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The tritium-labeled α-adrenoceptor agonist and antihypertensive drug guanfacine, N-amidino-2-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-acetamide (sp. act. 24.2 Cimmole) was employed for a direct identification and characterization of α-adrenoceptors in rat brain membranes. Its usefulness as a radioligand was studied in comparison with [3H]clonidine (sp. act. 26.7 Cimmole). The nonspecific binding of [3H]guanfacine to rat cerebral membranes was considerably more pronounced than that observed for [3H]clonidine. The specific binding of [3H] guanfacine (0.1–20 nM) and [3H]clonidine (0.1–20 nM) as defined as the excess over blanks containing (?)-norepinephrine (10μM) was saturable. Scatchard analyses of these binding data indicated single populations of binding sites for both ligands. KD values of 3.9 ([3H]guanfacine) and 3.7 nM ([3H]clonidine) were calculated. Maximal number of specific binding sites amounted to 220 and 195 fmolemg protein for [3H]guanfacine and [3H]clonidine, respectively. In case unlabeled guanfacine (1 μM) was used to characterize the specific binding of [3H] guanfacine, Kd value and maximal number of binding sites were about twice as high as determined in the presence of excess (?)-norepinephrine. The rate of association of both radioligands was rapid. Binding reached equilibrium by about 10–15 min of incubation. Half-maximal binding was attained at approximately 1–2 min. The rates of dissociation were biphasic. A rapid and a slow component were identified. The specific binding sites of [3H] guanfacine in rat brain possess the general characteristics of α2-adrenoceptors. Selective antagonists of α2-adrenoceptors, like yohimbine and rauwolscine strongly interfered with this binding. However, preferential blocking agents of α1-adrenoceptors, such as prazosin and corynanthine, were weak competitors. The relative potency of agonists and antagonists in displacing [3H]guanfacine was identical to their effectiveness in competing for [3H]clonidine specific binding sites. It is concluded that [3H]guanfacine labels the same α2-adrenoceptor population in rat brain as [3H]clonidine. However, [3H]guanfacine seems not as suitable as [3H]clonidine for routine use in the direct identification of α2-adrenoceptors in view of its relatively high nonspecific binding.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of direct ligand binding of both [3H]clonidine and [3H]rauwolscine to the rat cerebral cortex alpha 2-receptors indicates the existence of two affinity states of the same receptor populations. In the presence of Mn2+, the high affinity state of [3H]clonidine binding was increased, whereas the high affinity state of [3H]rauwolscine binding was reduced. By contrast, GTP in micromolar ranges caused a decrease of the agonist high affinity state and an increase of the antagonist high affinity state. The total receptor sites and the respective separate affinities for both radioligands were approximately equal to their control values under all conditions, indicating that Mn2+ and GTP modulate the proportion of the two affinity states of the receptor. These results can be incorporated into a two-step, ternary complex model involving a guanine nucleotide binding protein (N protein) for the agonist and antagonist interaction with the alpha 2-receptor. Furthermore, the effects of GTP on the interaction of both ligands with the two affinity states can be mimicked by EDTA. It is suggested that divalent cations induce the formation of the receptor-N protein binary complex showing high affinity for agonists and low affinity for antagonists.  相似文献   

The interactions of 5,6- and 6,7-dihydroxy derivatives of 2-aminotetralin with [3H]clonidine and [3H]clonidine and [3H]prazosin as well as with [3H]spiperone binding sites in rat cerebral cortex membrane preparations were investigated. The hydroxy derivatives of 2-aminotetralin tested showed significant interaction with [3H]clonidine as well as with [3H]spiperone binding sites while for [3H]prazosin binding site these agents appeared virtually inactive. For interaction with [3H]clonidine binding site 6,7-dihydroxy substitutions impart greater potency that 5,6-dihydroxy substitutions and N-alkyl substitutions either make no difference or reduce the affinity of these compounds. N-alkyl substitutions, however, markedly enhance the affinity of 5,6-dihydroxy derivatives for interactions with [3H]spiperone binding site. The results suggest that some hydroxy derivatives of aminotetralin have significant interaction with both central α2-adrenoceptor and D2-dopamine receptor systems.  相似文献   

  1. In segments of human right atrial appendages and pulmonary arteries preincubated with [3H]-noradrenaline and superfused with physiological salt solution containing desipramine and corticosterone, the involvement of imidazoline receptors in the modulation of [3H]-noradrenaline release was investigated.
  2. In human atrial appendages, the guanidines aganodine and DTG (1,3-di(2-tolyl)guanidine) which activate presynaptic imidazoline receptors, inhibited electrically-evoked [3H]-noradrenaline release. The inhibition was not affected by blockade of α2-adrenoceptors with 1 μM rauwolscine, but antagonized by extremely high concentrations of this drug (10 and/or 30 μM; apparent pA2 against aganodine and DTG: 5.55 and 5.21, respectively).
  3. In the presence of 1 μM rauwolscine, [3H]-noradrenaline release in human atrial appendages was also inhibited by the imidazolines idazoxan and cirazoline, but not by agmatine and noradrenaline. The inhibitory effects of 100 μM idazoxan and 30 μM cirazoline were abolished by 30 μM rauwolscine.
  4. In the atrial appendages, the rank order of potency of all guanidines and imidazolines for their inhibitory effect on electrically-evoked [3H]-noradrenaline release in the presence of 1 μM rauwolscine was: aganodine⩾BDF 6143 [4-chloro-2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl-amino)-isoindoline]>DTG⩾clonidine>cirazoline>idazoxan (BDF 6143 and clonidine were previously studied under identical conditions). This potency order corresponded to that previously determined at the presynaptic imidazoline receptors in the rabbit aorta.
  5. When, in the experiments in the human pulmonary artery, rauwolscine was absent from the superfusion fluid, the concentration-response curve for BDF 6143 (a mixed α2-adrenoceptor antagonist/imidazoline receptor agonist) for its facilitatory effect on electrically-evoked [3H]-noradrenaline release was bell-shaped. In the presence of 1 μM rauwolscine, BDF 6143 and cirazoline concentration-dependently inhibited the evoked [3H]-noradrenaline release.
  6. In human atrial appendages, non-adrenoceptor [3H]-idazoxan binding sites were identified and characterized. The binding of [3H]-idazoxan was specific, reversible, saturable and of high affinity (KD: 25.5 nM). The specific binding of [3H]-idazoxan (defined by cirazoline 0.1 mM) to membranes of human atrial appendages was concentration-dependently inhibited by several imidazolines and guanidines, but not by rauwolscine and agmatine. In most cases, the competition curves were best fitted to a two-site model.
  7. The rank order of affinity for the high affinity site (in a few cases for the only detectable site; cirazoline=idazoxan>BDF 6143>DTG⩾clonidine) is compatible with the pharmacological properties of I2-imidazoline binding sites, but is clearly different from the rank order of potency for inhibiting evoked noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerves in the same tissue.
  8. It is concluded that noradrenaline release in the human atrium and, less well established, in the pulmonary artery is inhibited via presynaptic imidazoline receptors. These presynaptic imidazoline receptors appear to be related to those previously characterized in rabbit aorta and pulmonary artery, but differ clearly from I1 and I2 imidazoline binding sites.

The regional distribution of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in rat brain using the selective NMDA receptor ligand [3H]3-[+/-)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonic acid (CPP) has been quantitated by in vitro autoradiography. [3H]CCP binding was highest in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Relatively high levels of binding were also observed in the cerebral cortex, while moderate binding was obtained in the thalamus, striatum and granule cell layer of the cerebellum. Concurrent studies examining the phencyclidine receptor ligand [3H]1-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]-piperidine (TCP), revealed a similar pattern of binding that correlated well with the localization of [3H]CPP-labeled NMDA receptors (r = 0.88, P less than 0.01).  相似文献   

1. RS-45041-190 (4-chloro-2-(imidazolin-2-yl)isoindoline) is an I2 imidazoline receptor ligand with the highest affinity and selectivity so far described; [3H]-RS-45041-190 has a tritium atom attached to the 7-position on the isoindoline ring. 2. [3H]-RS-45041-190 binding to rat kidney membranes was saturable (Bmax = 223.1 +/- 18.4 fmol mg-1 protein) and of high affinity (Kd = 2.71 +/- 0.59 nM). Kinetic studies revealed that the binding was rapid and reversible, with [3H]-RS-45041-190 interacting with two sites or two affinity states. 3. Competition studies showed that 60-70% of [3H]-RS-45041-190 binding (1 nM) was specifically to imidazoline binding sites of the I2 subtype, characterized by high affinity for idazoxan (pIC50 7.85 +/- 0.03) and cirazoline (pIC50 8.16 +/- 0.05). The remaining 30-40% was displaced specifically by the monoamine oxidase A inhibitors, clorgyline and pargyline. 4. alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenoceptor, I1 imidazoline, histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine or dopamine receptor ligands had low affinity suggesting that [3H]-RS-45041-190 did not label receptors of these classes. 5. In autoradiography studies, [3H]-RS-45041-190 labelled discrete regions of rat brain corresponding to the distribution of I2 subtypes, notably the subfornical organ, arcuate nucleus, interpeduncular nucleus, medial habenular nucleus and lateral mammillary nucleus, and additional sites in the locus coeruleus, dorsal raphe and dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus. 6. [3H]-RS-45041-190 therefore labels I2 receptors with high affinity, and an additional site which has high affinity for some monoamine oxidase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The effects of the antiarrhythmics quinidine, propranolol, procainamide and lidocaine were determined on the specific binding of [3H]clonidine to the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor. Quinidine is effective in decreasing specific [3H]clonidine binding to the alpha 2 receptor within the range of therapeutic blood levels (Ki = 6 x 10 (-8) M). The effectiveness of all compounds tested, with the exception of quinidine and procainamide, correlate with the membrane/buffer partition coefficient, suggesting a relationship with the local anesthetic activity.  相似文献   

Imidazoline I2 binding sites are heterogeneous in nature and have been observed in the brain of a number of species. Development of specific imidazoline I2 radioligands, such as [3H]2-BFI and [3H]BU224, that have a high affinity for the imidazoline I2 binding site, has enabled the central distribution of these sites to be mapped. Extensive studies have been conducted on the rat brain with a number of radioligands. However, to date a comprehensive analysis of imidazoline I2 ligand binding in mouse brain has not been completed. In the present work we describe levels of [3H]2-BFI specific binding found throughout the mouse brain. [3H]2-BFI (2 nM) showed discrete regional distribution which was readily displaced by saturating concentrations of the specific imidazoline I2 ligand BU224. The highest levels of [3H]2-BFI specific binding were found in the dorsal raphe, paraventricular thalamus and nucleus accumbens. Moderate levels were found throughout the lining of the aqueduct, lateral ventricle, lateral 4th ventricle, 4th ventricle, 3rd ventricle, but not the dorsal 3rd ventricle. Based on the loss of [3H]idazoxan binding in brain homogenates from monoamine oxidase-A and B (MAO-A and MAO-B) deficient mice it has been suggested that imidazoline I2 binding sites are predominantly on MAO. Consistent with this hypothesis the regional distribution of [3H]2-BFI shows some overlap with that previously reported for MAO. However, in the rat imidazoline I2 binding sites have been shown to be heterogeneous in nature and it is likely [3H]2-BFI is binding to multiple imidazoline I2 binding sites within mouse brain.  相似文献   

In vivo imaging of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in brain has been hampered by lack of an adequate radioligand. In the present study, [3H]epibatidine was administered to mice intravenously, and its time-course in brain regions and sensitivity to blockade by nicotinic drugs were studied. The distribution of radioligand accumulation in brain, and the pharmacological characteristics of binding indicate that radiolabeled forms of epibatidine would be exceptionally promising ligands for the study of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in vivo.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to characterize [3H]ifenprodil binding in rat brain. [3H]ifenprodil showed saturable, high-affinity binding at 4°C. Specific binding, defined with 10 μM ifenprodil as a competitor, was inhibited biphasically by the s receptor ligands, GBR 12909, 1,3-di-o-tolylguanidine (DTG), and (+)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-propylpiperidine ((+)-3-PPP). At 4°C, 3 μM GBR 12909, which inhibited about 50% of specific binding of [3H]ifenprodil, was used to mask σ receptors. Under these conditions, specific binding of [3H]ifenprodil was inhibited potently by ifenprodil, SL 82.0715, poly(l-arginine), poly(l-lysine), neomycin, ruthenium red, spermine, arcaine and spermidine. In the presence of 3 μM GBR 12909, Zn2+ and Mg2+ partially inhibited specific binding of [3H]ifenprodil at 4°C. In contrast, in the absence of GBR 12909, at 37°C specific binding of [3H]ifenprodil was partially inhibited by Zn2+, but not by Mg2+. The anatomical distribution of [3H]ifenprodil binding at 4°C (GBR 12909 included) in rat brain closely paralleled that of [3H]MK-801 (dizocilpine) binding (r = 0.971, P < 0.005). Without GBR 12909, specific [3H]ifenprodil binding at 37°C was inhibited potently by σ ligands. In the presence of 3 μM GBR 12909, [3H]ifenprodil binding at 4°C was highest in synaptosomal and myelin fractions; however, without GBR 12909, [3H]ifenprodil binding at 37°C was highest in microsomal and myelin fractions, consistent with the subcellular distribution of σ receptors. The results suggest that, in the presence of 3 μM GBR 12909, at 4°C, [3H]ifenprodil binds to sites that are sensitive to polyamines and related compounds; and that without GBR 12909, at 37°C, [3H]ifenprodil interacts with σ receptors in rat brain.  相似文献   

1. In rabbit cerebral cortical homogenates, saturation analysis of [3H]-idazoxan, an alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, revealed high affinity binding to a single site with high density. Competition experiments demonstrated that the [3H]-idazoxan recognition site was insensitive to the catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline and possessed a low affinity for the alpha 2- and alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonists, rauwolscine, yohimbine and prazosin, suggesting that the site was not an adrenoceptor. Mapping [3H]-idazoxan binding sites in the forebrain of rabbits by autoradiography, showed high densities of I2 sites in the medial preoptic area and in the stria terminalis. Moderate binding was found in caudate nucleus, putamen, cerebral cortex and hippocampus. 2. The imidazolines cirazoline, naphazoline, guanabenz and BRL44408 along with amiloride, which is structurally related to the imidazolines, all had high affinity for the [3H]-idazoxan site, suggesting that the site was related to the I2 imidazoline-recognition site described by other groups. However, the imidazolines, clonidine and UK-14,304 and the structurally related rilmenidine all had a low affinity for the binding site, showing that [3H]-idazoxan was not binding to the I1 imidazoline-recognition site found in rat, bovine and human medulla oblongata. 3. Naphazoline, guanabenz, clonidine and amiloride competition studies had Hill slopes which were significantly different from unity (P < 0.01) and computer analysis showed that the [3H]-idazoxan binding data could be best fitted to a model which considers binding to two sites (P < 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The densities of various imidazoline receptor proteins (with apparent molecular masses of approximately 29/30-45- and 66-kDa) were quantitated by immunoblotting in the rat cerebral cortex after various drug treatments. The modulation of these imidazoline receptor proteins was then compared with the changes in the density of non-adrenoceptor [3H]-idazoxan binding sites (I2-sites) induced by the same drug treatments. 2. Chronic treatment (7 days) with the I2-selective imidazol(in)e drugs idazoxan (10 mg kg-1), cirazoline (1 mg kg-1) and LSL 60101 (10 mg kg-1) differentially increased the immunoreactivity of imidazoline receptor proteins. The levels of the 29/30-kDa protein were increased by idazoxan and LSL 60101 (23%), the levels of the 45-kDa protein only by cirazoline (44%) and those of the 66-kDa protein only by idazoxan (50%). These drug treatments also increased the density of I2-sites (32-42%). 3. Chronic treatment (7 days) with efaroxan (10 mg kg-1), RX821002 (10 mg kg-1) and yohimbine (10 mg kg-1), which possess very low affinity for I2-imidazoline receptors, did not alter either the immunoreactivity of imidazoline receptor proteins or the density of I2-sites. 4. Chronic treatment (7 days) with the monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors clorgyline (10 mg kg-1) and phenelzine (10 mg kg-1) decreased the immunoreactivity of the 29/30-kDa (17-24%), 45-kDa (19%) and 66-kDa (23-31%) imidazoline receptor proteins. The alkylating agent N-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1, 2-dihydroquinoline (1.6 mg kg-1, 6 h) also decreased the levels of the three imidazoline receptor proteins (20-47%). These drug treatments consistently decreased the density of I2-sites (31-57%). 5. Significant correlations were found when the mean percentage changes in immunoreactivity of imidazoline receptor proteins were related to the mean percentage changes in the density of I2-sites after the various drug treatments (r = 0.92 for the 29/30-kDa protein, r = 0.69 for the 45-kDa protein and r = 0.75 for the 66-kDa protein). 6. In the rat cerebral cortex the I2-imidazoline receptor labelled by [3H]-idazoxan is heterogeneous in nature and the related imidazoline receptor proteins (29/30-, 45- and 66-kDa) detected by immunoblotting contribute differentially to the modulation of I2-sites after drug treatment.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]prazosin and [3H]clonidine to rat jejunal epithelial cell membranes has been studied. The membrane preparation was enriched in baso-lateral components as determined by Na+, K+ ATPase and alkaline phosphatase activities. The membranes possessed two saturable specific binding sites for [3H]prazosin, a high affinity (Kd 0.17 nM) low capacity (Bmax 27.3 fmole bound per mg protein) and a low affinity (Kd 5.0 nM) high capacity (Bmax 276 fmole bound per mg protein) site. The specificity of both sites was similar and was related to alpha 1-adrenoceptors. [3H]Clonidine bound to the membranes in a saturable fashion (Kd 7.3 nM). The specificity of this site was related to alpha 2-adrenoceptors. The [3H]clonidine binding site was present in the membranes in much lower density (Bmax 22.8 fmole bound per mg protein) suggesting that alpha 1-adrenoceptors predominate in this tissue.  相似文献   

1. [3H]-clonidine binding was investigated in membranes isolated from the ventral medulla oblongata of the rabbit, where clonidine produced a hypotensive effect which was not mediated by adrenoceptors. [3H]-clonidine specific binding, as defined by the difference between the binding of [3H]-clonidine in the presence and in the absence of 10 microM cirazoline, occurred at two sites: a high affinity site with a KD = 2.9 +/- 0.7 nM and a Bmax of 40 +/- 8 fmol mg-1 protein and a low affinity site with a KD = 18.2 +/- 0.4 nM and a Bmax of 66 +/- 14 fmol mg-1 protein. 2. The high affinity sites being catecholamine-sensitive were identified as alpha 2-adrenoceptors. The low affinity binding of [3H]-clonidine was insensitive to catecholamines, as well as to other alpha 2-adrenoceptor specific probes, and could be inhibited with high affinity only by compounds which lowered blood pressure when directly injected in the nucleus reticularis lateralis of the ventral brainstem, or by antagonists. 3. It was concluded that in the ventral medulla of the rabbit, [3H]-clonidine labelled alpha 2-adrenoceptors and imidazoline receptors (IRs). Only the latter were related to the hypotensive effects of clonidine and rilmenidine directly injected into the rostroventrolateral medulla oblongata (RVLM) of the rabbit. The methodological problems regarding the study of IRs with [3H]-clonidine are discussed.  相似文献   

The potential interaction of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors with cholinergic receptors may play a significant role in the therapeutic and/or side-effects associated with this class of compound. In the present study, the capacity of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors to interact with muscarinic receptors was assessed by their ability to displace both [3H]-oxotremorine-M and [3H]-quinuclinidyl benzilate binding in rat brain membranes. The [3H]-quinuclinidyl benzilate/[3H]-oxotremorine-M affinity ratios permitted predictions to be made of either the antagonist or agonist properties of the different compounds. A series of compounds, representative of the principal classes of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, displaced [3H]-oxotremorine-M binding with high-to-moderate potency (ambenonium>neostigmine=pyridostigmine=tacrine>physostigmine> edrophonium=galanthamine>desoxypeganine) whereas only ambenonium and tacrine displaced [3H]-quinuclinidyl benzilate binding. Inhibitors such as desoxypeganine, parathion and gramine demonstrated negligible inhibition of the binding of both radioligands. Scatchard plots constructed from the inhibition of [3H]-oxotremorine-M binding in the absence and presence of different inhibitors showed an unaltered Bmax and a reduced affinity constant, indicative of potential competitive or allosteric mechanisms. The capacity of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, with the exception of tacrine and ambenonium, to displace bound [3H]-oxotremorine-M in preference to [3H]quinuclinidyl benzilate predicts that the former compounds could act as potential agonists at muscarinic receptors. Moreover, the rank order for potency in inhibiting acetylcholinesterase (ambenonium>neostigmine=physostigmine =tacrine>pyridostigmine=edrophonium=galanthamine >desoxypeganine>parathion>gramine) indicated that the most effective inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase also displaced [3H]-oxotremorine-M to the greatest extent. The capacity of these inhibitors to displace [3H]-oxotremorine-M binding preclude their utilisation for the prevention of acetylcholine catabolism in rat brain membranes, the latter being required to estimate the binding of acetylcholine to [3H]-oxotremorine-M-labelled muscarinic receptors. However, fasciculin-2, a potent peptide inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (IC50 24 nM), did prevent catabolism of acetylcholine in rat brain membranes with an atypical inhibition isotherm of [3H]-oxotremorine-M binding, thus permitting an estimation of the "global affinity" of acetylcholine (Ki 85 nM) for [3H]-oxotremorine-M-labelled muscarinic receptors in rat brain.  相似文献   

L-[3H]Glutamate, D-[3H]aspartate, DL-[3H]2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP5) and [3H]N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) were evaluated as radioligands using postsynaptic density (PSD) preparations from rat brain. L[3H]Glutamate had the highest affinity and greatest percentage specific binding, followed by D-[3H]aspartate greater than DL-[3H]AP5 greater than [3H]NMDA. The pharmacological specificity of the binding of each radioligand indicated an interaction with NMDA-preferring receptors, the order of potency of displacing compounds tested being L-glutamate greater than D-aspartate greater than D-AP5 greater than DL-AP5 greater than ibotenate greater than NMDLA greater than quisqualate. For L-[3H]glutamate, the data revealed an interaction with two sites, the major one having NMDA receptor characteristics and the minor one resembling the quisqualate-preferring receptor. Against L-[3H]glutamate binding, quisqualate showed a two-component inhibition profile with an affinity of 25 microM at the NMDA site and 0.19 microM at the quisqualate site. Thus, by using several radioligands possessing activity at NMDA receptors, we confirm that an NMDA receptor binding site is present in crude PSDs. Although it is less selective than D-[3H]aspartate, DL-[3H]AP5 and [3H]NMDA, L-[3H]glutamate remains, by virtue of its high affinity, the ligand of choice for the study of NMDA receptors in preparations where such sites predominate.  相似文献   

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