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The Medicare home health interim payment system (IPS) implemented in fiscal year 1998 provided very strong incentives for home health agencies (HHAs) to reduce the number of visits provided to each Medicare user and to avoid those beneficiaries whose Medicare plan of care was likely to exceed the average beneficiary cost limit. We analyzed multiple years of data from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) to examine how the IPS affected subgroups of the Medicare population by health and socioeconomic characteristics. We found that the IPS strongly reduced overall utilization, but that few subgroups were disproportionately affected.  相似文献   

Medicare continues to implement payment reforms that shift reimbursement from fee-for-service toward episode-based payment, affecting average and marginal payment. We contrast the effects of two reforms for home health agencies. The home health interim payment system in 1997 lowered both types of payment; our conceptual model predicts a decline in the likelihood of use and costs, both of which we find. The home health prospective payment system in 2000 raised average but lowered marginal payment with theoretically ambiguous effects; we find a modest increase in use and costs. We find little substantive effect of either policy on readmissions or mortality.  相似文献   

Rapid increases in the size and costs of the home health market, unknown impacts of Medicare's DRG hospital reimbursement on the posthospital market, and general lack of knowledge about factors that explain interstate variation in home health utilization all suggest the importance of developing and testing models of Medicare home health use. This article proposes and tests a model of state home health utilization as a function of the nursing home market. This model proposes that home health utilization is a function of nursing home bed capacity, of the utilization of nursing home beds by Medicaid patients, of other demand factors, and of supply factors. This model is supported by the data. Specifically, Medicare home health use in the 1978-1984 period was found to be negatively related to nursing home bed stock, positively related to Medicaid nursing home utilization, and related to several other supply and demand factors, as hypothesized by the model. The further model assumption that home health utilization does not affect the nursing home market could not be tested in this analysis, but will be addressed in future research by the authors.  相似文献   

Using data from the 1996 and 2000 National Home and Hospice Care Surveys (N = 2,455), we examined length of use in home care among patients with Medicare-only payment source before and during the Medicare interim payment system (IPS). Logistic regression analyses revealed that patients were 2.9 times more likely to be discharged within 60 days during IPS than before IPS. The impact of Medicare IPS on length of use in home care among patients with Medicare only was stronger than what the existing literature indicates, which combines Medicare patients with multiple payment sources and patients with Medicare-only together.  相似文献   

The Medicare home health care eligibility changes, which occurred during the 1980s, were designed to make home health care more accessible to older adults. Ideally, by the 1990s, older adults in need of home health care services should no longer have encountered barriers to accessing this benefit. Therefore, an individual's need for home health care services should have been the primary determinant of service utilization. This paper examined whether need was predictive of home health care use. Client-level data on the case mix of home health care agencies in San Francisco and Philadelphia, as well as agency administrator interview data, were analyzed to determine which characteristics were the best predictors of home health care use. The regression analyses results revealed that, although client characteristics were important predictors of the amount and type of home health care services received during an episode of care, client characteristics alone did not adequately predict the amount and type of home health care services received by older adults.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of Medicare's Prospective Payment System (PPS) for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and associated rate changes on quality of care as represented by staffing ratios and regulatory deficiencies. DATA SOURCES: Online Survey, Certification and Reporting (OSCAR) data from 1996-2000 were linked with Area Resource File (ARF) and Medicare Cost Report data to form a panel dataset. STUDY DESIGN: A difference-in-differences model was used to assess effects of the PPS and the BBRA (Balanced Budget Refinement Act) on staffing and deficiencies, a design that allows the separation of the effects of the policies from general trends. Ordinary least squares and negative binomial models were used. DATA COLLECTION METHODS: The OSCAR and Medicare Cost Report data are self-reported by nursing facilities; ARF data are publicly available. Data were linked by provider ID and county. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find that professional staffing decreased and regulatory deficiencies increased with PPS, and that both effects were mitigated with the BBRA rate increases. The effects appear to increase with the percent of Medicare residents in the facility except, in some cases, at the highest percentage of Medicare. The findings on staffing are statistically significant. The effects on deficiencies, though exhibiting consistent signs and magnitudes with the staffing results, are largely insignificant. CONCLUSIONS: Medicare's PPS system and associated rate cuts for SNFs have had a negative effect on staffing and regulatory compliance. Further research is necessary to determine whether these changes are associated with worse outcomes. Findings from this investigation could help guide policy modifications that support the provision of quality nursing home care.  相似文献   

The Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 included major changes to Medicare's home health benefit designed to control spending and promote efficient delivery of services. Using national data from Medicare home health claims, this study finds the initial effect of the BBA was to steeply reduce use of the home health benefit and intensify its focus on post-acute skilled nursing and therapy services. The striking responsiveness of home health agencies (HHAs) to altered financial incentives suggests that we may again see large shifts in patterns of care under the new incentives of Medicare's prospective payment system (PPS) for home health.  相似文献   

This article describes the Medicare home health benefit and summarizes growth and change in the use of the benefit and in the industry providing home health care. The article also details the organization and goals of the Home Health Initiative, describes its four key components--quality assurance (QA), administration, policy, and research-and concludes with a discussion of the status of the Initiative.  相似文献   

为了解权力下放过程中人事制度改革措施对中国农村卫生人力的影响,采用定性与定量相结合的方法在福建省某地区的两个县开展研究。结果发现:人事制度改革政策有利于扩大医院及院长的自主权,但许多改革措施难以贯彻落实;卫生人员的录用机制有所改善,但人员调动及解聘仍存在障碍,且人才流失难以遏制,权力下放政策实施后,卫生人力的数量,素质,结构有所改善。  相似文献   

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 dramatically changed the way that Medicare pays skilled nursing facilities, providing a natural experiment in nursing home behavior. Medicare payment policy (directed at short-stay residents) may have affected outcomes for long-stay, chronic-care residents if services for these residents were subsidized through cost-shifting prior to implementation of Medicare prospective payment for nursing homes. We link changes in both the form and level of Medicare payment at the facility level with changes in resident-level quality, as represented by pressure sores and urinary tract infections in Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessments. Results show that long-stay residents experienced increased adverse outcomes with the elimination of Medicare cost reimbursement.  相似文献   

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1989 brought about significant changes in physician payment policy under Medicare. A major component of physician payment reform was the implementation on January 1, 1992, of the Medicare fee schedule (MFS). The Secretary of Health and Human Services is required to monitor and report annually on the impact of the changes in physician payment on access to and utilization of health care services. This article provides an overview of the 1993 Report to Congress. First, the article discusses the changes made in physician payment policy as well as the complexities involved in assessing the effects of the MFS. Next, the article discusses the approaches that were implemented in the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) to generate timely data to monitor and evaluate the impact of physician payment reform on Medicare beneficiaries. Last, the article describes six analyses that were designed to provide differing perspectives for understanding the impact of the OBRA 1989 physician payment changes on access and utilization. Some of the most salient results of these analyses are presented, including preliminary data from the first year during which the MFS was in effect.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of an alternative method of paying home health agencies for services to Medicare beneficiaries, based on a demonstration program. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Primary and secondary data collected on participating home health agencies in five states and their patients during the three-year demonstration period. Primary data included patient surveys at discharge and six months later, and two rounds of interviews with executive staff of the agencies. Secondary data included agencies' Medicare cost reports, quality assurance reviews, Medicare claims data, demonstration claims data, demonstration patient intake forms, and plan of treatment forms. STUDY DESIGN: The 47 agencies volunteering to participate in the demonstration were each randomly assigned to the treatment or control group. Treatment group agencies were paid a predetermined rate based on their inflation-adjusted cost per visit during the year preceding the demonstration; control group agencies were paid under Medicare's conventional cost reimbursement method. Demonstration impacts were estimated by comparing outcomes for the two groups of agencies and their respective patients, using regression models to control for any remaining differences. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Agencies paid under prospective rate setting were slightly better at holding per-visit cost increases below inflation than were control group agencies. The change in payment method had no effect on agencies' volume of Medicare visits or quality of care, nor on patients' use of Medicare services or other formal or informal care services. CONCLUSION: Changing from cost-based reimbursement to predetermined payment rates for Medicare home healthcare visits would not lead to large savings for the Medicare program, but would not increase costs to Medicare or adversely affect patients or their caregivers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE. This study evaluates the impact of surgical fee reductions under Medicare on the utilization of surgical services. DATA SOURCES. Medicare physician claims data were obtained from 11 states for a five-year time period (1985-1989). STUDY DESIGN. Under OBRA-87, Medicare reduced payments for 11 surgical procedures. A fixed effects regression method was used to determine the impact of these payment reductions on access to care for potentially vulnerable Medicare beneficiaries: joint Medicaid-eligibles, blacks, and the very old. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS. Medicare claims and enrollment data were used to construct a cross-section time-series of population-based surgical rates from 1985 through 1989. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS. Reductions in surgical fees led to small but significant increases in use for three procedures, small decreases in use for two procedures, and no impact on the remaining six procedures. There was little evidence that access to surgery was impaired for potentially vulnerable enrollees; in fact, declining fees often led to greater rates of increases for some subgroups. CONCLUSIONS. Our results suggest that volume responses by surgeons to payment changes under the Medicare Fee Schedule may be smaller than HCFA's original estimates. Nevertheless, both access and quality of care should continue to be closely monitored.  相似文献   

This article examines (i) the background and debate over cost shifting; (ii) hospitals as business institutions that often shift the financial responsibility for their costs in the form of differential pricing; and (iii) how the cost-shifting debate affects and is affected by Medicare. The aim is to gain a better understanding of how changes in reimbursement by large government health insurance programmes affect hospital behaviour. The article argues that the controversy over cost shifting is becoming an increasingly important issue for hospitals in the US and their ability (or willingness) to provide uncompensated charity care. The issue has also become very important for workers and their dependants. This is because workers have shouldered the largest portion of the dramatic growth in healthcare costs that have occurred in the US in recent years, due in large part to increased cost shifting (or 'sharing of financial responsibility') from their employers.  相似文献   

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