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Inhibitory spectrum of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
alpha 2-Plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) has been recently characterized as a fast-reacting inhibitor of plasmin in human plasma and appears to play an important role in the regulation of fibrinolysis in vivo. We have studied the effect of purified alpha 2PI upon various proteases participating in human blood coagulation and kinin generation. At physiological concentration (50 microgram/ml), alpha 2PI inhibited the clot-promoting and prekallikrein-activating activity of Hageman factor fragments, the amidolytic, kininogenase, and clot-promoting activities of plasma kallikrein, and the clot-promoting properties of activated plasma thromboplastin antecedent (PTA, Factor XIa) and thrombin. alpha 2PI had minimal inhibitory effect on surface-bound activated PTA and activated Stuart factor (Factor Xa). alpha 2PI did not inhibit the activity of activated Christmas factor (Factor IXa) or urinary kallikrein. Heparin (1.5-2.0 units/ml) did not enhance the inhibitory function of alpha 2PI. These results suggest that, like other plasma protease inhibitors, alpha 2PI possesses a broad in vitro spectrum of inhibitory properties.  相似文献   

N Aoki  Y Sakata  A Ichinose 《Blood》1983,62(5):1118-1122
The clot formed from the plasma of a patient with congenital deficiency of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor underwent a spontaneous extensive fibrinolysis. Radiolabeled fibrinogen was added to the plasma before clotting, and the whole process of the fibrinolysis was followed by measuring the release of radiolabels. Plasminogen activation was also followed by measuring the amidolytic activity that developed. There was an initial latent period, followed by an exponential increase of fibrinolytic activity. During the latent period, there was little or no release of radiolabels and no development of amidolytic activity. During the latent period, the clot was washed thoroughly to remove unbound proteins from fibrin and was incubated in buffered saline. The washed clot still underwent fibrinolysis, similar to the original plasma clot, suggesting that the plasminogen/plasminogen activators bound to fibrin during the initial latent period are responsible for fibrinolysis. The amount of plasminogen bound to fibrin during the latent period was close to the amount of plasminogen activated during the whole process of fibrinolysis. When the amount of plasminogen bound to fibrin was decreased by epsilon aminocaproic acid, the extent of fibrinolysis was decreased in parallel with the decrease of the amount of the bound plasminogen. This suggests that the amount of plasminogen bound to fibrin is one of the determinants of the rate of the fibrinolytic process.  相似文献   

The site of synthesis of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2-PI), a physiologic inhibitor of plasmin, is not known with certainty. We have studied the production and secretion of alpha 2-PI by three established human liver cell lines derived from hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatoblastoma (Hep G2, Hep 3B, and PLC/PRF/5). As measured by a specific radioimmunoassay, the titer of alpha 2-PI increased in the medium of Hep G2 and Hep 3B cells with time, but no significant amount of alpha 2-PI was found in the medium of PLC/PRF/5. There was no evidence for a significant intracellular pool of this protein. On immunodiffusion against anti-alpha 2-PI serum, alpha 2-PI secreted by Hep G2 (G2 alpha 2-PI) formed a simple precipitin line of complete identity with the alpha 2-PI present in plasma (plasma alpha 2-PI). G2 alpha 2-PI behaved similarly to plasma alpha 2-PI in Sephadex G-150 gel filtration, sucrose density-gradient centrifugation, and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. G2 alpha 2-PI inhibited plasmin activity instantaneously in a functional assay and formed a complex with plasmin demonstrable by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. De novo synthesis of alpha 2-PI was shown by the presence of specific immunoprecipitable radioactivity in the medium after 5 hr of labeling of the cells with [35S]methionine. Analysis of the immunoprecipitates by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a single peak of radioactivity corresponding to Mr 68,000. These results indicate that the liver is a site of alpha 2-PI production.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to discrete regions in alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mimuro  J; Koike  Y; Sumi  Y; Aoki  N 《Blood》1987,69(2):446-453
Three monoclonal antibodies to alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) were characterized. The first, JTPI-1, was directed against the reative site of alpha 2PI and inhibited antiplasmin activity by interfering with the formation of alpha 2PI-plasmin complexes. The avidity of JTPI- 1 to the preformed alpha 2PI-plasmin complex was markedly lower than that to free alpha 2PI, which made this antibody useful for measuring the free alpha 2PI in plasma. The second, JTPI-2, recognized an epitope in the C-terminal fragment of alpha 2PI (11,000 daltons [11 K]) that was cleaved from alpha 2PI by plasmin upon complex formation but remained noncovalently attached to the complex. However, binding of JTPI-2 to alpha 2PI was not inhibited by the C-terminal 26-residue peptide containing the plasminogen-binding site and had no effect on the function of alpha 2PI. These data suggested that JTPI-2 recognized an epitope between the C-terminal 26-residue peptide and the reactive site. The third, JTPI-3, bound the alpha 2PI-plasmin complex (150 K) as well as alpha 2PI. Binding was inhibited by the N-terminal 12-residue peptide of alpha 2PI, but factor XIII-catalyzed cross-linking of alpha 2PI to fibrin was not inhibited by JTPI-3. These results suggested that the antibody recognized an epitope near the N terminus. These three monoclonal antibodies were useful for analyzing the mechanism of interaction between alpha 2PI and plasmin.  相似文献   

O Miura  N Aoki 《Blood》1990,75(5):1092-1096
The elongated mutant of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2 PI) designated as alpha 2 PI-Nara is caused by a frameshift mutation found near the 3' end of the coding region of the alpha 2 PI gene. To elucidate the mechanism by which this molecular abnormality leads to alpha 2 PI deficiency in plasma, we transfected an expression plasmid for alpha 2 PI-Nara into a monkey kidney cell line COS-7 or human hepatoma cell line HepG2 synthesizing alpha 2 PI, and analyzed the secretory process of the expressed alpha 2 PI-Nara by radioimmunoprecipitation followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. The results obtained showed that the recombinant alpha 2 PI-Nara was retained within the cells for prolonged periods as an endoglycosidase H-sensitive precursor form, and only a small portion of the recombinant protein was secreted into the medium as a neuraminidase-sensitive mature form. These results suggest that instead of being secreted from the cells, most of the alpha 2 PI-Nara undergoes degradation within the cells while its transport is retarded in the intracellular secretory pathway; thus, alpha 2 PI-Nara should lead to the alpha 2 PI deficiency primarily by causing a block in the intracellular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Y Sakata  Y Eguchi  J Mimuro  M Matsuda  Y Sumi 《Blood》1989,74(8):2692-2697
A monoclonal antibody (MoAb) to alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor designated JTPI-1 inhibited antiplasmin activity by interfering with formation of alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2-PI)-plasmin complex. With this MoAb, we observed plasma clot lysis in vitro and evaluated the potential of JTPI-1 to serve as a new therapeutic agent for thrombolysis. After adding 125I-labeled fibrinogen to plasma, clots were made by adding thrombin and calcium and were then resuspended in normal plasma containing various concentrations of JTPI-1. The presence of JTPI-1 enhanced release of the soluble 125I-labeled fibrin degradation fragment from the clots in a dose-dependent manner. With tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)-depleted plasma, we showed that induction of clot lysis by JTPI-1 was dependent on fibrin-bound endogenous t-PA. Regulation of fibrinolysis initiated on the fibrin surface by fibrin-bound t-PA and plasminogen is mediated by alpha 2-PI cross-linked to fibrin by activated factor XIII. JTPI-1 bound to this cross-linked alpha 2-PI neutralized its activity and induced partial digestion of fibrin by plasmin. This resulted in additional binding of Glu-plasminogen to fibrin during the incubation. When 1.2 mumol/L JTPI-1 and 5 U/mL exogenous t-PA were present in the suspending plasma, the rate of clot lysis was essentially the same as that induced by 60 U/mL exogenous t-PA alone. These results suggest that JTPI-1 may be useful in reducing the amount of t-PA administered for thrombolytic therapy.  相似文献   

Expression of the alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1PI) gene was studied in human mononuclear cells. Using RNA blot and dot hybridization, alpha 1PI mRNA was detected in human peripheral blood monocytes, bronchoalveolar and breast milk macrophages, but not in B or T lymphocytes. Using incorporation of a radiolabeled amino acid precursor, synthesis and secretion of alpha 1PI were demonstrated in human monocytes and macrophages, but not in lymphocytes. In addition, alpha 1PI was secreted in functionally active form as shown by complexing with serine proteases. Biosynthesis of alpha 1PI by mononuclear phagocytes was greatest during the first 24 hr in culture and progressively decreased over the next 10 days. The reduction in alpha 1PI biosynthesis in vitro involved a mechanism acting at the pretranslational level as alpha 1PI mRNA content also progressively declined over 10 days in culture. The ease of sampling human monocytes and macrophages now permits examination of the biochemical defect in homozygous PiZ and PiS alpha 1PI deficiencies and study of the functional significance of locally produced alpha 1PI in normal tissues and sites of injury or inflammation.  相似文献   

To evaluate the usefulness of antithrombin III (AT III) and alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) in early differential diagnosis of fulminant hepatitis from the severe form of acute hepatitis, the activities of AT III and alpha 2PI were measured in plasma of 15 patients with fulminant hepatitis and 6 patients with severe form of acute hepatitis. The activities of prothrombin time (PT), hepaplastintest (HPT) and thrombotest (TT) were also evaluated. The mean values and the standard errors (SE) for PT, HPT and TT were 21.1 +/- 2.6%, 14.0 +/- 1.6% and 10.3 +/- 1.7%, respectively, in the early stage of fulminant hepatitis and 25.3 +/- 2.4%, 21.6 +/- 4.6% and 15.8 +/- 3.6%, respectively, in the severe form of acute hepatitis. No significant difference in the tests between these two diseases was noted. On the other hand, the mean values +/- SE for AT III and alpha 2PI were 13.7 +/- 4.6% and 25.6 +/- 8.6% in fulminant hepatitis and 70.2 +/- 28.5% and 98.7 +/- 9.7% in the severe form of acute hepatitis. A significant difference between the two diseases was observed. From the above, it is concluded that measuring AT III and alpha 2PI along with PT, HPT and TT is useful for early diagnosis of fulminant hepatitis.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of thrombomodulin and alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor-plasmin complex were measured by ELISA in patients with rheumatic diseases. Thrombomodulin levels in patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were significantly higher than those in patients with inactive SLE or in healthy controls. This suggests that thrombomodulin, normally a component of vascular endothelial cell membrane, is easily released to plasma in patients with active SLE. High titers of the thrombomodulin level and the correlated alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor-plasmin complex elevations imply vascular injury, and consequently, excessive fibrinolytic processes in active SLE.  相似文献   

Plasmin-alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) complex, an indicator of in vivo plasmin generation, was measured in the plasma of 48 patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasmin-alpha 2PI complex was markedly elevated to 7.9 +/- 4.26 mg/liter (mean +/- SD) in DIC at presentation, with normal values at less than 0.8 mg/liter. The concentration of plasmin-alpha 2PI complex changed in parallel with the course of DIC and decreased to 1.9 +/- 1.49 mg/liter (n = 28) in remission. Among various underlying disorders, DIC, in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia, had the highest complex levels (mean 10.8 mg/liter), and septic patients had the lowest levels (mean 3.4 mg/liter). No significant correlation was found between FDP and plasmin-alpha 2PI complex. These results indicate that the quantitative assay of plasmin-alpha 2PI complex in plasma would be valuable in the assessment of hyperfibrinolysis in DIC.  相似文献   

We have used in situ chromosome hybridization and human-mouse somatic cell hybrids to map the gene(s) for human diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI), an endogenous putative modulator of the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor acting at the allosteric regulatory center of this receptor that includes the benzodiazepine recognition site. In 784 chromosome spreads hybridized with human DBI cDNA, the distribution of 1476 labeled sites revealed a significant clustering of autoradiographic grains (11.3% of total label) on the long arm of chromosome 2 (2q). Furthermore, 63.5% of the grains found on 2q were located on 2q12-21, suggesting regional mapping of DBI gene(s) to this segment. Secondary hybridization signals were frequently observed on other chromosomes and they were statistically significant mainly for chromosomes 5, 6, 11, and 14. In addition, DNA from 32 human-mouse cell hybrids was digested with BamHI and probed with human DBI cDNA. A 3.5-kilobase band, which probably represents the human DBI gene, was assigned to chromosome 2. Four higher molecular weight bands, also detected in BamHI digests, could not be unequivocally assigned. A chromosome 2 location was excluded for the 27-, 13-, and 10-kilobase bands. These results assign a human DBI gene to chromosome 2 (2q12-21) and indicate that three of the four homologous sequences detected by the human DBI probe are located on three other chromosomes.  相似文献   

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