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Myoclonic epilepsies comprise a heterogeneous group of epileptic syndromes characterized by myoclonic jerks, generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCSs), and sometimes absence seizures (multiplicity of seizure types). JME (Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy) is relatively common and usually responds well to treatment with appropriate anticonvulsants. Others like the progressive myoclonic epilepsy syndromes are relentlessly progressive, associated with cognitive decline and respond poorly to anticonvulsants. Myoclonic epilepsy is frequently misdiagnosed until the patient is specifically asked about the leading symptom, i.e., jerky movements occurring in the morning. We present here a patient who had been misdiagnosed as a tic disorder and treated for the past many years before the correct diagnosis of myoclonic epilepsy was made during an admission for Video-EEG monitoring.  相似文献   

Paroxysmal motor phenomena and arousals during sleep are frequent. The differential diagnoses between benign hypnic transient events, epileptic and non-epileptic seizures represent a common clinical problem. Video-EEG monitoring during sleep, recording several episodes in the same patient, is essential in order to characterize these phenomena. It offers the possibility to compare electro-clinical data, to demonstrate the eventual stereotyped pattern of motor phenomena and their progression in time, and to study EEG-polygraphic correlates. The recently described double split-screen synchronized display (DSSSD) technique represents a useful tool for comparing particular clinical patterns of epileptic seizures when dealing with complex, hypermotor phenomena observed in frontal lobe epilepsy. We reviewed the data of 24 patients admitted during a two-year period (2002-2003) to our epilepsy sleep unit for isolated paroxysmal sleep motor events. Four patients presented with very brief paroxysmal arousals without daytime fits. Three of our patients presented isolated paroxysmal arousals, whereas in one, the events were associated with hypermotor seizures. We present a simplified variant of the DSSSD method (modified DSSSD) that can be used to study episodes of paroxysmal arousals in order to confirm their stereotyped motor pattern. The clinical aspects and the EEG-polygraphy patterns were informative, with the absence of asymmetrical tonic or dystonic posturing of the limbs. Scalp EEG alone does not usually provide much information in patients with isolated paroxysmal arousals. Coupled to the modified DSSSD technique, it may allow confirmation of the diagnosis of frontal epilepsy, as was the case in our four patients. [Published with video sequences].  相似文献   

Temporal lobectomy fails to control seizures in a considerable percentage of patients who do not have hippocampal sclerosis. One theoretical reason for failure of surgery is that some of these patients may in fact have extratemporal epilepsy. We present a 28-year-old woman with clinical and scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) evidence of right temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) supported by functional imaging with interictal positron emission tomography (PET) and ictal single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT). An invasive EEG monitoring was prompted by the discovery of a small right orbito-frontal lesion on MRI. Monitoring documented seizure onset at the lesion, with rapid right temporal involvement. The patient was almost seizure-free after a lesionectomy. The index of suspicion of orbito-frontal epilepsy should be high in patients with apparent TLE when the scalp EEG and neuroimaging data are not congruent, or if temporal lobe pathology cannot be identified on structural imaging.  相似文献   

Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) disease is a significant comorbidity of neuromuscular disorders. It may present as paroxysmal dyskinesia, an entity known as Sandifer syndrome. A 6-week-old neonate presented with very frequent paroxysms of generalized stiffening and opisthotonic posture since day 22 of life. These were initially diagnosed as seizures and he was started on multiple antiepileptics which did not show any response. After a normal video electroencephalogram (VEEG) was documented, possibility of dyskinesia was kept. However, when he did not respond to symptomatic therapy, Sandifer syndrome was thought of and GER scan was done, which revealed severe GER. After his symptoms got reduced to some extent, a detailed clinical examination revealed abnormal facies with flaccid quadriparesis. Muscle biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of a specific congenital myopathy. On antireflux measures, those episodic paroxysms reduced to some extent. Partial response to therapy in GER should prompt search for an underlying secondary etiology.  相似文献   

The long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a cause of syncope and sudden death. Jervell and Lange–Nielson syndrome (JLNS) is an uncommon form of LQTS, having autosomal recessive transmission, and is associated with congenital deafness. We report a case of JLNS in a child who presented to us with refractory epilepsy. The cardiac cause of seizures was suspected as the child was hypotensive and pulseless during the episode of seizures. The child was diagnosed as JLNS based on Schwartz diagnostic criteria for LQTS and congenital sensorineural deafness. The child responded well to β-blocker therapy. Antiepileptic drugs were stopped. The screening of family members with ECG revealed a QT interval more than required for diagnosis of LQTS but they were asymptomatic. All asymptomatic family members were also put on metoprolol. All of them showed great improvement with the reduction of the QT interval on ECG. The patient was doing well on immediate follow-up.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old man had relapsing and remitting neurologic symptoms, which had been diagnosed as multiple sclerosis for nine years. Eventually, an unusual left ventricular tumor was discovered. The pathologic diagnosis was cavernous angiectasia, which, to our knowledge, is a previously undescribed histologic entity. Embolization from cardiac tumors can mimic multiple sclerosis and multiple echocardiograms may be required for diagnosis.  相似文献   

Partial epilepsy presenting as focal paroxysmal pain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
E Trevathan  G D Cascino 《Neurology》1988,38(2):329-330
A 3-year old, previously well child developed paroxysms of left thigh pain. Evaluation was unremarkable except for interictal and postictal EEG epileptiform activity in the right parietal and posterior temporal regions. The painful spells were controlled with anticonvulsant medication. Episodes of paroxysmal, unexplained pain may rarely be the initial clinical manifestation of a partial seizure disorder.  相似文献   

To report the case of a child with short absences and occasional myoclonias since infancy who was first diagnosed with an idiopathic generalized epilepsy, but was documented at follow-up to have a mild phenotype of glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome. Unlike other reported cases of Glut-1 DS and epilepsy, this child had a normal development as well as a normal head growth and neurological examination. Early onset of seizures and later recognized episodes of mild confusion before meals together with persistent atypical EEG features and unexpected learning difficulties led to the diagnosis. Seizure control and neuropsychological improvements were obtained with a ketogenic diet.  相似文献   

Needham E  Hamelijnck J 《Neurocase》2012,18(5):400-404
The psychoses of epilepsy are well recognized complications of seizure disorders, diagnosed easily from the history. However, in the absence of recognized seizures, the diagnosis can be challenging. We present a 27-year-old female, who suffered a treatment refractory psychosis for 6 years. She did not report, or display, any seizure activity, and extensive investigation was unremarkable. The onset of new symptoms prompted a repeat work-up which clinched the diagnosis of psychosis of epilepsy. Treatment with Lamotrigine and Amisulpiride achieved an excellent response, and she has remained symptom free for 7 months. We conclude with a brief literature review.  相似文献   

We report a patient with recurrent episodes of hemiplegia caused by hypoglycemia. Investigations revealed an insulinoma, which was surgically removed. After this, the blood glucose level normalized and the patient remained asymptomatic for 9 months. We discuss pathophysiological mechanisms whereby hypoglycemia might cause focal neurological deficit.  相似文献   

150 children with Rolandic paroxysmal epilepsy (RPE) aged 3 to 12 years were followed up clinically and by EEG for 16 years. Antiepileptic drugs were administered initially for 2 years and then suspended for 6–12 months. Treatment was resumed in the 29 patients who had seizures during the drug-free interval and was maintained for a further 5 years.80.6% of all patients were in clinical remission after the 2-year treatment period. Some patients had seizures while on drugs, others during the drug-free interval. Seizure frequency declined with age. No seizures occured after the age of 14 or in the 8 years following final discontinuation of drug therapy. The need for prolonged drug treatment is therefore questioned.
Sommario 150 bambini affetti da Epilessia a Parossismi Rolandici, di età compresa tra i 3 e i 12 anni, sono stati tenuti sotto controllo clinico ed elettroencefalografico per un periodo di sedici anni.È stato effettuato un trattamento con farmaci antiepilettici per 2 anni. Dopo 6/12 mesi di wash-out farmacologico, in 29 pazienti che hanno manifestato crisi, la terapia farmacologica è stata ripristinata e mantenuta per 5 anni.Dopo i primi due anni di terapia, si è avuta una remissione clinica nell'80.6% dei casi. Alcuni pazienti hanno manifestato crisi durante l'assunzione della terapia, altri durante il periodo di wash-out. In ogni caso l'incidenza delle crisi diminuisce con il crescere dell'età dei pazienti. Al di sopra dei 14 anni non sono state registrate crisi, e l'osservazione durante gli otto anni successivi alla sospensione definitiva della terapia farmacologica non ha rivelato la comparsa di alcuna crisi.Viene quindi discussa la necessità di un trattamento farmacologico prolungato in corso di Epilessia a Parossismi Rolandici.

To date, there are few reports of paroxysmal exercise-induced dystonia associated with familial epilepsy. We describe a family with 4 affected members spanning 3 generations, suggestive of autosomal-dominant inheritance, who exhibited typical exercise-induced dystonia, different types of epilepsy (absence and primary generalized seizures), developmental delay, and migraine in variable combinations. Linkage of the disease to loci on chromosome 2 (paroxysmal nonkinesigenic dyskinesia) and chromosome 16 (paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis, infantile convulsions with choreoathetosis) was excluded, suggesting an as yet unidentified underlying genetic basis.  相似文献   

Neurosyphilis masquerading as corticobasal degeneration.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report on a patient with a syndrome resembling corticobasal ganglionic degeneration (CBD), including slight cognitive impairment, asymmetric akinesia, rigidity with myoclonus, and arm levitation, which can be one of the features of alien limb phenomenon; however, further diagnostic testing was consistent with neurosyphilis. Syphilis, "the great imitator," may also masquerade as CBD. Because neurosyphilis is treatable, it should be considered in the workup of patients with cognitive impairment and motor signs of CBD.  相似文献   

Two patients (aged 46 and 49 years) are presented who gave a history of several years' duration of unsteadiness, dizziness, and syncopal attacks on standing. Both had orthostatic hypotension which was associated with the development of a unifocal paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. There was no evidence of organic heart disease. In one of the patients the symptoms usually developed when standing after working in a crouched position. He responded to treatment with beta-adrenergic blockade. The other patient developed her symptoms on standing, after exercise or other stress. The paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, which occurred in the upright position only, was accompanied by a marked rise in plasma adrenaline. In this patient one contributory factor was a low blood volume and she responded to plasma volume expansion. We wish to draw attention to the common neurological symptoms with which paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia may present. We suggest that paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia may result from ventricular sensitivity to circulating adrenaline and not due to aberrant innervation of the heart as has been suggested previously.  相似文献   

The differential diagnosis of acute focal neurologic deficit in childhood is diverse. We report the case of a child presenting with an acute hemiparesis persisting for longer than 24 hours following a focal seizure. The clinical history, examination findings, and results of cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were initially interpreted as consistent with an arterial ischemic cerebral infarction. Follow-up cranial MRI performed 9 months later revealed changes indicative of neurocysticercosis. Review of original neuroimaging resulted in a revision of the diagnosis to neurocysticercosis. The clinical history, together with neuroimaging findings, is highly compatible with a diagnosis of neurocysticercosis but unusual because it occurred in a child resident in a nonendemic area who had never traveled to an endemic area and whose diet excluded pork. The case reported raises two important issues. The first is the need to carefully consider the differential diagnosis of acute hemiparesis, including unusual causes. Second, it raises awareness of the potential for neurocysticercosis to occur in low-risk patients in nonendemic areas.  相似文献   

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