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Psychodrama and Neurobiology – an EncounterThe knowledge about dynamic procedures in the brain has rapidly grown in the last years, particulary through the application of new research methods. Quite a number of publications address the influence of neurobiological findings on psychotherapy. Important results of neurobiological research like flexibility and adaptability of the brain (neuroplasticity and neurogenesis) are explained as well as some human genetic aspects of personal behaviour and finally the research on memory and its influence on psychotherapy. While doing so the central role of empathy for any social interaction is given a separate paragraph. Following up to this, the author poses the question of the neurobiological effects on psychotherapy. Finally, the author tries to appreciate the looming importance of these results for psychodrama in short.  相似文献   

Nonverbal-procedural interventions (Topel, Nonverbale Interaktionen im therapeutischen Prozess: Selbst- und interaktive Regulierung mit aggressiven Kindern und Jugendlichen. Feedback-Studie zur Qualitätssicherung in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie. Unveröffentlichte Dissertation, Universität Ulm, 2004) and mutual, bidirectional ?embodiment“ (Leuzinger-Bohleber und Pfeifer, In: Embodiment, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 39–74, 2013) are shown in a psychoanalytic treatment of an eleven year old girl with enuresis with help of a model scene (Lichtenberg et al., Das Selbst und seine motivationalen Systeme, Brandes & Apsel, Frankfurt a. M., 2000). Repair in the attachment occurred in a mother-child-therapy, based on psychoanalytic self psychology (Kohut, The restoration of the self, International Universities Press, Madison, 1977), knowledge about empirical infant research (Psychoanal Study Child 6:7–46, 2005), mentalization (Allen und Fonagy, Handbook of mentalization-based treatment, Wiley, Chichester, 2006; Fonagy, http://www.youtube.com, 2013; Holmes, Sichere Bindung und psychodynamische Therapie, Klett Cotta, Stuttgart, 2012; Verheugt-Pleiter et al., In: Mentalizing in child therapy. Karnac, London, 2008) and animal assisted psychotherapy (Topel und Lachmann, Selbstpsychologie 38:406–423, 2009).  相似文献   

The care of elderly patients will continue to challenge the healthcare system over the next decades. As a rule geriatric patients suffer from multimorbidities with complex disease patterns, and the ability to cope with everyday life is severely reduced. Treatment is provided by a multiprofessional geriatric team, and the primary goal is improvement of functional status, quality of life in the social environment and autonomy by employing a holistic approach. In Germany geriatric care is provided by physicians from various medical specialties (e.g. general practitioners, internists, neurologists and psychiatrists). In the training for the subspecialty clinical geriatrics, these specialties enjoy equal rights. Recent efforts to establish a qualification as physician for internal medicine and geriatrics have initiated a discussion to make the suitability for qualification as a geriatrician dependent on the medical specialty. Geriatric patients benefit from multidisciplinary cooperation. Neurologists possess great expertise in the treatment of patients with dementia, depression, delirium, consequences of degenerative spinal cord diseases and vertebral bone fractures, stroke, Parkinson’s syndrome, epileptic seizures, vertigo and dizziness, neuropathies, lesions of peripheral nerves and in the multimodal therapy of pain. To function in a position of responsibility in a geriatric department, neurologists need skills in general internal medicine. These are acquired either on a geriatric ward or during specialization as a neurologist by full time secondment to large neurological or interdisciplinary intensive care units.  相似文献   

Whether chronic pain is associated more with inwardly or outwardly directed aggression is a matter of discussion. In the present investigation, female patients with migraines, as well as female patients with chronic back pain, were studied with respect to their potential for aggression. The results from female inpatients with migraines (N = 40) and chronic back pain (N = 40) were compared with the results from a healthy control group (N = 40). The study was carried out with two standardized questionnaires, the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R) and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI), as well as with a projective prospective procedure, the Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Test (PFT). Female patients with migraines, as well as those with back pain, showed significantly higher values for aggression/hostility (SCL-90-R) than the control group. Both groups of patients had significantly higher scores on the Anger-In scale (STAXI), and on the Aggression-Expression-Index (PFT) than the control group, which, however, could not be replicated on the PFT scale for intropunitiveness. The superego pattern E-E of the PFT, as a measure of outward aggression, resulted in a significant difference only between the migraine patients and control group. The results of this study suggest that female patients with migraines, as well as female patients with chronic back pain, have strong perceptions of aggression. These perceptions might be clearly directed inwardly. The unambiguousness of this statement is, however, limited by the very specific random sample and the non-validated PFT measurement.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Oxcarbazepin (OXC) ist seit Februar 2000 zur Mono- und Zusatztherapie fokaler Epilepsien in Deutschland zugelassen. Strukturell handelt es sich um einen Carbamazepin-Abk?mmling, dessen antikonvulsive Wirksamkeit in mehreren kontrollierten Doppelblindstudien nachgewiesen wurde und der in der Behandlung fokaler Epilepsien mit oder ohne sekund?re generalisierte tonisch-klonische Anf?lle gegenüber Standardantiepileptika wie Carbamazepin (CBZ), Valproat und Phenytoin als gleichwertig gilt. Bei Patienten, die CBZ schlecht vertragen oder bei denen eine unzureichende Anfallskontrolle unter Behandlung mit CBZ besteht, kann CBZ ad hoc, d. h. ohne langwierige Ein- und Ausdosierungsphase, gegen OXC ausgetauscht werden. Mittels einer retrospektiven Analyse an 51 Patienten mit fokalen Epilepsien untersuchten wir diese Therapieoption. Bei 51% der Patienten wurde durch eine Umstellung im Dosisverh?ltnis 1:1–1:1,5 und anschlie?ende Dosissteigerung bis an die Vertr?glichkeitsgrenze eine Reduktion der Anfallsfrequenz um mindestens 50% erzielt. Oxcarbazepin erwies sich im Vergleich zu retardiertem Carbamazepin als besser vertr?glich. Nebenwirkungen unter Ad-hoc-Umstellung traten vor allem bei hohen Ausgangsdosierungen und unmittelbarem Wechsel im Verh?ltnis 1:1,5 auf. Nach dem Wechsel auf OXC entwickelte sich bei 35% der Patienten eine Hyponatri?mie, die bei 3 Patienten klinisch relevant wurde. Serumnatriumspiegel sollten initial nach Therapieumstellung und bei Auftreten unklarer ZNS-Symptome kontrolliert werden. Insgesamt stellt der ad hoc-Wechsel von CBZ auf OXC eine interessante Behandlungsoption dar.   相似文献   



The symptom “delusions” is a central psychopathological symptom in psychiatric diseases. Since the beginning of psychiatry various disciplines have attempted to explain and understand delusions but even now no generally accepted definition of this phenomenon exists.


A comprehensive review of current psychopathological and neurobiological theories of delusions is given.

Material and methods

PubMed and Google scholar searches were performed using the keywords “delusion”, “psychodynamic” and “neurobiology”, both in English and German. Relevant German textbooks of psychiatry were also included.


A differentiated perspective of the phenomenon of delusions appears to be necessary to approach this complex and fascinating symptom. A one-dimensional approach does not do justice to the complexity of delusions. The various explanatory approaches can increasingly be linked to each other and are no longer considered to be mutually exclusive.

Darier's disease is a rare, inherited autosomal dominant skin disorder caused by a mutation in the sarcoendoplasmatic reticulum calcium transporter (SERCA)-2-gene. In a number of pedigrees, Darier's disease closely relates with affective disorder. The most likely hypothesis for this is a susceptibility gene for affective disorder near the SERCA-2-gene. A 6.5-megabase region could be identified as a susceptibility locus. This region constitutes a susceptability locus also in affective disorder without Darier's disease. The underlying gene has not yet been identified.  相似文献   

The therapeutic options for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) have experienced enormous progress over recent years. Despite these encouraging developments, available therapies are only partially effective, and the ultimate goal of curing MS is still far from being attained. The improved understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of MS (immune) pathogenesis together with recent shifts in paradigms led to a variety of new therapeutic targets and approaches. In addition to modulation of the inflammatory process, therapeutic approaches focussing on active neuroprotection, remyelinization, and regeneration have become increasingly important. Based on current concepts of the MS pathogenesis, this article summarizes new therapeutic approaches. Substances and strategies currently tested in clinical trials are reviewed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei einer Stichprobe von 382 schwer Drogenabhängigen wurden Art und Ausma\ des Drogenkonsums in Beziehung gesetzt zu verschiedenen Variablen aus der Lebensgeschichte der Probanden. Es konnte kein Zusammenhang nachgewiesen werden zwischen Art und Ausma\ des Drogenkonsums des Jugendlichen und der Herkunft aus einer unvollständigen Familie (Broken Home), der elterlichen Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten sozialen Schicht und den Konsumgewohnheiten der Eltern. Einzig die sozialen Absteiger sind unter den Fixern übervertreten. Broken Home ist eng verknüpft mit einer ganzen Reihe von Faktoren, welche persönliche und soziale Beeinträchtigung beschreiben, wie niedrige Schulbildung, schlechte Berufsausbildung, unregelmä\ige Berufs- und Erwerbstätigkeit, hohe Schulden, Isolation in der Schule, usw. Das in der Untersuchung angewendete Design wird diskutiert.
Summary In a sample of 382 juvenile drug addicts the type and extent of drug consumption were compared with biographical variables of the probands. No connections were found between the pattern of drug consumption and social class of parents, consumption habits of parents, or history of a broken home. Overrepresented in the severely addicted group were young people with less schooling and lower professional status compared with their parents. Broken home was closely related to several discriminating factors, such as inferior school education, insufficient professional training, irregular job and income activities, high debts, isolation at school etc. The project's design and the methods used are discussed.

Untersuchung im Auftrage der Kommission für Sozialpsychiatrie der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie (Präsident: R. Battegay)  相似文献   

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience - 11 Fälle (5 Schizophrene, 2 Epileptiker, 1 Zwangskranke, 1 erethisch Imbeziller, 1 explosibler Psychopath, 1 Fall von hochgradigen...  相似文献   

Vollmann J 《Der Nervenarzt》2000,71(9):709-714
The doctrine of informed consent has become a legal and ethical standard in psychiatry today. However, ethical problems arise if patients lose the capacity to give informed consent due to their psychiatric disorders. Particularly in the field of psychiatry, the assessment of competence of informed consent to medical treatment and participation in clinical trials is a controversial issue. New empirical data suggest that a high percentage of psychiatric patients are incompetent according to defined standards for assessing their capacity to make treatment decisions. Assessing competence according to a sliding scale integrates the ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence and provides help in assessing competence in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über die Verhaltensstörungen, Anfallssyndrome und bioelektrischen Veränderungen nach einseitigen corticalen Läsionen im Bereich des Temporallappens der Katze berichtet.Bis auf die Wahrnehmungs- und Empfindungsstörungen waren alle aus der Klinik bekannten Anfallssyndrome, gleichgültig ob man sie als psychomotorische Anfälle, Dämmerattacken oder Oralpetit-mal bezeichnen will, zu erkennen.Die Anfallssymptomatik fand bioelektrisch in der zu den verschiedenen Zeiten beim gleichen Tier unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Krampfentstehung und Krampfaubreitung ihren Ausdruck. So konnte ein Anfall vom Mandelkern, vom Hippocampus oder von der temporalen Rinde induziert werden. Die Ursache hierfür wird in der Sensibilisierung dieser Strukturen in der präepileptischen Phase und dem Zusammenbruch örtlich und diffus wirkender hemmender Mechanismen gesehen.Hinsichtlich der Bedeutung der EEG-Veränderungen hat sich zeigen lassen, daß die sporadisch ausgebildeten Krampfpotentiale lediglich darüber Auskunft geben können, in welchem Funktionssystem die epileptogene Läsion zu vermuten ist. Der Krampfherd im strengen Sinne des Wortes war nur bioelektrisch und zwar an Hand von Anfallsregistrierungen zu definieren. Hierzu bedurfte es allerdings der Exploration mit zahlreichen Tiefennadeln. In einem Teil der Fälle war es aber auch im Tierversuch nicht möglich, den Ort der Krampfentstehung ausfindig zu machen, da gleichartige Aktivitätsänderungen gleichzeitig im Bereich der verschiedensten Strukturen auftraten.Die Schwierigkeiten der Korrelation klinischer Syndrome und bioelektrischer Aktivitätsänderungen wird aufgezeigt.Mit 13 TextabbildungenMit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Modestin J  Erni T 《Der Nervenarzt》2000,71(11):893-900
Psychiatric inpatients and nonpatients were compared using the Frankfurt Self-Concept Scales (FSKN). Firstly, we tried to validate FSKN as a measure of identity using the DSM-III-R identity rating as an external criterion. Then the FSKN ratings of patients and nonpatients were compared. Lastly, we correlated individual FSKN ratings with certain demographic variables, clinical diagnoses, and the two dimensions of the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI). All FSKN scores of patients with identity disorders differentiated significantly from those without identity disorder, thus confirming FSKN validity. The most significant differences were found in practically all FSKN results comparing patients with nonpatients of both sexes, always in favor of nonpatients. Male patients presented better self-concepts than female patients, whereas practically no significant relationships were found between FSKN scales and sex in nonpatients or between FSKN, vocational category, and diagnosis. Also, the relationship between the scales and age appears to be slight, showing positive in patients and negative in nonpatients. Many significant correlations were found between FSKN scales and PBI dimensions which were negative between the scales and PBI "control" and positive between the scales and PBI "care", both especially in men with regard to their relationship with the father.  相似文献   

Although the spectrum of forms of relationships has become increasingly diverse in the last few decades (for example by polyamory, open relationship, life-section-partnership), they are not detached from traditional ideals, values, and norms. In order to trace which ideas are (still) effective, a closer look is taken at the history of ideals of relationships. If ideals and norms (unintentionally) become guiding, there may also be discrimination, marginalization or pathologization in psychotherapy and counseling. A reflection on how to counteract the danger that social norms, ideals and values are being re-enacted and given to clients is outlined. In addition, it is argued why this would contradict the ethics of psychodrama. In this sense, this article aims at contributing to raising awareness.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über fortlaufende elektrencephalographische Untersuchungen an 53 epileptischen Patienten berichtet.In der Mehrzahl der Fälle war das Krampfgeschehen von deutlichen hirnelektrischen Veränderungen gefolgt. Das verstärkt pathologische EEG konnte über Tage bestehen bleiben.Unter 11 Patienten, bei denen während der hirnelektrischen Untersuchungen ein großer oder psychomotorischer Anfall spontan auftrat, wurde in 7 Fällen eine Verminderung der Spannungsproduktion unmittelbar vor dem Krampfgeschehen beobachtet.Bei einigen Patienten setzte schon Tage bis Wochen vor dem Anfall eine zunehmende Verringerung der pathologischen EEG-Veränderungen ein. Gleichzeitig trat bei diesen Kranken ein Verstimmungszustand auf.Es wird erwogen, ob der Abnahme der Potentialschwankungen unmittelbar vor dem Krampfanfall und dem Rückgang der EEG-Veränderungen während eines epileptischen Verstimmungszustandes eine gemeinsame Ursache zugrunde liege.Die Arbeit wurde mit der Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Telemedicine is widely used in the field of stroke treatment. Following the pioneering and implementation phase, the quality of the whole stroke treatment process needs to be ensured in telemedically connected hospitals. This is particular important for telestroke hospitals without neurological expertise and can be achieved by integrating telemedicine into the stroke unit concept and stroke networks. The Stroke Network with Telemedicine in Northern Bavaria (STENO) provides an example of how quality management can be practically implemented. The implementation of STENO has established a network-wide quality management system which has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 since 2011.  相似文献   

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