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2006年当温总理在政府工作报告中说到"切实解决群众看病难、看病贵的问题"时,赢得了长时间的掌声。这表明"看病难、看病贵"已经成为全社会关注的热点、难点问题。"看病难与看病贵"看似两个问题,实质上是一个问题。究其根源,既有政府卫生体制上的弊端,社会经济发展不平衡、不成熟的原因,也有医疗机构内部管理和服务上存在的问题与诸多无奈。 相似文献
当前医疗卫生体制改革始终涉及三个方面的问题,一是资源,二是公平,三是效率。最理想化的模式是资源充足,保证公平,效率最优。作为政府,主要是在三者之间权衡,寻求一个三者都能兼顾的选择。在具体互作中,既要防止统得过死,使医疗机构变成一潭死水;又要防止放的过宽,使医疗机构成为一盘散沙。 相似文献
在刚刚过去的2007年两会期间,众人翘首期待一年多的医改方案并没有推出。而在今年春节前后,由卫生部和发改委牵头组建的14部委医改协调小组已经委托国内外6大机构分别独立制定一套全面医改方案, 相似文献
医疗卫生领域政府主导的形式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
政府主导作用的有效发挥是医疗卫生体制改革成败的关键。政府主导存在3个层次的含义和两个方面的形式。以卫生体系的分析框架来分析说明政府主导的形式在供给、筹资、制度建设中的分类、分层运用。 相似文献
在2003年抗击SARS期间,问责制开始进入公众视野,到目前,随着依法行政的深入,官员问责已屡址不鲜,“问责”成为大众耳熟能洋的话语。就其适用范围而言,无沦在理论上的探讨还是实践中的操作,问责一般局限于行政官员问责,往往与责任政府、行政惩成、重大事故相联系。 相似文献
关于社区卫生服务"双向转诊"的思考 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
建立社区卫生服务机构和上级医疗机构间规范、完善的双向转诊制度是健全城市卫生服务体系的重要组成部分,是社区卫生服务综合性、连续性的具体体现。建立双向转诊制度对合理利用卫生资源,发挥不同类型医疗卫生机构的功能,降低医药费用,减轻病人负担,推动城镇职工基本医疗保险制 相似文献
8月2日-8月3日,医疗卫生领域最重要的行业盛会,第四届小汤山中国医疗卫生产业发展论坛在北京小汤山温都水城隆重召开。作为迄今为止规格最高、规模最大、参与人数最多的一届,本届论坛吸引了全国近200名医院院长、专家学者和产业代表以及全国人大、国资委、卫生部等部门的政府官员和海内外相关人士与会,引起了众多媒体的高度关注。[编者按] 相似文献
医疗机构的服务宗旨应是救死扶伤,发扬人道主义.而医与患关系的错位,思想观念的落伍,致使医疗机构的改革明显滞后于其他行业.本文对如何调整医患关系作一分析,力图揭示医疗机构改革的迫切性. 相似文献
This study examines the current allocation of medical care expenditures among non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic seniors who are Medicare beneficiaries. Analyses of both "need-based" and "demand-based" perspectives found that white, black, and Hispanic seniors in similar health had similar total annual expenditures for medical care. The groups did, however, differ substantially in the distribution of expenditures between public and private sources of payment. Notably, racial and ethnic differences in public and private expenditures all but vanished when socioeconomic variables and health insurance coverage were included in the analyses. The findings suggest that public sources of payment for medical care services, especially public supplementary coverage have helped to eliminate racial and ethnic gaps in expenditures. 相似文献
根据国务院办公厅转发国务院体改办等8部门《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》,在今年几年内,要在全国范围内对医疗机构实施分类管理,将医疗机构划分为营利性和非营利性两种形式,不同形式的医疗机构实行不同的价格政策,税收政策,这是推进医药卫生体制改革的基本前提和重中之重。如果这项工作能够从居民医疗消费需求和医疗机构现实状况出发,按照党的“十五”大精神和社会主义市场经济要求,充分体现改革意识,将对规范医疗服务市场,改善群众医疗条件起到重要的推动作用。但是,如果把这项工作仅仅当作对医疗机构进行一次普通的分类,那么,整个医疗管理体制改革将流于形式。面对这种情况,笔者结合实际工作,对如何搞好医疗机构分类管理提出以下意见。 相似文献
Objective. To assess the effects of transitions from private to public health insurance by children on out‐of‐pocket medical expenditures and health insurance premium costs. Data Sources. Data are drawn from the 1996 and 2001 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation. We construct a nationally representative, longitudinal sample of children, ages 0–18, and their families for the period 1998–2003, a period in which states raised public health insurance eligibility rates for children. Study Design. We exploit the Survey of Income and Program Participation's longitudinal design to identify children in our sample who transition from private to public health insurance. We then use a bootstrapped instrumental variable approach to estimate the effects of these transitions on out‐of‐pocket expenditures and health insurance premium costs. Principal Findings. Children who transition from private to public coverage are relatively low‐income, are disproportionately likely to live in single‐mother households, and are more likely to be Black or of Hispanic origin. Child health status is highly predictive of transitions. We estimate that these transitions provide a cash‐equivalent transfer of nearly U.S.$1,500 annually for families in the form of reduced out‐of‐pocket and health insurance premium costs. Conclusions. Transitions from private to public health coverage by children can bring important social benefits to vulnerable families. This suggests that instead of being a net societal cost, such transitions may provide an important social benefit. 相似文献
针对不断涌现的医疗机构整合创新现象,通过对6个典型案例的深入剖析,提出了我国医疗机构整合创新的3种典型模式:知识整合型、经营整合型、资产整合型。在分析、总结3种整合创新模式特征的基础上,对我国医疗机构整合创新提出建议。 相似文献
P Wilson 《Health & social work》1978,3(2):14-33
The continuing concern about integration and coordination of health care services can lead to intensive linkages that may have undesirable effects on the participating organizations. A case study of three neighborhood health centers in a large urban area demonstrates the potential stresses such linkages create for personnel. Research and administrative efforts toward mitigating such problems are suggested. 相似文献