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老年患者髋关节术后早期谵妄的危险因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨老年患者髋关节术后早期谵妄的危险因素。方法回顾性分析2017年10月—2018年10月重症监护室髋关节术后的121例老年患者的临床资料。采用CAM-ICU对患者进行评估,根据24h内是否发生谵妄,将患者分为谵妄组与非谵妄组,统计术后24h谵妄的发生率。应用Logistic回归分析筛选出术后谵妄可能的危险因素,再将可能的危险因素纳入二分类Logistic回归分析,进一步筛选出老年患者髋关节术后早期谵妄的独立危险因素。结果121例患者中发生早期术后谵妄49例,发生率为40.5%。谵妄组与非谵妄组患者在年龄、APACHEⅡ评分、手术时间、术中失血量、脑卒中史和肢体约束史方面差异有统计学意义。而在性别、血清肌酐值、肝功能Child-Pugh分级、麻醉方式、手术方式、高血压史、冠心病史、糖尿病史和慢性阻塞性肺疾病史方面差异没有统计学意义。二分类Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄[OR=1.972,95%CI=(1.012,3.525)]和脑卒中史[OR=3.700,95%CI=(1.409,9.703)]是髋部手术术后早期谵妄发生的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论年龄和脑卒中史是老年患者髋关节术后早期谵妄发生的独立危险因素。 相似文献
Jennifer S. Albrecht PhD Edward R. Marcantonio MD Darren M. Roffey PhD Denise Orwig PhD Jay Magaziner PhD Michael Terrin MD Jeffrey L. Carson MD Erik Barr BA Jessica P. Brown PhD Emma G. Gentry BA Ann L. Gruber‐Baldini PhD the Functional Outcomes in Cardiovascular Patients Undergoing Surgical Hip Fracture Repair Cognitive Ancillary Study Investigators 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2015,63(5):970-976
Ann L. Gruber‐Baldini PhD Edward Marcantonio MD SM Denise Orwig PhD Jay Magaziner PhD MSHyg Michael Terrin MD CM MPH Erik Barr BA Jessica P. Brown PhD Barbara Paris MD Aleksandra Zagorin NP Darren M. Roffey PhD Khwaja Zakriya MD Mary‐Rita Blute RN J. Richard Hebel PhD Jeffrey L. Carson MD 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2013,61(8):1286-1295
Giuseppe Bellelli MD Paolo Mazzola MD Alessandro Morandi MD MPH Adriana Bruni MD Lucio Carnevali MD Maurizio Corsi MD Giovanni Zatti MD Antonella Zambon PhD Giovanni Corrao PhD Birgitta Olofsson RN PhD Yngve Gustafson MD PhD Giorgio Annoni MD 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2014,62(7):1335-1340
目的:探讨谵妄在心力衰竭患者中的发生率及其影响因素。方法:前瞻性观察研究来自中国医学科学院阜外医院心力衰竭治疗中心2017年8月至2018年5月收治住院的患者323例。根据纳入和排除标准对最终入选的318例患者在住院期间是否发生谵妄,分为谵妄组(n=12)和非谵妄组(n=306)。采用重症监护谵妄筛查量表(ICDSC)每日2次对患者住院期间是否发生谵妄进行筛查,描述心力衰竭患者住院期间谵妄发生现状并分析影响患者谵妄发生的因素。结果:318例患者中有12例(3.8%)发生了谵妄。研究发现患者的血钠>145 mmol/L(OR=18.349,P<0.001)、血肌酐>133μmol/L(OR=7.246,P=0.009)以及使用镇静安眠药(OR=6.427,P=0.010)是心力衰竭患者发生谵妄的独立影响因素。结论:医务人员对伴有谵妄发生高危因素的患者,应提前干预并增加有效监测;对心力衰竭患者使用镇静安眠药物缓解患者焦虑失眠等症状时应慎重,可依据循证证据使用心理护理、中医缓和疗法等替代疗法,从而有效减少患者谵妄症状的发生,改善患者预后。 相似文献
Mona Baumgarten PhD David J. Margolis MD PhD Denise L. Orwig PhD Michelle D. Shardell PhD William G. Hawkes PhD Patricia Langenberg PhD Mary H. Palmer PhD Patricia S. Jones MA Patrick F. McArdle PhD Robert Sterling MD Bruce P. Kinosian MD Shayna E. Rich MA Janice Sowinski MS Jay Magaziner PhD 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2009,57(5):863-870
OBJECTIVES: To identify care settings associated with greater pressure ulcer risk in elderly patients with hip fracture in the postfracture period.
DESIGN: Prospective cohort study.
SETTING: Nine hospitals that participate in the Baltimore Hip Studies network and 105 postacute facilities to which patients from these hospitals were discharged.
PARTICIPANTS: Hip fracture patients aged 65 and older who underwent surgery for hip fracture.
MEASUREMENTS: A full-body skin examination was conducted at baseline (as soon as possible after hospital admission) and repeated on alternating days for 21 days. Patients were deemed to have an acquired pressure ulcer (APU) if they developed one or more new stage 2 or higher pressure ulcers after hospital admission.
RESULTS: In 658 study participants, the APU cumulative incidence at 32 days after initial hospital admission was 36.1% (standard error 2.5%). The adjusted APU incidence rate was highest during the initial acute hospital stay (relative risk (RR)=2.2, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.3–3.7) and during re-admission to the acute hospital (RR=2.2, 95% CI=1.1–4.2). The relative risks in rehabilitation and nursing home settings were 1.4 (95% CI=0.8–2.3) and 1.3 (95% CI=0.8–2.1), respectively.
CONCLUSION: Approximately one-third of hip fracture patients developed an APU during the study period. The rate was highest in the acute setting, a finding that is significant in light of Medicare's policy of not reimbursing hospitals for the treatment of hospital-APUs. Hip fracture patients constitute an important group to target for pressure ulcer prevention in hospitals. 相似文献
DESIGN: Prospective cohort study.
SETTING: Nine hospitals that participate in the Baltimore Hip Studies network and 105 postacute facilities to which patients from these hospitals were discharged.
PARTICIPANTS: Hip fracture patients aged 65 and older who underwent surgery for hip fracture.
MEASUREMENTS: A full-body skin examination was conducted at baseline (as soon as possible after hospital admission) and repeated on alternating days for 21 days. Patients were deemed to have an acquired pressure ulcer (APU) if they developed one or more new stage 2 or higher pressure ulcers after hospital admission.
RESULTS: In 658 study participants, the APU cumulative incidence at 32 days after initial hospital admission was 36.1% (standard error 2.5%). The adjusted APU incidence rate was highest during the initial acute hospital stay (relative risk (RR)=2.2, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.3–3.7) and during re-admission to the acute hospital (RR=2.2, 95% CI=1.1–4.2). The relative risks in rehabilitation and nursing home settings were 1.4 (95% CI=0.8–2.3) and 1.3 (95% CI=0.8–2.1), respectively.
CONCLUSION: Approximately one-third of hip fracture patients developed an APU during the study period. The rate was highest in the acute setting, a finding that is significant in light of Medicare's policy of not reimbursing hospitals for the treatment of hospital-APUs. Hip fracture patients constitute an important group to target for pressure ulcer prevention in hospitals. 相似文献
Associations Between Delirium and Preoperative Cerebrospinal Fluid C‐Reactive Protein,Interleukin‐6, and Interleukin‐6 Receptor in Individuals with Acute Hip Fracture

Bjørn Erik Neerland MD Roanna J. Hall MRCP Ingebjørg Seljeflot MD PhD Frede Frihagen MD PhD Alasdair M. J. MacLullich MRCP PhD Johan Ræder MD PhD Torgeir Bruun Wyller MD PhD Leiv Otto Watne MD PhD 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2016,64(7):1456-1463
Delirium severity and psychomotor types: their relationship with outcomes after hip fracture repair 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Marcantonio E Ta T Duthie E Resnick NM 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2002,50(5):850-857
OBJECTIVES: To validate the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS) as a measure of delirium severity in a cohort of patients aged 65 and older; to examine the association between severity of delirium and patient outcomes; and to examine the association between psychomotor variants of delirium and each of those outcomes. DESIGN: Prospective assessment of sample. SETTING: Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred twenty-two older patients (mean age +/- standard deviation = 79 +/- 8) who had undergone acute hip fracture surgery. MEASUREMENTS: We used standardized instruments to assess prefracture activities of daily living (ADLs), ambulatory status, cognition, and living situation. Postoperatively, each patient was interviewed daily. Delirium was diagnosed using the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), and delirium severity was measured using the MDAS. The MDAS was also used to categorize the psychomotor types of delirium into "purely hypoactive" or "any hyperactivity." Telephone or face-to-face interviews were conducted at 1 and 6 months to assess survival, ADL function, ambulatory status, and living situation. RESULTS: Of 122 patients, 40% developed CAM-defined delirium. Delirious patients had higher average MDAS scores than nondelirious patients (11.7 vs 2.4, P <.0001). We used the median of the average MDAS score to classify patients into mild or severe delirium. Severe delirium was generally associated with worse outcomes than was mild delirium, and the associations reached statistical significance for nursing home placement or death at 6 months (52% vs 17%, P =.009). Additionally, patients who did not meet full CAM criteria for delirium experienced worse outcomes if they had some symptoms of delirium than if they had no or few symptoms (nursing home placement or death at 6 months: 27% vs 0%, P =.001). Surprisingly, these patients with subsyndromal delirium who did not fulfill CAM criteria for delirium but demonstrated significant delirium symptoms, had outcomes similar to or worse than those with mild CAM-defined delirium. Pure hypoactive delirium accounted for 71% (34/48) of cases and was less severe than was delirium with any hyperactivity (average MDAS score 10.6 vs 14.8, P =.007). In our cohort, patients with pure hypoactive delirium had better outcomes than did those with any hyperactivity (nursing home placement or death at 1 month: 32% vs 79%, P =.003); this difference persisted after adjusting for severity. CONCLUSION: In this study of delirium in older hip fracture patients, the MDAS, a continuous severity measure, was a useful adjunct to the CAM, a dichotomous diagnostic measure. In patients with CAM-defined delirium, severe delirium was generally associated with worse outcomes than was mild delirium. In patients who did not fulfill CAM criteria, subsyndromal delirium was associated with worse outcomes than having few or no symptoms of delirium. Patients with subsyndromal delirium had outcomes similar to patients with mild delirium, suggesting that a dichotomous approach to diagnosis and management may be inappropriate. Pure hypoactive delirium was more common than delirium with any hyperactive features, tended to be milder, and was associated with better outcomes even after adjusting for severity. Future studies should confirm our preliminary associations and examine whether treatment to reduce the severity of delirium symptoms can improve outcomes after hip fracture repair. 相似文献
Lee A. Jennings MD Andrew D. Auerbach MD MPH Judith Maselli MSPH Penelope S. Pekow PhD Peter K. Lindenauer MD MSc Sei J. Lee MD MAS 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2010,58(4):650-657
OBJECTIVES: Although osteoporosis treatment can dramatically reduce fracture risk, rates of treatment after hip fracture remain low. In‐hospital initiation of recommended medications has improved outcomes in heart disease; hospitalization for hip fracture may represent a similar opportunity for improvement. The objective of this study was to examine rates of in‐hospital treatment with a combination of calcium and vitamin D (Cal+D) and antiresorptive or bone‐forming medications in patients hospitalized for hip fractures DESIGN: Observational cohort. SETTING: Three hundred eighteen hospitals in the United States. PARTICIPANTS: Fifty‐one thousand three hundred forty‐six patients aged 65 and older hospitalized for osteoporotic hip fracture. MEASUREMENTS: In‐hospital administration of Cal+D and antiresorptive or bone‐forming medications. RESULTS: Three thousand four hundred five patients (6.6%) received Cal+D anytime after a procedure to correct femoral fracture; 3,763 patients (7.3%) received antiresorptive or bone‐forming medications. Only 1,023 patients (2.0%) were prescribed ideal therapy, receiving Cal+D and an antiresorptive or bone‐forming medication. Treatment rates remained low across virtually all patient‐, provider‐, and hospital‐level characteristics. The strongest predictor of treatment with Cal+D was the receipt of an antiresorptive or bone‐forming medication (adjusted odds ratio=5.50, 95% confidence interval=4.84–6.25), but only 27.2% of patients who received these medications also received Cal+D. CONCLUSION: Rates of in‐hospital initiation of osteoporosis treatment for patients with hip fracture are low and may represent an opportunity to improve care. 相似文献
Laura C. C. van Meenen BSc David M. P. van Meenen Sophia E. de Rooij MD Gerben ter Riet MD 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2014,62(12):2383-2390
Postoperative delirium (POD) is a common neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by inattention, fluctuating levels of consciousness, and disorganized thinking. POD can have serious consequences, including institutionalization and death. Risk stratification may target prevention to individuals at greater risk of POD. The objective of this study was to identify all published POD risk prediction models (RPMs) and to compare them with regard to their clinical practicability and predictive and discriminative performance. PubMed and EMBASE were searched from inception to January 1, 2013, for articles describing POD RPMs. Studies were included if they presented data from a cohort study, examined one or more RPMs, examined POD as an outcome, and assessed the performance of the RPM(s). Thirty of 2,246 articles were included, and 37 RPMs were found. Sixteen and six studies described individuals who had undergone cardiovascular and orthopedic surgery, respectively. The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) for the intensive care unit checklist was the most often used diagnostic method (65%), followed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Fourth Edition criteria (16%). Predictors most often used in RPMs were age (20), preoperative Mini‐Mental State Examination score (10), and preoperative increased alcohol use (7). Thirty RPMs were not validated, three were validated internally, and four were validated externally. Size of the models was not associated with their discriminatory performance. Instead of creating steadily new RPMs, existing RPMs should be further tested, improved, and meta‐analytically integrated. It may be too early to implement a particular PODRPM in clinical practice with confidence. 相似文献
John A. Batsis MD Jeanne M. Huddleston MD L. Joseph Melton IIII MD MPH Paul M. Huddleston MD MSc Francisco Lopez-Jimenez MD MSc Dirk R. Larson MS Rachel E. Gullerud BS M. Molly McMahon MD 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2009,57(3):419-426
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether obesity affects cardiac complications after hip fracture repair. DESIGN: A population‐based historical study using data from the Rochester Epidemiology Project. SETTING: Olmsted County, Minnesota. PARTICIPANTS: All urgent hip fracture repairs between 1988 and 2002. MEASUREMENTS: Body mass index (BMI) was categorized as underweight (<18.5 kg/m2), normal‐weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2), overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2), and obese (≥30 kg/m2). Postoperative cardiac complications were defined as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, or new‐onset arrhythmias within 1‐year of surgery. Incidence rates were estimated for each outcome, and overall cardiac complications were assessed using Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for age, sex, year of surgery, use of beta‐blockers, and the Revised Cardiac Risk Index. RESULTS: Hip fracture repairs were performed in 184 (15.6%) underweight, 640 (54.2%) normal‐weight, 251 (21.3%) overweight, and 105 (8.9%) obese subjects (mean age 84.2 ± 7.5; 80% female). Baseline American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status was similar in all groups (ASA I/II vs III–V, P=.14). Underweight patients had a significantly higher risk of developing myocardial infarction (odds ratio (OR) 1.44, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.0–2.1; P=.05) and arrhythmias (OR=1.59, 95% CI=1.0–2.4; P=.04) than normal‐weight patients. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that underweight patients had a higher risk of developing an adverse cardiac event of any type (OR=1.56, 95% CI=1.22–1.98; P<.001). Overweight and obese patients with hip fracture had no excess risk of any cardiac complication. CONCLUSION: The obesity paradox and low functional reserve in underweight patients may influence the development of postoperative cardiac events in elderly people with hip fracture. 相似文献
Delirium risk factors in elderly hospitalized patients 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
Michel Elie MD Martin G. Cole MD François J. Primeau MD François Bellavance PhD 《Journal of general internal medicine》1998,13(3):204-212
OBJECTIVE: Delirium is frequent in elderly hospitalized patients. Many studies have examined its risk factors, but results have been
quite variable. Thus, the goal of this study is to identify through systematic literature review the risk factors associated
with the development of delirium in hospitalized geriatric patients.
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: First, MEDLINE/CURRENT contents databases were screened for relevant articles published from 1966 to December 1995, and from
bibliographies of identified articles additional reports were selected. Second, the reports were screened by two different
investigators and retained only if meeting the five following criteria: (1) original research in French or English; (2) prospective
study; (3) patients over age 50; (4) minimum of one risk factor examined; (5) acceptable definition of delirium. Third, the
methodology of each study was graded according to specific criteria for risk factor studies. Fourth, risk factors were identified
and tabulated, unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) were computed, and where appropriate a combined OR with the Mantel-Haenszel estimator
was calculated. Twenty-seven articles were retained meeting all of the above criteria. Among these studies, 11 were done on
medical patients, 9 on surgical patients, 2 on medical and surgical patients, and 5 on psychiatric patients. In total 1,365
subjects with delirium were studied. Sixty-one different risk factors were examined, the five most common being dementia,
medication, medical illness, age, and male gender. Mantel-Haenszel estimator was calculated for 10 risk factors, the most
strongly associated being dementia (OR 5.2; 95% confidence interval [CI] 4.2, 6.3), medical illness (OR 3.8; 95% CI 2.2, 6.4),
alcohol abuse (OR 3.3; 95% CI 1.9, 5.5), and depression (OR 1.9; 95% CI 1.3, 2.6). Methodologic weaknesses were present in
many studies.
CONCLUSIONS: Despite methodologic limitations, certain risk factors for delirium seem to be consistent and could help identify high-risk
patients. These risk factors include dementia, advanced age, and medical illness. Other risk factors appear to play a contributory
role in the development of delirium in elderly hospitalized patients.
Presented at the American Psychiatric Association annual meeting, New York, NY, May 1996.
The authors thank Brigitte Beaudet, Audiovisual Department, and Dr. Jane McCusker, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, for
their assistance in completing this article. 相似文献
Delirium before and after operation for femoral neck fracture 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Edlund A Lundström M Brännström B Bucht G Gustafson Y 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2001,49(10):1335-1340
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the differences between preoperative and postoperative delirium regarding predisposing, precipitating factors and outcome in older patients admitted to hospital with femoral neck fractures. DESIGN: A prospective clinical assessment of patients treated for femoral neck fractures. SETTING: Department of orthopedic surgery at Ume? University Hospital, Sweden. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred one patients, age 65 and older admitted to the hospital for treatment of femoral neck fractures. MEASUREMENTS: The Organic Brain Syndrome (OBS) Scale. RESULTS: Thirty patients (29.7%) were delirious before surgery and another 19 (18.8%) developed delirium postoperatively. Of those who were delirious preoperatively, all but one remained delirious postoperatively. The majority of those delirious before surgery were demented, had been treated with drugs with anticholinergic properties (mainly neuroleptics), had had previous episodes of delirium, and had fallen indoors. Patients who developed postoperative delirium had perioperative falls in blood pressure and had more postoperative complications such as infections. Male patients were more often delirious both preoperatively and postoperatively. Patients with preoperative delirium were more often discharged to institutional care and had poorer walking ability both on discharge and after 6 months than did patients with postoperative delirium only. CONCLUSIONS: Because preoperative and postoperative delirium are associated with different risk factors it is necessary to devise different strategies for their prevention. 相似文献
目的:分析老年维持性血液透析(MHD)患者心血管疾病的非传统危险因素。方法:选取45例老年MHD患者及18例肾功能正常的老年心血管疾病患者,MHD患者分心血管疾病组20例和非心血管疾病组25例。分别检测血肌酐(SCr)、尿素氮(BUN)、钙(Ca)、磷(P)、甲状旁腺激素(PTH)、白蛋白(ALB)、前白蛋白(PA)、转铁蛋白(TF)、C反应蛋白(CRP)和同型半胱氨酸(HCY)。结果:与肾功能正常的心血管疾病组相比,MHD组血BUN、SCr、P、PTH、CRP及HCY明显升高(P0.05),而ALB、PA、TF和Ca显著降低(P0.05)。与MHD非心血管疾病组相比,MHD心血管疾病组血P、PTH、CRP及HCY明显升高(P0.05),而ALB、TF和Ca显著降低(P0.05)。结论:老年MHD患者心血管疾病发生的非传统危险因素可能包括钙磷代谢紊乱、甲状旁腺功能亢进、营养不良、炎症及高同型半胱氨酸血症。 相似文献