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The second exteroceptive suppression (ES2) is assumed to be an indicator of central antinociceptive processing, although some conflicting data have been produced. We examined the impact of experimentally induced psychophysiological conditions on the latency and duration of the ES2. Also, the association to the subjective evaluation of the painful electrical stimulation by which the ES2 is elicited was studied.


ES2 was assessed in 46 healthy volunteers running through four experimentally induced psychophysiological conditions: stress, relaxation, depressed mood, and heterotopic pressure pain. Conditions were presented in a repeated measure design in permuted sequences. Ten stimulation-recording sequences per condition were averaged. ES2 parameters were compared to a baseline condition and correlated to subjective pain perception.


ES2 duration was found to be prolonged and ES2 latency to be shortened under the impact of relaxation and depressed mood. The subjective perception of the painful electrical stimulation was affected by the experimental conditions.


Data lend support to the hypothesis that the repeatedly observed limited stability of ES2 parameters might be caused by the variability of individual psychophysiological states. Against expectation, subjective pain perception is not systematically correlated with ES2 parameters. Thus it can be questioned whether the ES2 is directly associated with pain processing at all.  相似文献   

A psychophysiological study of insomnia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

ObjectiveThe negative impact of caring for a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on parents’ psychophysiological functioning has been widely evidenced. However, siblings, who also face emotional, social and physical challenges associated with having a brother/sister with ASD, have been less widely studied. This study examined the psychophysiological impact of childhood ASD on siblings.MethodsA sample of 25 siblings of children with ASD (and their mothers) and a control group of 20 siblings of neuro-typical children (and their mothers) completed questionnaires assessing: (a) demographic and lifestyle information, (b) family characteristics, (c) child behaviour problems, (d) social support and (e) depressive symptomology. Saliva samples were collected at several time points on two consecutive days, and estimates of the cortisol awakening response (CAR), diurnal cortisol slope and mean diurnal cortisol output were derived.ResultsTotal depressive symptoms were higher in siblings of children with ASD compared with controls. Group differences with respect to depressive symptomology were driven more by emotional than functional problems. With respect to physiological functioning, groups were comparable on all cortisol indices. In siblings of children with ASD, social support, especially from parents and close friends, predicted total depressive symptoms, as did the behaviour problems of their brother/sister with ASD.ConclusionSiblings of children with ASD experience greater emotional problems and overall depressive symptoms compared with a control group. Interventions that enhance social support, as well as helping siblings better understand the behaviour problems of their brother/sister with ASD, might be effective for alleviating depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

It is suggested that Pavlov was not only a famous physiologist, but due to his work on the conditional reflex, he could be considered a behavioral scientist. In addition his work on experimental neurosis gives him the distinction of being a pioneer investigator in the area of psychological stress. Pavlov's research is viewed against a background of primitive research tools and unproductive subjective theories. Nineteenth century scientists who influenced Pavlov included Darwin, Botkin, Heidenhain, Gaskell and Bernard. Pavlov's research on the digestive system emphasized the role of the nervous system, launched the field of gastroenterology, and emphasized the concept of the conditional reflex. Pavlov's conditional reflex formulations were based on the theoretical formulations of Sechenov, and possibly the work of David Hartley. The discovery of secretin, by Bayliss and Starling, and its influence on the stomach led Pavlov to diminish his work on the digestive system and to focus his research on the conditional reflex phenomenon. Arguments which suggest that Pavlov worked as a behavioral scientist include his conceptual formulations, his research on traditional psychological topics and his investigation of psychiatric disorders. His conditioning research emphasized the individual differences of his animal subjects which led to his research on typology and experimental neurosis which formed the basis for his work on environmental stressors and psychopathology.  相似文献   

A psychophysiological study of multiple tics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的 探讨盐酸丁咯地尔对面神经损害的保护作用。方法 对 2 7例Bell麻痹患者进行随机分组 ,采用面神经传导速度和面神经功能恢复程度作为观察指标 ,观察盐酸丁咯地尔对面神经的保护作用。结果 盐酸丁咯地尔治疗组在治疗后 30d面神经传导速度恢复明显优于对照组 (P <0 0 1) ;面神经功能恢复程度在治疗后 30d治疗组优于对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;治疗后 6 0d治疗组恢复程度则显著优于对照组 (P <0 0 1)。结论 盐酸丁咯地尔对面神经损害具有保护作用。  相似文献   

In 1984 Putnam reviewed the literature on the psychophysiological investigation of multiple personality disorder (MPD). Since his review, a large number of studies have been conducted and reported in the literature and at professional conferences. Currently, psychophysiologic differences reported in the literature include changes in cerebral electrical activity, cerebral blood flow, galvanic skin response, skin temperature, event-related potentials, neuroendocrine profiles, thyroid function, response to medication, perception, visual functioning, visual evoked potentials, and in voice, posture, and motor behavior. We review the new research on the psychophysiological investigation of MPD from published, unpublished, and ongoing studies, and we attempt to place current findings into a conceptual framework. We have noted findings from unpublished and ongoing studies, and, perhaps unfortunately, they represent a large amount of the data presently available. We conclude with a critical analysis of current research methodology and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Whiplash patients often have physical, psychosomatic and cognitive complaints, although clear neurological and neuropsychological signs of damage are absent. However, in some studies a functional loss of attention was found. In order to compare attentional dysfunctions in whiplash patients with age-matched controls, attention was measured neuropsychologically with the aid of the PASAT, and psychophysiologically with the aid of the prepulse inhibition paradigm. In addition, the reactivity for intense acoustic stimulation was investigated. The POMS and the SCL-90 were used to evaluate psychological and somatic signs. The results showed that whiplash patients ( n =24) had lower scores on the PASAT and higher scores on the questionnaires compared to healthy controls ( n =21). However, no group differences could be determined on the psychophysiological variables. Furthermore, the PASAT and prepulse inhibition data did not correlate. The lower PASAT scores indicate that whiplash patients seem to have deteriorated divided attention, but an attention deficit as measured with the prepulse inhibition paradigm is not disclosed. Finally, there were no signs of a heightened reactivity of the auditory system, which casts doubts on a presumed heightened sensitivity for sound in whiplash patients.  相似文献   

Summary Proceeding from a theoretical conception, it was attempted to classify intuitively—on the basis of skin resistance level (SRL) and skin resistance reaction (SRR)—depressive and depressive-anxious patients into four psychophysiological types. This was done in different settings of psychophysiological tests which measured activation or inhibition of the phasic activation system and lability or stability of the tonic activation system.In a sample of 232 psychophysiological first examinations which permitted the rating of orientation reaction, habituation, and conditioning, scales for 18 variables were developed through factor analysis, which made it possible to define scores for each patient's degree of activation or lability.Two methods for describing and measuring changes in the variables of SRL and SRR are presented.There is a positive correlation between the changes of activation and self-rating in a follow-up study on depressive patients who were reexamined one year after admission. After four weeks of application, Amitriptylin significantly improved the subjective feelings of depressive patients and also significantly lowered activation in these patients. The hierarchical grouping in which patients are automatically divided into dimensional types according to their factor scores confirms empirically our conception of four psychophysiological types.  相似文献   



A sleep spindle is an electroencephalographic feature that is unique to sleep. It has been suggested that this phasic event has a sleep-protective function. The objective of the present study was to document one aspect of sleep protection in chronic insomnia sufferers: the number and density of sleep spindles in Stage 2 sleep.


Sleep spindles were scored during Stage 2 sleep on the second and third nights of a protocol of polysomnographic recordings that lasted for four consecutive nights. The sample included 16 participants suffering from insomnia (INS group; mean age=43.4 years) and 14 good sleepers (GS group; mean age=38.1 years). Participants underwent sleep and psychological evaluations. The INS group participants met the diagnostic criteria for primary psychophysiological insomnia (mean duration of insomnia=9.6 years).


The total number of sleep spindles in Stage 2 sleep and the density (sleep spindles per minute) according to the total time spent in Stage 2 sleep were compiled. Repeated-measures analyses of variance showed no significant difference in the number and in the density of sleep spindles between the INS group (68.46 and 0.60, respectively) and the GS group (56.28 and 0.46, respectively).


These results suggest no deficiency in the sleep-protection mechanism of psychophysiological insomnia sufferers in comparison with good sleeper controls, as measured by the number and density of sleep spindles.  相似文献   



Spontaneous K-complexes are electroencephalographic features unique to non-rapid eye movement sleep. It has been suggested that this phasic event is a sleep-protective mechanism. Because insomnia sufferers report poor sleep quantity and quality, the objective of this study was to document the occurrence of spontaneous K-complexes in Stage 2 sleep of individuals with chronic insomnia. Specifically, the number and density of spontaneous K-complexes were studied in psychophysiological insomnia sufferers.


This study took place in a sleep and event-related potentials laboratory.


Spontaneous K-complexes were scored during Stage 2 sleep on the second and third nights of a four-consecutive-nights protocol of polysomnographic recordings.


The sample included 14 participants suffering from psychophysiological insomnia (INS group; mean age=44.1 years) and 14 good sleepers (mean age=38.1 years). Participants underwent sleep and psychological evaluations. INS group participants met the diagnostic criteria for primary psychophysiological insomnia (mean duration of insomnia=9.6 years).


Not applicable.


The total number of spontaneous K-complexes and the density according to the total time spent in Stage 2 sleep (spontaneous K-complexes per minute) were compiled. Repeated-measures analyses of variance showed no significant difference in the number and density of spontaneous K-complexes between the INS group (313.98 and 2.66) and the GS group (361.10 and 2.88), respectively.


These results suggest no deficiency in the sleep-protective mechanism of psychophysiological insomnia sufferers in comparison with good sleepers, as measured by the spontaneous K-complexes' number and density.  相似文献   

Empathy: towards a psychophysiological definition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This study reports the effects of peripubertal GnRH receptor inactivation on development of psychophysiological motoric reactivity (PMR; sometimes also called emotional reactivity), plasma cortisol concentrations and the relationship between plasma cortisol and PMR in male and female sheep. The study formed part of a larger trial and utilised 46 same sex twins. One twin remained untreated (control) while the other received a subcutaneous GnRH agonist (GnRHa Goserelin-Acetate) implant every 4th week, beginning at 8 and 28 weeks of age, in males and females, respectively (different, due to sex specific age of puberty). PMR, a measure of an animals' response to social isolation, was measured over a two minute period at 8, 28 and 48 weeks of age, using a three axis accelerometer. During the test period vocalisation rate was recorded. Cortisol was assayed in blood samples collected on a single day when animals were 40 weeks of age. PMR and vocalisation rate were significantly higher in females than males at all ages tested. At 28 weeks of age (20 weeks treatment) PMR was increased in treated males to the level seen in control females, by 48 weeks of age treated males' PMR was significantly less than controls. In females, 20 weeks of GnRHa treatment (28-48 weeks of age) was not associated with differences in PMR. Cortisol concentrations were significantly higher in females than males but were not affected by treatment. Plasma cortisol concentrations were positively correlated with PMR; this relationship being driven by the treated animals in both sexes. The results demonstrate that PMR is sexually dimorphic and cortisol dependent in sheep from at least 8 weeks of age. Importantly, they also demonstrate that long-term treatment of males with a GnRH agonist results in changes in age-dependent development of PMR.  相似文献   

The effect of imagery perspectives, i.e. internal imagery vs. external imagery, on the psychophysiological responses to imagined exercise was investigated in the present study. Thirty male and female college students were randomly assigned to perform either internal imagery, external imagery or simple rest in addition to actual exercise. Metabolic, cardiovascular and perceptual responses were recorded before, during and after imagined exercise, actual exercise and rest. The results indicated that internal imagery resulted in a significant increase in ventilation and this response differed from the control condition. Effort sense was higher with internal imagery compared with external imagery. However, both internal and external imagery produced significant elevations in systolic blood pressure (SBP) from pre- to post-imagery, and these values were identical to those observed with actual exercise. Therefore, some responses to imagery were like those seen during actual exercise. Oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory rate (RR), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were similar between internal and external imagery. It is concluded that the psychophysiological responses to internal imagery resemble actual exercise more than external imagery.  相似文献   

The function of the current study was to examine the psychophysiological responses and response stereotypy of three groups of subjects—migraine headache, muscle-contraction headache, low frequency headache controls—during rest, stress and post-stress adaptation periods. Each subject was interviewed and then exposed to several experimental conditions: a 15-minute rest condition, two stressors (cognitive and physical), and a post-stress adaptation period following each stressor. Dependent measures included frontal electromyogram (EMG), forearm EMG, earlobe blood volume pulse amplitude and heart rate. The results of this study were consistent with some previous research in finding no differences in EMG levels between muscle-contraction and control subjects, a significantly greater activation in cardiovascular measures for migraine subjects, and evidence for response stereotypy in the migraine headache group.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of transactional psychophysiological therapy (TPT) in a patient with recurrent vasovagal syncope (VVS) and to quantify the capacity of human dialogue to effect significant and consistent measurable therapeutic cardiovascular (CV) changes. A 31-year-old nurse with recurrent VVS and a reproducibly abnormal tilt-table test was refractory to pharmacological and conventional psychiatric treatments. She was treated with TPT. Her CV responses during psychotherapy were incorporated into the dialogue as an important source of communicative information, and she was taught psychophysiological techniques to correct exaggerated CV responses. These responses, during 16 weekly and 12 subsequent monthly sessions, were analysed using a one-way multiple analysis of variance. As TPT progressed, the magnitude and lability of CV responses as well as frequency of VVS were reduced. She has been relatively asymptomatic for 14 years post-therapy. In conclusion, (1) TPT may be an effective primary/adjunctive treatment for patients with VVS; (2) TPT may reduce syncopal episodes, perhaps by normalizing limbic input to the brainstem baroreflex system.  相似文献   

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