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Previous studies demonstrated that a whole-grain diet attenuated sodium-dependent hypertension and renal disease in Dahl salt-sensitive rats from the colony at the Medical College of Wisconsin (Dahl SS/Mcw rats) compared with rats maintained on a purified AIN-76A diet. The present experiments determined which component(s) of the grain diet prevented renal and cardiovascular disease. Male SS/Mcw rats were maintained on isocaloric diets identical to AIN-76A, except the source of protein (wheat gluten for casein), carbohydrate (wheat flour for sucrose), or fat (soybean oil for corn oil) was substituted in separate diets. Rats were maintained on the different diets from weaning and studied after 3 weeks on a high-salt (4.0% NaCl) diet. Substitution of the carbohydrate in the diet did not affect body weight, arterial pressure, or renal disease. Replacement of casein with wheat gluten significantly reduced body weight (258+/-7 versus 353+/-3 grams), mean arterial pressure (133+/-2 versus 153+/-2 mm Hg), and albumin excretion (9+/-1 versus 50+/-7 mg/d) to levels of rats fed the whole-grain diet (n=7 to 16/group). Replacement of the fat in the diet increased arterial pressure without affecting body weight or albumin excretion. The results of the present study indicate that dietary components other than sodium play an important role in the development of hypertension and renal disease in the Dahl SS/Mcw rat.  相似文献   

We measured food intake, body growth and transport of calcium and sodium by duodenum of female Dahl salt sensitive (DS) and salt resistant (DR) rat strains. Food intake and body growth were similar for DS and DR rats taking both 0.4 and 8% sodium chloride diets. Food intake increased with age up to 5 weeks and then remained constant despite continuing body growth. Comparing DS and DR rats fed the 0.4% sodium chloride diet at 6 and 11 weeks or the 8% sodium chloride diet at 6 weeks, transport of calcium and sodium were the same in both the DS and DR groups. Transport of calcium, but not sodium, was lower at 11 than at 6 weeks. Comparing simultaneous feeding of either 0.4 or 8% sodium chloride diets to 6-week old DS and DR rat strains, transport of calcium tended to be lower in animals fed the 8% as compared to the 0.4% sodium chloride diet, and the difference was significant for net 40Ca transport for DR rats. The DS rat fed on 8% sodium chloride had higher systolic blood pressure (SBP) than the DR rat. We conclude that growing DS and DR rats, ingesting equal amounts of food, do not differ in duodenal calcium and sodium transport measured by the everted sac technique. The response to feeding sodium chloride differs between strains: the high salt diet decreases net 40Ca transport in the DR but not the DS strain.  相似文献   

The functional balance between angiotensin II (Ang II) and nitric oxide (NO) plays a key role in modulating salt sensitivity. Estrogen has been shown to downregulate angiotensin type 1 (AT1) receptor expression and to increase the bioavailability of endothelium-derived NO, which decreases AT1 receptor expression. The present study tests the hypothesis that in the presence of genetic salt sensitivity, deficiency of endogenous estrogens after ovariectomy (OVX) fosters an upregulation of Ang II. Female Dahl salt-resistant (DR), Dahl salt-sensitive (DS), Wistar-Kyoto (WKY), and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats underwent bilateral OVX or sham surgery (SHX) and were fed a normal salt diet (0.5% NaCl) for 14 weeks. Systolic blood pressures were measured every 2 weeks and were not significantly different between OVX and SHX for DR, WKY, and SHR groups. However, at the end of 14 weeks of normal salt diet, hypertension developed in DS OVX but not SHX rats (160+/-3 versus 136+/-3 mm Hg; P<0.05). Hypertension also developed in DS OVX rats pair-fed a normal salt diet (166+/-7 mm Hg). Development of hypertension in DS OVX rats was prevented by estrogen replacement (132+/-3 mm Hg), AT1 receptor blockade (119+/-3 mm Hg), or feeding a very low salt diet (0.1% NaCl; 129+/-4 mm Hg). Renal AT1 receptor protein expression was significantly elevated 2-fold in DS OVX relative to SHX rats and was prevented by estrogen replacement. These data strongly suggest that after OVX in salt-sensitive rats there is a lower threshold for the hypertensinogenic effect of salt that is linked to an activation of Ang II.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine the importance of activation or infiltration of immune cells in the kidney during the development of hypertension and renal disease in Dahl salt-sensitive rats (SS/Mcw) fed a 4.0% NaCl diet. Compared with vehicle-treated rats, chronic administration of mycophenolate mofetil ([MMF] 30 mg/kg per day, IP), an immunosuppressive agent that has cytostatic effects on T and B cells, decreased cell-specific markers of T and B cells by 50% to 60% in the kidneys of SS/Mcw rats (n=5 per group). Further studies were performed on Dahl SS/Mcw rats, which were instrumented with chronic indwelling catheters and studied after 3 weeks on the 4.0% NaCl diet. Rats were administered MMF or 5% dextrose vehicle daily during the 3-week period of high NaCl intake. Mean arterial blood pressure in the rats administered MMF (122+/-2 mm Hg; n=11) was significantly decreased compared with vehicle-treated rats (139+/-4 mm Hg; n=9). Furthermore, the rate of protein (112+/-13 mg per day) and albumin excretion (15+/-3 mg per day) in the MMF-treated rats was significantly lower than the protein and albumin excretion rate in vehicle-treated rats (167+/-25 and 31+/-7 mg per day, respectively). Creatinine clearance and body weight were not different between the groups, averaging 0.52+/-0.08 mL/min per gram kidney weight and 322+/-10 g, respectively, in the MMF-treated group. These experiments indicate that the activation of the immune system or renal infiltration of immune cells plays an important role in the development of hypertension and renal disease in Dahl SS/Mcw rats consuming an elevated NaCl diet.  相似文献   

A high salt diet has been shown to increase renal mass of intact rats, although the mechanism by which this occurs has not been investigated. We used Dahl rats that are sensitive (DS) or resistant (DR) to the hypertensinogenic effect of salt to examine changes in renal size and composition caused by a high salt diet. Renal index, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), protein, water content, protein/DNA ratio, and cell number and size were measured in age-matched DR and DS on a high salt diet for 7, 14, or 28 days. The results were compared with those obtained from respective rats on a low salt diet. High salt diet elevated renal index and protein in DR and DS rats at each time point. After 7 days of a high salt diet, DNA increased in DS only. Protein/DNA ratio was progressively decreased by a high salt diet in DS and remained unchanged in DR rats. Cell number was increased 35% in DS versus only 13% in DR rats at 4 weeks. Cell size decreased 24% in DS and only 11% in DR rats. These results indicate that renal growth due to hyperplasia accompanies ingestion of a high salt diet in both DR and DS rats, but the rate of growth and the mechanism through which it occurs differ between strains. This difference may be important in delineating salt sensitivity and future development of hypertension.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that in the stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP), the Cl- component of dietary NaCl dominantly determines its pressor effect (salt-sensitivity). We telemetrically measured systolic aortic blood pressure (SBP) in SHRSP loaded with: nothing (CTL); NaCl alone (NaCl) (44 mmol/100 grams chow); KCl (KCl) alone (44 mmol); NaCl (44 mmol) combined with KHCO3 (77 mmol) (NaCl/KBC) or with KCl (77 mmol) (NaCl/KCl). Across all groups, from age 10 to 15 or 16 weeks, SBP increased linearly (mm Hg/week) (dp/dt, change in SBP as a function of time): CTL, 5.6; NaCl, 9.5; KCl, 8.8; NaCl/KBC, 9.1; and NaCl/KCl, 14.6. Thus, the value of dp/dt in KCl matched that in NaCl. The value of dp/dt in NaCl/KCl exceeded that in NaCl in direct proportion to the greater Cl- load. Across all groups, only Cl- load bore a direct, highly linear relationship with dp/dt. Strokes occurred only, but always with SBP >250 mm Hg, a value observed almost exclusively in NaCl/KCl. Thus, Cl- dominantly determined the pressor effect induced with dietary NaCl, both with NaCl loaded alone and combined with either KCl or KHCO3, and thereby likely determined the occurrence of stroke with NaCl loading. Over the initial 3-day period of NaCl loading and exacerbating hypertension, external balance of Na+ increased similarly among all groups. However, within 24 hours of initiating NaCl loading, urinary creatinine excretion decreased in direct proportion to dp/dt and urinary Cl- excretion. We conclude that in the SHRSP, the Cl- component of a dietary NaCl dominantly determines salt sensitivity and thereby phenotypic expression. We suggest that Cl- might do so by inducing renal vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We evaluated whether taurine prevents renal damage which is accompanied with enhanced expression of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL) receptor-1 (LOX-1) mRNA, in salt-loaded Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) rats. METHODS: Male, 4-week-old DS rats were fed on either a high-salt (8% NaCl) or normal-salt (0.66% NaCl) diet for 4 weeks. Some DS rats with high-salt diet were given drinking water containing 1% taurine. We evaluated blood pressure, renal function, renal LOX-1 expression and parameters for oxidative stress. RESULTS: In salt-loaded DS rats, there was a significant increase in heart weight and urinary protein, accompanied with enhanced LOX-1 expression in kidney. All of these were reduced by concomitant supplementation of taurine, although both antihypertensive and antihyperlipidemic effects of taurine were only slight in salt-loaded DS rats. On the other hand, salt-induced increment in urinary 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine, a parameter of oxidative damage, was completely normalized by taurine supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: The protective effects of taurine supplementation against renal damage induced by salt loading in DS rats may be attributed to the suppression of LOX-1, probably through its antioxidant effects.  相似文献   

Dietary NaCl supplementation in NaCl-sensitive spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR-S) elevates blood pressure, increases peripheral sympathetic nervous system activity and depresses endogenous noradrenaline stores and noradrenaline release in the anterior hypothalamus. NaCl-resistant spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR-R) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats are resistant to the NaCl-induced alterations in blood pressure and central and peripheral noradrenergic activity, suggesting that the alterations observed in the SHR-S during NaCl loading are genetically mediated. The anterior hypothalamus is a major cardiovascular regulatory region, and depressor responses elicited by pharmacologic (alpha 2 adrenoceptor) stimulation of this area are exaggerated in SHR-S fed a high NaCl diet compared with SHR-S fed a basal diet and compared with SHR-R and WKY fed a high or basal NaCl diet. Membrane-binding techniques confirm that alpha 2 adrenoceptors in the anterior hypothalamic area are increased in number in SHR-S fed a high NaCl diet, presumably reflecting upregulation in response to reduced local noradrenaline release. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that decreased noradrenergic activity of sympathoinhibitory neurons in the anterior hypothalamic area may mediate the exacerbation in hypertension that occurs in SHR-S during dietary NaCl supplementation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if alterations of calcium and calcium regulating hormones precede the onset of NaCl induced hypertension in the Dahl salt sensitive (S) rat. After a 5 day balance study, serum ionized calcium, PTH, and 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D concentrations were measured in Dahl-S and salt resistant (R) rats that had been maintained on a "normal" (1%) or high (7%) NaCl intake. Blood pressure was higher in Dahl-S than R (P less than .01), but was not affected by 5 days of high NaCl. On both NaCl intakes, urine calcium excretion was increased, serum calcium was decreased, and serum PTH and 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D were increased in Dahl-S compared to Dahl-R (P less than .01). On the high NaCl intake, fecal calcium was greater in Dahl-S than in Dahl-R, and net 5 day calcium balance was less positive in Dahl-S (P less than .05). In contrast to NaCl, a high dietary intake of sodium with anions other than chloride (NaAA) fails to produce hypertension in the Dahl-S rat. NaAA loading resulted in decreased urine calcium excretion (P less than .01), and after 5 days of the high NaAA diet, serum calcium and PTH did not differ in Dahl-S and Dahl-R. Thus, alterations of calcium, PTH, and vitamin D precede NaCl-induced hypertension in Dahl-S. These alterations may contribute to the development of hypertension in this animal model.  相似文献   

Cardiac and thoracic aortic tissue were removed from 8-9 week old Dahl salt resistant (DR) and salt sensitive (DS) rats following 2 and 4 weeks of 8% NaCI diets. The tissue was used to determine the pool size and rate of [32P] Pi incorporation into phosphatidylinositol-4-5-bisphosphate (PIP2), phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP) and phosphatidic acid (PA). The studies show no strain differences in the pool size of these phospholipids nor any changes in pool size as a consequence of the duration of exposure to the 8% NaCI diet. However, [32P] Pi incorporation into PIP2, PIP and PA was increased in the cardiac tissue isolated from both DR and DS rats exposed to 4 versus 2 weeks of 8% NaCI diet prior to sacrifice. The relative increase was comparable in both strains. Further, the extent of [32P] Pi incorporation into these phospholipids was also increased in the aorta of DR, but not DS, rats exposed to 8% NaCI diets for 4 versus 2 weeks. The present study defines a strain specific difference in aortic tissue response to prolonged 8% NaCI diet exposure.  相似文献   

WNK (with no lysine [K]) kinases are serine-threonine protein kinases with an atypical placement of the catalytic lysine. Intronic deletions increase the expression of WNK1 in humans and cause pseudohypoaldosteronism type II, a form of hypertension. WNKs have been linked to ion carriers, but the underlying regulatory mechanisms are unknown. Here, we report a mechanism for the control of ion permeability by WNK1. We show that WNK1 activates the serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible protein kinase SGK1, leading to activation of the epithelial sodium channel. Increased channel activity induced by WNK1 depends on SGK1 and the E3 ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2. This finding provides compelling evidence that this molecular mechanism contributes to the pathogenesis of hypertension in pseudohypoaldosteronism type II caused by WNK1 and, possibly, in other forms of hypertension.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) plays critical roles in the control of renal and glomerular hemodynamics, tubuloglomerular feedback response, release of renin and sympathetic transmitters, tubular ion transport, and renal water and sodium excretion. This paper explores the importance of NO in the control of renal water and sodium excretion and in the long-term control of arterial blood pressure. Synthesis of NO, characteristics of NO tissue redox forms, NO synthase activity, and NO synthase isoforms in the kidney are reviewed. To define the role of NO as a natriuretic and antihypertensive factor, the most supportive evidence is summarized, and some contradictory results are also noted. Given the evidence that high salt intake results in high NO concentrations and great NO synthase expression and activity selectively in the renal medulla of the kidney, as well as evidence of a deficiency of the NO synthase activity in Dahl salt-sensitive rats confined in the renal medulla, this report emphasizes the mechanisms by which the renal medullary L-arginine/NO system controls sodium excretion and arterial blood pressure. Other mechanisms for the action of NO on sodium homeostasis such as the action on glomerular filtration rate and the direct effect on tubules are also discussed. We conclude that there is strong evidence that under physiologic conditions, NO plays an important role in the regulation of renal blood flow to the renal medulla and in the tubular regulation of sodium excretion. It is thereby involved in the long-term control of arterial blood pressure, and inhibition or deficiency of NO snythase may result in a sustained hypertension.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for blood pressure (BP) were found on chromosome 10 of Dahl salt-sensitive rats and are potentially important to human essential hypertension. But their identities and how they influence BP together were not known. Presently, we first fine mapped existing QTLs, C10QTL1, C10QTL2, and C10QTL3, by constructing congenic strains. In the process, a new QTL, C10QTL4, was identified. Because the intervals harboring C10QTL1 and C10QTL4 contain a maximum of 16 and 10 possible genes, respectively, a limited number of specific gene targets has been identified to be QTLs residing in human homologous regions on chromosome 17. Moreover, because none of these candidates encodes a gene known to influence BP, the 2 QTLs will represent novel genes for BP regulations. Second, we used congenic strains with QTL combinations to analyze the interactions between the QTLs. Consequently, a double combination of C10QTL4 and C10QTL1 possessed the same BP as each of the 2 QTLs alone. BP of a triple combination of C10QTL4, C10QTL1, and C10QTL3 was not different from BP of the C10QTL4 and C10QTL1 double combination. These results demonstrate that C10QTL4, C10QTL1, and C10QTL3 are epistatic to one another in their BP effects. In contrast, when adding C10QTL2 into the triple formation of the 3 QTLs above to create a quadruple QTL combination, BP increased proportionately, indicating that C10QTL2 acts independently of C10QTL4, C10QTL1, and C10QTL3. The epistatic and additive interactions uncovered in the animal model will help elucidate similar interactions playing a role in human essential hypertension.  相似文献   

This study compared the expression of enzymes and transport and channel proteins involved in the regulation of sodium reabsorption in the kidney of Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) and salt-resistant Brown-Norway (BN) and consomic rats (SS.BN13), in which chromosome 13 from the BN rat has been introgressed into the DS genetic background. The expression of the Na+/K+/2Cl- (BSC-1) cotransporter, Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE3), and Na+-K+-ATPase proteins were similar in the renal cortex of DS, BN, and SS.BN13 rats fed either a low-salt (0.1% NaCl) or a high-salt (8% NaCl) diet. The expression of the BSC-1 and the renal outer medullary K+ channel (ROMK) were higher, whereas the expression of the cytochrome P4504A proteins responsible for the formation of 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic (20-HETE) was lower in the outer medulla of the kidney of DS than in BN or SS.BN13 rats fed either a low-salt or a high-salt diet. In addition, the renal formation and excretion of 20-HETE was lower in DS than in BN and SS.BN13 rats. These results suggest that overexpression of ROMK and BSC-1 in the thick ascending limb combined with a deficiency in renal formation of 20-HETE may predispose Dahl S rats fed a high-salt diet to Na+ retention and hypertension.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in the Dahl salt-sensitive hypertensive rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Oxidative stress has been proposed as important in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Measurement of 8-iso prostaglandin F2alpha (8-ISO) is introduced for evaluating oxidative stress in vivo. 8-ISO is the major urinary metabolite of F2-isoprostanes and is formed nonenzymatically from the attack of superoxide radicals on arachidonic acid. We examined the oxidative stress level in the Dahl salt-sensitive (Dahl-S) rats and the Dahl salt-resistant (Dahl-R) rats. Dahl-S and Dahl-R rats were fed either a high salt diet (8% NaCl; HS) or low salt diet (0.3% NaCl; LS) for 3 weeks, and systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 24-hr urinary excretion of 8-ISO (U-8-ISO) were measured. In Dahl-S rats, the high salt diet induced hypertension (139 +/- 3 mmHg in LS versus 186 +/- 2 mmHg in HS, p < .05) and significantly increased the U-8-ISO (24.9 +/- 3.6 ng/24 hr in LS versus 63.2 +/- 14.6 ng/24 hr in HS, p < .05). No significant difference in blood pressure or U-8-ISO was observed between high-salt and low-salt treated Dahl-R rats. U-8-ISO concentration was correlated with SBP in all four experimental groups (r = 0.866). Moreover, urinary 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (U-8-OHdG), which is one of the most commonly used markers for evaluation of oxidative stress, was higher in Dahl-S-8% rats than in Dahl-S-0.3% rats (136.1 +/- 48.4 ng/24 hr in LS versus 322.8 +/- 46.7 ng/24 hr in HS, p < .05), and U-8-OHdG was correlated with SBP (r = 0.681) in Dahl-S rats. These results suggest oxygen radicals are involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension.  相似文献   

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