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四川广安悦来肠道蠕虫病防治试点效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的 目的 了解扬州市人体肠道蠕虫病流行现状。方法 方法 采用改良加藤厚涂片法 (Kato?Katz) 检查肠道蠕虫卵, 透明 胶纸肛拭法检查蛲虫卵。结果 结果 共粪检5 666人, 肠道蠕虫卵阳性21人, 总感染率为0.37%; 虫种分别为蛔虫和钩虫, 阳性 率分别为0.14%和0.23%。蛲虫检查13 713人, 阳性51人, 感染率为0.37%。推算目前全市尚有2万肠道蠕虫感染者。结 结 论 论 扬州市尚有一定肠道蠕虫感染者, 必须进一步加强健康教育和监测。  相似文献   

江阴市位于江苏省南部长江三角洲,属肠道蠕虫病流行区。2004年根据全国重要人体寄生虫病调查方案要求,选择1988年全国人体寄生虫分布调查的镇、村完成了肠道蠕虫感染情况调查,结果如下。  相似文献   

连云港市人体肠道蠕虫感染调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年在连云港市4个县及城郊区调查5638人,钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫合计感染率为8.32%,比1999年下降80.63%;12周岁以下儿童蛲虫感染率2.88%,下降82.86%,防治成效显著。  相似文献   

安徽省人体肠道蠕虫感染现状分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的掌握安徽省人体重要寄生虫病流行现状。方法按照全国统一方案,以分层整群随机抽样法调查安徽省10个抽样县(市),29个土源性线虫调查点,每个点检查500人。采用改良加藤厚涂片法检查肠道蠕虫卵;试管滤纸培养法鉴定钩虫虫种及其它线虫幼虫;透明胶纸肛拭法检查全部12岁以下儿童蛲虫卵。结果.共调查14874人。检出肠道蠕虫13种。总感染率为21.43%,(其中男性19.63%,女性23.37%),蛔虫、钩虫和鞭虫占全部感染者的91.28%,其中蛔虫、鞭虫和钩虫感染率分别为9.77%、3.14%和9.65%,华支睾吸虫为0.67%(100/14874);蛲虫阳性率为5.39%(163/3022);蛔虫和鞭虫感染沿江平原最高,钩虫和华支睾吸虫感染淮北平原最高。结论与我省第一次寄生虫病分布调查相比,发现虫种减少,总感染率及各虫种感染率均大幅度下降。老年龄组的感染率相对较高(尤其是女性),老年人群在过去的防治中未得到应有的重视。  相似文献   

内蒙古大兴安岭林区90年代初被确定为森林脑炎(Tick-borneencephali-tis,简称森脑)自然疫源地,林区人群均存在森林脑炎病毒感染,尤以男性青壮年为高危人群〔1、2〕。为探索森脑的流行特征,发病规律及临床表现,为制定防治措施提供依据,...  相似文献   

In this chapter, we have considered angiographic applications for diagnosis and management of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal ischaemia. For patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, diagnostic angiography should be performed only when and if endoscopy is not available or non-contributory. For therapeutic purposes, angiography is applied in patients who continue to bleed despite conservative measures and intervention becomes unavoidable. Therapeutic interventions include the intra-arterial infusion of vasopressin and/or transcatheter embolization. In patients with rectal bleeding the addition of radionuclide studies has reduced the number of negative arteriographic examinations. We currently use the radionuclide studies only as a guide to whether active bleeding is present or not. If the radionuclide test is negative, we do not perform angiography. If it is positive we proceed with angiography in order to confirm localization and control bleeding with an intervention. For patients with rapid bleeding who are haemodynamically unstable we bypass nuclear medicine and proceed directly with angiography. In patients with suspected intestinal ischaemia, angiography is the only means of deciding whether ischaemia is of the occlusive or the non-occlusive form. Mesenteric vascular occlusions are treated surgically while low flow states are managed with mesenteric artery infusions of papaverine. Angioplasty has been and can be applied in patients with mesenteric arterial stenoses and symptoms of chronic intestinal ischaemia.  相似文献   

Expression of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide has been shown, by immunocytochemistry and biochemical assay, to follow the craniocaudal neural colonization of the mammalian gut. The aim of this study was to use in situ hybridization to see if it could provide more information on vasoactive intestinal polypeptide gene expression in the developing human gut. Immunocytochemistry of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and, to visualize the total innervation, protein gene product 9.5 was also applied. By 8 weeks of gestation, protein gene product 9.5-immunoreactive neurons had colonized the gut lengthwise (17% of intestinal muscle area) but not transversely. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactivity was first detected at 9 weeks of gestation in a few nerve fibers of the upper gut, the origin of which could not be determined. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive ganglion cells were not seen until 18 weeks of gestation, whereas in situ hybridization showed messenger RNA in ganglion cells of the upper gut at 9 weeks. An adultlike pattern of peptide gene products (e.g., 2.5% and 3.1% of intestinal mucosal or muscle area, respectively) was detected by 20 weeks' gestation. The finding that the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide gene is expressed first in the upper human gut is consistent with craniocaudal neuronal colonization and maturation.  相似文献   

《Gut microbes》2013,4(4):522-532
The intestinal microbiota are pivotal in determining the developmental, metabolic and immunological status of the mammalian host. However, the intestinal tract may also accommodate pathogenic organisms, including helminth parasites which are highly prevalent in most tropical countries. Both microbes and helminths must evade or manipulate the host immune system to reside in the intestinal environment, yet whether they influence each other’s persistence in the host remains unknown. We now show that abundance of Lactobacillus bacteria correlates positively with infection with the mouse intestinal nematode parasite, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, as well as with heightened regulatory T cell (Treg) and Th17 responses. Moreover, H. polygyrus raises Lactobacillus species abundance in the duodenum of C57BL/6 mice, which are highly susceptible to H. polygyrus infection, but not in BALB/c mice, which are relatively resistant. Sequencing of samples at the bacterial gyrB locus identified the principal Lactobacillus species as L. taiwanensis, a previously characterized rodent commensal. Experimental administration of L. taiwanensis to BALB/c mice elevates regulatory T cell frequencies and results in greater helminth establishment, demonstrating a causal relationship in which commensal bacteria promote infection with an intestinal parasite and implicating a bacterially-induced expansion of Tregs as a mechanism of greater helminth susceptibility. The discovery of this tripartite interaction between host, bacteria and parasite has important implications for both antibiotic and anthelmintic use in endemic human populations.  相似文献   

目的了解肠道线虫在成都市农村的感染现状、危害程度及流行特点,掌握该市农村肠道线虫病的流行动态和规律,从而有预见性和有针对性地为成都市开展肠道线虫病防治策略提供科学依据。方法按地形和方位,将全市划分为东、西、南、北、中5个片区,每片区建立1个调查点,对5个查点内的调查对象采用改良加藤厚涂片法(kato-katz法)查肠道寄生虫卵,用试管滤纸培养法对钩虫卵阳性者进行培养并鉴别钩蚴,透明胶纸肛拭法对2 7岁儿童查蛲虫。结果共对1 757人进行了病原学检查,查出感染者447人,总感染率为25.44%,其中,钩虫感染者175人,感染率9.96%;蛔虫感染者281人,感染率15.99%;鞭虫感染55人,感染率3.13%;查出蛲虫感染1人。结论成都市农村肠道线虫感染仍属于较重感染地区之一,防治任务仍然艰巨。  相似文献   

思密达治疗功能性肠胀气的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
目的评价思密达对功能性肠胀气的临床疗效及安全性,并探讨其治疗原理.方法采用随机分组、平行对照实验设计方法,观察功能性肠胀气患者60例,在应用思密达和安慰剂治疗后症状积分、呼氢值及肠内气体量的改变.结果与安慰剂比较,思密达能够明显降低功能性肠胀气患者临床症状积分、肠内胀气指数及3h呼氢值(09±02vs19±04,59±21vs184±82,161±24vs845±87,P<001).思密达治疗功能性肠胀气的总有效率为900%,显著高于安慰剂的233%(χ2=26936,P<001).思密达的主要副作用是便秘(67%),但大多数患者能够耐受.结论思密达能够抑制肠内细菌酵解,减少肠内气体,改善临床症状,且安全性好.  相似文献   

Background—Abnormal microcirculation has been suggested in hearts with pathological conditions, particularly in hypertrophic hearts, even in the presence of normal epicardial coronary arteries. However, the morphology of coronary capillaries has not been well investigated in those hearts.
Methods—Ultrastructural morphometry of the capillaries in 47 endomyocardial biopsy specimens taken from 30 patients was performed.
Patients—Six patients had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with dilated cardiomyopathy-like features (DCM-like HCM), six had HCM, six had DCM, five had postmyocarditis, and seven were normal subjects.
Results—The short axial diameters of capillaries were similar among the groups. Abnormal stenosis of more than 90% luminal narrowing was found in 31% of capillaries of the DCM-like HCM group, 16% of the HCM group, 13% of the DCM group, 11% of the postmyocarditis group, and 2% of the normal subjects. Mean (SD) stenosis of the lumen was most severe in DCM-like HCM (78(8)%), and more severe in HCM (67(9)%), DCM (66(8)%), and postmyocarditis (68(4)%) than normal subjects (56(8)%). The mean cross sectional areas of capillaries were similar among the groups; however, the endothelial cellular area was significantly (p < 0.05) greater in DCM-like HCM (24.2 (8.2) µm2) than in normal subjects (14.7 (1.8) µm2), indicating that capillary narrowing was due to the increased volume of capillary endothelial cells. The endothelial cells of the stenosed capillaries showed severely oedematous changes of the cytoplasm wholely or partially, but the cytoplasmic organelles and nuclei appeared intact.
Conclusion—Narrowing of the coronary capillaries may be of pathophysiological significance in microcirculatory abnormality in hypertrophic hearts, particularly in patients with DCM-like HCM.

Keywords: capillary;  hypertrophy;  cardiomyopathy;  ultrastructure  相似文献   

A chronic delayed hypersensitivity reaction was produced in the pig stomach. In skin-sensitized animals 2–4 dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) in adhesive paste produced mucosal ulceration with intestinalization, edema, and marked round-cell infiltration of the submucosa, vascular congestion, perivascular cuffing, and fibrinoid arteriolar changes. When pigs that were not skin-sensitized were given DNCB in adhesive paste, no mucosal ulceration was seen. A similar but less intense cellular infiltrate and vascular change was present. Circulating antibodies to DNCB showed no relationship to the morphological lesion, while parietal cell antibody immunofluorescent titers parallel the intensity of the tissue response. Under the conditions of this experiment, parietal cell antibodies are not involved in the pathogenesis of the mucosal lesion.We wish to acknowledge gratefully the assistance of Dr. H. Bernhardt for the immunofluorescent studies of parietal cell antibodies and we appreciate the devoted assistance of Dr. Wolcott Dunham, James Banks, and the staff of the Medical-Surgical Research Laboratories.Supported by Grant 09384 of the NIH, US Public Health Service.  相似文献   

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