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 Behavioural responses to psychostimulant drugs can be profoundly affected by early environmental influences. The aim of this study was to describe the effects of repeated brief separations of rat pups from their dams during the early neonatal period on cocaine self-administration behaviour as adults. Lister hooded rats exposed to a repeated maternal separation procedure (REMS) showed altered acquisition and maintenance of cocaine self-administration as adults, the effects being dose and gender-dependent. Overall, the patterns of acquisition of self-administration across three doses of cocaine (0.05, 0.08 and 0.5 mg/injection) suggested a rightward shift in the acquisition dose-effect functions for the REMS animals relative to control animals. At 0.05 mg/injection, there was a retarded acquisition of cocaine self-administration in male and female neonatally separated rats. At 0.08 mg/ injection there was a facilitated acquisition in female neonatally separated subjects. After establishment of stable self-administration of the training dose, in the same cohort of subjects, rightward and downward shifts in the cocaine self-administration dose-effect functions were determined for female and male REMS subjects, respectively, relative to their controls. The dose-effect function for both female groups was shifted to the left of that of the respective male groups, although the lighter body weights of the females meant that they administered a higher unit dose per unit body weight than the males. Whereas male REMS subjects tended to self-administer less cocaine than the controls at the dose eliciting maximal responding (0.03 mg/injection) and to make fewer lever responses overall at each dose tested, female REMS subjects self-administered significantly more cocaine than their respective controls at a dose of 0.03 mg/injection. There was no differential sensitivity to the rate-altering effects of the selective dopamine D2 receptor antagonist, eticlopride, or to the selective dopamine D1 receptor antagonist, SCH 23390. These data provide further evidence that altered early environment affects drug-taking behaviour in a developmentally specific and gender-specific manner, with the effects of neonatal separation contrasting with previously published data on the effects of post-weaning isolation rearing. Received: 4 December 1997 / Final version: 2 July 1998  相似文献   

Rationale Human drug users report that the initial positive effects of cocaine are followed by a dysphoric state characterized by anxiety and drug-craving. As a means of presumably attenuating these negative aftereffects, 50–90% of cocaine users choose to co-administer ethanol during cocaine binges. This co-administration reportedly prolongs the high and diminishes the low associated with cocaine use.Objective The current study was intended to assess whether this phenomenon could be modeled in the animal laboratory. We have previously shown that animals running a straight alley for an intravenous cocaine reward develop a unique approach-avoidance conflict behavior that is characterized by stop and retreat behaviors as the subjects approach the goal box. The retreats are thought to reflect the concurrent positive (reward) and negative (anxiety) associations with the goal box and can be dose-dependently reduced by pretreatment with diazepam, which presumably attenuates the anxiety stemming from the conflict.Methods To test the role of ethanol in reducing cocaine-induced anxiety, rats were trained to run a straight-arm alley for a single daily injection of cocaine (1.0 mg/kg IV).Results Rats that had the opportunity to then drink either an 8% or a 4% sucrose–ethanol solution immediately following their daily runway trial came to exhibit fewer retreats than rats that did not drink ethanol following their cocaine injection.Conclusions These results suggest that ethanol effectively reduces the development of approach-avoidance conflict in animals running an alley for IV cocaine, a result that may account for the prevalence of cocaine–ethanol co-administration in humans.  相似文献   

 Naltrexone (NTX) has been shown to be efficacious for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Since alcohol and cocaine use disorders commonly co-occur, we conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of NTX 50 mg/day in 64 subjects with comorbid alcohol and cocaine use disorders. Although subjects in both groups reduced their consumption of both alcohol and cocaine during the 8-week trial, there was no consistent advantage to NTX over placebo treatment. We conclude that, due to behavioral, neurochemical, or other factors, individuals with both alcohol and cocaine use disorders are distinct from those dependent on alcohol alone, and that NTX at a dosage of 50 mg/day is not efficacious in this patient population. Several factors, including medication dosage, length of treatment, sample size and attrition rate, limit the interpretation of these findings. Consequently, we recommend that subsequent trials of NTX to reduce the risk of relapse in patients with comorbid alcohol and cocaine use disorders take these issues into account. Received: 15 November 1997 / Final version: 9 May 1998  相似文献   

The present study compared high-risk triggers and substance use situations among 72 (34 men, 38 women) individuals with alcohol (AD) or cocaine dependence (CD), with or without comorbid PTSD. Consistent with the self-medication hypothesis, individuals with PTSD reported significantly greater use of substances in response to negative situations, such as unpleasant emotions and physical discomfort, as compared to individuals without PTSD. CD individuals were significantly more likely than AD individuals to report using in temptation situations, regardless of PTSD status. Also, CD individuals with PTSD reported greater use of cocaine during pleasant times with others, as compared to those without PTSD. The findings highlight the importance of addressing individual-specific high-risk situations in relapse prevention.  相似文献   

Subjects received acute doses of orally administered alcohol (0–1.0 g/kg) and intranasal cocaine (4–96 mg/70 kg) alone and in combination in two experiments. Results generally were consistent across both experiments. Cocaine administered alone improved Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) performance, increased subject ratings of stimulant-like effects, heart rate and blood pressure, and decreased skin temperature. Alcohol administered alone disrupted DSST performance, increased ratings of drunkenness, heart rate and skin temperature, and decreased blood pressure. Combining cocaine and alcohol attenuated the disruptions in DSST performance observed with alcohol alone, and either did not change or attenuated the improvements in performance observed with cocaine alone. Combining the drugs also attenuated effects observed with the drugs alone on skin temperature and, to a lesser extent, blood pressure. By contrast, drug combinations increased heart rate above levels observed when cocaine or alcohol were administered alone. Effects of the drug combinations on subject ratings were variable.  相似文献   



Drug discrimination (DD) and drug self-administration (SA) are frequently used preclinical assays. All preclinical studies with cocaine have examined the discriminative stimulus (SD) and reinforcing (SR) effects in separate groups of subjects.


The objective of the study is to train drug-naïve rhesus macaques to discriminate self-administered cocaine from saline and to assess SD and SR effects using a within-subjects design.

Materials and methods

Adult male rhesus monkeys (n?=?4) were trained to self-administer cocaine (0.1 mg/kg per injection) under a progressive-ratio (PR) reinforcement schedule. Next, they were trained to discriminate self-administered cocaine (0.45 or 0.56 mg/kg) or saline under a fixed-ratio (FR) 50 schedule of food presentation. The final schedule combined DD and SA into a multiple [chained FR 50 SA (cocaine or saline), food-reinforced DD] and PR SA schedule.


Each subject acquired SA under a PR schedule with significant differences in breakpoint between saline and cocaine evident by session 5. Self-administered cocaine was established as an SD, such that 80% of responding before delivery of the first reinforcer and 90% of all responding occurred on the injection-appropriate lever. In all monkeys, there was at least one cocaine dose that did not engender cocaine-appropriate responding during DD (i.e., <20% cocaine-appropriate responding) yet functioned as a reinforcer during PR SA, suggesting that cocaine-like SD effects are not necessary for cocaine reinforcement.


This within-subject model may provide new information related to the behavioral mechanisms of action leading to the high abuse potential of cocaine; such information may lead to novel pharmacological treatment strategies for addiction.  相似文献   

This study examined the motivations for using cocaine and alcohol comparing those who primarily smoked crack and those who primarily used cocaine powder when using simultaneously with alcohol. Motivations examined included: 1) to cope with a negative affect, 2) enhancement, 3) to be social and 4) to conform. The research design was a cross-sectional study in which clients in treatment for cocaine and alcohol problems completed a self-administered questionnaire about their substance use. Among those who primarily smoked crack or snorted cocaine when also using alcohol (n = 153), there were 93 participants who reported primarily snorting cocaine and 60 participants who primarily reported smoking crack. Bivariate analyses found that those who primarily smoked crack reported lower social motivations to use alcohol and cocaine. When adjusting for other covariates in a multivariate analysis, social motivation was still significantly different between groups. Additionally, those who primarily smoked crack were more likely to be older, report higher cocaine dependence severity, be unemployed and were less likely to have completed some post-secondary education, than those who primarily snorted cocaine. No differences were found in enhancement, coping or conformity motivations between the two groups. These results suggest that simultaneous cocaine and alcohol use may have social importance to those who primarily snort cocaine, but that this importance is less evident to those who smoke crack. Consequently, future studies examining motivations for simultaneous cocaine and alcohol use should distinguish between different routes of cocaine administration.  相似文献   

 Previous studies using a reinstatement procedure have found that acute reexposure to the self-administered drug and exposure to footshock stress reinstate heroin and cocaine seeking after prolonged drug-free periods. Here we tested whether these findings generalize to alcohol-taking behavior. Male rats were initially allowed to consume alcohol in a two-bottle choice procedure (water versus alcohol) for 30 min/day for 36 days. Rats were then trained for 60 min/day in operant chambers to press a lever for the drug (0.13 ml of 12% w/v of an alcohol solution) for up to 55 days. After stable drug-taking on a fixed-ratio-3 schedule of reinforcement was obtained, lever pressing for alcohol was extinguished by terminating drug delivery for 4–9 days. Reinstatement of drug seeking was then determined after non-contingent priming injections of alcohol (0.24 and 0.48 g/kg; given IP and orally) or exposure to intermittent footshock stress (5 and 15 min; 0.8 mA). Priming injections of alcohol produced a modest dose-dependent reinstatement of drug seeking, whereas footshock stress potently reinstated extinguished alcohol seeking. In contrast, similar parameters of footshock failed to reinstate extinguished sucrose-taking behavior in rats previously trained to lever press for sucrose pellets. These findings extend previous reports on reinstatement of cocaine and heroin seeking by a footshock stressor and by priming drug injections. It also appears that the reinstatement procedure provides an appropriate methodology to study relapse to alcohol-taking behavior in the drug-free state. Received: 9 April 1997 / Final version: 1 August 1997  相似文献   



The present study assessed the effect of adolescent alcohol exposure on the later aversive and locomotor-activating effects of cocaine.


Male rats were exposed to alcohol or vehicle for 10 days [postnatal day (PND) 30-39; 2 g/kg IP]. Taste aversion conditioning began on PND 65. During aversion conditioning, subjects were presented with saccharin followed by cocaine (32 mg/kg; 15, 180 or 300 min post saccharin) or saline. Following each injection, animals were placed in locomotor chambers for 1 h. To determine if any effects seen were specific to the adolescent developmental period, the procedure was replicated in adult animals.


Animals exposed to vehicle during adolescence showed significant aversions at all time delays. Animals exposed to ethanol during adolescence showed a decrease in consumption only at the 15 and 180 min delays. Groups exposed to alcohol during adolescence showed a decrease in gross, and an increase in fine, motor activity in response to cocaine. Animals exposed to alcohol during adulthood also showed attenuated taste aversions.


Exposure to ethanol during adolescence attenuated the aversive effects of cocaine and altered its locomotor-activating effects. Although this effect is not specific to adolescence, this is the time when alcohol use is typically initiated so that such exposure may enhance later abuse liability of cocaine.  相似文献   

The effects of food deprivation (24 h) on response rates of rats self-administering d-amphetamine and cocaine were compared. Food deprivation clearly increased rates of responding for both drugs but did so to a significantly greater extent for cocaine than for d-amphetamine. Consistent with other findings, the results suggest that the neural substrates underlying cocaine and d-amphetamine reinforcement are not identical.  相似文献   

Nine groups of rats self-administered intravenously-delivered cocaine (0.1, 0.2, or 0.4 mg/kg) during 24-h sessions contingent upon lever-press responses under a fixed-ratio (FR) 4 schedule. Three other groups of rats responded on tongue-operated drinking devices for deliveries (0.01 ml) of a solution of glucose and saccharin (G+S). There were an additional three groups that initially self-administered cocaine (0.2 mg/kg), and later saline replaced cocaine and extinction behavior was allowed to stabilize. All 15 groups of rats were injected twice daily for 5 days with one of three doses of buprenorphine (0.1, 0.2 or 0.4 mg/kg). Buprenorphine decreased cocaine self-administration, but the effect of the highest dose was only slightly greater than that of the lowest dose tested. Cocaine infusions were reduced on the first day of treatment, but they increased over the next 4 days of buprenorphine injections. Buprenorphine decreased G+S intake during the last 2 or 3 days of injections. When buprenorphine treatment was terminated, G+S intake decreased even further. These lower rates of intake persisted for at least 5 days, and they returned to baseline by 2 weeks. Saline self-administration was decreased by buprenorphine in all saline extinction groups. Food intake was not altered by buprenorphine in the groups self-administering IV cocaine or saline; however, food intake was reduced in the G+S groups. Water intake increased during buprenorphine treatment in some of the cocaine groups but not in the G+S groups. Responding on the inactive lever was not altered by buprenorphine during cocaine or G+S self-administration, but it decreased in the saline extinction group. These data indicate that buprenorphine is effective in reducing cocaine reinforced behavior, but it also produced decrements in behavior rewarded by nondrug substances.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Inhibitors of neuronal dopamine uptake, such as GBR 12909, decrease IV cocaine self-administration by laboratory animals and have been proposed as potential therapeutic agents for abuse of psychomotor stimulant drugs. OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to determine how GBR 12909 alters the discriminative stimulus effects of methamphetamine and cocaine. METHODS: Rats were trained to discriminate between IP injections of 10 mg/kg cocaine and saline and were tested for stimulus generalization to cocaine, GBR 12909, and methamphetamine. Based upon the ED50 of the individual drugs, combinations of GBR 12909 and either cocaine or methamphetamine were tested that comprised a) 1 part GBR 12909 and 2 parts cocaine or methamphetamine, or b) 2 parts GBR 12909 and 1 part cocaine or methamphetamine. RESULTS: GBR 12909 and cocaine were equipotent and 30-fold less potent than methamphetamine in producing cocaine-like discriminative effects. GBR 12909 and cocaine produced cocaine-like discriminative effects synergistically in the ratio of 1 part GBR 12909:2 parts cocaine (0.16+0.32 to 1.92+ 3.87 mg/kg) and nearly synergistically in the ratio of 2 parts GBR 12909:1 part cocaine (0.32+0.16 to 3.92+ 1.91 mg/kg). GBR 12909 and methamphetamine (0.32+0.02 to 3.20+0.22 mg/kg or 0.65+0.01 to 6.53+0.1 mg/kg) were simply additive in both sets of fixed-ratio dose combinations. CONCLUSIONS: The synergy of GBR 12909 and cocaine and the additivity of GBR 12909 and methamphetamine run counter to the presumed mechanisms of action of these drugs at dopamine nerve terminals, which might have implications for the use of GBR 12909 in the treatment of addiction to cocaine or amphetamines.  相似文献   

This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that evaluated the efficacy of a higher-than-typical daily dose of naltrexone (150 mg/day), taken for 12 weeks, in 164 patients (n = 116 men and n = 48 women) with co-occurring cocaine and alcohol dependence. Patients were stratified by gender and then randomly assigned to either naltrexone or placebo, and to either cognitive–behavioral therapy or a type of medical management. The two primary outcomes were cocaine use and alcohol use. Significant Gender × Medication interactions were found for cocaine use via urine drug screens (three way, with time) and self-reports (two way) for drug severity (two way) and alcohol use (two way). The type of psychosocial treatment did not affect outcomes. Thus, 150 mg/day naltrexone added to a psychosocial treatment resulted in reductions in cocaine and alcohol use and drug severity in men, compared to higher rates of cocaine and alcohol use and drug severity in women.  相似文献   

Rationale Interrelationships between the discriminative stimulus and reinforcing properties of psychoactive drugs and the way in which they may interact to control drug intake are unclear. Studies have shown that drug history can influence the expression of drug-produced behavioral effects.Objective The present study examined the acquisition and maintenance of intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats with a history of drug discrimination.Methods Two groups of male hooded rats (n=12 each) were successfully trained in a single-lever food-reinforced procedure to discriminate cocaine (10 mg/kg) from saline. Control groups (n=12 each) received drug injections and/or saline injections only and lever-pressed for food reinforcers with no discrimination training. Subsequently, all subjects were implanted with chronic jugular catheters and allowed to nose-poke for infusions of cocaine (0.2 mg/kg per infusion).Results Initial rates of responding were similar for all groups. Acquisition of self-administration on a FR-10 schedule of drug delivery was significantly faster for cocaine-exposed rats in comparison to all other groups (P<0.02). There were no differences between groups in the breaking points of cocaine and saline on a progressive ratio schedule of self-administration. Dose–response functions were obtained by two methods and were similar for all groups.Conclusion These results are consistent with earlier studies demonstrating weakly sensitized primary reinforcing properties of cocaine in preexposed rats. Previous learning to discriminate cocaine impaired this sensitization.  相似文献   

Prenatal and postnatal exposure to cocaine can affect the development and function of the central nervous system in offspring. It also produces changes in cocaine-induced dopamine release and increases cocaine self-administration and cocaine-induced conditioned place preference. Further, prenatal cocaine exposure involves greater risk for development of a substance use disorder in adolescents. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of prenatal and postnatal cocaine exposure on locomotor sensitization in rats. A group of pregnant female Wistar rats were administered daily from day GD0 to GD21 with cocaine (cocaine pre-exposure group) and another group pregnant female rats were administered daily with saline (saline pre-exposure group). During lactation (PND0 to PND21) pregnant rats also received cocaine administration or saline, respectively. Of the litters resulting of the cocaine pre-exposed and saline pre-exposed pregnant female groups, only the male rats were used for the recording of the locomotor activity induced by different doses of cocaine (1, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/Kg/day) during the induction and expression of locomotor sensitization at different postnatal ages (30, 60, 90 and 120 days), representative of adolescence and adult ages. The study found that prenatal and postnatal cocaine exposure enhanced locomotor activity and locomotor sensitization, and such increase was dose- and age-dependent. This suggests that prenatal and postnatal cocaine exposure can result in increased vulnerability to cocaine abuse in young and adult humans.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Developmental lead exposure may alter responsiveness to cocaine well into adulthood, and ultimately influence drug-use patterns. OBJECTIVES: The present study examined the effect of perinatal lead exposure on the discriminative stimulus properties of cocaine. METHODS: Female rats were treated with 0, 8, or 16 mg lead daily for 30 days before breeding with untreated males. This exposure regimen continued through gestation and until postnatal day (PND) 21, i.e., weaning. At PND 60 male pups were trained to discriminate between saline and cocaine (5 mg/kg) injections. After acquisition, a series of generalization/substitution tests were performed using a cumulative dosing procedure. RESULTS: Developmental lead exposure produced subsensitivity to SKF-82958 (D1-like dopamine receptor agonist), quinpirole (D2-like dopamine receptor agonist), and apomorphine (mixed D1-like/D2-like dopamine receptor agonist); but no differences were evident among lead-treatment groups on generalization/substitution tests with cocaine, d-amphetamine, or GBR-12909. Furthermore, when the kappa-opioid receptor agonist U69,593 was administered prior to cocaine (5 mg/kg), generalization to the cocaine stimulus decreased in control rats, but generalization in lead-exposed rats was not altered. Group differences were not evident in tolerance or recovery of tolerance to cocaine following repeated cocaine administration (60 mg/kg per day for 14 days). Furthermore, no differences were found across groups in concentrations of lead in brain, although pups exposed to 16 mg lead had slightly elevated blood lead concentrations (<7 microg/dl). CONCLUSIONS: These results further a growing research literature that suggests developmental lead exposure can produce long-lasting changes in drug responsiveness, even after exposure to the toxicant has been discontinued.  相似文献   



The goal of this study was to examine clinical correlates of alcohol, opioid, cannabis, sedative, or other co-occurring substance use disorders in a sample of 124 HIV + women in recovery from cocaine use disorders.


Data was collected from a baseline assessment for a randomized trial comparing a family therapy intervention to a health promotion group intervention. Substance use disorders were assessed with a computer-administered structured diagnostic interview. Psychological distress was measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory. Sleep problems were measured with the Short Sleep Index from the Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Rating Scales. Pain was assessed with items from the Medical Outcomes Study—HIV scale. HIV health was assessed with blood tests for T-cell count and HIV Viral Load Suppression, as well as a nurse-administered symptom assessment.


Women with a co-occurring opioid use disorder were significantly more likely to have psychological distress and sleep problems, but less likely to have severe pain. Even though there was no difference in T-cell count or Viral Load, women with opioid use disorder were significantly more likely to have high HIV symptoms.


Women in recovery with HIV who have co-occurring cocaine use and opioid use disorders were more likely to have several indicators of worse mental and physical health. Interventions may need to be tailored to meet the needs of this subgroup of women. Future research should examine whether these co-occurring conditions are associated with greater likelihood of relapse or poor treatment response, and whether this higher-risk profile exists in other groups.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to the addictive effects of drugs of abuse varies among individuals, but the biological basis of these differences are poorly known. This work tries to increase this knowledge by comparing the brain proteome of animals with different rate of extinction of cocaine-seeking behaviour. To achieve this goal, we used a place-preference paradigm to separate Sprague Dawley rats in two groups: rats that extinguished (E) and rats that did not extinguish (NE) cocaine-seeking behaviour after a five-day period of drug abstinence. Once the phenotype was established, we compared the protein expression in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) of these animals after a single injection of either saline (SAL) or cocaine (COC, 15 mg/kg). The analysis of protein expression was performed by 2-dimensional electrophoresis followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. When comparing E SAL and NE SAL animals we found significant differences in the expression level of 5 proteins: ATP synthase subunit alpha, fumarate hydratase, transketolase, NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein 2 and glutathione transferase omega-1. A single injection of COC differently alters the NAC proteome of E and NE rats; thus in E COC animals there was an alteration in the expression of 6 proteins, including dihydropyrimidinase-related protein 2 and NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex subunit 10; whereas in NE COC rats 9 proteins were altered (including alpha-synuclein, peroxiredoxin-2 and peroxiredoxin-5). These proteins could be potential biomarkers of individual vulnerability to cocaine abuse and may be helpful in designing new treatments for cocaine addiction.  相似文献   

Rationale: The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg) has been implicated in drug reward, particularly in the development of dependence. However, little is known of the receptor systems within this nucleus which might be involved. Furthermore, some research suggests that the PPTg may also be part of the neuronal circuitry involved in established drug-taking behavior. Objective: The objective of these experiments was to examine the role of mu-opioid and nicotinic cholinergic mechanisms in the PPTg in cocaine self-administration. Methods: Microinfusions of mu-opioid and nicotinic receptor selective compounds were made into the PPTg of rats trained to self-administer cocaine intravenously, in the vicinity of cholinergic cells which are known to project to the midbrain dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Results: The mu-opioid selective agonist DAMGO, tested at doses of 0, 0.05 and 0.5 μg, produced a dose-related reduction in the number of cocaine infusions obtained during the 1-h self-administration sessions. The mu-selective antagonist CTOP (0–2 μg) and nicotine (0–10 μg) did not produce significant changes in cocaine self-administration. Microinfusions of the nicotinic antagonist dihydro-β-erythroidine (0–30 μg) produced a small but significant increase in cocaine-maintained responding. Conclusions: These data show that mu-opioid mechanisms in the PPTg can influence cocaine self-administration markedly. Moreover, the data demonstrate that PPTg circuitry can influence drug reward in already-established drug-reinforced behavior, as well as during the development of dependence (as shown by previous research). Received: 30 November 1998 / Final version: 25 March 1999  相似文献   

Rationale  We have previously reported that pretreatment with benzodiazepines reduces intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats. Objective  This experiment was designed to investigate whether or not benzodiazepines would also inhibit the reinstatement of cocaine seeking induced by the presentation of a conditioned reinforcer. Materials and methods  Adult male rats were implanted with jugular catheters and trained to self-administer cocaine (0.25 mg/kg/infusion) during daily 2-h sessions. During training, cocaine delivery was paired with the presentation of a tone and the illumination of a houselight. Once a stable baseline of cocaine self-administration was observed, lever pressing was extinguished to less than 20% of baseline rates. During reinstatement testing, responding resulted in the presentation of the conditioned reinforcer (i.e., the houselight and tone previously paired with self-administered cocaine). Results  The response-contingent presentation of the conditioned reinforcer reliably reinstated cocaine seeking. Pretreatment with alprazolam (2 or 4 mg/kg, ip) or oxazepam (20 or 40 mg/kg, ip) reversed the conditioned reinforcer-induced reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior at doses that did not reliably affect the conditioned reinforcer-induced reinstatement of extinguished food seeking, suggesting that benzodiazepines may not have reduced reinstatement responding due to non-specific reductions in behavior. Conclusions  These data suggest that benzodiazepines may be useful in blocking the ability of environmental cues to stimulate cocaine seeking. This work was supported in part by USPHS grant DA06013 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  相似文献   

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