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The computation of speech codes (i.e. phonology) is an important aspect of word reading. Understanding the neural systems and mech- anisms underlying phonological processes provides a foundation for the investigation of language in the brain. We used high-resolution three-dimensional positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate neural systems essential for phonological processes. The burden of neural activities on the computation of speech codes was maximized by three rhyming tasks (rhyming words, pseudowords and words printed in mixed letter cases). Brain activation patterns associated with these tasks were compared with those of two baseline tasks involving visual feature detection. Results suggest strong left lateralized epicenters of neural activity in rhyming irrespective of gender. Word rhyming activated the same brain regions engaged in pseudoword rhyming, suggesting conjoint neural networks for phonological processing of words and pseudowords. However, pseudoword rhyming induced the largest change in cerebral blood flow and activated more voxels in the left posterior prefrontal regions and the left inferior occipital-temporal junction. In addition, pseudoword rhyming activated the left supramarginal gyrus, which was not apparent in word rhyming. These results suggest that rhyming pseudowords requires active participation of extended neural systems and networks not observed for rhyming words. The implications of the results on theories and models of visual word reading and on selective reading dysfunctions after brain lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

The dorsal bank of the primate superior temporal sulcus (STS) is a polysensory area with rich connections to unimodal sensory association cortices. These include auditory projections that process complex acoustic information, including conspecific vocalizations. We investigated whether an extensive left posterior temporal (Wernicke's area) lesion, which included destruction of early auditory cortex, may contribute to impaired spoken narrative comprehension as a consequence of reduced function in the anterior STS, a region not included within the boundary of infarction. Listening to narratives in normal subjects activated the posterior-anterior extent of the left STS, as far forward as the temporal pole. The presence of a Wernicke's area lesion was associated with both impaired sentence comprehension and a reduced physiological response to heard narratives in the intact anterior left STS when compared to aphasic patients without temporal lobe damage and normal controls. Thus, in addition to the loss of language function in left posterior temporal cortex as the direct result of infarction, posterior ablation that includes primary and early association auditory cortex impairs language function in the intact anterior left temporal lobe. The implication is that clinical studies of language on stroke patients have underestimated the role of left anterior temporal cortex in comprehension of narrative speech.  相似文献   

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we found that when bilinguals named pictures or read words aloud, in their native or nonnative language, activation was higher relative to monolinguals in 5 left hemisphere regions: dorsal precentral gyrus, pars triangularis, pars opercularis, superior temporal gyrus, and planum temporale. We further demonstrate that these areas are sensitive to increasing demands on speech production in monolinguals. This suggests that the advantage of being bilingual comes at the expense of increased work in brain areas that support monolingual word processing. By comparing the effect of bilingualism across a range of tasks, we argue that activation is higher in bilinguals compared with monolinguals because word retrieval is more demanding; articulation of each word is less rehearsed; and speech output needs careful monitoring to avoid errors when competition for word selection occurs between, as well as within, language.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that areas in the temporal lobe that have been implicated in the phonological processing of spoken words would also be activated during the generation and phonological processing of imagined speech. We tested this hypothesis using functional magnetic resonance imaging during a behaviorally controlled task of metrical stress evaluation. Subjects were presented with bisyllabic words and had to determine the alternation of strong and weak syllables. Thus, they were required to discriminate between weak-initial words and strong-initial words. In one condition, the stimuli were presented auditorily to the subjects (by headphones). In the other condition the stimuli were presented visually on a screen and subjects were asked to imagine hearing the word. Results showed activation of the supplementary motor area, inferior frontal gyrus (Broca's area) and insula in both conditions. In the superior temporal gyrus (STG) and in the superior temporal sulcus (STS) strong activation was observed during the auditory (perceptual) condition. However, a region located in the posterior part of the STS/STG also responded during the imagery condition. No activation of this same region of the STS was observed during a control condition which also involved processing of visually presented words, but which required a semantic decision from the subject. We suggest that processing of metrical stress, with or without auditory input, relies in part on cortical interface systems located in the posterior part of STS/STG. These results corroborate behavioral evidence regarding phonological loop involvement in auditory-verbal imagery.  相似文献   

Brain mechanisms for reading words and pseudowords: an integrated approach   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The present study tested two predictions of dual-process models of reading: (i) that the brain structures involved in sublexical phonological analysis and those involved in whole-word phonological access during reading are different; and (ii) that reading of meaningful items, by means of the addressed phonology process, is mediated by different brain structures than reading of meaningless letter strings. We obtained brain activation profiles using Magnetic Source Imaging and, in addition, pronunciation latencies during reading of: (i) exception words (primarily involving addressed phonology and having meaning), (ii) pseudohomophones (requiring assembled phonology and having meaning), and (iii) pseudowords (requiring assembled phonology but having no meaning). Reading of meaningful items entailed a high degree of activation of the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (MTGp) and mesial temporal lobe areas, whereas reading the meaningless pseudowords was associated with much reduced activation of these two regions. Reading of all three types of print resulted in activation of the posterior superior temporal gyrus (STGp), inferior parietal and basal temporal areas. In addition, pronunciation speed of exception words correlated significantly with the onset of activity in MTGp but not STGp, whereas the opposite was true for pseudohomophones and pseudowords. These findings are consistent with the existence of two different brain mechanisms that support phonological processing in word reading: one mechanism that subserves assembled phonology and depends on the posterior part of STGp, and a second mechanism that is responsible for pronouncing words with rare print-to-sound correspondences and does not necessarily involve this region but instead appears to depend on MTGp.  相似文献   

Learning words is central in human development. However, lacking clear evidence for how or where language is processed in the developing brain, it is unknown whether these processes are similar in infants and adults. Here, we use magnetoencephalography in combination with high-resolution structural magnetic resonance imaging to noninvasively estimate the spatiotemporal distribution of word-selective brain activity in 12- to 18-month-old infants. Infants watched pictures of common objects and listened to words that they understood. A subset of these infants also listened to familiar words compared with sensory control sounds. In both experiments, words evoked a characteristic event-related brain response peaking ~400 ms after word onset, which localized to left frontotemporal cortices. In adults, this activity, termed the N400m, is associated with lexico-semantic encoding. Like adults, we find that the amplitude of the infant N400m is also modulated by semantic priming, being reduced to words preceded by a semantically related picture. These findings suggest that similar left frontotemporal areas are used for encoding lexico-semantic information throughout the life span, from the earliest stages of word learning. Furthermore, this ontogenetic consistency implies that the neurophysiological processes underlying the N400m may be important both for understanding already known words and for learning new words.  相似文献   

Efficient extraction of shape information is essential for proficient reading but the role of cortical mechanisms of shape analysis in word reading is not well understood. We studied cortical responses to written words while parametrically varying the amount of visual noise applied to the word stimuli. In only a few regions along the ventral surface, cortical responses increased with word visibility. We found consistently increasing responses in bilateral posterior occipito-temporal sulcus (pOTS), at an anatomical location that closely matches the "visual word form area". In other cortical regions, such as V1, responses remained constant regardless of the noise level. We performed 3 additional tests to assess the functional specialization of pOTS responses for written word processing. We asked whether pOTS responses are 1) left lateralized, 2) more sensitive to words than to line drawings or false fonts, and 3) invariant for visual hemifield of words but not other stimuli. We found that left and right pOTS response functions both had highest sensitivity for words, intermediate for line drawings, and lowest for false fonts. Visual hemifield invariance was similar for words and line drawings. These results suggest that left and right pOTS are both involved in shape processing, with enhanced efficiency for processing visual word forms.  相似文献   

Acquiring the meaning of a new word in a foreign language can be achieved either by rote memorizing or, similar to meaning acquisition during infancy, by extracting it from context. Little is known about the brain mechanisms involved in word learning. Here we demonstrate, using event-related brain potentials, the rapid development of a brain signature related to lexical and semantic processing during contextual word learning. Healthy volunteers engaged in a simple word-learning task were required to discover the meaning of a novel word from a context during silent reading. After 3 exposures, brain potentials to novel words in meaningful contexts were indistinguishable from real words, although this acquisition effect was not observed for novel words, for which sentence contexts allowed no meaning derivation. Furthermore, when the learned novel words were presented in isolation, an activation of their corresponding meaning was observed, although this process was slower than for real words.  相似文献   

The effects of age on the neural correlates of episodic encoding   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Young and old adults underwent positron emission tomographic scans while encoding pictures of objects and words using three encoding strategies: deep processing (a semantic living/nonliving judgement), shallow processing (size judgement) and intentional learning. Picture memory exceeded word memory in both young and old groups, and there was an age-related decrement only in word recognition. During the encoding tasks three brain activity patterns were found that differentiated stimulus type and the different encoding strategies. The stimulus-specific pattern was characterized by greater activity in extrastriate and medial temporal cortices during picture encoding, and greater activity in left prefrontal and temporal cortices during encoding of words. The older adults showed this pattern to a significantly lesser degree. A pattern distinguishing deep processing from intentional learning of words and pictures was identified, characterized mainly by differences in prefrontal cortex, and this pattern also was of significantly lesser magnitude in the old group. A final pattern identified areas with increased activity during deep processing and intentional learning of pictures, including left prefrontal and bilateral medial temporal regions. There was no group difference in this pattern. These results indicate age-related dysfunction in several encoding networks, with sparing of one specifically involved in more elaborate encoding of pictures. These age-related changes appear to affect verbal memory more than picture memory.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to describe spatiotemporal brain activation profiles during word reading using magnetic source imaging (MSI). Ten right-handed dyslexic children with severe phonological decoding problems and eight age-matched non-impaired readers were tested in two recognition tasks, one involving spoken and the other printed words. Dyslexic children's activation profiles during the printed word recognition task consistently featured activation of the left basal temporal cortices followed by activation of the right temporoparietal areas (including the angular gyrus). Non-impaired readers showed predominant activation of left basal followed by left temporoparietal activation. In addition, we were able to rule out the hypothesis that hypoactivation of left temporoparietal areas in dyslexics was due to a more general cerebral dysfunction in these areas. Rather, it seems likely that reading difficulties in developmental dyslexia are associated with an aberrant pattern of functional connectivity between brain areas normally involved in reading, namely ventral visual association cortex and temporoparietal areas in the left hemisphere. The interindividual consistency of activation profiles characteristic of children with dyslexia underlines the potential utility of this technique for examining neurophysiological changes in response to specific educational intervention approaches.  相似文献   

The processing of single words that varied in their semantic (concrete/abstract word) and syntactic (content/function word) status was investigated under different task demands (semantic/ syntactic task) in an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. Task demands to a large degree determined which subparts of the neuronal network supporting word processing were activated. Semantic task demands selectively activated the left pars triangularis of the inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45) and the posterior part of the left middle/superior temporal gyrus (BA 21/22/37). In contrast, syntactic processing requirements led to an increased activation in the inferior tip of the left frontal operculum (BA 44) and the cortex lining the junction of the inferior frontal and inferior precentral sulcus (BA 44/6). Moreover, for these latter areas a word class by concreteness interaction was observed when a syntactic judgement was required. This interaction can be interpreted as a prototypicality effect: non-prototypical members of a word class, i.e. concrete function words and abstract content words, showed a larger activation than prototypical members, i.e. abstract function words and concrete content words. The combined data suggest that the activation pattern underlying word processing is predicted neither by syntactic class nor semantic concreteness but, rather, by task demands focusing either on semantic or syntactic aspects. Thus, our findings that semantic and syntactic aspects of processing are both functionally distinct and involve different subparts of the neuronal network underlying word processing support a domain-specific organization of the language system.  相似文献   

Over 90% of people activate the left hemisphere more than the right hemisphere for language processing. Here, we show that the degree to which language is left lateralized is inversely related to the degree to which left frontal regions drive activity in homotopic right frontal regions. Lateralization was assessed in 60 subjects using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation for semantic decisions on verbal (written words) and nonverbal (pictures of objects) stimuli. Regional interactions between left and right ventral and dorsal frontal regions were assessed using dynamic causal modeling (DCM), random-effects Bayesian model selection at the family level, and Bayesian model averaging at the connection level. We found that 1) semantic decisions on words and pictures modulated interhemispheric coupling between the left and right dorsal frontal regions, 2) activation was more left lateralized for words than pictures, and 3) for words only, left lateralization was greater when the coupling from the left to right dorsal frontal cortex was reduced. These results have theoretical implications for understanding how left and right hemispheres communicate with one another during the processing of lateralized functions.  相似文献   

Phonological awareness, knowledge that speech is composed of syllables and phonemes, is critical for learning to read. Phonological awareness precedes and predicts successful transition from language to literacy, and weakness in phonological awareness is a leading cause of dyslexia, but the brain basis of phonological awareness for spoken language in children is unknown. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify the neural correlates of phonological awareness using an auditory word-rhyming task in children who were typical readers or who had dyslexia (ages 7-13) and a younger group of kindergarteners (ages 5-6). Typically developing children, but not children with dyslexia, recruited left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) when making explicit phonological judgments. Kindergarteners, who were matched to the older children with dyslexia on standardized tests of phonological awareness, also recruited left DLPFC. Left DLPFC may play a critical role in the development of phonological awareness for spoken language critical for reading and in the etiology of dyslexia.  相似文献   

According to a simple anatomical and functional model of word reading, letters displayed in one hemifield are first analysed through a cascade of contralateral retinotopic areas, which compute increasingly abstract representations. Eventually, an invariant representation of letter identities is created in the visual word form area (VWFA), reproducibly located within the left occipito-temporal sulcus. The VWFA then projects to structures involved in phonological or lexico-semantic processing. This model yields detailed predictions on the reading impairments that may follow left occipitotemporal lesions. Those predictions were confronted to behavioural, anatomical and functional MRI data gathered in normals and in patients suffering from left posterior cerebral artery infarcts. In normal subjects, alphabetic stimuli activated both the VWFA and the right-hemispheric symmetrical region (R-VWFA) relative to fixation, but only the VWFA showed a preference for alphabetic strings over simple chequerboards. The comparison of normalized brain lesions with reading-induced activations showed that the critical lesion site for the classical syndrome of pure alexia can be tightly localized to the VWFA. Reading impairments resulting from deafferentation of an intact VWFA from right- or left-hemispheric input were dissected using the same methods, shedding light on the connectivity of the VWFA. Finally, the putative role of right-hemispheric processing in the letter-by-letter reading strategy was clarified. In a letter-by-letter reader, the R-VWFA assumed some of the functional properties normally specific to the VWFA. These data corroborate our initial model of normal word perception and underline that an alternative right-hemispheric pathway can underlie functional recovery from alexia.  相似文献   

A large-scale study of 484 elementary school children (6-10 years) performing word repetition tasks in their native language (L1-Japanese) and a second language (L2-English) was conducted using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Three factors presumably associated with cortical activation, language (L1/L2), word frequency (high/low), and hemisphere (left/right), were investigated. L1 words elicited significantly greater brain activation than L2 words, regardless of semantic knowledge, particularly in the superior/middle temporal and inferior parietal regions (angular/supramarginal gyri). The greater L1-elicited activation in these regions suggests that they are phonological loci, reflecting processes tuned to the phonology of the native language, while phonologically unfamiliar L2 words were processed like nonword auditory stimuli. The activation was bilateral in the auditory and superior/middle temporal regions. Hemispheric asymmetry was observed in the inferior frontal region (right dominant), and in the inferior parietal region with interactions: low-frequency words elicited more right-hemispheric activation (particularly in the supramarginal gyrus), while high-frequency words elicited more left-hemispheric activation (particularly in the angular gyrus). The present results reveal the strong involvement of a bilateral language network in children's brains depending more on right-hemispheric processing while acquiring unfamiliar/low-frequency words. A right-to-left shift in laterality should occur in the inferior parietal region, as lexical knowledge increases irrespective of language.  相似文献   

On the basis of neuropsychological and functional imaging evidence, meaning and grammatical class (particularly the verb-noun distinction) have been proposed as organizational principles of linguistic knowledge in the brain. However, previous studies investigating verb and noun processing have been confounded by the presence of systematic correlations between word meaning and grammatical class. In this positron emission tomography study, we investigated implicit word processing using stimuli that allowed the effects of semantic and grammatical properties to be examined independently, without grammatical-semantic confounds. We found that left hemisphere cortical activation during single-word processing was modulated by word meaning, but not by grammatical class. Motor word processing produced significant activation in left precentral gyrus, whereas sensory word processing produced significant activation in left inferior temporal and inferior frontal regions. In contrast to previous studies, there were no effects of grammatical class in left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). Instead, we found semantic-based differences within left IFG: anterior, but not posterior, left IFG regions responded preferentially to sensory words. These findings demonstrate that the neural substrates of implicit word processing are determined by semantic rather than grammatical properties and suggest that word comprehension involves the activation of modality-specific representations linked to word meaning.  相似文献   

A number of regions of the temporal and frontal lobes are known to be important for spoken language comprehension, yet we do not have a clear understanding of their functional role(s). In particular, there is considerable disagreement about which brain regions are involved in the semantic aspects of comprehension. Two functional magnetic resonance studies use the phenomenon of semantic ambiguity to identify regions within the fronto-temporal language network that subserve the semantic aspects of spoken language comprehension. Volunteers heard sentences containing ambiguous words (e.g. 'the shell was fired towards the tank') and well-matched low-ambiguity sentences (e.g. 'her secrets were written in her diary'). Although these sentences have similar acoustic, phonological, syntactic and prosodic properties (and were rated as being equally natural), the high-ambiguity sentences require additional processing by those brain regions involved in activating and selecting contextually appropriate word meanings. The ambiguity in these sentences goes largely unnoticed, and yet high-ambiguity sentences produced increased signal in left posterior inferior temporal cortex and inferior frontal gyri bilaterally. Given the ubiquity of semantic ambiguity, we conclude that these brain regions form an important part of the network that is involved in computing the meaning of spoken sentences.  相似文献   

G Assal  E Zander 《Neuro-Chirurgie》1975,21(7):591-596
Observation of a traumatic aphasia in a young man. After a coma and a period of mental confusion, language difficulties are limited, during a few weeks, to a severe global deficit in reading and naming. Meanwhile objects and pictures are perfectly recognized and the meaning of some words can be understood correctly. The commentary is made with reference to previous reports of similar case histories. Clinical and neuropsychological data suggest a focal lesion in the left temporal lobe, probably on the 2nd and the 3rd gyri.  相似文献   

We report the first instance of the use of 3-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging anatomically correlated to positron emission tomography (PET) scanning to identify language areas in a patient with an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in the posterior speech region. The patient was a 24-year-old right-handed woman with an angiographically proven AVM (3-4 cm) in the left mid-posterior second temporal convolution in whom a left intracarotid injection of sodium Amytal produced significant language disruption. A baseline PET cerebral blood flow study identified the AVM, and an activation PET scan performed during the reading and speaking of simple words showed increased activity in the left parastriate cortex (the second visual area), in the left posterior third frontal convolution (Broca's area), and in the left inferior and midtemporal gyri (Wernicke's area). Increased activity was also noted in the right and left transverse temporal (Heschl's) gyri, in the left precentral gyrus, in the left medial superior frontal gyrus (the supplementary motor area), and in the right cerebellum. We conclude that activation PET scanning is useful in the preoperative assessment of patients who harbor cerebral AVMs in classically described speech regions.  相似文献   

The noninvasive methods of cognitive neuroscience offer new possibilities to study language. We used neuronavigated multisite transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to determine the functional relevance of 1) the posterior part of left superior temporal gyrus (Wernicke's area), 2) a midportion of Broca's area (slightly posterior/superior to apex of vertical ascending ramus), and 3) the midsection of the left middle temporal gyrus (MTG), during overt picture naming. Our chronometric TMS design enabled us to chart the time points at which neural activity in each of these regions functionally contributes to overt speech production. Our findings demonstrate that the midsection of left MTG becomes functionally relevant at 225 ms after picture onset, followed by Broca's area at 300 ms and Wernicke's area at 400 ms. Interestingly, during this late time window, the left MTG shows a second peak of functional relevance. Each area thus contributed during the speech production process at different stages, suggesting distinct underlying functional roles within this complex multicomponential skill. These findings are discussed and framed in the context of psycholinguistic models of speech production according to which successful speaking relies on intact, spatiotemporally specific feed forward and recurrent feedback loops within a left-hemispheric fronto-temporal brain connectivity network.  相似文献   

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