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先天巨结肠症(Hirschsprung症)多见于婴幼儿,成年人少见,现将我院经手术证实的3例报告如下:  相似文献   

目的:分析胃癌大肠转移的X线钡灌肠表现。方法:104例胃癌入院术前检查发现结肠转移或胃癌术后转移入院治疗的病例。分析钡灌肠初次发现大肠转移征象的年龄、发现胃癌原发病变距初次发现大肠转移的间隔时间、转移病变的发生部位和病变造成的X线钡灌肠图像上的肠管变形和粘膜面的改变。结果:104例胃癌结肠转移,男67例,女37例。胃癌术前检查中发现结肠转移者32例,术后发现的大肠转移中,多数转移发生在手术后3年内(占91.3%)。胃癌原发灶的肉眼形态BorrmannⅢ型(28例)和BorrmannⅣ型(65例)者占89.4%,组织学中以低分化腺癌和印戒细胞癌为主要成分者占91.3%。X线钡灌肠检查显示大肠转移的好发部位为横结肠(80),其次为直肠(50)。转移灶可累及多节段肠管,其中横结肠中1/3段(47),横结肠左1/3(44),横结肠右1/3(39)和直肠腹膜返折之上(39)。X线显示肠管单侧变形者227处,双侧变形者96处。黏膜面表现为梳齿状黏膜纹聚集改变253处,颗粒结节状改变23处,外压性改变20处,弥漫性改变62处。结论:胃癌大肠转移的好发部位为横结肠和直肠,结肠黏膜面的梳齿状黏膜纹聚集为胃癌大肠转移的主要X线钡剂灌肠表现。  相似文献   

目的:探讨疣状胃炎X线表现,提高诊断疣状胃炎的能力。方法:本组选择经气钡双重造影检查,X线征象典型疣状胃炎15例,其中男8例,女7例。全部病例均经胃镜及病理证实。结果:病变发生于胃窦11例,胃体3例,弥漫性1例。病变呈痘疮样糜烂13例,息肉样隆起2例。病变多发14例,单发1例。结论:气钡双重造影结合内窥镜及病理学检查是诊断疣状胃炎的主要方法。  相似文献   

目的 钡灌肠是诊断大肠病变的最基本检查方法,结合文献复习探讨钡灌肠X线检查结肠癌的价值。方法 对8例钡灌肠患者进行回顾性分析,观察X线诊断大肠癌的可靠征象,分析钡灌肠的优势及局限性。结果 钡灌肠8例,结肠癌3例并与CT诊断、电子肠镜检查、手术所见对照。结论 钡灌肠对诊断大肠病变有其重要的价值。  相似文献   

本文报告30例经病理确诊的新生儿先天性巨结肠。对本病的临床及X线表现进行分析,重点讨论新生儿巨结肠X线钡灌肠检查方法及对特殊类型结肠的X线诊断予以探讨。  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期胃癌X线气钡双重造影的影像表现,提高对早期胃癌的影像学认识和诊断水平。材料与方法:搜集25例经我院手术及病理证实为早期胃癌的患者,其中男18例,女7例,年龄38-65岁,25例均行上消化道气钡双重造影检查。结果:9例为I型(隆起型),10例为Ⅱ型(浅表型,6例为Ⅲ型(凹陷型)。结论:充分利用X线气钡双重造影影像表现有助于早期胃癌的诊断。  相似文献   

疣状胃炎X线诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨疣状胃炎X线表现,提高诊断疣状胃炎的能力。材料与方法:本组选择经气钡双重造影检查,X线征象典型疣状胃炎30例,其中男17例,女13例。全部病例均经胃镜及病理证实。结果:病变发生于胃窦18例,胃体5例,弥漫性7例。病变呈痘疮样糜烂26例,息肉样隆起4例。病变多发28例,单发2例。结论:气钡双重造结合内窥镜及病理学检查是诊断疣状胃炎的主要方法。  相似文献   

本文报告经手术病理证实的53例甲状腺肿瘤,均作了甲状腺造影和B超检查。通过比较分析,我们认为造影对确定肿瘤的良、恶性以及延伸到胸骨后的异位甲状腺肿瘤有优越之处,为一项有效的检查方法;超声则能准确地判断肿瘤的囊、实性,适应对碘过敏患者的检查。两种检查方法各有特点,互相配合应用有利于对甲状腺肿瘤的诊断和治疗。  相似文献   

先天性巨结肠,又称肠管无神经节细胞症(或称Hirschsprtmg,HD病),是新生儿常见的一种结肠先天性畸型,X线检查对本病确诊是不可缺少的直观的方法,早期诊断对指导临床的治疗及预后有重要的意义。本文收集了2002年2月-2008年6月在我科经X线检查确诊为先天性巨结肠的23例新生儿的X线资料,并结合临床进行分析和探讨如下。  相似文献   

大肠侧向发育型肿瘤细胞株的建立及其鉴定   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
目的 为了深入研究大肠侧向发育型肿瘤(LST)细胞的生物学特性及其发生发展的机制。方法采用人LST组织进行肿瘤细胞建株及细胞分离与原代培养,传代至70代进行细胞鉴定.包括细胞的形态结构分析、染色体分析和免疫组化分析等,并与非LST细胞作对比。结果 LST细胞为上皮来源的肿瘤细胞,多形性上皮细胞占大多数,其有近似肿瘤细胞的生长特性,群体倍增时间为36h;染色体数量为42-66,85%在三倍体范围内,并具有异常染色体核型;免疫组织化学观察ESA、CK20均呈阳性;超微结构具肿瘤细胞样表现和特征。结论成功建立了1个LST细胞株,并命名为LST-R1细胞,为进一步深入研究LST细胞的生物学特性及大肠癌的发生发展机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Radiological features of leiomyomatous tumors of the colon and rectum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiological features of 12 pathologically proven cases of colorectal leiomyomatous tumors. METHOD: A retrospective analysis of radiologic findings was performed in 12 patients with pathologically proven colorectal leiomyomatous tumors (2 leiomyomas and 10 leiomyosarcomas). Available radiologic studies included abdominal CT scans in 11 patients, double contrast barium studies in 4, and pelvic MRI in 1. On imaging, we evaluated the size, tumor margin (smooth or lobulated), morphologic appearance, growth patterns (endocolic, exocolic, or combined), contrast enhancement patterns, presence or absence of calcification within the tumors, and metastasis. RESULTS: The involved tumor sites were the colon in 2 patients and the rectum in 10. The mean tumor size was 7.9 cm (range 2-15 cm): It was 3.5 cm in leiomyomas and 8.8 cm in leiomyosarcomas. On imaging studies, the tumor margin was smooth in three patients and lobulated in nine, with endocolic growth in one, exocolic in four, and combined in the remaining seven. Eight of the 12 tumors showed varying degrees of internal necrosis with heterogeneous contrast enhancement. Dystrophic calcification was noted in five patients. Metastasis was seen in the liver in three patients at the time of initial diagnosis, and lymphadenopathy was noted in two patients (paraaortic space in one and perirectal space in two). CONCLUSION: Although rare, the diagnosis of leiomyomatous tumor may be suggested especially when the tumor occurring in the colorectum shows exocolic growth or calcification with varying degree of internal necrosis.  相似文献   

大肠侧向发育型肿瘤(LST)的内镜诊治   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
目的 回顾性分析南方医院近2年内在肠镜检查中发现的46例共47个大肠侧向发育型肿瘤(LST)病变的检出及处理情况。方法记录所有LST病变的部位、大小、形态特征及内镜下大体分型.所有病例均行放大内镜观察病变表面的pil形态.46例LST患者中,42例共42个病变接受内镜下治疗,其中14例行注射法内镜下黏膜剥离切除术(EMR)切除病变.24例行注射法内镜下黏膜剥离分片切除术(EPMR)切除病变,1例行透明帽辅助EPMR切除病变,3例行单纯高频电热圈套切除术切除病变。结果 LST检出率:常规肠镜检查中LST病变检出率为0.8%。病变分布:47个LST病变中,直肠22个.乙状结肠10个.降结肠7个.横结肠4个,升结肠2个,盲肠2个。内镜下病变大体分型:颗粒均一型25个,结节混合型12个,平坦隆起型8个.似凹陷型2个。Pit形态:Ⅱ型pit2个,Ⅱ型 Ⅲ1型pit8个,Ⅲ1.型pit9个,Ⅳ型pit28个。病理形态:绒毛状腺瘤28例,均伴中度以上不典型增生.其中7例有局部癌变(6例m癌,1例sml癌),但根部无癌残留;增生性息肉2例;管状腺瘤11例,10例合并中度不典型增生.1例局部癌变(m癌);锯齿状腺瘤(Serrated腺瘤)6例。结论 大肠LST病变在我国有较高的检出率,其内镜形态具有一定特殊性。处理方法可采用内镜下黏膜切除术。  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn's disease and UC, is a chronic disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The inflammatory process in UC is confined to the mucosa and submucosa and it involves only the colon. In contrast, in Crohn's disease the inflammation process extends through the bowel wall layers and it can involve any part of gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, inflammatory bowel disease of the colon may be associated with complications, such as toxic megacolon, fulminant colitis, acute bleeding, fistulas and abscesses. Radiographic imaging studies are useful for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease, and may be used to assess the extent and severity of disease, rule out complications, and monitor the response to therapy. The double-contrast barium study is a valuable technique for diagnosing inflammatory bowel disease colonic alterations, even in patients with early mucosal abnormalities. The earliest finding of UC is characterized by a fine granular appeareance of the colonic mucosa, usually involving the rectosigmoid junction. In chronic UC double-contrast enema may reveal marked colonic shortening with tubular narrowing of the bowel and loss of haustration. The earliest radiographics findings of Crohn's disease are represented by aphthous ulcers. As disease progresses, aphthous ulcers may enlarge and coalesce to form stellate or linear areas of ulceration. In advanced Crohn's disease, transmural ulceration may lead to the development of fissures, sinus tracts, fistulas, and abscesses. Cross sectional studies such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and sometimes ultrasound, are useful alternative tools not only in the assessment of bowel wall abnormalities, but also for the assessment of extraluminal alterations in patients with advanced disease.  相似文献   



To analyze the radiological and clinicopathological features of peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pPNET).

Materials and methods

We retrospectively reviewed the computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of 14 cases of pPNET confirmed immunohistochemically. Relevant clinical data was also obtained.


Of 14 cases, there were 10 male and 4 female with a mean age of 28 years. The main symptoms were the aggravated pain of the lesion site and enlarged palpable masses. Fourteen lesions were located in the chest wall (n = 4), retroperitoneum (n = 3), pelvic cavity (n = 2), intraspinal area (n = 2), nasal cavity (n = 1), leg (n = 1) and iliac bone (n = 1). Eleven lesions originating from the soft tissue mainly demonstrated large and infiltrative mass with (n = 4) or without (n = 7) bony invasion. Ten cases of them showed heterogeneous density with patchy, necrotic foci and moderate heterogeneous enhancement. Four of them with large cystic area contained irregular septations within them. Two intraspinal cases had extradural lesions, extending through the intervertebral foramen and formed paraspinal soft tissue masses with vertebral destruction. The case within iliac bone demonstrated extensive mixed (lytic/osteoblastic) lesion with large adjacent soft tissue mass. After surgery or therapy, 10 patients died of local recurrences or metastases.


The diagnosis of pPNET should be suggested in young patient when imaging depicts a large, ill-defined, soft-tissue mass containing area of cystic degeneration with internal septations and extending along the neural route and nearby the middle of the trunk. The key for correct diagnosis is to inosculate imaging to clinical data.  相似文献   

AIM: To audit the sensitivity of double-contrast barium enema (DCBE) for colorectal carcinoma, as currently practised in UK departments of radiology. METHODS: As part of its programme of national audits, the Royal College of Radiologists Clinical Radiology Audit Sub-Committee undertook a retrospective audit of the sensitivity of DCBE for colorectal carcinoma during 2002. The following targets were set: demonstration of a lesion > or =95%; correct identification as a carcinoma > or =90%. RESULTS: Across the UK, 131 departments took part in the audit, involving 5454 examinations. The mean demonstration rate was 92.9% and the diagnosis rate was 85.9%, slightly below the targets set. The equivocal rate (lesion demonstrated, but not defined as malignant) was 6.9%, the perception failure rate was 2.8% and the technical failure rate was 4.4%. Control-chart methodology was used to analyze the data and to identify any departments whose performance was consistent with special-cause variation. CONCLUSION: When compared with the diagnosis rate (84.6%) and demonstration rate (92.7%) reported in the Wessex Audit 1995, [Thomas RD, Fairhurst JJ, Frost RA. Wessex regional audit: barium enema in colo-rectal carcinoma. Clin Radiol 1995;50:647-50.] a similar level of performance was observed in the NHS today, implying that the basic process for undertaking and reporting DCBE has remained relatively unchanged over the last few years. Improvement in the future will require fundamental changes to the process of reporting DCBE, in order to minimize the perception failure rate and accurately to describe lesions, so reducing the equivocal rate. Control-chart methodology has a useful role in identifying strategies to deliver continual improvement.  相似文献   

Evaluation of spiral CT in staging of colon and rectum carcinoma   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The purpose of our study was to evaluate the capability of a subsecond spiral-CT scanner using two contrast medium phases in staging of colorectal cancer. In our study we included 37 patients with proven rectum or colon carcinoma. Spiral CT was performed following tap-water enema of the colon in the arterial and venous phases of contrast medium enhancement. Our results were compared with the findings of pathological examination after surgery. The tumor's size and extension were evaluated in the arterial and venous phases, the lymph nodes in the venous phase of the CT scan. The tumor was in the rectum (n = 14), sigma (n = 11), descending colon (n = 6), and cecum (n = 6). Two-phase spiral CT had a sensitivity of 97.2 % in the arterial phase and 89.1 % in the venous phase in detecting the carcinoma. The staging results were in the arterial phase in 30 of 37 cases (81.0 %) and in the venous phase in 24 of 37 cases (64.8 %) according to pathology. In 27 of 32 patients (84.3 %) lymph nodes were detected. The correct classification of the N-stage was possible in 23 of 34 cases (67.6 %). The combined use of arterial and venous phases in staging of colorectal cancer can improve the T- and N-stage classification in comparison with using only one contrast medium phase. The arterial phase is superior compared with the venous phase for local tumor staging and the venous phase is used for lymph node assessment. Received: 19 December 1997; Revision received: 27 April 1998; Accepted: 22 June 1998  相似文献   

Joanne Rudd   《Radiography》2006,12(4):339-347
This case study followed the pathway taken by an elderly patient who presented as an emergency with rectal bleeding. Views obtained of the colon by flexible sigmoidoscopy suggested an initial diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma but this proved to be incorrect. It was a combination of the histology obtained from the initial and subsequent endoscopies, barium enema and the clinical history that finally gave rise to the correct diagnosis of ischaemic colitis. Opinion is currently divided as to whether sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy is the most appropriate test for those patients presenting with rectal bleeding. Ischaemic colitis is a disease that can present with many differing symptoms depending on the degree of severity of the ischaemia.  相似文献   

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