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Health care social policy in Singapore has passed the burden of care to the individual and the family on the rationale that it would enable the state to contain the costs of long-term care by channelling some of its funds to community services and to providing essential health services to all Singaporeans and not just the older group. While a wide array of services has come into existence, there is a lack of integration between the available resources and needs of the individual/family and what has been availed at the community and state levels. Part of the problem lies in the stringent criteria to which the state allows subsidies to be used; the lack of understanding with regard to the profile of users of services; and the case manager approach in offering services. Mapping health care has proven more difficult than anticipated because ageing is a diverse experience, varying by gender, race, income, religion and intergenerational relationships. A social policy does not apply to a 'universal citizen' and services that exist in the public sphere should not exist as merely commodified services which require a great deal of institutional processing.  相似文献   

Maternal mortality and morbidity are community diseases which need to be addressed mainly at the community level. As was noted in the 1988 World Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, obstetricians and gynecologists have a social responsibility to promote women's health, with the 1st step being prevention of mortality and morbidity. 2 important facets of prevention are good family planning education and services to prevent high-risk pregnancies and adequate obstetric care. The General Assembly of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, which preceded the Congress, urged governments to ensure adequate nutrition, education and health care for girls; support to family planning within the context of maternal and child health; and expansion of the coverage and improvement of the quality of maternity services. The General Assembly requested its member associations: 1) to advocate and support promotion of women's health and social status and to support governments in establishing national committees involving all relevant sectors of society; 2) to support governments in their efforts to rationalize the allocation of resources to provide essential care for every woman; 3) to provide governments with the necessary technical support in their efforts to expand the availability of essential elements of obstetric care and the necessary technologies associated with them; 4) to promote and support the involvement of obstetricians in action-oriented research aimed at developing and testing innovative approaches to the delivery of maternity care services, including their cost effectiveness; and 5) to act as the focal point for rallying other professional associations and non-governmental organizations, and to collaborate with women's groups for the cause of safe motherhood and improving the health of women in general.  相似文献   

Since the Cranbrook Report in 1959 there has been a steady increase in the proportion of institutional confinements in England and Wales and a steady decrease in perinatal mortality. This association should not be regarded as evidence of cause and effect nor as justification for continuing the Cranbrook policies for the provision of maternity care throughout the 1970s. Due weight must be given to other factors, including improvements in the general health and education of the population and advances in standards of medical care affecting all parts of the maternity services. The present study examines current performance of a local maternity care system and analyzes some 3700 confinements which took place in a Health Care District (formerly a Hospital Management Committee area) in South West England during 1970. The local resources consisted of a consultant obstetric unit, a Special Care Baby Unit, five general practitioner units and the associated medical and nursing staff, and two Local Authority domiciliary midwife services. An expectant mother may call upon a variety of resources in pregnancy, during delivery, and in the puerperium. The concept is developed of the "stream" of care received by the mother and the case histories are analyzed in these terms. The deliveries are classified in terms of nonintervention and intervention at delivery. Perinatal mortality is not in itself an adequate measure of the overall performance of a local maternity care system so other performance indices are used. These are based upon the extent to which the resources available diverge between booking and actual usage. Results obtained indicate that existing policies may be less than optimal and alternatives ought to be considered.  相似文献   



There is considerable discussion surrounding whether advanced hospitals provide better childbirth care than local community hospitals. This study examines the effect of shifting childbirth services from advanced hospitals (i.e., medical centers and regional hospitals) to local community hospitals (i.e., clinics and district hospitals). The sample population was tracked over a seven-year period, which includes the four months of the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Taiwan. During the SARS epidemic, pregnant women avoided using maternity services in advanced hospitals. Concerns have been raised about maintaining the quality of maternity care with increased demands on childbirth services in local community hospitals. In this study, we analyzed the impact of shifting maternity services among hospitals of different levels on neonatal mortality and maternal deaths.  相似文献   

Poor access to and use of skilled delivery services have been identified as a major contributory factor to poor maternal and newborn health in sub‐Saharan African countries, including Ghana. However, many previous studies that examine norms of childbirth and care‐seeking behaviours have focused on identifying the norms of non‐use of services, rather than factors, that can promote service use. Based on primary qualitative research with a total of 185 expectant and lactating mothers, and 20 healthcare providers in six communities in Ghana, this paper reports on strategies that can be used to overcome health system barriers to the use of skilled delivery services. The strategies identified include expansion and redistribution of existing maternal health resources and infrastructure, training of more skilled maternity caregivers, instituting special programmes to target women most in need, improving the quality of maternity care services provided, improving doctor–patient relationships in maternity wards, promotion of choice, protecting privacy and patient dignity in maternity wards and building partnerships with traditional birth attendants and other non‐state actors. The findings suggest the need for structural changes to maternity clinics and routine nursing practices, including an emphasis on those doctor–patient relational practices that positively influence women's healthcare‐seeking behaviours. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Objectives. (1) To determine the proportion of maternity care providers who continue to deliver babies in Oregon; (2) to determine the important factors relating to the decision to discontinue maternity care services; and (3) to examine how the rural liability subsidy is affecting rural maternity care providers' ability to provide maternity care services.
Study Design. We surveyed all obstetrical care providers in Oregon in 2002 and 2006. Survey data, supplemented with state administrative data, were analyzed for changes in provision of maternity care, reasons for stopping maternity care, and effect of the malpractice premium subsidy on practice.
Principal Findings. Only 36.6% of responding clinicians qualified to deliver babies were actually providing maternity care in Oregon in 2006, significantly lower than the proportion (47.8%) found in 2002. Cost of malpractice premiums remains the most frequently cited reason for stopping maternity care, followed by lifestyle issues. Receipt of the malpractice subsidy was not associated with continuing any maternity services.
Conclusions. Oregon continues to lose maternity care providers. A state program subsidizing the liability premiums of rural maternity care providers does not appear effective at keeping rural providers delivering babies. Other policies to encourage continuation of maternity care need to be considered.  相似文献   

Evidence-based medicine is an important tool for improving the quality of maternity care. However, getting providers to change their practices may not be an easy or rapid process, and other factors, in addition to knowledge of the literature, may be important. This study documents the current state of obstetric practices at three maternity hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey, and identifies attitudes, social pressures, and perceptions that, according to the theory of planned behavior, may pose challenges for adoption of evidence-based practices. Data were collected through interviews with administrators, examination of hospital statistics, provider and client interviews, and structured observations of maternity care. Practices that did not follow current guidelines included routine episiotomy, not allowing companionship during labor, use of procedures to speed up labor without indications, routine enema, restriction of mobility, restriction of oral fluids, supine position for delivery, and non-use of active management of the third stage of labor. The findings indicate that providers had negative attitudes about some recommended practices, while they had positive attitudes towards some ineffective and/or harmful practices. We identified social pressure to comply with practices recommended by supervisors and peers, as well as the belief that limited resources affect maternity care providers, opportunities to perform evidence-based procedures. An underlying problem was the failure to involve women in decision-making regarding their own maternity care. In addition to informing providers about the evidence, it seems necessary to develop standard protocols, improve physical conditions, and implement behavior interventions that take into account provider attitudes, social pressures, and beliefs.  相似文献   

Drawing women into prenatal care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Participation in prenatal care services in the United States is low relative to that in many other developed countries, and rates of use are declining among some high risk groups. In 1986, 18 percent of all U.S. infants were born to women who delayed care until the second trimester of pregnancy; four percent, to women who initiated care in the third trimester; and about two percent, to women who obtained no prenatal care at all. Among the major barriers to prenatal care are inadequate insurance coverage, limitations in the Medicaid program, inadequate capacity in the maternity care system, lack of coordination between health and social services for low-income women and inhospitable conditions at some sites where prenatal care is delivered. The personal beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, fears and lifestyles of some pregnant women also constitute obstacles to care. For example, having an unwanted pregnancy, attaching little value to prenatal care and having a tenuous connection to the health care system in general are important predictors of insufficient care. Encouraging universal participation in prenatal care will require a major overhaul of the maternity care system. However, while consensus for fundamental reform builds, several immediate steps should be taken--such as reducing financial barriers to care; expanding the capacity of the maternity care system; improving the policies and practices that shape prenatal services at the site where they are delivered; and increasing public information.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe present liability system is not serving well childbearing women and newborns, maternity care clinicians, or those who pay for maternity care. Examination of evidence about the impact of this system on maternity care led us to identify seven aims for a high-functioning liability system in this clinical context. Herein, we identify policy strategies that are unlikely to meet the proposed criteria and contribute to needed improvements. A companion paper considers more promising strategies.MethodsWe considered whether 25 strategies that have been used or proposed for improvement have met or could meet the seven aims. We used a best available evidence approach and drew on more recent empirical legal studies and health services research about maternity care and liability, when available, and considered other studies when unavailable.FindingsFifteen strategies seem to have little potential to improve liability matters in maternity care. Despite support for capping non-economic damages, a series of studies has found a modest impact at best on maternity care. Maternity-specific studies also do not lend support to tort reforms collectively and several other specific tort reforms. Some tort alternative and liability insurance reform strategies have narrow aims and are not policy priorities.ConclusionsCaps on non-economic damages and other tort reforms have narrow aims and have been marginally effective at best in the context of maternity care. Several other possible reforms similarly are not promising. Continued focus on these strategies is unlikely to result in the high-performing liability system that maternity care stakeholders need.  相似文献   

This paper is interested in the issue of community participation and empowerment in health care provision and decision-making. In Canada, the present scope for public involvement in planning or managing the state's health and social services system is limited. This poses a particular problem for rural communities--places where the provision of health care services has historically been limited when compared to urban locations. These rural communities are now facing a double burden as public policy moves increasingly towards a retrenchment of the welfare state. This paper examines one rural community's response to this double burden. The village of Elgin in rural Ontario recently established Guthrie House, a community-based resource center for health and wellness services. Community participation in this case involved a level of control whereby local citizens together defined the health and social care services that they saw as best meeting the needs of their community. This form of community participation is considerably different from the forms of public involvement in the established medical system and represents a critical link to 'empowering' the local community as partners in health care. Through an examination of Guthrie House, the paper presents a review of some critical 'characteristics' which mark successful community self-help organizations and concludes with a discussion of the policy implications for greater community participation. It is argued that such community participation in health care is a policy option which government should be paying particular attention to in these times of fiscal constraint, increasing health care needs and increasing consumer dissatisfaction with government service provision mechanisms.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes migrant access to health care by comparing hospitalizations of native and immigrant population with respect the Tuscany Region (Italy). In the analyses, a critical gap both for legal and undocumented migrant population is highlighted. Indeed, we found some key differences between the migrant and native populations related to the use of specific hospital services in Tuscany and, indirectly, of community and primary care services. Moreover, especially for undocumented migrants, hospitals seem to be the only point of access to the health‐care system for migrant populations. The results suggest that the Italian health‐care system is unable to ensure an equitable access to health services. In this context, maternity care could be a key point of access to the welfare system that allows participation in the health system not only for mothers but also for all migrant family members.  相似文献   

Providing quality maternity care within the emergency care packages for internally displaced populations in war-affected areas is somewhat challenging, although very essential. In this retrospective study, we describe the experiences and health care seeking behaviors of 1,015 pregnant and postpartum women during the 2006 war in Lebanon. Women reported interruptions in regular maternity care and experienced more complications during this period. Availability of health services and experiences of complications were the most important determinants of health care seeking behaviors. Maternal health services should be a part of any comprehensive emergency responsiveness plan, catering to women's needs in war-affected areas.  相似文献   

An operation research (OR) procedure on maternal mortality from puerperal sepsis was carried out in Irepodun Local Government Area of Kwara State of Nigeria. The study involved ten focus groups discussion (FGD) in two districts of the Local Government Area. The findings were analysed from three broad perspectives, that is, consumers' views, providers' views and community decision takers' views. In general, the analysis revealed that the community knowledge of puerperal sepsis is poor. In addition, limited access and prohibitive cost of orthodox health care services prevented the community from full utilization of the few available health care centres in the community. The study also revealed that there is urgent need to introduce three key interventions for an improved maternity care in the community. These interventions are community health education, health institutions development and community participation in provision of ancillary services such as transportation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Care coordination is an important component of the enhanced prenatal care services provided under the recent expansions of the Medicaid program. The effect of maternity care coordination services on birth outcomes in North Carolina was assessed by comparing women on Medicaid who did and did not receive these services. METHODS. Health program data files, including Medicaid claims paid for maternity care coordination, were linked to 1988 and 1989 live birth certificates. Simple comparisons of percentages and rates were supplemented by a logistic regression analysis. RESULTS. Among women on Medicaid who did not receive maternity care coordination services, the low birth weight rate was 21% higher, the very low birth weight rate was 62% higher, and the infant mortality rate was 23% higher than among women on Medicaid who did receive such services. It was estimated that, for each $1.00 spent on maternity care coordination, Medicaid saved $2.02 in medical costs for newborns up to 60 days of age. Among the women who did receive maternity care coordination, those receiving it for 3 or more months had better outcomes than those receiving it for less than 3 months. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that maternity care coordination can be effective in reducing low birth weight, infant mortality, and newborn medical care costs among babies born to women in poverty.  相似文献   

质量是社区卫生服务工作的生命。通过对湖南省某市社区卫生服务工作质量进行评估,发现城市社区卫生服务在加速发展的同时,存在机构设置规划不科学,经费拨付依据不充分,基本医疗服务不规范且费用偏高,基本药物制度试点效果不明显,部分机构服务质量低、态度差等问题。提出进一步完善社区卫生服务工作绩效考核指标和考核方法,实施公立医院“名医进社区”工程,全方位监管以有效规避社区卫生服务工作的道德风险,是提高社区卫生服务工作质量的必由之路。  相似文献   

Analysis of the current organization and delivery of maternity care in Jamaica profits not only from an assessment of recent health issues but from consideration of the development of maternity services over the past century. Historical analysis indicates that a critical element in public health policy has been the effort to encourage use of biomedical obstetrical care and to eliminate the lay midwife. However, while women increasingly patronize hospitals, the delivery of services has deteriorated, resulting in widespread client dissatisfaction. Economic contingencies have contributed to the decline in maternity services, but health personnel manifest the ideology prevalent throughout the colonial era equating social irresponsibility with health complications. The cultural construction of illegitimacy and maternity is shown to be a dimension of class relations having an impact on health policy throughout Jamaica's history.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals for maternal health has been slow, and accelerated progress in scaling up professional delivery care is needed. This paper describes poor-rich inequalities in the use of maternity care and seeks to understand these inequalities through comparisons with other types of health care. METHODS: Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from 45 developing countries were used to describe poor-rich inequalities by wealth quintiles in maternity care (professional delivery care and antenatal care), full childhood immunization coverage and medical treatment for diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections (ARI). FINDINGS: Poor-rich inequalities in maternity care in general, and professional delivery care in particular, are much greater than those in immunization coverage or treatment for childhood illnesses. Public-sector inequalities make up a major part of the poor-rich inequalities in professional delivery attendance. Even delivery care provided by nurses and midwives favours the rich in most countries. Although poor-rich inequalities within both rural and urban areas are large, most births without professional delivery care occur among the rural poor. CONCLUSION: Poor-rich inequalities in professional delivery care are much larger than those in the other forms of care. Reducing poor-rich inequalities in professional delivery care is essential to achieving the MDGs for maternal health. The greatest improvements in professional delivery care can be made by increasing coverage among the rural poor. Problems with availability, accessibility and affordability, as well as the nature of the services and demand factors, appear to contribute to the larger poor-rich inequalities in delivery care. A concerted effort of equity-oriented policy and research is needed to address the huge poor-rich inequalities in maternity care.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe present liability system is not serving well childbearing women and newborns, maternity care clinicians, or maternity care payers. Examination of evidence about the impact of this system on maternity care led us to identify seven aims for a high-functioning liability system in this clinical context. Herein, we identify policy strategies that are most likely to meet these aims and contribute to needed improvements. A companion paper considers strategies that hold little promise.MethodsWe considered whether 25 strategies that have been used or proposed for improvement have met or could meet the seven aims. We used a best available evidence approach and drew on more recent empirical legal studies and health services research about maternity care and liability when available, and considered other studies when unavailable.FindingsTen strategies seem to have potential to improve liability matters in maternity care across multiple aims. The most promising strategy—implementing rigorous maternity care quality improvement (QI) programs—has led to better quality and outcomes of care, and impressive declines in liability claims, payouts, and premium levels.ConclusionsA number of promising strategies warrant demonstration and evaluation at the level of states, health systems, or other appropriate entities. Rigorous QI programs have a growing track record of contributing to diverse aims of a high-functioning liability system and seem to be a win–win–win prevention strategy for childbearing families, maternity care providers, and payers. Effective strategies are also needed to assist families when women and newborns are injured.  相似文献   

This article reports a study of the maternity care experiences of Somali refugee women in an area of west London. This small case study formed a discrete part of a wider study of women's responses to two systems of maternity care. Qualitative research methods involving semi-structured interviews and focus groups were used. Interviews were carried out with Somali women who had recent experience of the maternity services, with health professionals who had contact with Somali women in their work, and with a Trust employee involved in the provision of language support. The findings confirmed much of the available research evidence on other ethnic minorities' contacts with the maternity services. Many of these women are not gaining equal access to maternity services due to inadequate provision of interpreting services, stereotyping and racism from health service staff, and a lack of understanding from staff of cultural differences. A further issue found to affect the Somali women was poor management of female genital mutilation (FGM) in pregnancy and labour. This article focuses particularly on communication and language support as language was found to be the single most important issue for the Somali women in their contacts with the maternity services, with communication difficulties having negative implications for all aspects of their care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect that a training intervention for traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in Guatemala had on the detection of obstetric complications, the referral of patients with complications to the formal health care system, and, ultimately, those patients' utilization of essential obstetric care services. METHODS: Using a quasi-experimental design, a surveillance system of births was implemented to collect population-based information from 3,518 women between 1990 and 1993. All women were interviewed postpartum by physicians. There were three key independent variables in our study: 1) geographical area (intervention community and non-intervention community), 2) time in relation to the training intervention (before or after), and 3) presence or absence of a TBA at the time of the complication. The key dependent variables for women interviewed were 1) development of an obstetric complication, 2) detection of the problem by the TBA, 3) referral to a health facility, 4) compliance with referral, and 5) use of services. RESULTS: The incidence of postpartum complications decreased after the intervention, controlling for intervention community. On the other hand, after the intervention TBAs were less likely to recognize most maternal complications, and referral rates did not increase significantly. The likelihood of using health care services increased six-fold among women who were not attended by TBAs, and no increase was observed among those who were attended by TBAs. CONCLUSION: Training TBAs may have had a positive effect on the rate, detection, and referral of postpartum complications. However, the evidence is less convincing for overall increases in the detection of complications, in referral to the formal health care system, and in the utilization of essential obstetric services among women attended by TBAs.  相似文献   

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