen in the white matter and in deep cortical layers, and labeled axons extended into superficial layers. The leading edge of labeled fibers reached layer V of visual cortex by P2 and layer IV by P4 and were found throughout the cortical layers by P6. Numbers and densities of labeled axons in visual cortex were greater in older animals, at least through P14. The time of ingrowth of labeled BFB axons into visual cortex indicates that these afferents grow into particular cortical layers after those layers have differentiated from the cortical plate. These data indicate that basal forebrain projections arrive in occipital cortex after cortical lamination is well underway and after the entry of primary thalamocortical projections. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

[3H]Thymidine autoradiography was used to investigate neurogenesis of the lateral limbic cortex and morphogenesis of the medial and lateral limbic cortices in adult and embryonic rat brains. Ontogenetic patterns in the limbic cortex are unique because some neurogenetic gradients are linked to those in neocortex, others are linked to those in paleocortex. These findings are related to hypotheses of cortical phylogeny. The experimental animals used for neurogenesis were the offspring of pregnant females injected with [3H]thymidine on 2 consecutive days: Embryonic Day (E) 13-E14, E14-E15, ...E21-E22, respectively. On Postnatal Day (P)60, the proportion of neurons originating during 24-h periods were quantified at nine anteroposterior levels and one sagittal level. Similar to neocortex, deep cells are generated earlier than superficial cells throughout the lateral limbic cortex: layer VI mainly on E14-15, layer V on E15-E16, and layers IV-II on E16-E18. There is a ventral/older to dorsal/younger neurogenetic gradient between the ventral agranular insular, dorsal agranular insular, and gustatory cortical areas and between ventral and dorsal orbital areas beneath the frontal pole. Similar to paleocortex below the rhinal sulcus, limbic cortex in the rhinal sulcus has a "sandwich" gradient: the older posterior agranular insular area is sandwiched by anterior and posterior younger areas (ventral agranular insular and perirhinal). To study morphogenesis, pregnant females were given single injections of [3H]thymidine during gestation and embryos were removed in successive 24-h intervals (sequential-survival). Neurogenesis finishes first in ventral limbic areas, later in dorsal limbic areas, and latest in neocortical areas. The cortical plate in the region of the medial and lateral limbic cortices does not have a separate subplate layer as is found in the region of the neocortex. Instead, layer VI in the limbic cortices has unusually older cells that are generated simultaneously with subplate cells.  相似文献   

The earliest generated cells of the cat's telencephalon that may play a role in the formation of the primary visual cortex are the subject of this study. Using [3H]thymidine autoradiography, we have found that these cells are generated between embryonic day 24 (E24) and E30 (gestation is 65 days) and that they are present in very low numbers in the white matter of the adult brain. These cells are rarely labeled by injections made after E30, when the cells destined for the cortical layers are generated. Examination of the labeling pattern in the fetal brain 10 days or more after administration of [3H]thymidine between E24 and E30 revealed a bistratified distribution of these early generated cells. Labeled cells were found in large numbers in two embryonic zones flanking the developing cortical plate: above in the marginal zone and below in the subplate. (Some if not all of the marginal zone cells constitute the population of Cajal-Retzius cells of the cat's telencephalon.). These experiments indicate that cells of the subplate and marginal zones are cogenerated in time during the days just preceding the genesis of the cortical plate. We also examined the distribution of the early generated cells shortly after their genesis--on E30, a time when cells of the cortical plate are just being generated at the ventricular zone. In this case, the labeling pattern at the occipital pole was not bistratified. Rather, labeled cells were situated within a single zone extending from the pial surface inward to the border of the ventricular zone. This finding indicates that the cells of the subplate and marginal zones are generated as a contiguous population that is subsequently split apart by the insertion of cells forming the cortical plate. A comparison between the number of early generated cells found in fetal and newborn brains with that found in adult brains suggests that these cells are generated initially in substantial numbers but then largely disappear during early postnatal life, since injections of [3H]thymidine between E24 and E30 yielded large numbers of labeled cells in the white matter and layer 1 at birth, but very few at 2 months postnatal. This significant loss contrasted with the results from injections made just a few days later (E33) that resulted in large numbers of labeled cells in cortical layer 6 not only at birth but also in adulthood.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

[3H]Thymidine autoradiography was used to investigate neurogenesis in all areas of the limbic cortex in the medial wall of the hemisphere. The experimental animals were the offspring of pregnant females injected with [3H]thymidine on 2 consecutive days: Embryonic Day (E)13-E14, E14-E15, ...E21-E22, respectively. On Postnatal Day (P)60, the proportion of neurons originating during 24-h periods were quantified at nine anteroposterior levels. Three types of neurogenetic gradients are found. (i) Deep cells are older than superficial cells: layer VI is generated mainly on E15-E16, layer V on E16-E18, and layers IV-II on E18-E20. (ii) There is a ventral/older to dorsal/younger gradient between the dorsal peduncular, infralimbic, and anterior cingulate areas rostral to the genu of the corpus callosum. A ventral/older to dorsal/younger gradient is also found between superficial cells (layers II-IV) in anterior cingulate (CG3/CG1), posterior cingulate (CG2/CG1), and retrosplenial areas (RSG/RSA). (iii) An anterior/older to posterior/younger gradient is found between areas throughout the medial limbic cortex. Some of these neurogenetic patterns correlate with anatomical interconnections between the supracallosal medial limbic cortex (posterior cingulate and retrosplenial areas) and the anteroventral/anteromedial thalamic nuclei: older thalamic cells have longer axons that terminate in cortical areas containing younger cells, while younger thalamic cells have shorter axons that terminate in cortical areas containing older cells. Projections from the medial limbic cortex to the striatum also correlate with neurogenetic gradients: older cortical source cells in the infralimbic area project to the older striatal cells in the enkephalin-rich patches, while younger cortical source cells in the cingulate areas project to younger striatal cells in the surrounding matrix.  相似文献   

To examine the early determinants of cortical cytoarchitecture, we deleted specific neuronal classes in the primate visual cortex by ionizing irradiation at selected prenatal stages. Multiple doses of X-rays were delivered to the macaque monkey brain between embryonic day (E) 80 and E90 to block the division of cells destined to populate the superficial cortical layers, between E70 and E79 to eliminate neurons destined for the middle layers; and between E33 and E40 to delete neurons destined for the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) that project to the cortex. All animals were killed after birth, and their brains were processed for histological and electron microscopic analyses. Cell density and number in the LGN and visual cortex were determined by using three-dimensional, computer-aided morphometry. In animals irradiated with low doses (total of ∼200 cGy) during the genesis of the LGN but before the onset of corticogenesis (E33-40), the LGN was reduced in both volume and number of neurons. Area 17 in these animals displayed only slight changes in cortical thickness, cell density, and area-specific cytoarchitectonic features, whereas the total surface devoted to area 17 was significantly diminished. In contrast, animals irradiated with low doses during the period of corticogenesis, after the completion of the LGN genesis, showed no significant change in the volume of the LGN or in the number of its cells. Moreover, in these animals, the surface of area 17 was not significantly altered, although the cortical layers generated at the time of irradiation had a significantly lower density and total number of cells, whereas the layers generated before and after the period of irradiation were spared. In contrast, cases exposed to high doses of X-ray (total > 300 cGy) showed more severe effects, including all layers. However, layers normally generated during irradiation were depleted and consisted of cell-sparse strata populated by densely packed neuropil (axons, small dendrites, dendritic spines, and synaptic boutons). These cell-sparse strata were situated deeper in the early irradiated animals than in the later irradiated animals, and their laminar position changed abruptly at the area 17/18 border. These results show that low doses of irradiation in a slowly developing primate brain can be used effectively to eliminate targeted classes of neurons before they reach their final position, providing an opportunity to examine the role of cell-cell interactions in the formation of circuitry and the role of specific cell classes in cortical development. J. Comp. Neurol. 381:335-352, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The neurogenetic gradients of neurons showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity were determined in the regio superior and in the regio inferior of the mouse hippocampus. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E11 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). Distributions of (3H)thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive neurons in the different strata of the hippocampus proper were recorded in adult animals. GAD-positive neurons in this region are generated prenatally. Radial gradients of neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells are characterized by two main features: 1) with the exception of the stratum lacunosum-moleculare and its interface with the stratum radiatum, GAD-positive neurons of the plexiform strata are generated before those destined for the pyramidal layer; 2) within the pyramidal layer, GAD-positive cells are positioned according to an inside-out sequence. In the transverse axis, neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells follows a regio inferior to regio superior gradient. This gradient is due to prolonged neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells for the pyramidal layer in the regio superior. Given the selective laminar disposition of the GABAergic interneurons in the hippocampus, the present authors explored whether or not the diverse types of these interneurons could have specific birth dates and concluded that no relationship exists between birth dates and adult phenotypes of GAD-immunoreactive cells in the mouse hippocampus proper.  相似文献   

Most neurons in the A-laminae of the cat's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) are born between embryonic days 22 and 32. Whereas approximately 78% of these cells are destined to become geniculocortical relay cells, the remaining 22% of LGN neurons do not appear to establish connections with visual cortex, and therefore can be considered interneurons. In the present study we have combined the 3H-thymidine method for labeling dividing neurons with the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method for identifying LGN relay cells in order to study specifically the genesis of interneurons in the cat's LGN. Developing LGN interneurons in 12 kittens were labeled with 3H-thymidine by injecting the radioactive label into the allantoic cavity of their pregnant mothers on different embryonic days. Approximately 8-22 weeks after birth LGN relay cells in the A-laminae were labeled retrogradely by injecting large volumes of HRP into visual cortex areas 17 and 18. LGN cells that could not be labeled retrogradely with HRP were considered to be interneurons. Our results show that interneurons are born on each of the embryonic days studied, E24-E30. This period represents approximately the middle two-thirds of the entire period of LGN neurogenesis. Although the birth rate for interneurons is not uniform, there is no indication from our data that interneurons and relay cells in the cat's LGN are born at different times during LGN neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The birth dates of neurons showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity have been determined in mouse somatosensory cortex. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E10 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). The distributions of thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive and nonimmunoreactive (non-GAD) cells as a function of depth under the pial surface were recorded in adult animals. The maximum rate of generation of GAD-positive neurons occurred at E14, whereas the generation of non-GAD neurons reached its maximum rate at E13. Except for those in layer I, GAD-positive neurons followed an inside-out sequence of positioning. GAD-positive neurons born at E12 and E13 were located in layers VI-IV. GAD-positive neurons born at E14 were found throughout the cortical thickness, with a maximum in layer IV. The GAD-positive neurons labeled after pulses at E15 or E16 or E17 were limited to the superficial strata, forming a band that became narrower as it moved toward the pial surface with increase in age of pulse labeling. GAD-positive neurons in layer I were generated at a constant rate during the whole embryonic period analyzed. Non-GAD neurons also followed an inside-out spatiotemporal gradient. Two partially overlapping phases were distinguished in non-GAD neurogenesis. During the first phase (from E12 to E14) neurons populating adult layers VI and V originated, while neurons located in layers IV through I were generated during the second phase (from E13 to E17). Since GAD-immunoreactive neurons form a heterogeneous population, we envisage further studies in order to test whether differences exist in birth dates among the classes.  相似文献   

The postnatal fate of the first-generated neurons of the cat cerebral cortex was examined. These neurons can be identified uniquely by 3H-thymidine exposure during the week preceding the neurogenesis of cortical layer 6. Previous studies in which 3H-thymidine birthdating at embryonic day 27 (E27) was combined with immunohistochemistry have shown that these neurons are present in large numbers during fetal and early postnatal life within the subplate (future white matter), that they are immunoreactive for the neuron-specific protein MAP2 and for the putative neurotransmitters GABA, NPY, SRIF, and CCK. Here, the same techniques were used to follow the postnatal location and disappearance of the early generated subplate neuron population. At birth (P0), subplate neurons showing immunoreactivity for GABA, NPY, SRIF, or CCK are present in large numbers and at high density within the white matter throughout the neocortex, and the entire population can be observed as a dense MAP2-immunoreactive band situated beneath cortical layer 6. Between P0 and P401 (adulthood), the MAP2-immunostained band disappears so that comparatively few MAP2-immunoreactive neurons remain within the white matter. There is a corresponding decrease in the number and density of neurons stained with antibodies against neurotransmitters. In each instance, these neurons could be double-labeled by the administration of 3H-thymidine at E27, indicating that they are the remnants of the early generated subplate neuron population. The major period of decrease occurs during the first 4 postnatal weeks, and adult values are attained by 5 months. Within the white matter of the lateral gyrus (visual cortex), the density of immunostained neurons decreases dramatically: MAP2, 82%, SRIF, 81%, and NPY, 96%. While SRIF-immunoreactive neurons compose a nearly constant percentage of MAP2-immunoreactive neurons in the white matter between P0 (22%) and P401 (23%), those immunoreactive for NPY decline from 18 to 4%. These changes occur during the same period in which there is less than a twofold increase in white matter area. These observations indicate that the interstitial neurons of the adult neocortical white matter are the oldest neurons of the cerebral cortex since most if not all are derived from the subplate neuron population. In addition, a quantitative analysis suggests that the postnatal decline in subplate neuron density cannot be accounted for solely through dilution by differential growth of the white matter and most likely reflects an absolute decrease in subplate neuron number.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The temporal patterns of neurogenesis of cells showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity were determined in the area dentata of the mouse. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E11 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). The distribution of (3H)thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive neurons in the hilus and in the different strata of the fascia dentata (stratum infragranulosum, stratum granulosum, stratum moleculare) were recorded in adult animals. A radial gradient of neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells in the area dentata was not apparent. In the transverse axis, neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells seemed to follow a faint suprapyramidal to infrapyramidal gradient, which was due to differential timing of neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells destined for the stratum infragranulosum of the suprapyramidal and infrapyramidal blades of the fascia dentata. GABAergic neurons in the fascia dentata comprise a limited number of well-defined cell types. All of the different morphologic types of GAD-positive neurons present in the area dentata were generated prenatally. These diverse forms did not have specific times of neurogenesis. These results support the concept that the adult morphology of GAD-positive cells in the area dentata of the mouse do not bear any relationship to their times of origin.  相似文献   

Pioneering work indicates that the final position of neurons in specific layers of the mammalian cerebral cortex is determined primarily by birthdate. Glutamatergic projection neurons are born in the cortical proliferative zones of the dorsal telencephalon, and follow an "inside-out" neurogenesis gradient: later-born cohorts migrate radially past earlier-born neurons to populate more superficial layers. GABAergic interneurons, the major source of cortical inhibition, comprise a heterogeneous population and are produced in proliferative zones of the ventral telencephalon. Mechanisms by which interneuron subclasses find appropriate layer-specific cortical addresses remain largely unexplored. Major cortical interneuron subclasses can be identified based on expression of distinct calcium-binding proteins including parvalbumin, calretinin, or calbindin. We determined whether cortical layer-patterning of interneurons is dependent on phenotype. Parvalbumin-positive interneurons populate cortical layers with an inside-out gradient, and birthdate is isochronous to projection neurons in the same layers. In contrast, another major GABAergic subtype, labeled using calretinin, populates the cerebral cortex using an opposite "outside-in" gradient, heterochronous to neighboring neurons. In addition to birthdate, phenotype is also a determinant of cortical patterning. Discovery of a cortical subpopulation that does not follow the well-established inside-out gradient has important implications for mechanisms of layer formation in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

We have examined the anatomical features of ipsilateral transient cortical projections to areas 17, 18, and 19 in the kitten with the use of axonal tracers Fast Blue and WGA-HRP. Injections of tracers in any of the three primary visual areas led to retrograde labeling in frontal, parietal, and temporal cortices. Retrogradely labeled cells were not randomly distributed, but instead occurred preferentially at certain loci. The pattern of retrograde labeling was not influenced by the area injected. The main locus of transiently projecting neurons was an isolated region in the ectosylvian gyrus, probably corresponding to auditory area A1. Other groups of transiently projecting neurons had more variable locations in the frontoparietal cortex. The laminar distribution of neurons sending a transient projection to the visual cortex is characteristic and different from that of parent neurons of other cortical pathways at the same age. In the frontoparietal cortex, transiently projecting neurons were located mainly in layer 1 and the upper part of layers 2 and 3. In the ectosylvian gyrus, nearly all the neurons are located in layers 2 and 3. In addition, a few transiently projecting neurons are found in layer 6 and in the white matter. Transiently projecting neurons have a pyramidal morphology except for the occasional spindle-shaped cell of layer 1 and multipolar cells observed in the white matter. Anterograde studies were used to investigate the location of transient fibers in the visual cortex. Injections of WGA-HRP at the site of origin of transient projections gave rise to few retrogradely labeled cells in areas 17, 18, and 19, demonstrating that transient projections to these areas are not reciprocal. Although labeled axons were found over a wide area of the posterior cortex, they were more numerous over certain regions, including areas 17, 18, and 19, and absent from other more lateral cortical regions. Transient projecting fibers were present in all cortical layers at birth. Plotting the location of transient fibers in numerous sections and at all ages showed that these fibers are not more plentiful in the white matter than they are in the gray matter. We found no evidence that the white/gray matter border constituted a physical barrier to the growth of transient axons. Comparison of the organization of this transient pathway to that of other transient connections is discussed with respect to the development of the cortex.  相似文献   

The times of origin of neurons in the visual and auditory systems were studied in a marsupial, the brush-tailed possum, using tritiated thymidine autoradiography. Within the subcortical visual pathways, most neurons are generated between postnatal days 5 and 21, and the neurons of the primary visual cortex up to postnatal day 68. In the subcortical auditory pathways, most neurons are generated between postnatal days 5 and 28, and all auditory cortex neurons have appeared by postnatal day 46. Neurons in a single layer of cerebral cortex are generated during a period of about 2 weeks. Thus cortical neurogenesis in marsupials extends over a period similar to that seen in primates.  相似文献   

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