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Renibacterium salmoninarum causes a chronic disease of salmonid fish known as bacterial kidney disease. High concentrations of bacterially produced extracellular protein (ECP) are present in plasma, kidney, and spleen tissue of naturally and experimentally infected fish. ECP agglutinated salmonid leukocytes in vitro at concentrations which correspond to levels found in highly infected fish. Association of biological activity with the structure of the major protein constituent of ECP, p57, was accomplished by monoclonal antibody (MAb) analysis. Location of the antigenic binding sites recognized by the MAbs was determined by two-dimensional electrophoresis and Western immunoblotting of the proteolytic breakdown fragments of p57. Eight MAbs have been classified into three groups on the basis of their differential recognition of these proteolytic breakdown products. Group I MAbs bound a region proximal to the amino terminus of the protein. Two of these MAbs were also able to block leukoagglutinating activity. Group III MAbs bound to a region associated with the bacterial cell surface, while group II MAbs bound a region between group I and group III. These analyses have allowed the identification of potential structural and functional regions of p57.  相似文献   

Hageman factor was purified from guinea pig plasma by successive column chromatography. The guinea pig Hageman factor appeared homogeneous as a single-chain protein on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and beta-mercaptoethanol. The apparent molecular weight was 76,000 daltons by SDS--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 105,000 daltons by gel filtration with a Sephadex G-150 column. Amino acid composition of the guinea pig Hageman factor was similar to that reported for human, bovine, and rabbit Hageman factors. The purified guinea pig Hageman factor, as well as guinea pig plasma, showed strong clotting time correction activity in Hageman-factor--deficient human plasma. The activity could be blocked by the IgG fraction of antiserums against guinea pig Hageman factor raised in rabbits or a goat. The concentration of Hageman factor in guinea pig plasma was determined to be 120 microgram/ml by quantitative radial immunodiffusion assay. The 28,000-dalton active form of Hageman factor (beta-HFa) was prepared from guinea pig Hageman factor by treatment with plasma kallikrein. beta-HFa caused an increase in vascular permeability when injected into guinea pig skin at concentrations as low as 3 x 10(-10) M (0.8 ng). Native, or zymogen Hageman factor did not cause an increase in permeability at concentrations of up to 2 x 10(-7) M. The increased permeability induced by beta-HFa was short lasting, with about a 50% decrease in activity apparent within 6 minutes after intradermal injection. The permeability enhancement activity of beta-HFa was inhibited by pretreatment of beta-HFa with diisopropylfluorophosphate. It may be concluded that active Hageman factor in the interstitial space of guinea pigs acts as a vascular permeability factor of far greater potency than bradykinin.  相似文献   

A means for distinguishing between clinical isolates of Renibacterium salmoninarum that is based on the PCR amplification of length polymorphisms in the tRNA intergenic spacer regions (tDNA-ILPs) was investigated. The method used primers specific to nucleotide sequences of R. salmoninarum tRNA genes and tRNA intergenic spacer regions that had been generated by using consensus tRNA gene primers. Twenty-one PCR products were sequenced from five isolates of R. salmoninarum from the United States, England, and Scotland, and four complete tRNA genes and spacer regions were identified. Sixteen specific PCR primers were designed and tested singly and in all possible pairwise combinations for their potential to discriminate between isolates from recent clinical outbreaks of bacterial kidney disease (BKD) in the United Kingdom. Fourteen of the isolates were cultured from kidney samples taken from fish displaying clinical signs of BKD on five farms, and some of the isolates came from the same farm and at the same time. The tDNA-ILP profiles separated 22 clinical isolates into nine groups and highlighted that some farms may have had more than one source of infection. The grouping of isolates improved on the discriminatory power of previously reported typing methods based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis and restriction fragment length profiles developed using insertion sequence IS994. Our method enabled us to make divisions between closely related clinical isolates of R. salmoninarum that have identical exact tandem repeat (ETR-A) loci, rRNA intergenic spacer sequences, and IS994 profiles.  相似文献   

During infection, Renibacterium salmoninarum survives within the pronephric macrophages of salmonid fish. Therefore, to study the initial phases of the interaction we infected macrophages with live bacteria and analysed the responses of host and pathogen. It was found that the expression of msa encoding the p57 antigen of R. salmoninarum, was constitutive, while the expression of hly and rsh, encoding haemolysins, and lysB and grp was reduced after infection. Macrophages showed a rapid inflammatory response in which the expression of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II), inducible cyclo-oxygenase (Cox-2), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was enhanced, but tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) expression was greatly reduced initially and then increased. After 5 days, except for TNF-alpha and MHC II, expression returned to levels approaching those of uninfected macrophages. We propose that R. salmoninarum survives initial contact with macrophages by avoiding and/or interfering with TNF-alpha-dependent killing pathways. The effects of specific R. salmoninarum components were studied in vivo by injecting fish with DNA vaccine constructs expressing msa, hly, rsh, lysB, or grp. We found that msa reduced the expression of IL-1beta, Cox-2, and MHC II but stimulated TNF-alpha while hly, rsh and grp stimulated MHC II but down-regulated TNF-alpha. Constructs expressing hly or lysB stimulated iNOS expression and additionally, lysB stimulated TNF-alpha. The results show how p57 suppresses the host immune system and suggest that the immune mechanisms for the containment of R. salmoninarum infections rely on MHC II- and TNF-alpha-dependent pathways. Moreover, prolonged stimulation of TNF-alpha may contribute to the chronic inflammatory pathology of bacterial kidney disease.  相似文献   

A series of 130 eyes with ocular melanomas, 19 normal eyes, and 18 eyes affected with other disorders leading to blood-ocular barrier (BOB) breakdown were immunohistochemically stained for albumin to localize sites of BOB failure within the retina, ciliary body, and iris. Thirty-nine of the eyes containing melanomas and all of the other eyes were also immunohistochemically stained for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), to investigate its potential role as a mediator for BOB failure. Eyes with melanomas showed widespread leakage through the retinal pigment epithelium, and 58% demonstrated leakage from retinal vessels in the proximity of the tumor. BOB failure remote from the tumor also occurred in retina (50%), optic nerve head (77%), ciliary body (51%), and iris (51%), suggesting that a soluble mediator may be involved. VEGF was demonstrated intraretinally in the proximity of (46%) and remote from (24%) melanomas and in eyes affected by other disease processes, particularly those involving neoplasia or retinal detachments, usually within particular cell populations (ie, retinal vessel walls, ganglion cells, inner or outer nuclear layers, retinal pigment epithelium). VEGF localization in retina, ciliary body, and iris often coincided with sites of extravasated albumin. Preincubation of albumin or VEGF antibodies with normal serum or VEGF peptide, respectively, eliminated or markedly reduced all immunoreactivity. Only 1 of 14 normal postmortem eyes and 0 of 5 normal surgically removed eyes showed VEGF positivity in the retina, 5 of 19 normal eyes had weak positivity in the ciliary body, and VEGF was not demonstrated in the iris of normal eyes. VEGF cannot account for all of the BOB failure associated with ocular melanomas, but appears likely to play a contributing role in many cases.  相似文献   

Vascular permeability factor (VPF), also known as vascular endothelial growth factor, is a secreted protein implicated in tumor-associated microvascular hyperpermeability and angiogenesis. Tumor cells in 11 of 12 renal cell carcinomas expressed high levels of VPF messenger RNA (mRNA) by in situ hybridization, the only exception being a case of the relatively avascular papillary variant. Expression was further accentuated adjacent to areas of necrosis. Both tumor cells and endothelial cells in small vessels adjacent to tumor stained strongly for VPF protein by immunohistochemistry. Endothelial cells did not express detectable VPF mRNA, but did express high levels of mRNA for the VPF receptors flt-1 and KDR indicating that the endothelial cell staining likely reflects binding of VPF secreted by adjacent tumor cells. Three transitional cell carcinomas also labeled strongly for VPF mRNA. These data suggest an important role for VPF in the vascular biology of these two common human malignancies.  相似文献   

Abundant vasculature with increased permeability is a prominent histological feature of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), a multifocal, cytokine-regulated tumor. Here we report on the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in AIDS-KS angiogenesis and vascular permeability. We demonstrate that different cytokines, which were previously shown to be active in KS development, modulate VEGF expression in KS spindle cells and cooperate with VEGF on the functional level. Northern blot analysis as well as studies on single cells using in situ hybridization revealed that VEGF expression in cultivated AIDS-KS spindle cells is up-regulated by platelet-derived growth factor-B and interleukin-1 beta. Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis of cell culture supernatants demonstrated that the VEGF protein is secreted by stimulated AIDS-KS spindle cells in sufficiently high amounts to activate proliferation of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells. Basic fibroblast growth factor did not increase VEGF expression but acted synergistically with VEGF in the induction of angiogenic KS-like lesions in a mouse model in vivo. Angiogenesis and cellularity of KS-like lesions were clearly increased when both factors were injected simultaneously into the flanks of mice, compared with separate injection of each factor. A comparable angiogenic reaction as obtained by simultaneous injection of basic fibroblast growth factor and VEGF was observed when cell culture supernatants of AIDS-KS spindle cells were used for these experiments. Finally, analysis of primary human AIDS-KS lesions revealed that high amounts of VEGF mRNA and protein were present in KS spindle cells in vivo. These data provide evidence that VEGF, in concert with platelet-derived growth factor-B, interleukin-1 beta, and basic fibroblast growth factor, is a key mediator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability in KS lesions in vivo.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress plays critical roles in initiation and/or worsening of respiratory disease process. Although reactive oxygen species (ROS) are shown to cause vascular leakage, the mechanisms by which ROS induce an increase in vascular permeability are not clearly understood. In this study, we have used a murine model to evaluate the effect of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) to examine roles of ROS and the molecular mechanism in vascular permeability. The results have revealed that ROS levels, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha protein level, airway hyperresponsiveness, and vascular permeability are increased after inhalation of H(2)O(2). Administration of antioxidants markedly reduced plasma extravasation and VEGF levels in lungs treated with H(2)O(2). These results indicate that ROS may modulate vascular permeability via upregulation of VEGF expression.  相似文献   

VPF/VEGF is a multifunctional cytokine that contributes to angiogenesis by both direct and indirect mechanisms. On the one hand, VPF/VEGF stimulates the ECs lining nearby microvessels to proliferate, to migrate, and to alter their pattern of gene expression. On the other hand, VPF/VEGF renders these same microvascular ECs hyperpermeable so that they spill plasma proteins into the extravascular space, leading to the clotting of extravasated fibrinogen with deposition of a fibrin gel. Extravascular fibrin serves as a provisional matrix that favors and supports the ingrowth of new blood vessels and other mesenchymal cells that generate mature, vascularized stroma. These same principles apply in tumors, in several examples of non-neoplastic pathology, and in physiological processes that involve angiogenesis and new stroma generation. In all of these examples, microvascular hyperpermeability and the introduction of a provisional, plasma-derived matrix precede and accompany the onset of EC division and new blood vessel formation. It would seem, therefore, that tumors have "borrowed" fundamental mechanisms that developed in multicellular organisms for purposes of tissue defense, renewal, and repair. VPF/VEGF, therefore has taught us something new about angiogenesis; namely, that vascular hyperpermeability and consequent plasma protein extravasation are important, perhaps essential, elements in its generation. However, this finding raises a paradox. While VPF/VEGF induces vascular hyperpermeability, other potent angiogenic factors apparently do not, at least in subtoxic concentrations that are more than sufficient to induce angiogenesis. Nonetheless, wherever angiogenesis has been studied, the newly generated vessels have been found to be hyperpermeable. How, therefore, do angiogenic factors other than VPF/VEGF lead to the formation of new and leaky blood vessels? We do not as yet have a complete answer to this question. One possibility is that at least some angiogenic factors mediate their effect by inducing or stimulating the expression of VPF/VEGF. In fact, there is already one clear example of this. TGF-alpha is a potent angiogenic factor but does not itself increase microvascular permeability. However, TGF-alpha strikingly upregulates VPF/VEGF expression in cultured keratinocytes and is thought to be responsible, at least in part, for the overexpression of VPF/VEGF in psoriasis. Moreover, overexpression of TGF-alpha, along with that of the EGF receptor with which it interacts, is characteristic of many malignant tumors, raising the possibility that TGF-alpha acts to stimulate VPF/VEGF expression in other types of epithelial cells and in this manner induces angiogenesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VPF/VEGF) is a cytokine that is overexpressed in many tumors, in healing wounds, and in rheumatoid arthritis. VPF/VEGF is thought to induce angiogenesis and accompanying connective tissue stroma in two ways: 1), by increasing microvascular permeability, thereby modifying the extracellular matrix and 2), as an endothelial cell mitogen. VPF/VEGF has been reported in animal corpora lutea and we investigated the possibility that it might be present in human ovaries and have a role in corpus luteum formation. We here report that VPF/VEGF mRNA and protein are expressed by human ovarian granulosa and theca cells late in follicle development and, subsequent to ovulation, by granulosa and theca lutein cells. Therefore, VPF/VEGF is ideally positioned to provoke the increased permeability of thecal blood vessels that occurs shortly before ovulation. VPF/VEGF likely also contributes to the angiogenesis and connective tissue stroma generation that accompany corpus luteum/corpus albicans formation. Finally, VPF/VEGF was overexpressed in the hyperthecotic ovarian stroma of Stein-Leventhal syndrome in which it may also have a pathophysiological role.  相似文献   

Vascular permeability factor (VPF), also known as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), plays an important role in the angiogenesis associated with the growth of many human and animal tumors. VPF/VEGF stimulates endothelial cell growth and increases microvascular permeability by interacting with two endothelial cell tyrosine kinase receptors, KDR and flt-1. We studied 16 cases of AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), 2 cases of cutaneous angiosarcoma, and 6 cases of capillary hemangioma by in situ hybridization for expression of VPF/VEGF, KDR, and flt-1 mRNAs. We also performed immunohistochemical staining for VPF/VEGF protein in 15 cases. Tumor cells in KS and angiosarcoma strongly expressed KDR but not flt-1 mRNA. Endothelial cells in small stromal vessels in and around these tumors strongly expressed both KDR and flt-1 mRNAs. Tumor cells expressed VPF/VEGF mRNA strongly in only one case of KS, adjacent to an area of necrosis. This was also the only case in which the tumor cells stained substantially for VPF/VEGF protein. VPF/VEGF mRNA and protein were, however, strongly expressed by squamous epithelium in areas of hyperplasia and near areas of ulceration overlying tumors. VPF/VEGF mRNA was also expressed focally at lower levels by infiltrating inflammatory cells, probably macrophages. The strong expression of both KDR and flt-1 in small stromal vessels in and around tumors suggests that VPF/VEGF may be an important regulator of the edema and angiogenesis seen in these tumors. The strong expression of KDR by tumor cells in KS and angiosarcoma implies that VPF/VEGF may also have a direct effect on tumor cells. Tumor cells in four of six capillary hemangiomas strongly expressed both KDR and flt-1 mRNAs in contrast to the high level expression of only KDR observed in the malignant vascular tumors studied. Neither VPF/VEGF mRNA or protein were strongly expressed in capillary hemangiomas. VPF/VEGF and its receptors may play an important but as yet incompletely understood role in the pathogenesis of both benign and malignant vascular tumors.  相似文献   

The vascular permeability factors (VPFs) of bovine and human platelets were studied on the vascular permeability activity in the skin of unanesthetized rabbits. By continuous Urografin or sucrose density gradient method, subcellular organelles were separated from both bovine and human platelets as four fractions. Acid extract prepared from each fraction was used as a provocative for the production of inflammation. After intradermal injection, the alpha-granule extract alone provoked an obvious vascular permeability activity. In skin sites responding to the injection, high concentration of the bovine VPF induced a monophasic response with time, though both human and low concentration of bovine VPFs brought about nearly the same biphasic response. On quantitative analysis of the vascular permeability activity, chromatoscanner method was applied for the first time to the estimation of exuded dye. It was confirmed that the method attains to satisfactory results corresponding to those by the common dye-extraction method. We assume that the bovine and human platelets may play a role in inflammation by releasing the VPF during the aggregation and adhesion of the cells to each other as well as to the endothelium in association with migration.  相似文献   

Vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VPF/VEGF) is an angiogenic cytokine with potential for the treatment of tissue ischemia. To investigate the properties of the new blood vessels induced by VPF/VEGF, we injected an adenoviral vector engineered to express murine VPF/VEGF164 into several normal tissues of adult nude mice or rats. A dose-dependent angiogenic response was induced in all tissues studied but was more intense and persisted longer (months) in skin and fat than in heart or skeletal muscle (< or =3 weeks). The initial response (within 18 hours) was identical in all tissues studied and was characterized by microvascular hyperpermeability, edema, deposition of an extravascular fibrin gel, and the formation of enlarged, thin-walled pericyte-poor vessels ("mother" vessels). Mother vessels developed from preexisting microvessels after pericyte detachment and basement membrane degradation. Mother vessels were transient structures that evolved variably in different tissues into smaller daughter vessels, disorganized vessel tangles (glomeruloid bodies), and medium-sized muscular arteries and veins. Vascular structures closely resembling mother vessels and each mother vessel derivative have been observed in benign and malignant tumors, in other examples of pathological and physiological angiogenesis, and in vascular malformations. Together these data suggest that VPF/VEGF has a role in the pathogenesis of these entities. They also indicate that the angiogenic response induced by VPF/VEGF is heterogeneous and tissue specific. Finally, the muscular vessels that developed from mother vessels in skin and perimuscle fat have the structure of collaterals and could be useful clinically in the relief of tissue ischemia.  相似文献   

Human vascular endothelium growth factor receptor VEGFR1 is a type III fms-like tyrosine kinase with weakly pronounced tyrosine kinase function. The second and third IgG-like domains of the extracellular part of VEGFR1 act as “traps” for VEGF and are prospective candidates for antiangiogenic therapy of VEGF-dependent tumors. cDNA encoding extracellular Ig-like domains 2, 3, 4 of VEGFR1 was cloned in expressing vectors pET28a, pET32a, and pQE60. The recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli cells and purified by metal affinity chromatography. An expressing construction and a superproducer strain were created, allowing the production of high amounts of recombinant VEGFR1 extracellular fragment, needed for experimental in vivo antiangiogenic therapy.  相似文献   

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