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达勇  袁小波 《中国药业》2002,11(2):46-47
药物依赖由生物因素,社会因素所形成,其中社会,家庭及个人因素占主怵地位,原因异常复杂,本从人格因素及情绪障碍两方面论述药物依赖吸毒成瘾的心理机制。  相似文献   

药物依赖是一种以强制性寻求和使用成瘾性药物为特征的慢性复发性脑病[1].大量研究证实,遗传因素在药物依赖中起着重要作用(遗传度在30%-60%之间),但其遗传方式不符合孟德尔单基因遗传规律[2],而是符合多因素疾病的模式[3].  相似文献   

药物滥用已成为当今世界严重危害社会安全,家庭和谐,人们身心健康的一大社会问题。本文仅就本院药物依赖者的心电图异常改变作一分析,为脱毒治疗的临床研究积累更多的经验。1临床资料186例药物依赖者均为1994年以来的住院自愿戒毒者(剔除了复吸后又脱毒治疗的对象)。入院后收集患者的性别、年龄、身材、滥用药品的种类、滥用数量、滥用时间、心电图各项常规指标,见表1、表2。186例药物依赖中,40例(21.51%)出现心电图异常改变。其中常见的有以下几类:窦性心动过速13例,ST-T下移提示心肌缺血改变16例,肺型P波3例,窦速合并ST-T改变者5例,窦…  相似文献   

目的:分析广州市药物(美沙酮)维持治疗(MMT)点工作的疗效,为进一步推广和完善MMT提供参考依据。方法:采用自我设计的社区美沙酮维持治疗调查表,对笔者所在门诊2006年09月~2008年-07月收治的125例海洛依赖者进行入组和随访凋查。结果:①受治者使用毒品的行为明显减少,2年来平均尿吗啡检测阴性率65%,未见共用针具行为;②家庭关系改善,家庭关系良好者从18例(14.4%)增至105例(84%);正常生活水平从12例(9.6%)增至105例(90.4%);精神变好从14例(11.2%)增至115例(90.2%);③就业率从入组12例(9.6%)增至65例(52%)。结论:实施MMT在改善海洛因依赖者社会功能,降低毒品危害方面有一定成效,但还存在脱失率偏高,就业率不足等现象。怎样采取有效措施,降低脱失率,提高就业率,是今后急需解决的一个问题。  相似文献   

目的:了解药物依赖者住院期间对医院管理和护理服务的需求。方法:对60例入住上海市精神卫生中心自愿戒毒病房的药物依赖者,在自愿交谈的前提下采用自行设计的调查表(药物依赖患者对医护人员工作满意程度和住院需求)进行访谈调查,并对访谈结果进行评估分析。结果:医生护士规范服务意识较好,能为药物依赖者提供基本的医疗护理服务。但由于药物依赖者生活习惯和人际交往改变,与医生护士沟通存在不足。另外,硬件条件也抑制了药物依赖者的住院需求。结论:医院管理是全方位的,一方面,应重视硬件设施的配套,努力为药物依赖者营造一流的外部环境。另一方面,改变被动的服务模式,充实并完善服务内容,重视医生、护士在医患关系中的调节作用,提升服务质量,满足社会需求。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者某些心理特征的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用龚氏修订的韦氏成人智力量表,专氏记忆量表及自拟智力。人格调查表对3例洛因依赖者和30名正常人进行测试,结果显示海洛因依赖组的智力商数,记忆商数明显低于正常组。  相似文献   

650例药物依赖者流行病学调查分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
650例药物依赖者流行病学调查分析黄进弟叶廷蔚朱国钦(海南省安宁医院,海南省戒毒治疗中心,海口,571107)为了解本地区药物滥用特征和使用情况,根据中国药物滥用监测中心制作的《药物滥用监测登记表》对在本中心自愿戒毒者进行询问调查,结果分析如下:65...  相似文献   

本文分析了住我院脱毒治疗的老年药物依赖者的临床资料,初步提出了不同于其它脱毒者的临床特征为成瘾物质的医源性、躯体疾病的严重性、依赖病程的长期性、心理状态的病理性、治疗难度的复杂性,依赖药量大,复吸率高。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者脱毒后药物渴求的初步调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
目的··:观察国内临床脱毒后未染毒的海洛因依赖者的渴求状况。方法··:采用单项目的自评量表 ,对705例在北京和重庆地区的强制戒毒机构脱毒后的住院者进行药物渴求程度调查。结果··:在调查期间 ,有38.7 %的被调查者有不同程度的药物渴求。临床脱毒后 ,一个月、二个月、三个月及三个月以上 ,渴求分值的变化没有显著性(F=1.345,P=0.259)。渴求强度与吸香烟的数量之间有相关关系 (标准化回归系数为0.225,t=6.128,P<0.001)。结论·· :部分海洛因依赖者临床脱毒后 ,药物渴求持续存在  相似文献   

Many addicts have poor living conditions that affect the nature and rate of deterioration of their vision and its relation to social, psychological, and physical functions. This exploratory study provides details about the vision problems of 65 heroin addicts in methadone treatment. The majority reported needing glasses and 40% said their eyes were never examined. Ophthalmologic screening showed that addicts tend to report more vision problems than actually exist. Older addicts, age 40 years or more, have significantly more vision problems than those who are younger. Among those screened, 11% were myopic or nearsighted, 7% had a cataract; 5% were hyperopic or farsighted; and about 4% had strabismus (i.e. were cross-eyed). These findings do not tend to differ from prevalence statistics available for a general population of the same age. This report discusses vision, its relation to the ageing process and drug treatment, and provides recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

目的:生理脱毒者药物渴求的理论维度构建和量表编制。方法:参考国内外文献,采用了访谈法和初始问卷调查法,提出了生理脱毒者药物渴求的维度结构理论假设,编制出了34个项目的预测问卷,选择符合生理脱毒标准的戒毒机构内的432人为调查对象,进行了信效度考察。结果:使用主成分分析法进行探索性因素分析,提取出五个因子,分别是奖赏性药物渴求、消极性药物渴求、反射性药物渴求、社会性药物渴求和消除性药物渴求,解释了项目总方差的56.490%,未去掉一个题项,符合理论假设;量表的α系数为0.96,折半信度为0.85,各因子的α系数为0.75-0.90,均在P〈0.01的条件下显著;验证性因素分析表明指标拟合度良好。结论:该量表理论构建合理,具有良好的信、效度,进一步完善后能成为生理脱毒者药物渴求良好的评鉴工具。  相似文献   

The drug scene generally comprises the following four distinct categories of young people: neophytes, addicts who enjoy a high status vis-à-vis other addicts, multiple drug addicts, and non-addicted drug dealers. It has its own evolution, hierarchy, structure and criteria of success and failure. The members are required to conform to the established criteria. The integration of the young addict into the drug scene is not voluntary in the real sense of the word, for he is caught between the culture that he rejects and the pseudo-culture of the drug scene. To be accepted into the drug scene, the neophyte must furnish proof of his reliability, which often includes certain forms of criminal activities. The addict who has achieved a position of importance in the drug world serves as a role model for behaviour to the neophyte. In a more advanced phase of addiction, the personality of the addict and the social functions of the drug scene are overwhelmed by the psychoactive effects of the drug, and this process results in the social withdrawal of the addict. The life-style of addicts and the subculture they develop are largely influenced by the type of drug consumed. For example, it is possible to speak of a heroin subculture and a cocaine subculture. In time, every drug scene deteriorates so that it becomes fragmented into small groups, which is often caused by legal interventions or a massive influx of new addicts. The fragmentation of the drug scene is followed by an increase in multiple drug abuse, which often aggravates the medical and social problems of drug addicts.  相似文献   

目的:通过对戒毒劳教人员的实地调查,客观评价吸毒的危害和对经劳教而强制戒毒提出相关建议。方法:深入湖南省衡阳市某劳教机构,对劳教戒毒人员进行调查。结果:重点调查了26位戒毒劳教人员,并对其中的5人进行了深入交谈和分析。结论:吸毒成瘾与年龄、社会地位及经济状况密切相关;吸毒影响机体多器官的功能;劳教戒毒过程中应加强技能培训和科学管理。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the personality characteristics of addicts in Iran and to investigate the applicability of the Persian version of the Manson Evaluation Scale in a sample of 107 hospitalized male addicts as compared with a group of 90 non-addicts. All MES values attained statistically significant t-value at or better than 0.01 level of confidence between the two groups. The study supports findings in Western socities except that our sample exhibits psychoneurotic traits more than psychopathic trends.  相似文献   

目的:调查了解生理脱毒者药物渴求的影响因素和特点,为戒毒工作提供实证依据。方法:使用自编的具有良好信、效度的生理脱毒者药物渴求量表,选择符合生理脱毒标准的戒毒机构内的400人为调查对象。结果:通过对不同变量在各因子和总量表上的不同表现,显示生理脱毒者的药物渴求是普遍存在的。结论:受教育程度、性别、吸食方式、年龄、吸毒时长等5个变量影响着生理脱毒者的药物渴求;与传统观点有别的是戒毒时间的长短、戒毒次数的多少、日用药量的大小均不对生理脱毒者的药物渴求形成有效影响。  相似文献   

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