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This study explores variables that might influence nurses' communication with elderly patients. Three groups of variables arise from the literature that seem to affect the quality or quantity of nurse-patient communication: variables related to nurses, to patients, and to the setting in which nursing care takes place. The study was conducted in two different care settings: a home for elderly people and a home care organization. In a sample of 181 video-taped nursing encounters, involving 47 nurses and 109 patients a study was made of nurse-patient communication. In addition, relevant data related to patients, nurses and situation were gathered by questionnaires and were combined with the results of observations of videotaped nurse-patient interactions. It was found that the educational level of nurses was related most strongly to the way nurses communicate with their elderly patients. Patient characteristics such as age, gender and subjective state of health appeared to play a minor role in the way nurses communicate.  相似文献   

When an older adult is discharged from the hospital, she or he should have an individualized, comprehensive discharge plan to help prevent unnecessary complications and rehospitalization. But the large number of older adults who are hospitalized and their typically greater needs can make creating such a plan a challenge for clinicians. Clear communication among hospital personnel, patients, family members, case managers, and community caregivers (such as home health care nurses and long-term care staff) is essential. In examining effective discharge planning for this population, this article examines five discharge models.  相似文献   

Lack of patient information is a particular problem when a patient is transferred from one health care facility to another. The lack of information needed to develop a timely and effective plan of care for an older adult transferred to the nursing home facility may exacerbate disruptions in the older adult's care. Also, adjustment or readjustment to the nursing home or hospital environment may be prolonged. Persistence of problems or difficulty in adjustment may then lead to exacerbation of the disease processes and, ultimately, hospital readmissions. Evidence suggests that elderly patients discharged from the hospital have high readmission rates. Although the patient is most affected by a breakdown in communication, everyone in the nursing home involved in the resident's care is also affected. All staff who provide care to the resident, including nursing, medicine, nutrition, pharmacy, social work, and physical therapy staff members, must be cognizant of issues related to communication for patients being transferred. In this article, the authors discuss the development, implementation, and results of a model designed to increase the communication surrounding the transition of elderly patients from an inpatient unit to and from nursing homes.  相似文献   

The hospital-to-community transition is fraught with risks for patients, with 30-day readmission rates of 20% for Medicare patients. Poorly coordinated transitions of care translate to unplanned readmission costs to Medicare of more than $17 billion/year. Calls for better physician communication to improve care coordination abound; however, primary care physicians cannot better coordinate care when, in many cases, they are not even aware that their patients have been admitted to the hospital. During the past 30 years, we have made little progress in systematically improving communication between hospital and posthospital providers to coordinate postdischarge care. Hospitals and physicians need better tools to coordinate care transitions. It is time to automate the hospital discharge notification process, notify practice staff, and stop expecting physician-to-physician communication. Notification can be efficiently supported by computerized systems that do not rely on physicians to "close the loop" back to primary care. We present four clinical programs in which automated notification of primary care staff was used to ensure appropriate follow-up and coordination of care for patients. These automated systems use a secure online Web site or an encrypted e-mail notification system that alerts clinicians and practice staff to hospital registration of the patient. In each program, notification triggers a nurse-directed clinical assessment and care coordination plan and helps ensure timely primary care follow-up. We believe automated notification is a necessary tool to support coordination of care in the new delivery models such as the patient-centered medical home.  相似文献   

Asthma morbidity is high among inner-city minority adults. Improving access to care and patient–provider communication are believed to be essential for improving outcomes. Access and communication in turn increasingly rely on information technology including features of the Electronic Health Record. Its patient portal offers web-based communication with providers and practices. How patients with limited resources and educational opportunities can benefit from this portal is unclear. In contrast, home visits by community health workers (CHWs) have improved access to care for asthmatic children and promoted caretaker–clinician communication.We describe the planning, design, and methodology of an ongoing randomized controlled trial for 300 adults, predominantly African American and Hispanic/Latino, with uncontrolled asthma recruited from low income urban neighborhoods who are directed to the most convenient internet access and taught to use the portal, with and without home visits from a CHW. The study 1) compares the effects of the 1-year interventions on asthma outcomes (improved asthma control, quality of life; fewer ED visits and hospitalizations for asthma or any cause), 2) evaluates whether communication (portal use) and access (appointments made/kept) mediate the interventions' effects on asthma outcomes, and 3) investigates effect modification by literacy level, primary language, and convenience of internet access. In home visits, CHWs 1) train patients to competency in portal use, 2) enhance care coordination, 3) communicate the complex social circumstances of patients' lives to providers, and 4) compensate for differences in patients' health literacy skills. The practical challenges to design and implementation in the targeted population are presented.  相似文献   

Patients with AIDS are permanently dependent on medical and technical nursing care. During a certain phase of the disease some of the patients have to visit the out-patient clinic of the hospital for regular treatment. It was noticed that AIDS patients find these visits a severe burden. Therefore in Rotterdam an experiment has been started to provide them the technical-medical and nursing care at home instead of at the out-patient clinic. During the experiment, specialized hospital nurses visited the patients at home. They worked in close collaboration with the community nurses. An exploratory study was carried out to assess the prospects and difficulties of this new kind of home care for AIDS patients from a medical, psycho-social and organizational point of view. The results suggested that it is possible to relocate the technical-medical and nursing care from the out-patient clinic to the patients' home. This specialized home care is seen as desirable from the perspectives of the AIDS patients and informal and professional caregivers. However, some organizational aspects, like the co-ordination and communication among caregivers and the availability of the specialized hospital nurses during the weekend, must be improved in the future.  相似文献   

Hospital care and ambulatory care are institutionally and financially so deeply separated in Germany that discontinuity of individual treatment and, hence, losses in both the quality and efficiency of care are all too often the consequences of this widely deplored systemic defect. In order to improve the communication between home care services and hospitals during admission or discharge of patients in need of long-term nursing care, the research project 'aski' has developed an innovative instrument and procedure for the reciprocal transfer of information between these institutions. After successful testing, the Patient Accompanying Form was offered for public use. Two years later, a written and telephone survey was conducted among the somewhat disappointingly small number of its users. Based on their experience, issues surrounding the implementation of such instruments in the health care system are discussed as well as the chances of enhancing integrative care by promoting coordinated communication between the providers.  相似文献   

The potential of Information and communication technology (ICT) as a method to improve care is widely acknowledged. However, before ICT can be used in a specific patient population, the needs of that population must first be made explicit. In this paper we aim to explore the feasibility and functionality of an electronic information system to support head and neck (H&N) cancer care. We describe communication and information bottlenecks in supportive care for H&N cancer patients. These bottlenecks were used to determine the functionality of an electronic health information support system. We discern three perspectives of problems in H&N cancer care: lacking communication among professionals, lacking information about the disease and its treatment, and lacking supportive measures to reduce uncertainty and fear in patients. To support care, an information support system can facilitate (1). communication among all professionals involved and between professionals and patients, (2). professionals' and patients' access to information, (3). contact with fellow sufferers, and (4). early detection of patient problems by means of monitoring. Based on these analyses we subsequently built such a system and established a setting for evaluation. Information and communication technology can be tailored to address the communication and information bottlenecks in supportive H&N cancer care. As we aim to investigate whether care for H&N cancer patients may benefit from ICT, we are currently performing a clinical evaluation study.  相似文献   

Palliative care in nursing homes is increasingly discussed, investigated, and implemented, yet the term lacks conceptual clarity and definition. Furthermore, the components, process, and outcomes of palliative care as it is delivered in the nursing home have not been clearly articulated. This paper provides a dimensional analysis of palliative care in the nursing home to elucidate the concept and its context and consequences, as portrayed through available literature. As a method, dimensional analysis is rooted in symbolic interaction and grounded theory. As such, it provides a useful tool with which to analyze existing literature on palliative care in the nursing home. In this dimensional analysis, communication is the dominant perspective of palliative care in the nursing home. This analysis demonstrates that the consequences of palliative care in the nursing home are personhood and identity, and quality of death rather than quality of life. These consequences suggest that the focus of palliative care should be on the nursing home resident and the dying experience, rather than quality of life and issues around living that exclude the dying experience and do not acknowledge the personhood and identity of the resident. These elements represent a shift in focus away from one that does not include death, toward the dying experience, and that such a change in focus is necessary to achieve palliative care in the nursing home. Finally, the analysis elucidates potential outcome measures for the study of palliative care in nursing homes and outlines possibilities for further research.  相似文献   

Introduction Little is known about the characteristics of dying in different care settings, such as the hospital, the nursing home, or the home-care setting. Materials and methods We measured the burden of symptoms, medical and nursing interventions, and aspects of communication during the last 3 days of life within each of these settings. We included 239 of 321 patients (74%) who died in one of these settings in the southwest of The Netherlands, between November 2003 and February 2005. After the patient’s death, a nurse filled in a questionnaire. Results Pain and shortness of breath were more severe in hospital patients as compared to nursing home and home-care patients, whereas incontinence was less severe in hospital patients. Several medical interventions, such as a syringe driver, vena punctures or lab tests, radiology or ECG, antibiotics, and drainage of body fluids were more often applied during the last 3 days of life to hospital patients than to nursing home and home-care patients. This also holds for the measurement of body temperature and blood pressure. In the hospital setting, the patient and the family were more often informed about the imminence of death of the patient than elsewhere. The general practitioner and other professional caregivers were less often informed about the imminence of death of hospital patients than of other patients. Discussion We conclude that pain and shortness of breath were more severe among hospital patients, whereas incontinence was more severe among nursing home and home-care patients. Hospital patients relatively often receive medical interventions and standard controls during the last 3 days of life. In hospital, communication about impending death seems to take place more often shortly before death.  相似文献   

This article presents the case of a victim of cerebral vascular accident with long duration of urinary catheterization, who developed a purple urine bag syndrome (PUBS) because of deficiency of knowledge and skills in home care and lack of communication and support among family members. In this case, the main caregivers also experienced psychophysical fatigue and fear, which diminished family coping ability. During the period of nursing care, from March 10 to August 15, 2006, we carried out 10 home care visits and eight telephone consultations. Exiting urinary tract infection, constipation, and compromised coping and ineffective family were identified as the three main nursing care issues. As we successfully instilled trust and developed a positive relationship with the patient, we provided continuous and comprehensive nursing care to resolve the PUBS issue her which was causing her anxiety, and her constipation, as well as stabilizing her family function. Consequently, through this care experience involving a sick elderly patient, we promoted the function of nursing home care. From this case intervention, we found that health education should be closely followed up in order to maintain its effectiveness. Insufficient communication skills, however, were identified through meetings with the patient's family. We suggested related family communication skills and practices should be included in clinical nursing training courses to enhance skills in dealing with family issues and life quality among patients and their families.  相似文献   

Cancer is a major problem globally and effective cancer care services are needed to lessen its burden on the community. In Greece, oncology health services provision is not located efficiently, resulting in few patients receiving high-quality care. Furthermore, shortages of health professionals and underdeveloped services such as primary care, home care and palliative care have aggravated the problem. The absence of a national cancer registry means that the extent of cancer incidence cannot be evaluated effectively. Dissatisfaction with the Greek NHS is well established, despite the reforms proposed by consecutive Greek governments. It remains that limited research exists in the area of cancer services and cancer care. The aim of this study was to identify the key areas of cancer care and services that needed to be developed or improved in Greece and their prioritisation within the Greek healthcare system. A Delphi technique was used to collect data from a sample of 30 healthcare providers, in three rounds. The response rate for each round was over 77%. The priorities for healthcare providers were focused on staff shortages, working conditions, pain management, home care, day units and communication. Based on the priorities provided by the participants and supporting literature, it is suggested that a national cancer registry, the employment of nurses to develop primary care, home care, day care and palliative care services need to be established. Furthermore, education in communication skills and the redistribution of the bio-medical technology are needed in order to provide more effective cancer services in Greece. More research is needed to validate the actual level of cancer services provided in Greece.  相似文献   

Non-verbal behaviour in nurse-elderly patient communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explores the occurrence of non-verbal communication in nurse-elderly patient interaction in two different care settings: home nursing and a home for the elderly. In a sample of 181 nursing encounters involving 47 nurses a study was made of videotaped nurse-patient communication. Six non-verbal behaviours were observed: patient-directed eye gaze, affirmative head nodding, smiling, forward leaning, affective touch and instrumental touch. With the exception of instrumental touch these non-verbal behaviours are important in establishing a good relationship with the patient. To study the relationship between non-verbal and verbal communication, verbal communication was observed using an adapted version of Roter's Interaction Analysis System, which distinguishes socio-emotional and task-related communication. Data were analysed in hierarchical linear models. The results demonstrated that nurses use mainly eye gaze, head nodding and smiling to establish a good relation with their patients. The use of affective touch is mainly attributable to nurses' personal style. Compared to nurses in the community, nurses in the home for the elderly more often display non-verbal behaviours such as patient-directed gaze and affective touch.  相似文献   

Mortality and complications of the locked-in syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The locked-in syndrome is a severe disability consisting of quadriplegia and anarthria with preserved consciousness. No large series of cases have been reported and very few cases of long-term survival have been described. We present a follow-up of 27 patients "locked-in" for more than one year. Twenty-four were still alive up to 12.5 years after onset, with a mean survival of 4.9 years. Significant recovery was noted in only a few patients. Seventeen patients lived at home at the time of study. Eight were never hospitalized after the initial event. Gastrostomy and tracheostomy tubes and indwelling catheters were eventually removed from many patients. Electronic devices were used by ten patients to facilitate communication. We conclude that rehabilitation and medical care must be planned carefully, given the length of survival shown in this group.  相似文献   

This exploratory study was undertaken to discover the defining dimensions of nursing home care quality from the viewpoint of consumers of nursing home care. Eleven focus groups were conducted in five Missouri communities. The seven dimensions of the consumer multidimensional model of nursing home care quality are: staff, care, family involvement, communication, environment, home, and cost. The views of consumers and families are compared with the results of a previous study of providers of nursing home services. An integrated, multidimensional theoretical model is presented for testing and evaluation. An instrument based on the model is being tested to observe and score the dimensions of nursing home care quality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although nurses play an important role in end-of-life care for patients, they are not systematically involved in end-of-life decisions with a possible or certain life-shortening effect (ELDs). Until now we know little about factors relating to the involvement of nurses in these decisions. OBJECTIVE: To explore which patient- and decision-characteristics are related to the consultation of nurses and to the administering of life-ending drugs by nurses in actual ELDs in institutions and home care, as reported by physicians. METHOD: We sampled at random 5005 of all registered deaths in the second half of 2001--before euthanasia was legalized--in Flanders, Belgium. We mailed anonymous questionnaires to physicians who signed the death certificates and asked them to report on ELDs, including nurses' involvement. RESULTS: Response rate was 59% (n=2950). Physicians reported nurses involved in decision making more often in institutions than at home, and more often in care homes for the elderly than in hospitals (OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.15, 2.52). This involvement was more frequently when physicians intended to hasten the patient's death than when they had no such intention (institutions: OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.41, 2.99; home: OR 2.04, 95% CI 1.19, 3.49). In institutions, this involvement was also more likely where patients were of lower rather than higher education (OR 2.95, 95% CI 1.49, 5.84). The administering of life-ending drugs by nurses, as reported by physicians was also found more frequently in institutions than at home, and in institutions more frequently with lower rather than higher educated patients (p=.037). CONCLUSIONS: These findings raise questions about physicians' perception of the nurse's role in ELDs, but also about physicians' skills in interacting with all patients. Education and guidelines for physicians and nurses are needed to optimize good communication and to promote a clearer assignment of responsibilities concerning the execution of those decisions.  相似文献   

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