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The sensitivity of neurons in area 17 of the cat's visual cortex to vernier offset was expressed as the percentage reduction in response caused by the introduction of a given offset into a bar stimulus moving across the receptive field. There was a wide variation in sensitivity: in some cells response could be halved by an offset equal to a fifth receptive-field width (defined as twice the standard deviation of a Gaussian curve fitted to the response profile), while other cells showed no sensitivity. The highest absolute sensitivities of complex and simple cells were similar, although most cells with poor sensitivity were complex. Sensitivity was largely unaffected by changes in stimulus velocity and stimulus length, although there was a tendency for sensitivity to increase with decreasing bar length. Comparisons of orientation tuning curves with vernier tuning curves showed that the response to a vernier stimulus approximated the response to a single bar of the same overall length and an orientation equal to that of a line joining the midpoints of each bar. This was true for a wide range of sensitivity values. Vernier sensitivity was correlated with a measure of length summation H, which is positive when there is net facilitation between the bars, and negative when there is net inhibition. Vernier sensitivity was highest in cells with large values of H, and least in cells where H was negative. We examined a linear model of the simple cell receptive field which, together with a variable response threshold, was able to explain the correlation between vernier acuity and length summation. Although this model accounted qualitatively for many of our findings, the majority of simple cells had tuning curves that were sharper than the predicted ones. This suggests that there are nonlinearities in the behavior of many simple cells whose effect is to increase the sharpness of orientation tuning and consequently vernier sensitivity.  相似文献   

Fine structure of receptive-field centers of X and Y cells of the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the fine structure of receptive field centers of X and Y cells of the retina and lateral geniculate nucleus of the cat using sinusoidal grating stimuli of high spatial frequency. By measuring orientation tuning and spatial-frequency tuning at multiple orientations, the two-dimensional sensitivity distribution was examined. We found that receptive-field centers typically have multiple sensitivity peaks that can be modeled as several spatially offset subunits. A subunit structure was found in both X and Y cells, with an average number of subunits per receptive-field center of approximately 2.9 in X cells and approximately 4.6 in Y cells. In X cells these subunits may correspond to individual cone bipolar inputs. In Y cells, the subunits may reflect the structure of the dendritic tree. The observation of the subunit structure of the receptive-field center, in conjunction with manipulation of the retinal wiring through pharmacological intervention, may provide a new tool for probing the circuitry of the retina.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To clarify whether visual inputs of the tectothalamocortical pathway influence motion processing within the lateral suprasylvian (LS) area of the cat. METHODS: This study was conducted in five cats. Tungsten microelectrodes were used for recording visual evoked potentials. The electrodes were introduced into the LS area. An array of 120 randomly located dots was projected onto the stimulus field (40 degrees x 40 degrees) in front of the animal by a slide projector. The dots were moved rightward and leftward alternatively with interstimulus intervals by a mirror attached to a galvanometer, the movements of which were controlled by a microcomputer. Each motion sequence consisted of an abrupt onset of motion that continued for 100 msec followed by an abrupt offset and a stationary phase of 900 msec; the total duration of each sequence was thus 1000 msec. The velocity of the motion was varied in 12 steps. The onset of motion was used as the trigger for recording evoked potentials. Single or multiple injections (two to three) of muscimol were made, mainly into the rostral superior colliculus (SC). The amplitudes of evoked potentials before and after the muscimol injection were compared. RESULTS: A large negative wave (N1) with the peak latency of 89.80+/-16.39 msec (mean +/- SD, n = 191) was recorded consistently. The amplitude of N1 was not altered by the muscimol injection into the SC when the velocity of motion was 50 deg/sec or less. When the velocity of motion was 75 deg/sec or more, however, the amplitude of N1 was reduced to 62% to 72% of that noted before the muscimol injection. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the LS area processes the visual motion inputs reaching through the two parallel pathways, the geniculostriate pathway and the tectothalamocortical pathway, when the velocity of visual motion is 75 deg/sec or more.  相似文献   

Recordings were made from single neurons in area 18 of anesthetized cats (N2O/O2 mixture supplemented by continuous intravenous infusion of barbiturate) in which one optic nerve had been pressure blocked to selectively block conduction in the largest (Y-type) fibers. Cortical neurons were stimulated visually via the normal eye or via the eye with the pressure-blocked optic nerve ("Y-blocked eye"). Several properties of the receptive fields such as their spatial organization (S or C cells), orientation tuning, and the presence and strength of end-zone inhibition appear to be unaffected by removal of the Y input. By contrast, the removal of the Y input resulted in a small but significant reduction in the size of the discharge field and in the direction-selectivity index. In three respects, peak response discharge rate, eye dominance, and velocity sensitivity, removal of the Y input had strong and highly significant effects. Thus, the mean peak discharge frequency of responses evoked by the stimulation of binocular neurons via the Y-blocked eye was significantly lower than that of responses evoked by the stimulation via the normal eye. Accordingly, the eye-dominance histogram was shifted markedly towards the normal eye (more so than in the homologous experiment conducted on area 17-Burke et al., 1992). Finally, the mean preferred velocity of responses of cells activated via the normal eye was in the vicinity of 145 deg/s, whereas for cells activated via the Y-blocked eye the value was about 35 deg/s. Overall, the results of the present study imply that (1) apart from Y-type excitatory input there are significant excitatory non-Y-inputs to area 18; these inputs at least partially consist of indirect X-type input relayed via area 17; (2) in neurons of area 18 that receive both Y-type and non-Y-type excitatory inputs, the Y-type input has a major influence on strength of the response and velocity sensitivity and a lesser influence on the direction selectivity and size of the discharge fields; and (3) area 18 contains mechanisms determining such receptive-field properties as S- or C-type organization, orientation tuning, and direction selectivity which can be accessed either by the Y input or by non-Y input.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether visual inputs from the tectothalamocortical pathway influence three-dimensional motion processing within the lateral suprasylvian (LS) area of the cat. METHODS: Tungsten microelectrodes were used for recording visual-evoked potentials (VEPs) from the LS area of 4 cats. Random dot stereograms were used as visual stimuli. Three-dimensional, motion-triggered VEPs were recorded from the LS area. Each motion sequence consisted of an abrupt onset of motion disparity with a 2 degrees amplitude followed by an abrupt offset and a stationary phase of 900 ms. The velocity of the motion disparity was varied in eight steps from 10 degrees to 400 degrees per second. The onset of motion disparity was used as the trigger for recording the VEPs. Single or multiple injections (two to three) of muscimol were made mainly into the rostral superior colliculus (SC). The amplitudes of the VEPs before and after the muscimol injection were compared. RESULTS: A large negative wave ( N1) with an implicit time of 92.7 +/- 13.5 ms (mean +/- SD, n = 98) was recorded consistently. The amplitude of N1 was significantly larger on stereovision of motion disparity than on either binocular vision of two-dimensional lateral motion or monocular vision, indicating that N1 contains neurons sensitive to motion disparity. The amplitude of N1 was not altered by muscimol injection into the SC at velocities < or =50 degrees/s. On the other hand, the amplitude of N1 was reduced to 66-71% of that observed before muscimol injection at velocities > or =75 degrees/s. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the LS area processes three-dimensional motion inputs via two parallel pathways, the geniculostriate pathway and the tectothalamocortical pathway, at velocities of motion disparity > or =75 degrees/s, while the three-dimensional motion inputs project to the LS area only via the geniculostriate pathway at velocities of motion disparity < or = 50 degrees/s.  相似文献   

We have examined the spatiotemporal structure of simple receptive fields in the cat's striate cortex by cross-correlating their spike trains with an ensemble of stimuli consisting of stationary bright and dark spots whose position was randomized on each 50 msec frame. Receptive fields were found to be either separable or inseparable in space-time and responses to moving stimuli were predicted from the spatiotemporal structure of the cell under study. Most simple cells with separable spatiotemporal receptive fields were not direction selective. All simple cells with inseparable spatiotemporal receptive fields were found to prefer movement in one direction. The optimal speed and direction were estimable from the slope of individual subregions observed in the space-time plane. The results are consistent with a linear model for direction selectivity.  相似文献   

The representation of the visual field in the part of area 17 containing neurons that project axons across the corpus callosum to the contralateral hemisphere was defined in the cat. Of 1424 sites sampled along 77 electrode tracks, 768 proved to be in the callosal sending zone, which was identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase that had been deposited in the opposite hemisphere. The results show that the callosal sending zone has a fairly constant width of between 3 and 4 mm at most levels in area 17. However, the representation of the contralateral field at the different elevations of the visual field is not equal in this zone. The zone represents positions within 4 deg of the midline at the 0-deg horizontal meridian, and positions out to 15-deg azimuths in the upper hemifield and out to positions of 25-deg azimuth in the lower hemifield. The shape of the representation is approximately mirror-symmetric about the horizontal meridian, although there is a greater extent in the lower hemifield, which can be accounted for by the greater range of elevations (greater than 60 deg) represented there compared with the upper hemifield (approximately 40 deg). The representation in the sending zone of one hemisphere matches that present in the area 17/18 transition zone, which receives the bulk of transcallosal projections, in the opposite hemisphere. The observations on the sending zone show that callosal connections of area 17 are concerned with a vertical hour-glass-shaped region of the visual field centered on the midline. The observations suggest that in addition to interactions between neurons concerned with positions immediately adjacent to the midline, there are positions, especially high and low in the visual field, where interactions can occur between neurons that have receptive fields displaced some distance from the midline.  相似文献   

In an aseptic operation under surgical anesthesia, one optic nerve of a cat was exposed and subjected to pressure by means of a special cuff. The conduction of impulses through the pressurized region was monitored by means of electrodes which remained in the animal after the operation. The pressure was adjusted to selectively eliminate conduction in the largest fibers (Y-type) but not in the medium-size fibers (X-type). The conduction block is probably due to a demyelination and remains complete for about 3 weeks. Within 2 weeks after the pressure-block operation, recordings were made from single neurons in the striate cortex (area 17, area V1) of the cat anesthetized with N2O/O2 mixture supplemented by continuous intravenous infusion of barbiturate. Neurons were activated visually via the normal eye and via the eye with the pressure-blocked optic nerve ("Y-blocked eye"). Several properties of the receptive fields of single neurons in area 17 such as S (simple) or C (complex) type of receptive-field organization, size of discharge fields, orientation tuning, direction-selectivity indices, and end-zone inhibition appear to be unaffected by removal of the Y-type input. On the other hand, the peak discharge rates to stimuli presented via the Y-blocked eye were significantly lower than those to stimuli presented via the normal eye. As a result, the eye-dominance histogram was shifted markedly towards the normal eye implying that there is a significant excitatory Y-type input to area 17. In a substantial proportion of area 17 neurons, this input converges onto the cells which receive also non-Y-type inputs. In one respect, velocity sensitivity, removal of the Y input had a weak but significant effect. In particular, C (but not S) cells when activated via the normal eye responded optimally at slightly higher stimulus velocities than when activated via the Y-blocked eye. These results suggest that the Y input makes a distinct contribution to velocity sensitivity in area 17 but only in C-type neurons. Overall, our results lead us to the conclusion that the Y-type input to the striate cortex of the cat makes a significant contribution to the strength of the excitatory response of many neurons in this area. However, the contributions of Y-type input to the mechanism(s) underlying many of the receptive-field properties of neurons in this area are not distinguishable from those of the non-Y-type visual inputs.  相似文献   

The responses of neurons in primary visual cortex (V1) are suppressed by stimuli presented in the region surrounding the receptive field. There is debate as to whether this surround suppression is due to intracortical inhibition, is inherited from lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), or is due to a combination of these factors. The mechanisms involved in surround suppression may differ from those involved in suppression within the receptive field, which is called cross-orientation suppression. To compare surround suppression to cross-orientation suppression, and to help elucidate its underlying mechanisms, we studied its temporal properties in anesthetized and paralyzed cats. We first measured the temporal resolution of suppression. While cat LGN neurons respond vigorously to drift rates up to 30 Hz, most cat V1 neurons stop responding above 10-15 Hz. If suppression originated in cortical responses, therefore, it should disappear above such drift rates. In a majority of cells, surround suppression decreased substantially when surround drift rate was above approximately 15 Hz, but some neurons demonstrated suppression with surround drift rates as high as 21 Hz. We then measured the susceptibility of suppression to contrast adaptation. Contrast adaptation reduces responses of cortical neurons much more than those of LGN neurons. If suppression originated in cortical responses, therefore, it should be reduced by adaptation. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that prolonged exposure to the surround stimulus decreased the strength of surround suppression. The results of both experiments differ markedly from those previously obtained in a study of cross-orientation suppression, whose temporal properties were found to resemble those of LGN neurons. Our results provide further evidence that these two forms of suppression are due to different mechanisms. Surround suppression can be explained by a mixture of thalamic and cortical influences. It could also arise entirely from intracortical inhibition, but only if inhibitory neurons respond to somewhat higher drift rates than most cortical cells.  相似文献   

The lateral suprasylvian (LS) area (or Clare-Bishop area) is a region of visual cortex in the cat which has been defined as an isolated projection zone of area 17 (V1 or striate cortex) within the suprasylvian sulcus. We have studied the overall topography and detailed pattern of connection between these two visual areas following injections of WGA-HRP into one or the other. The projection from area 17 to LS is formed largely (approximately 90%) from supragranular layer neurons that are distributed, in the coronal plane, in multiple regularly spaced patches. These patches are especially prominent in regions of area 17 representing central vision along and around the horizontal meridian. In reconstructions of serial coronal sections, and in flatmounts of the same region, the patches are seen to align so that in the plane tangential to the cortical surface they appear as a system of parallel bands whose main axis of elongation is rostro-ventral to caudo-dorsal, or near parallel to the area 17/18 border. The mean periodicity of the bands is about 1.0 mm. The projection from area 17 terminates mainly in layers 4, 3, and 2 of area LS, and also appears patchy in the coronal plane. Reconstruction of the cortical surface view again reveals a system of rostrocaudal bands, but with a mean periodicity of 2 mm. The back projection is less periodically organized, arising predominantly (approximately 80%) from a continuous sheet of infragranular neurons in area LS and terminating mainly in layer 1 of area 17, across the underlying patch and interpatch zones of the supragranular projection cells. However, neurons in layers 2 and upper 3 of area LS, which form the minority origin of the back projection, are mostly located in columnar registration with the patches of area 17 terminals. The bands of supragranular layer neurons projecting to area LS are aligned obliquely to the iso-orientation domains of area 17, indicating a further component to its organization. It is suggested that this may correspond to a segregation of the X and Y channels in area 17, with outputs to area LS selectively arising from the Y pathway, in accordance with previous reports.  相似文献   

Cells which respond only to slowly moving bars (velocity low-pass, or VLP cells) are numerous in area 17 whereas they are lacking in the LGN. The suggestion that this preference for low stimulus velocity is linked to the presence of S cells (equivalent of simple cells) in area 17 was critically evaluated by correlating S cell characteristics (subregion overlap, receptive field width and presence of inhibitory zones) with velocity preference. It was found that VLP cells generally respond only to relatively long durations of stationary stimulation and that this need of temporal summation best explains the preference for slow movement in area 17.  相似文献   

Cai Y  Zhou T  Chen L 《Journal of vision》2008,8(9):9.1-910
The responses of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) are generally inhibited by stimuli surrounding their classical receptive fields (CRF). This surround suppression can influence the visual perception of stimuli. For instance, the presence of a surround stimulus can decrease the apparent contrast of a central stimulus. A recent neurophysiological study in nonhuman primates suggests that two distinct mechanisms, early and late mechanisms, give rise to surround suppression. Here, we used binocular suppression to render the surround stimuli invisible and evaluated the effects of this masking on the two types of surround suppression. We found that the early mechanism was unsusceptible to, whereas the late mechanism was eliminated by, binocular suppression. The distinct effects of binocular suppression on the early and late mechanisms suggest that the two types of surround suppression arise from different neural substrates.  相似文献   

Neither discrete peripheral retinal lesions nor the normal optic disk produces obvious holes in one's percept of the world because the visual brain appears to perceptually "fill in" these blind spots. Where in the visual brain or how this filling in occurs is not well understood. A prevailing hypothesis states that topographic map of visual cortex reorganizes after retinal lesions, which "sews up" the hole in the topographic map representing the deprived area of cortex (cortical scotoma) and may lead to perceptual filling in. Since the map reorganization does not typically occur unless retinotopically matched lesions are made in both eyes, we investigated the conditions in which monocular retinal lesions can induce comparable map reorganization. We found that following monocular retinal lesions, deprived neurons in cat area 17 can acquire new receptive fields if the lesion occurred relatively early in life (8 weeks of age) and the lesioned cats experienced a substantial period of recovery (>3 years). Quantitative determination of the monocular and binocular response properties of reactivated units indicated that responses to the lesioned eye for such neurons were remarkably robust, and that the receptive-field properties for the two eyes were generally similar. Moreover, excitatory or inhibitory binocular interactions were found in the majority of experimental units when the two eyes were activated together. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that map reorganization after monocular retinal lesions require experience-dependent plasticity and may be involved in the perceptual filling in of blind spots due to retinal lesions early in life.  相似文献   

Activation of Group III metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) by L(+)-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (L-AP4) has different effects on in vitro slice preparations of visual cortex (Jin & Daw, 1998) as compared with in vivo recordings from somatosensory cortex (Wan & Cahusac, 1995). To investigate the role of Group III mGluRs in the cat visual cortex, in vivo recordings were made of neurons in area 17 of the visual cortex of kittens and adult cats at different ages and the effect of iontophoretic application of L-AP4 (100 mM) was examined. Application of L-AP4 resulted in an increase of the spontaneous activity and visual response of neurons to visual stimulation, the former more than the latter. The effect of L-AP4 was greatest at 3-5 weeks of age with the effect on the visual response declining more rapidly than the effect on spontaneous activity. Consistent with work in rat cortex (Jin & Daw, 1998), the effect of L-AP4 was significantly greater in upper and lower layers than in middle layers. Whole-cell in vitro recordings from slices of rat visual cortex indicated that L-AP4 (50 mM) did not increase the number of spikes elicited by increasing levels of current injections. These results confirm that L-AP4 increases activity in vivo and reasons for the discrepancy with the in vitro results are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of local preferred directions and motion sensitivities within the receptive fields of so-called tangential neurons in the fly visual system was previously found to match optic flow fields as induced by certain self-motions. The complex receptive-field organization of the tangential neurons and the recent evidence showing that the orderly development of the fly's peripheral visual system depends on visual experience led us to investigate whether or not early visual input is required to establish the functional receptive-field properties of such tangential neurons. In electrophysiological investigations of two identified tangential neurons, it turned out that dark-hatched flies which were kept in complete darkness for 2 days develop basically the same receptive-field organization as flies which were raised under seasonal light/dark conditions and were free to move in their cages. We did not find any evidence that the development of the sophisticated receptive-field organization of tangential neurons depends on sensory experience. Instead, the input to the tangential neurons seems to be "hardwired" and the specificity of these cells to optic flow induced during self-motions of the animal may have evolved on a phylogenetical time scale.  相似文献   

The receptive-field positions and orientation preferences of neurons occupying the same tangential location in visual cortex are thought to be similar but to have an associated random scatter. However, previous estimates of this scatter may have been inflated by the use of subjective plotting methods, sequential recording of single units, and residual eye movements. Here we report measurements of receptive-field position and orientation scatter in cat area 17 made with tetrodes, which were able to simultaneously isolate and record up to 11 nearby neurons (ensembles). We studied 355 units at 72 sites with moving light and dark bars. Receptive-field sizes and positions were estimated by least-squares fitting of Gaussians to response profiles. We found that receptive-field position scatter was about half of the ensemble average receptive-field size. We confirmed previous estimates of orientation scatter, but calculations suggested that much of it may be accounted for by anatomical scatter in the positions of recorded neurons relative to the tetrode in a smooth map. Orientation tuning width was positively correlated with the degree of orientation scatter. Scatter was not independent in the two eyes: deviations from the local mean for both preferred orientation and receptive-field position were correlated although a significant amount of residual inter-ocular orientation and receptive-field position scatter was present. We conclude that cortical maps of orientation and receptive-field position are more ordered than was previously thought, and that random scatter in receptive-field positions makes a relatively small contribution to cortical point image size.  相似文献   

We have studied the postnatal development of presumptive axon terminals (puncta) which were recognized by antibodies to the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and were located on the somata of area 17 neurons projecting to the ipsilateral area 18 of the visual cortex in cats ranging from 7 days of age to adulthood. Projection neurons were retrogradely labeled by injection of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin into the ipsilateral area 18. These neurons were mainly pyramidal in shape at all the developmental stages examined and the adult distribution of labeled cells was reached by 21 days. Subsequent GABA postembedding immunohistochemistry using high-resolution light microscopy was carried out to study the development of GABAergic terminals on cell bodies of identified projecting neurons in layers II-III. At all ages examined, we found perisomatic GABAergic puncta on these cells. Their density showed a significant increase from postnatal days 7 to 45, and then remained largely constant through adulthood. Since GABAergic puncta are considered the light-microscopic correlate of GABAergic synaptic terminals, our results support the idea of a developmentally regulated increase in the inhibitory activity of local interneurons on area 17 pyramidal neurons projecting to area 18 in the cat visual cortex which occurs within the same time frame as that of the acquisition of the mature operation of these cells.  相似文献   

Simultaneous recording in the cat's retina and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) was used to find excitatory inputs to LGN cells. These recordings, correlated with measurements of LGN cell receptive-field properties, suggested new functional subdivisions of LGN cells. Distinctions between lagged and nonlagged cells were described before (Mastronarde, 1987a,b; Mastronarde et al., 1991), classification of nonlagged cells is examined here. The XS-type relay cells described before (Mastronarde, 1987a,b) each had detectable excitatory input from only one retinal X cell. Cells that received significant input from more than one retinal X cell were of three kinds: relay cells with pure X input (XM); relay cells with mixed X and Y input (X/Y); and cells that could not be antidromically activated from visual cortex (XI). In the series of relay cells, XS-XM-X/Y-Y, cells had progressively larger receptive-field centers, lower spatial resolution, and faster and more Y-like responses to various stimuli. XI cells resembled XM and X/Y cells in some respects but tended to have higher maintained firing rates, more sustained responses, and weaker surround suppression of the center response. The distinctness of XS, XM, X/Y, XI, and Y from each other was examined with a modification of discriminant analysis that allowed cells to lack measurements for some parameters. Any given pair of categories could be distinguished reliably with only three parameters, although less so for X/Y-Y. In particular, XI cells were distinguishable from relay cells by properties other than the results of cortical stimulation, thus supporting the identity of XI cells as a separate class of X interneurons. Two discontinuities in the behavior of retinal input suggest that XM cells are a separate class from XS and X/Y cells: (1) LGN X cells received either no detectable input from any of the retinal X cells adjacent to their main input, or an easily detectable amount from several such cells; and (2) cells received either no Y input or a certain minimum amount. No such discontinuity in input underlies the distinction between X/Y and Y cells. LGN Y cells were also heterogeneous. Those with substantial input from more than one retinal Y cell had larger receptive fields and a greater preference for fast-moving stimuli than did Y cells dominated by a single input. Three Y cells could not be antidromically activated. They tended to differ from Y relay cells and resemble X interneurons in several ways.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a series of physiological experiments, a total of 203 neurons at the Area 17/18 border were recorded with a callosal link either demonstrated by antidromic or transsynaptic activation from stimulating electrodes located in the homotopic contralateral hemisphere (CH), or in the splenial segment of the corpus callosum (CC). Forty-four percent of the transcallosal cells could also be driven from stimulating electrodes in or just above the lateral geniculate nucleus (OR1). The majority (69%) of transcallosal neurons were classifiable as belonging to the complex family (B and C cells) and most of these were found in the supragranular laminae and in lamina 4A. The ocular dominance distribution of transcallosal cells was trimodal, consisting of roughly equal numbers of monocularly dominated and binocularly balanced neurons. Estimates of conduction time and synaptic delay were obtained for neurons driven from CH, CC, and from OR1, and in most instances the response latency was short enough to suggest a monosynaptic input from either the ipsi- or contra-lateral hemisphere. The distribution of transcallosal conduction times showed that S cells, as a class, had significantly faster conduction than cells of the complex family but otherwise there was no obvious signs of multimodality in the distribution curve. An analysis of the synaptic delays in transcallosal activation produced a mean of 0.6 to 0.7 ms but some were too short to be consistent with a transsynaptic drive, suggesting that some cells with an antidromic drive may have been included in the transsynaptic category. Results are interpreted in terms of the contribution made by the corpus callosum to stereoscopic vision.  相似文献   

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