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The present study aimed to estimate the cell response and parasite load in the popliteal lymph nodes of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis (VL), comparing these findings with the clinical staging of the disease. From the necropsy, 33 dogs were classified as symptomatic (S), asymptomatic (A), or oligosymptomatic (O). Cytology and histopathology were used to determine any presence of microscopic lesions and immunohistochemistry, for parasite load. Dog hyperimmune serum was used as the primary antibody. The inflammatory infiltrate in lymph nodes consisted of macrophages and plasmocytes. The granulomas invaded the trabecular and sinusoid regions and sometimes compressed the lymphocytes of the cortical region (atrophy) and medullary cord cells. Parasite load intensity was unrelated to the density of the macrophages infiltrating the lymph node. Significant differences in parasite load (P < 0.05) were observed between the three groups of infected dogs. Follicular hyperplasia of the cortical region occurred among A and O, while follicular atrophy predominated among S. The parasite load was the greatest among S, followed by O. It can be concluded that, regardless of clinical condition, the most evident cell response consisted of macrophages and plasmocytes. Lymphoid atrophy was observed among animals with intense granulomatous reaction and high parasite load, such as among the symptomatic dogs (P < 0.05). Likewise, the oligosymptomatic dogs also presented high density of parasites in the lymph nodes. Thus, we can confirm that dogs with clinical manifestations of VL have an immune system that is less effective for controlling infection by Leishmania chagasi, thereby favoring parasite multiplication.  相似文献   

Using the immunoblot technique, we have compared the reactions of Leishmania donovani infantum polypeptides with the immunoglobulin G of human sera from patients with parasitologically proven L. d. infantum infection, with suspected visceral leishmaniasis, and with other leishmaniases, protozoiases, helminthiases, and fungal or bacterial diseases. A 94-kDa component reacted with all L. d. infantum-infected sera and with 75% of sera from patients with clinical and serological but no parasitological diagnoses. No reaction was observed with sera from patients in the other disease groups or with control sera. Studies of eight different isolates, subspecies, and species of the genus Leishmania demonstrated that the 94-kDa component was expressed in all strains examined.  相似文献   

Recent developments in sequencing technologies, the computer and data sciences, as well as increasingly high-throughput immunological measurements have made it possible to derive holistic views on pathophysiological processes of disease and treatment effects directly in humans. We and others have illustrated that incredibly predictive data for immune cell function can be generated by single cell multi-omics (SCMO) technologies and that these technologies are perfectly suited to dissect pathophysiological processes in a new disease such as COVID-19, triggered by SARS-CoV-2 infection. Systems level interrogation not only revealed the different disease endotypes, highlighted the differential dynamics in context of disease severity, and pointed towards global immune deviation across the different arms of the immune system, but was already instrumental to better define long COVID phenotypes, suggest promising biomarkers for disease and therapy outcome predictions and explains treatment responses for the widely used corticosteroids. As we identified SCMO to be the most informative technologies in the vest to better understand COVID-19, we propose to routinely include such single cell level analysis in all future clinical trials and cohorts addressing diseases with an immunological component.  相似文献   

Susceptibility or resistance to infection with Leishmania major correlates with the ability of mice to produce characteristic panels of lymphokines in response to the parasite. To investigate the role of antigen-presenting cells in this phenomenon, we developed a model system which used congenic (H-2d) susceptible and resistant mice. L. major-specific T cells were isolated from infected BALB/c and B10.D2 mice, and the cells were restimulated in vitro on syngenic or congenic antigen-presenting cells. BALB/c L. major-reactive T cells restimulated with either antigen-presenting cell produced high levels of interleukin-4 and low levels of gamma interferon. In contrast, T cells from B10.D2 mice produced gamma interferon. Radiation-induced chimeras reconstituted with BALB/c bone marrow also produced more interleukin-4 in response to L. major than did chimeras reconstituted with B10.D2 bone marrow. To test whether this pattern of cytokine secretion was unique to infection with L. major, we infected the mice with a second intracellular pathogen, Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Mycobacterium-specific T cells from both BALB/c and B10.D2 mice produced interleukin-2 and no interleukin-4. Finally, when BALB/c mice were vaccinated with avirulent L. major, the induced resistance correlated with reduced production of interleukin-4 but no increase in gamma interferon production. Instead, T cells from the vaccinated mice produced high levels of tumor necrosis factor. This suggests that tumor necrosis factor, in addition to gamma interferon, may be involved in resistance to L. major and that interleukin-4 may inhibit the leishmanicidal activity of tumor necrosis factor and/or gamma interferon.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi-infected children was treated with benznidazole (Bz) during the early-indeterminate disease (E-IND) and the cytokine pattern of innate and adaptive immune compartments were evaluated prior to the treatment and 1 year after it. At first, we observed that the ex vivo cytokine profile of circulating leukocytes from E-IND (n = 6) resembled the one observed for healthy schoolchildren (n = 7). Additionally, in vitro stimulation with T. cruzi antigens drove the E-IND cytokine pattern toward a mixed immune profile with higher levels of IFN-gamma+, TNF-alpha+ and IL-4+ NK cells, increased numbers of IFN-gamma+, TNF-alpha+ and IL-10+ CD4+ T cells in addition to enhanced frequency of TNF-alpha+/IL-4+ CD19+ lymphocytes. Interestingly, upon T. cruzi antigen in vitro stimulation, E-IND CD8+ lymphocytes displayed a selective enhancement of IFN-gamma expression, accounting for a global type 1-modulated cytokine microenvironment. A shift toward a type 1-modulated profile was also the hallmark of Bz-treated children (E-IND(T)). In this context, despite the mixed overall ex vivo cytokine profile observed for NK and CD8+ T cells, increased ability of these leukocytes to produce IFN-gamma in response to T. cruzi antigens was reported. Most noteworthy was the IL-10 production evidenced at T lymphocytes, mainly CD4+ cells, as well as B lymphocytes, both ex vivo and upon antigen stimulation. Together, these findings gave evidence that NK cells and CD8+ T lymphocytes are the major sources of IFN-gamma, a pivotal cytokine for successful therapeutic response in human Chagas' disease. Moreover, our data have also brought additional information, pointing out IL-10 production by CD4+ cells and B lymphocytes, as the putative key element for parasite clearance in the absence of deleterious tissue damage.  相似文献   

Sera from Indian patients with parasitologically confirmed visceral leishmaniasis were studied by immunoblot analysis in order to identify a specific pattern for Leishmania infection. A soluble extract of Leishmania donovani was used as antigen. At diagnosis the sera from patients with visceral leishmaniasis specifically recognized fractions represented by bands of 201 kDa (50% of serum samples), 193 kDa (60%), 147 kDa (50%), 120 kDa (60%), 100 kDa (50%), 80 kDa (80%), 70 kDa (70%), 65 kDa (100%), 50 kDa (50%), 36 kDa (50%), 20 kDa (70%), and 18 kDa (50%). The 65-kDa band, common to all patients infected with Leishmania parasites, was found at the time of diagnosis. However, the immunoblot pattern changed after patients were treated and cured with sodium antimony gluconate (SAG; n =10) or miltefosine (n =10), as was evident from blots of sera obtained pretreatment and at 1, 3, and 6 months posttreatment. At 6 months posttreatment, immunoblots of sera from patients on the SAG regimen showed the disappearance of all bands except the 70-kDa band. Similarly, sera from those on the miltefosine regimen showed the disappearance of all bands except the 65- and 70-kDa bands. This study shows that Western blot analysis is a sensitive test for detection of anti-Leishmania antibodies. Moreover, the persistence of reactivity with the 65- and 70-kDa bands in the sera of all groups shows its promise as a diagnostic and prognostic tool.  相似文献   

Interleukin-10 and the pathogenesis of human visceral leishmaniasis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mechanisms underlying the failure to control the growth and systemic spread of Leishmania parasites in human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) are not well understood. Although the absence of antigen-specific Th1 responses in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from VL patients is thought to be causally related to disease progression, the finding that these patients also express elevated interferon-gamma mRNA in lesional tissue, as well as elevated serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines, suggests that their immunological defect cannot be explained simply by immune tolerance or Th2 polarization. As a possible homeostatic mechanism to control persistent infection-induced inflammation, elevated levels of the regulatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 have been reported repeatedly in clinical studies of VL. Here, we review the studies with relevance to immune responses in human VL and highlight the central role that IL-10 might have in the pathogenesis of VL and as a target for immune-based therapy.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity was assessed in 14 Brazilian patients with acute untreated American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) and in 11 healthy patients successfully treated 1 to 14 years previously. The diagnosis of AVL was established by demonstration of leishmania in bone marrow aspirates. The responsiveness of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to Leishmania chagasi antigens and phytohemagglutinin was studied in vitro. Soluble preparations of L. chagasi antigens were obtained from frozen-thawed promastigote cultures. L. chagasi antigen-stimulated lymphocytes from untreated AVL patients were unresponsiveness and incorporated a mean of 1.2 +/- 0.5 X 10(-3) cpm after a [3H]thymidine pulse. The cured AVL patients had 19.1 +/- 7.2 cpm, and 15 normal control subjects had 0.8 +/- 0.1 cpm. There were no differences in the response of controls and either untreated or cured AVL patients to phytohemagglutinin stimulation. Three of four untreated AVL patients responded to L. chagasi antigens when studied 2 to 4 weeks after therapy. The impaired response of lymphocytes from untreated AVL patients could not be attributed to either reduced numbers of circulating T cells or the inhibitory effect of monocytes or serum factors.  相似文献   

天然免疫与获得性免疫的进化关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
刘燕明 《免疫学杂志》2001,17(Z1):20-23
免疫有天然免疫和获得性免疫两种类型,它们有不同的机制和起源.天然免疫可识别某些"非己”细胞或分子并加以清除;获得性免疫则对分子抗原表位进行识别,按抗原提呈细胞等有无协同信号(发育阶段/类型)而有所区别.两者有不同的生物学起源与意义;天然免疫源于防御入侵者的需求,获得性免疫则源于系统及个体自身发育中调节细胞发育的需求.两者嫁接性混合进化形成了复杂的可识别"自己/非己”的免疫系统,并留下了神奇的机制.  相似文献   

The isoenzymatic typing of 16 stocks of Leishmania, isolated from Tunisian visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases, revealed that all strains belonged to Leishmania (L.) infantum species. Although zymodeme MON-1 was predictably the most frequent (9 cases), it came as a surprise that L. infantum MON-24 was responsible of about third of cases. This latter zymodeme, while previously reported in Tunisia, Algeria and Spain, was assumed to be a dermotropic and the few cases of VL that it caused occurred always in HIV infected patients. L. infantum MON-80, occasionally reported during both cutaneous and VL of immunocompetent infants was identified in 2 patients. This report confirms that in addition to the more common L. infantum MON-1, zymodeme MON-24 has a substantial role in generating VL in immunocompetent infants in Tunisia.  相似文献   

Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute systemic vasculitis of childhood that does not have a known cause or aetiology. The epidemiological features (existence of epidemics, community outbreaks and seasonality), unique age distribution and clinical symptoms and signs of KD suggest that the disease is caused by one or more infectious environmental triggers. However, KD is not transmitted person‐to‐person and does not occur in clusters within households, schools or nurseries. KD is a self‐limited illness that is not associated with the production of autoantibodies or the deposition of immune complexes, and it rarely recurs. Regarding the underlying pathophysiology of KD, innate immune activity (the inflammasome) is believed to play a role in the development of KD vasculitis, based on the results of studies with animal models and the clinical and laboratory findings of KD patients. Animal studies have demonstrated that innate immune pathogen‐associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) can cause vasculitis independently of acquired immunity and have provided valuable insights regarding the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon. To validate this concept, we recently searched for KD‐specific PAMPs and identified such molecules with high specificity and sensitivity. These molecules have structures similar to those of microbe‐associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), as shown by liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry. We propose herein that KD is an innate immune disorder resulting from the exposure of a genetically predisposed individual to microbe‐derived innate immune stimulants and that it is not a typical infectious disease.  相似文献   

The cytokine profile of CD4+, CD8+ T cells, gammadelta+ T cells and natural killer (NK) cells (CD94+CD3-) was studied in a patient with visceral leishmaniasis (VL). The otherwise healthy, human immunodeficiency virus-negative patient acquired the disease in Tuscany, Italy. Diagnosis was made by demonstration of high concentrations of antibodies against Leishmania antigens in serum. Flow cytometry for the detection of intracellular interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-13 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and ionomycin was performed, followed by treatment with liposomal amphotericin B. CD4+ cells were identified as major cytokine-expressing cells, capable of producing both type 1 and type 2 cytokines. A high frequency of IL-4- and IL-13-expressing CD8+ cells was noted. NK cells and gammadelta+ T cells, thought to be involved in innate host defences against Leishmania, expressed IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha. Ten per cent of gammadelta+ T cells expressed IL-10, predominantly together with IFN-gamma, suggesting additional immune-regulatory roles for this T-cell subset in VL.  相似文献   

The widespread use of antibiotics has contributed to a huge increase in the number of resistant bacteria. New classes of drugs are therefore being developed of which defensins are a potential source. Defensins are a group of antimicrobial peptides found in different living organisms, involved in the first line of defense in their innate immune response against pathogens. This review summarizes the results of studies of this family of human antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). There is a special emphasis on describing the entire group and individual peptides, history of their discovery, their functions and expression sites. The results of the recent studies on the use of the biologically active peptides in human medicine are also presented. The pharmaceutical potential of human defensins cannot be ignored, especially considering their strong antimicrobial activity and properties such as low molecular weight, reduced immunogenicity, broad activity spectrum and resistance to proteolysis, but there are still many challenges and questions regarding the possibilities of their practical application.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania donovani, a protozoan parasite, is a disease of high morbidity associated with hepatosplenomegaly, hypergammaglobulinemia, fever and death. One of the immunological hallmarks of VL is a remarkable increase in serum immunoglobulin levels as a result of polyclonal B cell activation. This study demonstrated that T lymphocytes expressing the T cell receptors (TcR) gamma delta in association with CD3 molecules are increased in circulation of patients with VL. A large proportions of TcR gamma delta-bearing T cells had CD4+ CD8- phenotype, and expressed CD25, CD38, CD71 and HLA-DR activation antigens. Furthermore, we demonstrated wide functional differences in TcR gamma delta and TcR alpha beta T cells in their proliferative response, secretion of interleukin-2 (IL-2), B cell growth factor (BCGF) and B cell differentiation factor (BCDF). It was of interest that the TcR gamma delta T cells from patients with VL could be expanded by in vitro culture with human recombinant IL-2. Although these TcR gamma delta T cells secreted diminished levels of IL-2, they produced highly augmented levels of both BCGF and BCDF, suggesting that secretion of these lymphokines in these T cell subsets is regulated independently. The relative increases in the CD4+ CDw29+ TcR gamma delta T cell subsets and their secretion of highly elevated levels of BCGF and BCDF largely accounted for the humoral immune system abnormality and hypergammaglobulinemia found in this disease. These observations may help to explain that TcR gamma delta T cells might be functional in vivo and are involved in immunological mechanisms of pathogenesis in VL.  相似文献   

Activation of innate immunity and the assembly of microglial cells at sites of Alzheimer disease pathology has long been regarded as bystander phenomenon, which does not actively contribute to disease pathogenesis and progression. Recent data emerging from genetics, clinical imaging and animal experimentation point to an intimate and mutual interaction of innate immune mechanisms and neurodegenerative processes. NOD‐like receptor (NLR) family, pyrin domain containing 3 and 1 inflammasomes, present in myeloid cells and neurons, respectively, represent key components of the innate immune reaction observed in Alzheimer patient brains. Inhibition of inflammasome activation just begins to prove beneficial and protective from cognitive deficits and neuronal death in cell culture and animal models of Alzheimer's disease, thereby opening a new avenue for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Human innate immunity operates in two compartments: extravascular (the tissues) and intravascular (the bloodstream). Physical conditions (fluid dynamics) in the compartments are different and, as a result, bactericidal mechanisms and involved cells are different as well. In relatively static media (the tissues, lymph nodes), bacteria are killed by phagocytes; in dynamic media (the bloodstream), bacteria are killed by erythrocytes. In the tissues and lymph nodes, resident macrophages and transmigrated from blood leukocytes (neutrophils and monocytes) recognize, engulf, kill, and digest bacteria; the clearance of the bloodstream from bacteria is performed by oxycytosis: erythrocytes catch bacteria by electric charge attraction and kill them by the oxygen released from oxyhemoglobin. Killed by erythrocytes, bacteria are decomposed and digested in the liver and the spleen. Phagocytosis by leukocytes in the tissues and oxycytosis by erythrocytes in the bloodstream are the main bactericidal mechanisms of human innate immunity.  相似文献   

The amyloid hypothesis has dominated Alzheimer's disease (AD) research for almost 30 years. This hypothesis hinges on the predominant clinical role of the amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide in propagating neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and eventual cognitive impairment in AD. Recent research in the AD field has identified the brain-resident macrophages, known as microglia, and their receptors as integral regulators of both the initiation and propagation of inflammation, Aβ accumulation, neuronal loss, and memory decline in AD. Emerging studies have also begun to reveal critical roles for distinct innate immune pathways in AD pathogenesis, which has led to great interest in harnessing the innate immune response as a therapeutic strategy to treat AD. In this review, we will highlight recent advancements in our understanding of innate immunity and inflammation in AD onset and progression. Additionally, there has been mounting evidence suggesting pivotal contributions of environmental factors and lifestyle choices in AD pathogenesis. Therefore, we will also discuss recent findings, suggesting that many of these AD risk factors influence AD progression via modulation of microglia and immune responses.  相似文献   

Summary: Under selective pressure from infectious microorganisms, multicellular organisms have evolved immunological defense mechanisms, broadly categorized as innate or adaptive. Recent insights into the complex mechanisms of human innate immunity suggest that genetic variability in genes encoding its components may play a role in the development of asthma and related diseases. As part of a systematic assessment of genetic variability in innate immunity genes, we have thus far have examined 16 genes by resequencing 93 unrelated subjects from three ethnic samples (European American, African American and Hispanic American) and a sample of European American asthmatics. Approaches to discovering and understanding variation and the subsequent implementation of disease association studies are described and illustrated. Although highly conserved across a wide range of species, the innate immune genes we have sequenced demonstrate substantial interindividual variability predominantly in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Genetic variation in these genes may play a role in determining susceptibility to a range of common, chronic human diseases which have an inflammatory component. Differences in population history have produced distinctive patterns of SNP allele frequencies, linkage disequilibrium and haplotypes when ethnic groups are compared. These and other factors must be taken into account in the design and analysis of disease association studies.  相似文献   

The gene encoding type I signal peptidase (Lmjsp) has been cloned from Leishmania major. Lmjsp encodes a protein of 180 amino residues with a predicted molecular mass of 20.5 kDa. Comparison of the protein sequence with those of known type I signal peptidases indicates homology in five conserved domains A-E which are known to be important, or essential, for catalytic activity. Southern blot hybridisation analysis indicates that there is a single copy of the Lmjsp gene. A recombinant SPase protein and a synthetic peptide of the L. major signal peptidase were used to examine the presence of specific antibodies in sera from either recovered or active individuals of both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. This evaluation demonstrated that sera from cutaneous and visceral forms of leishmaniasis are highly reactive to both the recombinant and synthetic signal peptidase antigens. Therefore, the Leishmania signal peptidase, albeit localised intracellularly, is a significant target of the Leishmania specific immune response and highlights its potential use for serodiagnosis of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

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