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Anxiety is common among postpartum women and can have adverse effects on mother's and child's somatic and psychological health if left untreated. In the UK, nurses or midwifes with a specialisation in community public health nursing, also called health visitors (HVs), work with families who have children younger than 5 years of age and are therefore in a key position to identify and support women with postpartum mental health issues. Until recently, postpartum mental health support provided by HVs mainly focused on identifying and managing depression, but the updated clinical guidance by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence also includes guidance regarding screening and psychological interventions for perinatal anxiety. This study therefore aimed to explore HVs' experiences of supporting women with postpartum anxiety and their views on currently available care. Using a qualitative approach, in‐depth semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 13 HVs from the UK between May and October 2015. Participants were interviewed in person at their workplace or on the phone/Skype. Using thematic analysis, four main themes emerged: identification and screening issues; importance of training; service usage; and status of current service provision. Women with postpartum anxiety were commonly encountered by HVs in their clinical practice and described as often heavily using their or other related healthcare services, which puts additional strain on HVs' already heavy workload. Issues with identifying and screening for postpartum anxiety were raised and the current lack of perinatal mental health training for HVs was highlighted. In addition, HVs described a current lack of good perinatal mental health services in general and specifically for anxiety. The study highlights the need for HV perinatal mental health training in general and postpartum anxiety specifically, as well as better coverage of specialist mental health services and the need for development of interventions targeted at postpartum anxiety.  相似文献   

Although recent initiatives in Australia have attempted to respond to the needs of children and young people with care responsibilities, many continue to be unable to access responsive supports. A qualitative, exploratory study was conducted to identify the current needs and barriers to services for young carers and their families in Canberra, Australia. This paper focuses on a range of family, service and systems level issues that impede young carers' access to services. The findings are based on semistructured, face-to-face interviews conducted with 50 children and young people with care responsibilities. Purposive and snowballing sampling were used to recruit the sample. Peer researchers were involved in the development of the research parameters and conducted and analysed interviews. Young carers in this sample reported high levels of need but low levels of support provided formally and informally by their extended families and the service sector. Major barriers to support included reluctance within families to seek assistance for fear of child removal, negative intervention and increased scrutiny; the families' lack of awareness of available services; a lack of flexibility and responsiveness to the holistic needs of families; and a lack of service collaboration. The importance of recognising the specific needs of each member within the family unit was particularly highlighted as was the need for responsive and co-ordinated service supports.  相似文献   

Combining informal care and work: supporting carers in the workplace   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The UK Government is concerned that women and men who care for disabled or sick relatives, or elderly people, and who also wish to take part in paid work should have increased opportunities to do so. However, many informal carers find combining work and care difficult; some may 'choose' to give up paid employment completely. The present paper draws on the findings from two projects to explore the extent to which the needs of employees with caring responsibilities are supported in the workplace. The two projects examined evidence from a study of informal carers assessed under the 1995 Carers Act, identified the difficulties which they face in their workplace and observed the strategies which they developed to help sustain the two roles. From this, a model of support for working carers was developed which includes leave policies, carer-friendly working arrangements, access to a (private) telephone, and supportive line managers and co-workers. This support model was tested on the employment policies of 13 employers to see how 'carer-friendly' they were. Most of the organisations studied were able to provide appropriate support for carers identified in the model. Questions were then raised about different aspects of carer-friendly working arrangements, including whether carers should receive any special treatment that is not available to their colleagues, the role of line managers, and the relationship between seniority and opportunities to combine work and care.  相似文献   

Objectives. This study assesses the accessibility of health care services by immigrants and other ethnic/cultural groups in Ontario, using the 1990 Ontario Health Survey.

Methods. The population sample of 38 519 adults aged 16–64 is weighted to represent the entire non‐institutionalized population of the province. Outcome measures were whether the study participants visited a general practitioner's office, a specialist's office, or a hospital's emergency department during the past 12 months.

Results. The results showed that while the percentages of participants who ever visited a general practitioner's office during the past 12 months were slightly higher in immigrants and other ethnic/cultural groups, the rates of visits to the specialist's office were quite similar, and the rates of hospital emergency department's visits were often lower (except for aboriginals), than for Canadians. These differences in the utilization of health services across different immigrant and ethnic/cultural groups remained unchanged after controlling for health status (as measured by self‐reported health problems) and age differences. However, because the sample sizes in some immigrant and ethnic/cultural groups were small, many of the differences were not statistically significant.

Conclusions. We conclude that while immigrants and other ethnic/cultural groups in Ontario usually had equal access to regular services (e.g., visits to general practitioner's office), they often had lower utilization of hospital emergency departments. However, general purpose surveys have limited utility in assessing reasons of health care utilization amongst different ethnic/cultural groups.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a renewed emphasis in UK healthcare policy on access to services, yet there has been little research into possible inequalities in access for people from different ethnic backgrounds. This paper examines access from the point of view of a group of Bangladeshi people with diabetes, whose views were obtained as part of a wider evaluation of diabetes services. Their message is a powerful one. The problems they experienced, however, cannot be attributed solely to cultural insensitivity, in which providers adopt a 'like it or lump it' approach. The wider evaluation provides a context within which to identify similarities with, as well as differences from, other groups in the community, and the findings show that the experiences of this vulnerable group highlight more general weaknesses in service provision. The paper also shows that conventional analysis of access in terms of barriers to be overcome misses a crucial dimension: the ability to make full use of services. Gaining access does not mean that needs will be met appropriately, and patients vary in the extent to which they are able and enabled to play an active role in obtaining the services they need.  相似文献   

Although there is already general recognition of the fact that many relatives provide unpaid care for family members, there is still little awareness that children, adolescents and young adults under 25 also provide such care. Until recently, the situation of young carers and young adult carers, as those young persons are referred to in international research, has not been in the focus of professionals, research and the public in Switzerland. Between September 2015 and October 2016, 30 interviews in seven cantons were conducted with 16 young carers aged 10–17 and 14 young adult carers aged 18–25. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed following a grounded theory approach. This paper now presents the first qualitative data on Swiss young carers and young adult carers. It explores their sociodemographic backgrounds, the nature and intensity of caring tasks they carry out, their pathways into caring as well as the role of communication with family members, extended family, professionals and peers. Our findings provide a first insight in the lives of young carers and young adult carers in Switzerland and illustrate, as well, the challenges they face.  相似文献   

Previous UK research has found expressed unmet need for services by unpaid working carers and among disabled and older people. There are, however, suggestions from research that views on unmet needs for services differ between carers and care‐recipients. Working carers in the UK say that the care‐recipient is sometimes reluctant to accept services and the few international comparative dyad studies that have been carried out find that carers perceive higher unmet need than care‐recipients. Recent policy discussions in England have also recognised that there may be differences of opinion. We collected data in 2013 from working carer/care‐recipient dyads in England about perceived need for services for the care‐recipient, disability, unpaid care hour provision and individual and socio‐demographic characteristics. We find that care‐recipients as well as their carers perceive high unmet need for services, although carers perceive higher unmet need. For carers, unmet need is associated with the disability of the carer‐recipient and being the daughter or son of the care‐recipient; for care‐recipients it is associated with unpaid care hours, carers’ employment status and carers’ health. The majority of dyads agree on need for services, and agreement is higher when the working carer provides care for 10 hours or more hours a week. Services for care‐recipients may enable working carers to remain in employment so agreement on needs for services supports the implementation of legislation, policy and practice that has a duty to, or aims to, support carer's employment.  相似文献   

Overall satisfaction levels with social care are usually high but lower levels have been reported among black and minority ethnic (BME) service users in England. Reasons for this are poorly understood. This qualitative study therefore explored satisfaction with services among informal carer participants from five different ethnic groups. Fifty‐seven carers (black Caribbean, black African, Asian Indian, Asian Pakistani and white British) were recruited from voluntary sector organisations and a local hospital in England, and took part in semi‐structured interviews using cognitive interviewing and the critical incident technique. Interviews took place from summer 2013 to spring 2014. Thematic analysis of the interviews showed that participants often struggled to identify specific ‘incidents’, especially satisfactory ones. When describing satisfactory services, participants talked mostly about specific individuals and relationships. Unsatisfactory experiences centred on services overall. When rating services using cognitive interviewing, explicit comparisons with expectations or experiences with other services were common. Highest satisfaction ratings tended to be justified by positive personal characteristics among practitioners, trust and relationships. Lower level ratings were mostly explained by inconsistency in services, insufficient or poor care. Lowest level ratings were rare. Overall, few differences between ethnic groups were identified, although white British participants rated services higher overall giving more top ratings. White British participants also frequently took a more overall view of services, highlighting some concerns but still giving top ratings, while South Asian carers in particular focused on negative aspects of services. Together these methods provide insight into what participants mean by satisfactory and unsatisfactory services. Cognitive interviewing was more challenging for some BME participants, possibly a reflection of the meaningfulness of the concept of service satisfaction to them. Future research should include comparisons between BME and white participants’ understanding of the most positive parts of satisfaction scales and should focus on dissatisfied participants.  相似文献   

People with severe mental health problems such as psychosis have access to less social capital, defined as resources within social networks, than members of the general population. However, a lack of theoretically and empirically informed models hampers the development of social interventions which seek to enhance an individual's social networks. This paper reports the findings of a qualitative study, which used ethnographic field methods in six sites in England to investigate how workers helped people recovering from psychosis to enhance their social networks. This study drew upon practice wisdom and lived experience to provide data for intervention modelling. Data were collected from 73 practitioners and 51 people who used their services in two phases. Data were selected and coded using a grounded theory approach to depict the key themes that appeared to underpin the generation of social capital within networks. Findings are presented in four over‐arching themes – worker skills, attitudes and roles; connecting people processes; role of the agency; and barriers to network development. The sub‐themes which were identified included worker attitudes; person‐centred approach; equality of worker–individual relationship; goal setting; creating new networks and relationships; engagement through activities; practical support; existing relationships; the individual taking responsibility; identifying and overcoming barriers; and moving on. Themes were consistent with recovery models used within mental health services and will provide the basis for the development of an intervention model to enhance individuals’ access to social capital within networks.  相似文献   

Background: The basic assumption of public health policy forimmigrants is that they ought to have equal access to healthservices compared to other population groups In Dutch society.However, little research is done on the actual use of mentalhealth services by immigrants and literature seems to indicateinequalities in services utilisation by immigrant women. Methods:This study was conducted in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dataon service utilisation were drawn from patient registers andcame from care providers who were asked to keep up registrationfor some time to count the number of immigrant women referredto and in treatment. Results: Surinamese, Antillean, Turkishand Moroccan women made considerably less use of mental healthcare services than native-born women. On the other hand, immigrantwomen more frequently used social work facilities and womencrisis intervention centres. Overall, they consulted the latterorganizations nearly 1.5 times more frequently than mental healthcare services. The differences in service utilisation betweenthe four immigrant groups are also discussed. Conclusions: Thisstudy explores the reasons for the ethnic differences in serviceutilisation. It argues that cultural and supply factors arelargely responsible for the ethnic differences in use of mentalhealth services. The differential use of social services ismainly ascribed to the socioeconomic status of the women concerned.The results imply that a care policy may improve the accessibilityof mental health services for immigrant women. The most promisingmeasure is by employing more ethnic and bilingual care providers.  相似文献   

Objectives. UK literature on mental health services for ethnic minority service users relies heavily on perceptions of professionals, carers and community representatives. This research investigates the views of South Asian service users themselves about experiences of mental health services and how they might be improved.

Design. Thematic analysis of material from focus groups and individual interviews with Asian mental health service users within one local area.

Results. South Asian service users clearly identify the impact of socio-economic exclusion upon their mental health. Cultural and institutional exclusion compound this, leading to continuing insensitivity towards their particular needs within hospital and community-based services. Asian service users feel unsafe to share their particular concerns within many service settings. They see advocacy that recognises their experience of exclusion as a significant resource for mental health improvement. They want sounder financing of culturally appropriate services for recovery; further development of the cultural competence of staff within mainstream services; and educational programmes about mental health directed at minority communities.

Conclusion. UK mental health services remain unresponsive to the consistently expressed views of South Asian service users. A major cultural change is required if the UK Government initiative Delivering Race Equality is to impact successfully at the local level. It will have a greater chance of success if the rhetoric of user involvement is matched by systematic consultation with South Asian service users.  相似文献   

Relatives or carers of people with mental health problems have criticised professionals for their failures to share information with them. This article reports on a multiple method study comprising a policy search, a survey of service users, carers and professionals, and stakeholder interviews and group events. The study found few policies that addressed the principles underpinning information sharing with carers. However, examples of good practice in professional involvement of carers that took account of carer rights and responsibilities emerged from the research. This suggests the relevance of the carer's assessment, a carer's right to an assessment of his or her circumstances and wishes in assisting understanding of the care context and enhancing appropriate information sharing between professionals and carers.  相似文献   

Caring for people with mental health problems can generate a whole range of positive and negative emotions, including fear, disbelief, guilt and chaos as well as a sense of purpose, pride and achievement. This paper explores the emotions of family carers from the perspectives of social, voluntary and healthcare professionals. Sixty-five participants were interviewed, the sample included directors, managers and senior staff from social, voluntary and healthcare organisations. Participants were encouraged to talk in detail about their understanding of the emotions of family carers. Findings highlight a rich understanding of the broad spectrum of carer emotions and the huge emotional adjustments that are often involved. Diagnosis was seen to be imbued with negative emotions, such as fear, anger and denial. However, feelings of hopelessness and desolation were often counterbalanced by feelings of hope, satisfaction and the emotional rewards of caring for a loved one. Participants noted a clear lack of emotional support for family carers, with accompanying feelings of marginalisation, particularly during transitions and especially involving young carers as well as ethnic minorities. By way of contrast, carer support groups were suggested by professionals to be a holistic, effective and economical way of meeting carers' emotional needs. This paper explores the challenge of family carer emotions from the perspective of managers and practitioners and draws out implications for research, policy and practice.  相似文献   

The explosion of interest in young people as carers over the last decade and a half conceals the fact that there are still no reliable estimates of the number of young people with caregiving responsibilities. This is even more problematic in circumstances where the 'looked after' person has a mental health problem. In this study, we reflect on what can be done to identify, assess and support young people in these circumstances. We draw on selected findings from a study that has been examining the constituents of good assessment practice in work with family carers supporting relatives with mental health problems. The study embraces different carer groups but this paper concentrates on the experiences of young carers at one study site where Barnardo's and partner organisations had developed a joint initiative targeting young people who are looking after parents and relatives with mental health problems. Following a review of the literature about young people as carers, the paper describes how Barnardo's worked to support them through its young carers projects. Based on face-to-face interviews with the young people (N = 10) caring for a mother with mental health problems, the main part of the paper provides an account of how they talk about, make sense of and evaluate the support they have received through this combined initiative. The findings underscore the value of one particular young carers project, and provide clues about what lessons may be transferable to other similar projects.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a cross-sectional survey of 3014 adult carers, examining use of the Internet and factors associated with it. Carers recruited from the databases of three local authorities and other carer organisations within their geographical boundaries and that of Carers UK, a national carers organisation, were sent a postal questionnaire (response rate: 40%). A comparison of our data with national data on carers suggests some under-representation of men and younger adult carers and some over-representation of those who had been caring for long periods and those with substantial caring responsibilities. Two measures of Internet use were used and are presented in this analysis: previous use (ever used vs never previously used) and frequency (less than once a week vs once a week or more). Bivariate analyses identified patterns of Internet use and socio-demographic and socio-economic factors and caring circumstances associated with them. Factors significantly associated with each measure of Internet use were entered into direct logistic regression analyses to identify factors significantly associated with each measure. Half (50%) of all carers had previously used the Internet. Of this group, 61% had used it once a week or more frequently. Factors significantly associated with having previously used the Internet were carer's age, employment status, housing tenure and number of hours per week they spent caring. Frequency of Internet use was significantly associated with carer's age, sex, employment status and number of hours spent caring. Our study suggests that a significant number of carers may not currently be Internet users and that age, gender, socio-economic status and caring responsibilities shape Internet use in particular ways. Given the targets set by government for the development of online services, it is important to address the digital divide among carers and to continue to develop other services and information systems to meet the needs of those who do not access the Internet.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Family carers of people with mental disorders have specific needs to safeguard their own mental health. The needs of carers of individuals with eating disorders have received little attention. A focus group with carers of people with anorexia nervosa identified a number of specific needs (Haigh & Treasure [2003]. European Eating Disorders Review, 11(2), 125-141). However, there has been no published research into the needs of carers of individuals with bulimia nervosa (BN). METHOD: Twenty carers of individuals with BN were interviewed using a semistructured interview schedule. Interviews were transcribed and the texts were analyzed using a content analysis approach to identify themes. RESULTS: Carers expressed the need for more information, practical advice, guidance, and the need to talk to others about their experiences. DISCUSSION: Further research is recommended to explore how the needs expressed by carers may best be translated into services that effectively meet the requirements of both patients and carers and reduce the risk to carers' mental health.  相似文献   

This study of costs, quality and financial equity of primary health services in Ecuador, based on 1985 data, examines three assumptions, common in international health, concerning Ministry of Health (MOH) and Social Security (SS) programs. The assumptions are that MOH services are less costly than SS services, that they are of lower quality than SS services, and that MOH programs are more equitable in terms of the distribution of funds available for PHC among different population groups. Full costs of a range of primary health services were estimated by standard accounting techniques for 15 typical health care establishments, 8 operated by the MOH and 7 by the rural SS program (RSSP), serving rural and peri-urban populations in the two major geographical regions of Ecuador. Consistent with the conventional premise, MOH average costs were much lower than RSSP costs for several important types of services, especially those provided by physicians. Little difference was found for dental care. The lower MOH physician service costs appeared to be attributable primarily to lower personnel compensation (only partially offset by lesser productivity) and to greater economies of scope. Several measures of the quality of care were applied, with varying results. Based on staff differences and patterns of expenditures on resource inputs, notably drugs, RSSP quality appeared higher, as assumed. However, contrary to expectation, a questionnaire assessment of staff knowledge and procedures favored the MOH for quality. Program equity was judged in terms of per capita budgeted expenditures (additional measures, such as the likelihood of receiving necessary care, would have required household survey data beyond the scope of this program-based study). The results support the assumption of greater MOH financial equity, as its program reveals less variation in budgeted expenditures between different population groups covered. Additional evidence of equity, using other indicators, would be helpful in future research. The paper's findings have policy implications not only for Ecuador's health sector but also for policy-makers in other countries at similar levels of socioeconomic development. These implications are spelled out in order to guide officials wrestling with issues of efficiency, quality, and equity as they search for the best use of scarce resources to promote health.  相似文献   

With ageing populations and greater reliance on the voluntary sector, the number of volunteer‐led peer support and befriending services for carers of people with dementia in England is set to increase. However, little is known about the experiences of the volunteers who deliver these interventions, many of whom are former carers. Using in‐depth semi‐structured interviews with 10 volunteer peer supporters and befrienders, this exploratory study investigated volunteers’ experiences of delivering the support, the types of relationships they form with carers and their perceptions of its impact upon them and on carers. Data were analysed using framework analysis. Findings showed that volunteers benefitted from their role due to the ‘two‐way’ flow of support. Experiential similarity and having common interests with carers were considered important to the development of mutually beneficial relationships. Volunteers perceived that carers gained emotional and social support, which in turn improved the carers’ coping ability. Being able to see positive changes to carers’ lives was important for volunteers to gain enjoyment and satisfaction from their role. However, volunteers also identified challenges with their role, such as dealing with carers’ emotions. Future research should investigate ways of reducing potential burden on volunteers and explore the impact of volunteering specifically on former carers of people with dementia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: People with learning disabilities have become increasingly exposed to health risk with the move to community living. Yet, health promotion is poorly developed with a heavy reliance on primary care. OBJECTIVES: To elicit the perceptions of people with learning disabilities, carers and care workers regarding risk factors associated with cardiac disease. METHODS: A qualitative approach was adopted incorporating semi-structured interviews based on vignettes. Twenty people with mild learning disabilities, 10 carers and 10 care workers were recruited. Data were analysed using Miles and Huberman's five-fold process. RESULTS: In total, 29 women and 11 men were interviewed. A range of health risks was identified with different patterns across groups. There were common concerns around diet. Approximately 50% of participants also had worries regarding 'excessive computer usage', often related to physical inactivity, and a similar proportion identified social isolation as a risk. The importance of safeguarding personal autonomy was stressed in all three groups. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated the feasibility of engaging with people with mild learning disabilities regarding health improvement. Participants recognized not only risks but also the subtle interplay of different factors, reflecting a grasp of the complexity of health promotion. Approaches within primary care to health improvement need to acknowledge this level of awareness.  相似文献   

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