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目的 :探讨绝经后阴道出血妇女应用超声检测子宫内膜病变的价值。方法 :对 132例绝经后阴道出血妇女行阴道超声检查 ,测量其子宫大小及内膜厚度 ,然后行分段诊刮术 ,标本送病理检查。结果 :5 3例子宫内膜厚度≤ 4mm ,其中 5 2例 (98.1% )内膜属生理性改变 ,1例为内膜癌 (1.9% ) ;79例为内膜厚度≥ 5mm ,其中 6 5例 (82 .35 % )内膜病理性改变 ,2 3例为内膜癌 (2 9.1% )。结论 :子宫内膜厚度≤ 4mm者 ,可免于诊刮。高分辩阴道超声检查可作为绝经后阴道出血妇女的常规检查方法和子宫内膜癌高发群的筛查手段  相似文献   

B超及宫腔镜对未绝经子宫内膜癌的诊断价值   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的 :评价 B超、宫腔镜和诊刮在未绝经的子宫内膜癌的诊断作用。方法 :10 3例原发性子宫内膜癌 ,2 3~5 5岁 ,未绝经。超声诊断后 ,宫腔镜检查并取内膜活检。结果 :不规则阴道出血 84例 (81.6 % ) ,所有病例内膜厚度≥ 5mm,平均内膜厚度 (9.3± 5 .6 ) mm。多数患者被按良性病变治疗 2~ 9个月后 ,才进行诊刮或宫腔镜检查。诊刮、宫腔镜阳性率分别为 86 .5 %、10 0 %。症状出现后 ,3个月内确诊比例为 35 .9% ,3~ 9个月、9个月以后的比例分别为 2 5 .2 %、38.8%。结论 :绝经前子宫内膜癌的主要症状是不规则阴道出血、年轻的患者 ,出现症状后到确诊的时间较长 ;B超不能代替诊刮和宫腔镜。  相似文献   

目的 探讨阴道超声联合子宫内膜病理检查对绝经后出血的诊断价值.方法 选择在我院就诊的部分绝经后出血患者76例作为实验组,另选同期进行妇科体检者65例作为对照组,全部受检者均行阴道超声检查,B超检查之后实验组的全部病例以及对照组中子宫内膜厚度≥5 mm者行子宫内膜病理检查,并将超声结果与病检结果进行对照分析.结果 实验组中子宫内膜异常的超声检出率为51.3%,与对照组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05).当内膜厚度<5 mm时,内膜异常的病理检出率占10.8%,并以内膜炎为主要病理表现;当内膜厚度≥5 mm时,内膜异常的病理检出率明显增加,并以良性病变为主要病理表现.内膜癌2例,占绝经后出血病例的2.6%,内膜厚度均在17 mm以上.结论 阴道超声联合子宫内膜病理检查可明显提高子宫内膜异常的诊断率,特别对子宫内膜癌的早期诊断有重要作用.  相似文献   

运用阴道超声鉴别诊断绝经后阴道出血患者子宫内膜病变。方法:测量40例绝经后阴道出血患者的子宫内膜厚度、形态,并经诊刮,手术病检证实。结果:有效地诊断了内膜息肉.粘膜下肌瘤和子宫内膜癌等疾病。结论:阴道超声是预测绝经后阴道出血患者子宫内膜有效方法之一。  相似文献   

B超、诊刮及宫腔镜对子宫内膜癌的诊断价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
200例原发性子宫内膜癌患者超声诊断后,行诊刮或宫腔镜检查并取内膜活检。患者诊刮确诊为子宫内膜癌后未再予宫腔镜检查,诊刮阴性者补充宫腔镜检查。结果不规则阴道出血163例(81.5%),所有病例内膜厚度均≥5mm,平均为9.3±5.6mm。诊刮、宫腔镜阳性率分别为97.0%、100%。子宫内膜癌的主要症状是不规则阴道出血;B超不能代替诊刮和宫腔镜;宫腔镜下活检明显优于诊断性刮宫。  相似文献   

目的 评估对绝经后经阴道超声诊断子宫内膜≥5mm的妇女病理活检的价值,减少盲目性诊刮对老年妇女的伤害。方法 对102例绝经子宫内膜增厚(≥5mm)妇女,分无症状、有症状两组进行临床与病理分析、比较。 结果 无症状组63例,正常绝经后内膜49例(78%),良性病变14例(22%),无恶性病变;有症状组39例,正常绝经后内膜22例(56%),良性病变13例(33%),恶性病变4例(10%);30例激素替代治疗者中,有1例是内膜癌,并伴阴道出血、流液症状。结论 绝经后不伴出血等症状,内膜≥5mm,可免诊刮。激素替代治疗者,在停药、数次出血后,内膜<5mm,同样可以免刮,但两者必须严密监测。  相似文献   

阴道超声对绝经后出血患者子宫内膜的观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 :运用经阴道彩色多普勒技术鉴别诊断绝经后出血患者的子宫内膜病变。方法 :观察 4 8例绝经后出血患者的子宫内膜厚度、形态及血流参数 ,并经宫腔镜或手术证实。结果 :有效地诊断了萎缩性内膜、内膜增生、内膜息肉、粘膜下肌瘤和子宫内膜癌 ;萎缩性内膜厚度最小为 ( 3 .3± 1.2 ) mm,子宫内膜癌的阻力指数最低为 0 .3 5± 0 .0 3。结论 :经阴道彩色多普勒能较为准确地预测绝经后出血患者子宫内膜的病理变化。  相似文献   

经阴道彩色超声对绝经后子宫内膜病变的诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨经阴道彩色超声对绝经后子宫内膜病变的诊断价值。方法:采用经阴道彩色超声回顾性观察200例绝经后子宫出血患者的超声图像特征、子宫内膜厚度及血流阻力指数。结果:子宫内膜癌的内膜厚度明显高于子宫良性病变的内膜厚度,且子宫内膜癌的内膜厚度均〉5 mm;子宫内膜癌的血流阻力指数明显低于良性病变,两项均有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论:经阴道彩色超声检查是诊断子宫内膜疾病的常规首选方法。  相似文献   

测量子宫内膜厚度对HRT中不规则出血的监测作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :评价采用阴道B超测量子宫内膜厚度能否作为绝经后妇女使用雌激素连续联合疗法及周期序贯疗法中出现不规则出血的监测方法。方法 :对 186例使用激素替代治疗 (HRT)至少 1年以上绝经后妇女 (其中13 4例使用周期序贯疗法 ,5 2例使用连续联合疗法 ) ,采用阴道B超测量其子宫内膜厚度 ,用药中出现不规则出血者或内膜厚度超过 5mm者进行宫腔镜检查。结果 :不规则出血者与其他患者的内膜厚度之间无显著性差异 ,2 3例子宫内膜厚度 <5mm的不规则出血患者 ,其内膜病检全部是萎缩性子宫内膜 ,如以内膜厚度 5mm为界限 ,阴道B超对不规则出血诊断的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值及阴性预测值分别为 10 0 %、77 4%、3 0 %、10 0 %。结论 :在使用HRT中出现不规则出血时 ,阴道B超测量内膜厚度是一种较安全的监测方法 ,可作为内膜活检前的筛选 ,当内膜厚度 <5mm时 ,可不必行宫腔镜检查或活检 ,如子宫内膜厚度超过 5mm ,应行宫腔镜检查及内膜活检  相似文献   

目的探讨阴道超声在诊断绝经后阴道出血子宫内膜病变的价值。方法回顾性分析2003年1月~2006年12月经阴道超声诊断的72例绝经后出血患者子宫内膜厚度及临床资料。结果72例绝经后出血患者中,子宫内膜〈5mm41例经病检或长期观察,仅1例为子宫内膜息肉,其余均未见子宫内膜有异常改变。子宫内膜厚度≥5mm共31例,均经病检证实为子宫内膜异常改变。结论阴道超声是诊断子宫内膜病变的有效手段,因其无创应将作为诊断绝经后出血的主要检查手段之一。  相似文献   

Sonohysterography, or sonographic uterine cavity visualization by uterine cavity distension, may help to distinguish true endometrial thickening from other intracavitary pathological conditions, assuming the same sonographic appearance. We examined 1.5 women with a thickened endometrium (range 10-25 mm) in sonography performed for postmenopausal bleeding. Sonohysterography revealed a polypoid structure in seven women, a normal uterine cavity in four women, and a thickened endometrium in four women. All the women underwent hysteroscopic evaluation of the uterine cavity. Hysteroscopy confirmed the sonohysterographic findings in 14 women (93.3%). Hysteroscopic resection of the polypoid structure was performed while the other patients underwent diagnostic curettage. Histological examination of the seven polypoid structures revealed benign endometrial polyps in six patients, and one pedunculated submucous fibroid. In the patients undergoing diagnostic curettage, histological examination revealed three cases of glandular hyperplasia, one of cystic (atrophic) hyperplasia, and one of papillary endometrial adenocarcinoma. Two cases were inadequate for diagnosis. The advantage of sonohysterography in distinguishing endometrial thickening from intracavitary polyps or fibroids was clearly demonstrated. This technique can help in tailoring the correct treatment in various conditions presenting as postmenopausal bleeding.  相似文献   

本研究应用阴道超声(transvaginal ultrasonography,TVS)检测绝经后子宫内膜厚度及超声图像的改变,评估有无内膜病变,并将其与相应的诊断病理结果比较,以判断该方法鉴别内膜病变的可靠性.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to assess the combination of endometrial thickness, as measured by transvaginal sonography, and time since menopause, in predicting the presence of endometrial cancer in women with postmenopausal bleeding. METHODS: The study group consisted of 95 women with postmenopausal bleeding who underwent sonographic measurement of endometrial thickness followed by endometrial biopsy. No patient had ever received hormone replacement therapy. RESULTS: The mean endometrial thickness was significantly lower in the absence of endometrial carcinoma (6.9 +/- 4.3 mm) than in its presence (13.5 +/- 7.7 mm) (p < 0.005). The incidence of endometrial carcinoma increased with increases in endometrial thickness and the number of years since menopause. No patient had carcinoma when the endometrium was less than 5 mm thick, but 18.5% did when the thickness exceeded 9 mm. The incidence of cancer was 2.6% in women who had undergone menopause less than 5 years earlier but was 21.4% in women who had undergone menopause more than 15 years prior. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that time since menopause and endometrial thickness were statistically significant predictors of endometrial carcinoma. CONCLUSIONS: Time since menopause and endometrial thickness together define cutoff points for the diagnostic biopsy of tissue samples for endometrial carcinoma; that is, within a particular time interval, sampling should not be performed if the thickness is below a given value. When using cutoff points of 6 mm of endometrial thickness for women experiencing menopause 5-15 years prior and 5 mm in those going through menopause 15 or more years prior, approximately 60% of invasive procedures may be avoided. In addition, models derived by multiple logistic regression can be used to calculate a patient's risk of cancer based on her age and endometrial thickness.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴道超声和宫腔镜检查诊断绝经后子宫内膜病变的临床价值。方法:160例绝经后子宫内膜病变患者行阴道超声及宫腔镜检查;以病理结果为标准,评价阴道超声和宫腔镜检查对诊断子宫内膜病变的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值及阴性预测值。结果:经阴道超声检查48例正常,其中40例病理证实子宫内膜无异常;112例诊断为宫腔病变,其中96例经病理证实。宫腔镜检查52例正常,其中1例病理证实为子宫内膜单纯型增生;108例诊断为宫腔病变,其中103例经病理证实。宫腔镜检查宫腔内病变、子宫内膜癌和癌前病变的特异性、阳性预测值均高于经阴道超声检查(P<0.05).结论:经阴道超声检查是一种筛查子宫内膜病变较好的方法;阴道超声联合宫腔镜检查对诊断绝经后子宫内膜病变有重要价值。  相似文献   

Routine vaginal ultrasonographic evaluation of pelvic organs was performed in asymptomatic postmenopausal women to evaluate the diagnostic significance of sonographic findings of endometrial fluid collections in the presence of a thin endometrium in postmenopausal women. The study included nine women aged 61 to 79 years who had been postmenopausal for 7 to 30 years, and in whom endometrial fluid collections were incidently demonstrated. Endometrial samplings followed the ultrasonographic examinations in all nine patients, and the correlation between the histologic report and the endometrial ultrasonographic thickness was evaluated. The diameter of the endometrial fluid collections varied from 3 to 12 mm. The thickness of the endometrium surrounding the fluid ranged from 1 to 3 mm. Of the nine endometrial samples examined, five revealed atrophic endometrium, three had insufficient material for histologic evaluation, and one specimen revealed well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. The woman in whom endometrial carcinoma was diagnosed underwent total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and lymph node sampling. The pathologic examination confirmed the previous histologic finding, and deep penetration into the myometrium was noticed with intact lymph nodes. Endometrial fluid collections found in asymptomatic postmenopausal patients still may be associated with endometrial malignancy, even in the presence of thin endometrium.  相似文献   

经阴道超声在绝经后子宫内膜癌诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨经阴道超声在绝经后子宫内膜癌诊断中的价值。方法回顾性分析经手术、病理证实的70例绝经后内膜癌患者临床及经阴道超声声像图资料,总结和分析其内膜厚度、病灶浸润深度、局部血供及多普勒血流参数阻力指数(RI)值。结果70例患者中内膜厚度≤4mm者1例(1.4%),5mm者5例(7.1%),6~7mm者16例(23%),≥8mm者48例(68.5%);术前超声预测内膜癌分期准确度为70%左右;41例内膜癌声像图,从Ⅰa到Ⅲ期,其内膜血流显示人数比例呈增高趋势,而RI值则呈下降趋势。结论在绝经后内膜癌患者的诊断中,经阴道超声检查具有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

经阴道超声测量子宫内膜厚度诊断绝经后妇女疾病的价值   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的根据内膜病理组织学结果评价经阴道超声测量子宫内膜厚度对绝经后妇女子宫内膜疾病诊断的价值.方法将63例病人分为4组,第1组为无既往内膜病史及服用他莫昔芬和雌激素者;第2组为服用他莫昔芬组;第3组为服用雌激素组;第4组为既往有内膜疾病史者.对4组病人进行超声测量子宫内膜厚度,以内膜厚度>5 mm为临界值,跟踪其病理诊断结果.结果在四组中以内膜厚度≤5 mm为指标是除外内膜疾病的良好指标;组1和组4中,内膜厚度>5 mm阳性预测值为90%和63%.在组2和组3中,内膜厚度>5 mm诊断疾病准确性差,阳性预测值均为17%.结论单纯超声子宫内膜厚度测量是早期发现子宫内膜疾病的敏感方法,但仅局限于无用药史的病例,随着患者用药复杂程度增加,尚需结合其它因素共同评价内膜病变.  相似文献   

姚莉  谢锋 《中国临床医学》2016,23(6):768-772
目的:评价经阴道超声测量对绝经后子宫内膜癌的诊断价值。方法:选择因经阴道超声提示宫腔占位行宫腔镜检查术绝经后妇女520例,分析绝经后子宫内膜癌患者的相关特征。以病理诊断结果为金标准,评价经阴道超声和宫腔镜诊断子宫内膜癌的灵敏度和特异度。以ROC曲线下面积确定经阴道超声测量宫腔占位大小诊断绝经后子宫内膜癌的最佳临界值。结果:绝经后阴道流血(postmenopausal bleeding,PMB)、宫腔占位大及宫腔积液多与绝经后子宫内膜癌相关,而年龄、绝经年龄、绝经时间、内膜厚度与绝经后子宫内膜癌无关。伴PMB妇女的子宫内膜癌发生率是无PMB妇女的6.4倍。宫腔镜诊断绝经后子宫内膜癌的准确性高于经阴道超声。超声测量宫腔占位大小诊断无PMB子宫内膜癌的最佳临界值为14.5mm,此时阳性预测值为10.75%、阴性预测值为99.14%。超声测量宫腔占位大小诊断伴PMB绝经后子宫内膜癌的最佳临界值为18.5mm,此时阳性预测值为55.56%、阴性预测值为91.94%。结论:对于无PMB的妇女,经阴道超声测量宫腔占位大于14.5mm作为行宫腔镜检查的指征较合理;而对于经阴道超声发现宫腔占位且伴PMB的妇女,子宫内膜癌发生率较高,建议均行宫腔镜检查。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare TVS with endometrial biopsy as a screening technique in asymptomatic postmenopausal women. Asymptomatic postmenopausal women were recruited by newspaper advertisement. Each study patient was subjected to pelvic examination and TVS followed by endometrial biopsy. Patients with suspected endometrial abnormalities by TVS (normal by endometrial biopsy) were evaluated further with hysteroscopy with biopsy or D&C or both. Eight patients were identified as having abnormalities by TVS, only one of whom had abnormalities by initial endometrial biopsy. Two patients were identified as having abnormalities by endometrial biopsy and normal by TVS. Further evaluation of the seven patients identified as having abnormalities by TVS (normal by endometrial biopsy) documented all seven patients as having abnormalities. The total yield of abnormalities with TVS was 16% (eight of 50 patients). The total yield of abnormalities with endometrial biopsy was 6% (three of 50 patients). The sensitivity of TVS in identifying endometrial abnormalities was 80% (eight of 10), while endometrial biopsy was only 30% (three of 10). TVS was more sensitive in detecting endometrial abnormalities, including endometrial hyperplasia, than was endometrial biopsy. The use of endometrial biopsy as a screening technique in asymptomatic postmenopausal patients is questioned.  相似文献   

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