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Large gaps exist in the capacity of the US medical system to participate meaningfully in childhood obesity-prevention efforts and to meet the treatment needs of obese children. Current primary care practice for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity often varies from evidence-based recommendations. Childhood obesity specialists have partnered successfully with schools of medicine, professional societies, and other organizations to collaboratively engage with primary care providers in quality improvement for obesity prevention and treatment. This review and commentary targets 2 audiences. For childhood obesity experts and their organizational partners, methods to support change in primary practice and the evidence supporting their use are outlined. For primary care providers and non-obesity specialists, effective strategies for changing practice and the potential benefits of addressing childhood obesity systematically are discussed.  相似文献   

Youth with complex health care needs, defined as those requiring specialized health care and services for physical, developmental, and/or mental health conditions, are often cared for by paediatricians and paediatric specialists. In Canada, the age at which provincial/territorial funders mandate the transfer of paediatric care to adult services varies, ranging between 16 and 19 years. The current configuration of distinct paediatric and adult care service boundaries is fragmentary, raising barriers to continuity of care during an already vulnerable developmental period. For youth, the lack of care integration across sectors can negatively impact health engagement and jeopardize health outcomes into adulthood. To address these barriers and improve transition outcomes, paediatric and adult care providers, as well as family physicians and other community partners, must collaborate in meaningful ways to develop system-based strategies that streamline and safeguard care for youth transitioning to adult services across tertiary, community, and primary care settings. Flexible age cut-offs for transfer to adult care are recommended, along with considering each youth’s developmental stage and capacity as well as patient and family needs and circumstances. Specialized training and education in transitional care issues are needed to build capacity and ensure that health care providers across diverse disciplines and settings are better equipped to accept and care for young people with complex health care needs.  相似文献   

In Canada, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization systematically reviews the evidence for the effectiveness and safety of new and old vaccines, and sets a 'minimum' recommended schedule. However, in contrast to other industrialized countries where single, harmonized countrywide immunization schedules are de rigeur, Canada has a confusing system, with each province and territory defining its own schedule - and none are the same. The time has come to rectify this decades-old patient equity and safety problem. The Canadian Paediatric Society calls for a harmonized schedule to improve the health and safety of Canadian children and youth.  相似文献   

Globally, overweight/obesity is rising rapidly while anaemia persists. Nevertheless, evidence on their coexistence at the household level remains limited. Using data from the Demographic and Health Surveys, we quantified the magnitude, distribution and inequalities (i.e., estimates by wealth, education level and residence) in the intra‐household double burden (DBM) of overweight/obesity and anaemia among mothers and their children living in 49 low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs). The pooled prevalence of total intra‐household DBM was 17.2% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 15.6, 18.8); 16.2% (95% CI: 14.6, 17.9) for mothers with overweight/obesity and children with anaemia; and 2.8% (95% CI: 2.5, 3.1) for mothers with anaemia and children with overweight/obesity. South Africa had the highest prevalence of total DBM at the household level, affecting almost one in three households. Households with mothers with overweight/obesity and children with anaemia followed an inverse social gradient, with higher estimates found in the richest quintile, highest maternal education level and in urban areas; although with some variation across regions. The opposite was observed for mothers with anaemia and children with overweight/obesity. The largest inequality gaps were found for mothers with overweight/obesity and children with anaemia in Togo by household wealth (29.3%‐points; p < 0.001), in Ghana by maternal education level (28.0%‐points; p = 0.001) and in Niger by area of residence (25.2%‐points; p < 0.001). Although double‐duty actions might help accelerate action towards reducing malnutrition in all its forms, a comprehensive assessment of the causes of anaemia is first warranted to design effective country‐specific programmes.  相似文献   

Garvin E 《Pediatrics》2007,119(5):1033-4; author reply 1034-5

The COVID-19 pandemic has had dramatic effects on the lives of children globally. However, socially vulnerable children have been particularly impacted. Certain populations have increased vulnerabilities, including children and youth experiencing homelessness. Increased infection risk due to congregant living and challenges with physical distancing are contributing factors. An urgent need exists for a wholistic approach to care with unique cross-sectoral partnerships across disciplines. A recognition of the unintended consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic on this population is urgently required by all those supporting children. Families should receive direct support in clinical settings to identify their social needs. Partnership with community agencies and advocacy for appropriate isolation facilities for patients experiencing homelessness are critical.  相似文献   

Premature mothers present more anxiety and stress after delivery, which may be caused by mother–infant separation while hospitalised. Skin‐to‐skin contact (SSC), a mitigating factor for mother–infant separation, can benefit infants and mothers in many ways, but few studies focused on its efficacy on maternal anxiety and stress states. Therefore, this review aims to evaluate the effect of SSC on anxiety and stress. Comprehensive research was conducted in nine databases. Meta‐analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of SSC, and subgroup analyses were performed to explain the sources of heterogeneity. Eight randomised controlled trials with 728 participants were included, and SSC significantly reduced the level of anxiety ([standardised mean difference, SMD] −0.72; 95% CI −1.08 to −0.35) and stress state ([SMD] −0.84; 95% CI −1.59 to −0.09). One subgroup analysis revealed that SSC can relieve anxiety if performing SSC no less than 1 h per day ([SMD] −0.94; 95% CI −1.34 to −0.53). Another subgroup analysis suggested that applying SSC repeatedly and lasting less than 1 week ([SMD] −1.49; 95% CI −2.31 to −0.66) or for 1 week to 2 weeks ([SMD] −1.04; 95% CI −1.29 to −0.79) can significantly reduce maternal anxiety level but no significance if lasting over 2 weeks ([SMD] −0.33; 95% CI −0.67 to 0.01). SSC can effectively improve anxiety and stress states among premature mothers after delivery, and not definitive finding presents that only SSC that was performed no less than 60 min could improve postpartum anxiety states, while SSC alone was not as effective when carried out over 2 weeks.  相似文献   

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use, including paediatric use, is common. The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation organized a priority-setting forum regarding paediatrics and the use of CAM/natural health products in November 2001. Four priority areas were identified: the creation of a national paediatric research network and/or centre of excellence in CAM; support for experiential learning, education, and training; completion of a needs/use assessment; and facilitation of knowledge transfer. These priority areas are discussed in the context of research, education, knowledge transfer and health systems. The present article represents a call for action for Canadian funding agencies to support the development of an evidence base in paediatric CAM.  相似文献   

The number of adolescent patients with chronic diseases and special heath needs are increasing, and they are reaching adulthood. Sometimes the passage to the adult health care is abrupt, depending upon the chronological age reached or because of an acute health problem that requires hospitalization. In order to facilitate the transition process, preparation of the child, the family and the health professionals involved is needed, as well as the coordination between the pediatric group and the adult team that will be incharge of the patient. This review shows the obstacles to this process and the recommended implementation steps required to a successful transition. It also describes the main aspects of a program that we implemented at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires in conjunction with some departments of adult health care high lighting the main steps to follow before and during program′s implementation.  相似文献   

167 065名中国0~7岁儿童BMI/Kaup指数研究   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:18  
目的 探讨使用体块指数(BMI/Kaup指数)筛查儿童单纯肥胖症的价值以及确定界值点应考虑的条件。方法 按WHO身高别体重参照人群值和筛查标准检出肥胖。对中国8市167065名0-7岁儿童BMI/Kaup指数的分布进行研究,对其中肥胖儿童与非肥胖儿童该指数的分布特征和界值点进行比较,亦与成人使用的界值点结果进行比较。结果 在确诊为肥胖的儿童中其Kaup指数在18-25之间的男童占91.8%,女童占84.5%,大于26者男童为2.8%。而15-18的肥胖儿童男童仍有5.6%,女童圾12.8%。无1例小于15。在对照组中,Kaup指数小于18者男童占87.5%,女童占85.4%;Kaup指数在18-25岁之间者男童占12.5%,女童占14.6%。无1例大于25。结论 在中国,目前就建议成人和儿童使用同一个界值点作为筛查肥胖的标准显然是不适当的。应当使用由我儿童人群计算出的参照指数及适合我国儿童的较为准确的界值点,并制定正确使用这个参数的方法与合理的解释。使用Kaup指数筛选肥胖儿童时,18是一个较为适合的界值点。  相似文献   

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