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Rye grass is the major cause of hay fever which currently affects 20 % of the population. Lolium perenne group I (Lol p I) is a glycoprotein of 240 amino acid residues, representing the main allergen of rye grass. We have used peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from controls and subjects allergic to rye grass and cultured them with L. perenne extract (LPE) and Lol p I and measured lymphocyte activation using thymidine incorporation. Patients were further studied against the 115 overlapping peptides of the iso-allergen clone 5A of Lol p I to see whether the 4 amino acid residue differences between clone 1A and clone 5A affect the T cell epitope and thus, lymphocyte activation. There are 24 peptide differences between isoallergen clone 1A and clone 5A occurring in pools 4, 13, 16 and 19 each one of which could be an immunodominant epitope. The PBMC from all allergic patients studied showed a strong proliferative response to LPE and Lol p I. Five immunogenic peptide pools, pool 6, 15, 16, 17 and 19 of the isoallergen clone 5A were also identified. Most of these pools are in the C-terminal region of Lol p I. Out of 20 pools tested in vitro 1 pool (pool-17) induced PBMC proliferation in five out of six patients who were not restricted to an HLA class II DR gene product. However, three out of the six subjects responded to various other peptide pools in addition to the immunodominant pool. In spite of the amino acid differences between the two clones, pool 17 still remains the immunodominant T cell epitope. Control subjects showed only weak responses to LPE and no detectable response to either Lol p I or peptide pools. From within the most active pool we have defined two peptides of the isoallergen clone 5A (identical in sequence with clone 1A) which stimulate lymphocytes from rye grass-sensitive patients in vitro. Previous studies with the two continuous sequences (193WGAVWRIDTPDK204 and 195AVWRIDTPDKLT206) tested in vivo by intradermal skin testing have shown typical delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions after 24—48 h in one patient. Comparison of amino acid sequences of Lol p I, Lol p II and Lol p III proteins revealed a significant level of structural similarity among them. Interestingly, 50% of the residues of the second peptide sequence are also present in Lol p II and Lol p III. Clinically it would be potentially beneficial if a common immunodominant T cell epitope can be used to induce anergy or specific T cell unresponsiveness to several different rye grass allergens locally or systemically.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knowledge of dominant T cell epitopes of major allergens recognized by allergic individuals is required to improve efficacy and safety of allergen immunotherapy. Rye grass pollen (RGP) is the most important source of seasonal aeroallergens in temperate climates and Lol p 1 and Lol p 5 are the two major IgE-reactive allergens. This study aimed to characterize the T cell response to these allergens using a large panel of RGP-sensitive individuals. METHODS: Short-term RGP-specific T cell lines (TCL) were generated from 38 RGP-sensitive subjects and stimulated with Lol p 1 and/or Lol p 5 allergens and synthetic 20-mer peptides. Proliferative responses were determined by 3H-thymidine uptake and IL-5 and IFN-gamma in culture supernatants analysed by ELISA. RESULTS: Of 17 subjects tested for reactivity to both allergens 16 (94%) responded to Lol p 1 and/or Lol p 5, establishing these as major T cell-reactive allergens. Sites of T cell reactivity were spread throughout the allergen molecules but regions of high reactivity were found. For Lol p 1 these spanned residues 19-38, 109-128, 154-173, 190-209, and for Lol p 5 37-56, 100-119, 145-164, 154-173, 190-209, 217-236 and 226-245. IL-5 and IFN-gamma were produced by T cells cultured with proliferation-inducing peptides. CONCLUSIONS: T cell responses to RGP major allergens have been extensively characterized, providing fundamental information for developing T cell-targeted immunotherapy for RGP allergy.  相似文献   

Twenty-five T cell clones specific for Bet v I were established from the peripheral blood of two birch pollen-allergic patients. The T cell epitopes of these clones were mapped using dodecapeptides overlapping for 2 amino acids (neighbors share 10 residues) spanning the whole amino acid sequence of the protein (159 amino acids). In total, 7 epitopes could be detected. One donor displayed 6 distinct T cell specificities for the Bet v I molecule in 14 T cell clones; for the other donor, 4 stimulating peptides for 11 clones could be identified. Two T cell epitopes were recognized by both subjects. One of these might represent an immunodominant epitope located at amino acid position 77–92 of the Bet v I molecule, as in 13/25 T cell clones activation could be induced by this amino acid sequence. One T cell clone reacted with purified pollen-derived Bet v I, but neither with any peptide synthesized according to a Bet v I-encoding cDNA nor with the respective recombinant protein. Upon stimulation with allergen, the majority of the clones (21/24) revealed the THO or TH2 type of cytokine production (interleukin-4 production), indicating their importance in the pathogenesis of the allergic disease.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies and autoreactive T lymphocytes directed against several pancreatic beta cell proteins such as GAD65 have been identified in the circulation before and at the onset of clinical type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. Using GAD65 synthetic peptides, we studied the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) either from recently diagnosed type 1 diabetic patients, of whom the majority share the disease-associated HLA class II haplotype (DR4-DQB1*0201 or DR3-DQB1*0302), or from HLA-matched control subjects. We found that 67% (14/21) of the type 1 diabetic patients and 39% (9/23) of the control subjects exhibited a positive proliferative response. Compared with control subjects, however, PBMC from diabetic patients proliferated more frequently (P < 0.05) in the presence of peptide pools from the C-terminal region of GAD65 (amino acids 379-585). Diabetic patients with the same HLA-DQ or HLA-DR alleles showed partially identical T cell reactivity, but no clear correlation could be made between MHC class II specificity and T cell epitopes because of multiple combinations of class II alleles. In addition, by flow cytometry, we studied the direct binding of GAD65 peptides to MHC class II molecules of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B (EBV-B) cells obtained from a diabetic patient. We found that 11 GAD peptides were able to bind to the highly susceptible haplotype DRB1*0301/0401-DQA1*0301/0501-DQB1*0302/0201 on the surface of EBV-B cells in partial correlation with the results obtained in the proliferation assays.  相似文献   

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