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Despite the fact that nurses have a key role in health promotion, many continue to smoke at much the same rate as the general population. This paper investigates the influence of smoking status, gender, age, stage of education, and smoking duration on undergraduate nursing students' attitudes towards smoking health promotion. The study took place in one university's School of Nursing in Victoria, Australia. Respondents completed the Smoking and Health Promotion instrument. Researchers obtained ethics approval prior to commencing the study. Smoking status was the main factor that affected respondents' attitudes towards smoking health promotion, with age and education stage having a minor effect, and gender and smoking duration not significant. Nurses have an important role in modeling non-smoking behaviors for patients. There needs to be consistency between personal and professional beliefs for nurses to properly engage in smoking health promotion. The findings have implications for undergraduate nursing education curricula, nursing practice and research, and these are discussed.  相似文献   

Smoking is widely recognized as an important public health issue for the general population and in the mental health field where the rates are particularly high. Mental health nurses are well positioned to take an active role in encouraging and supporting people diagnosed with mental illness to cease smoking. Information about smoking behaviour and the attitudes of mental health nurses is necessary to develop strategies to prepare nurses for this important role. A cross‐sectional study was conducted to examine the smoking behaviour and attitudes of mental health nurses in Queensland, Australia, through a random selection of mental health nurses (n = 289). Smoking rates (16%) in this study were lower than those for the Australian population. Smokers were significantly (P < 0.001) less likely to agree that health‐care facilities should promote a healthy environment. All participants, but predominantly those who smoked (P < 0.001), supported the individual's right to smoke. Participants believed they possessed appropriate skills to deliver the antismoking message effectively, although stronger beliefs were characteristic of non‐smokers. Participants who smoked perceived that their smoking status assisted in facilitating interactions with consumers (P < 0.001). The findings have implications for the health promotion activities of mental health nurses.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to examine nursing and medical students' attitudes towards organ and corneal donation. A sample of 72 nursing and medical degree students from a British University, completed a 61-item self-administered quantitative questionnaire, adapted by Kent and Owens (1995) from an original tool devised by Parisi and Katz (1986). The findings revealed that all but one of the respondents had an overall positive attitude towards organ donation; a significant relationship was found to exist between the extent of this positive attitude held by each student and their personal willingness to donate organs. In total, 74% of the student nurses had already signed a donor card, compared to only 43% of the medical students, and the difference in the two groups' personal commitment towards donation was significant (P = 0.005). However, this disparity between the nursing and medical students was not evident when students were questioned about personally accepting organs, for survival. Most respondents agreed that they would take some form of transplanted organ or tissue into their body, if it was needed to maintain life. Overall, the study revealed that although this group of student nurses seem to be in favour of organ donation, with many willing to sign a donor card, doubts still exist in the medical student group. Further work is required to understand this phenomena. A comparison of the data with an earlier study completed by Kent and Owens (1995) indicate that student nurses may have a more positive orientation to donation than qualified staff.  相似文献   

Human sexuality is a complex dynamic concept that escapes simple definition. Within nursing there seems to be a preference for broad holistic definitions that emphasize sexuality as an aspect of the unique human character. Whilst the nursing literature mostly portrays sexuality as wholesome and good, it also notes that sexuality can be a vehicle for the expression of power, hostility or hatred. In this study, the authors did not prescribe or limit the definition of 'sexuality'. Rather the term 'sexuality' was used in a broad sense in order to embrace the range of variables within the concept and allow respondents to consider the issues according to their own perspective. Despite broad acceptance of sexuality as a legitimate focus of health care, clinicians remain ambivalent about actively broaching sexual issues and there is a potential for clients' needs to go unmet. A number of intertwining variables can influence sexuality-related nursing practice. Nurses' attitudes are regarded as major barriers that prevent open discussion on the topic. This study aims to explore a sample of community mental health nurses' views on the topic of sexuality in relation to their work with clients. The authors adapted a sexual ideology scale previously used for the purposes of teaching students and promoting discussion. The questionnaire was distributed to nurse delegates at an annual CPNA conference. Two of the authors were available throughout the conference to discuss the study. Delegates were asked to recruit CMHN colleagues following the conference in order to increase the sample. The data are described and analysed using SPSS for Windows. Respondent characteristics have been cross-tabulated with item responses and analysed using chi-square and other statistical tests of association. The respondents (n = 122) confirmed sexuality as a relevant clinical issue and there was an overwhelming affirmation of people with mental health problems as sexual beings. Sixty-three per cent (n = 77) of respondents anticipated that people with mental health problems who are in relationships might experience sexual problems, and 52.4% (n = 64) agreed that a sexual history should be routinely included in assessment. Seventeen per cent (n = 21) had encountered clients becoming sexually aroused during the administration of a depot injection in the community. The authors identify this as an area of concern that warrants further investigation. The results indicate that although awareness of sexuality issues may be high there may be less agreement as to how such awareness should translate into CMHN practice.  相似文献   

Objectives.  This paper reports the results of a study that aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational and experiential intervention on nursing students' attitudes towards older people.
Background.  With repeated exposure to very sick older people in hospitals or nursing homes, nursing students are at risk of adopting stereotypical views about this section of the population as frail and dependent.
Design.  A pre- and post-test design was used to conduct the study.
Methods.  Using Kogan's Attitudes Towards Old People Scale, the attitudes of nursing students were tested at the beginning of a degree programme in Adult Nursing ( n  = 130) and one year later ( n  = 94) following a series of visits to a well-older person in the community.
Results.  Nursing students reported positive attitudes towards older people and these were retained throughout the first year of their nurse training. No statistically significant differences were found associated with any of the five independent variables in either pre- or postintervention students.
Conclusions.  The attitudes of nursing students towards older people remained positive. While it is possible that the experiential and educational interventions utilized in this study may have contributed to the retention of positive attitudes, further research is required to test this hypothesis.
Relevance to clinical practice.  Nurses have a major role to play in responding to the health and social care needs of older people and their families. The cultivation of positive attitudes is a key factor in enabling practising nurses to respond to this challenge.  相似文献   

Mental health issues are common and contemporary nursing students need to be well prepared to meet the mental health care needs of Australians. This study explored the influence of the mental health component of a Bachelor of Nursing course on second-year undergraduate nursing students' self-reported knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relation to mental health nursing. The study used a quasiexperimental research design involving questionnaires and individual interviews to determine nursing students' self-reported knowledge, skills, attitudes. Questionnaires were administered prior to undertaking the mental health theory, repeated prior to undertaking a clinical placement in either a community or inpatient mental health setting, and again after the clinical placement. The findings of the study indicated that a positive clinical placement had the greatest influence on nursing students' self-reported knowledge, skills, and attitudes and interest in nursing people experiencing mental health problems; however, the quantity of theoretical education also emerged as an influencing variable.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Smoking is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Although nurses have an important role in health promotion, and are well placed to see the harmful effects of tobacco smoking, studies suggest that they smoke at much the same rate as the general population. AIM: The aim of this paper is to report a study examining undergraduate nursing students' knowledge about the impact of smoking on health, and their attitudes towards smokers and smoking. METHODS: The study took place in 2001, using a non-probability sample of 366 undergraduate nursing students from an Australian university. Participants completed the Smoking and Health Promotion instrument. Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance provided an explanatory framework for the findings. RESULTS: Most respondents who were still smoking began the habit while in high school. Students had greater generic than specialized knowledge about the effects of smoking on health, and there was no significant difference between second and third year students' knowledge. Those who still smoked had less favourable attitudes towards smoking-related health promotion than those who had never smoked or stopped smoking. Non-smokers were more supportive of non-smokers' rights than those who continued to smoke, while those who had stopped smoking were undecided. There was minimal association between levels of knowledge and attitudes about being sensitive to smoking-related health risks. CONCLUSION: The findings have implications for both high school education and undergraduate nursing education, and for the recruitment of students to undergraduate nursing programmes. More attention needs to be given in undergraduate nursing programmes to smoking and smoking-related illnesses, and to nurses' role in smoking health promotion.  相似文献   

Government inquiries and workforce data continue to draw attention to the current and impending crisis in mental health nursing. While undergraduate nursing education has been found at least partially responsible for the negative attitudes nursing students tend to hold towards mental health nursing, clinical experience has been identified as a potential strategy in enhancing more positive attitudes. However, research to date has not focused on the impact of clinical experience on specific factors such as attitudes to mental health nursing to people experiencing mental illness and perceived preparedness for the mental health field. This quasi-experimental study measured changes in students' attitudes to the three factors, including satisfaction with clinical experience following a placement in mental health nursing. A questionnaire was administered to undergraduate nursing students on the first and last day of a mental health clinical placement. This, the first of a two-part paper, compares student responses over the two-time periods and describes satisfaction with the clinical experience. The findings suggest that clinical experience in mental health nursing experience can positively influence attitudes, preparedness for practice, and the popularity of mental health nursing. Satisfaction with clinical experience was also high.  相似文献   

BackgroundIn 2019, an estimated 6.3 million persons were under the supervision of the United States adult correctional systems and one in 40 adult persons were under correctional supervision. At year-end of 2019, nearly seven in ten persons under correctional supervision were supervised in the community. A nurse's attitudes and beliefs about incarcerated persons may influence their behavior.PurposeThe purpose of this study was to examine nursing student's attitudes towards incarcerated persons and their perceptions of a clinical experience at a correctional facility.MethodsData from 137 nursing students were collected through a cross-sectional, electronic survey. The Attitude Towards Prisoners Scale (Melvin et al., 1985) was used. A post hoc analysis of perceptions of their clinical experience at a correctional facility was explored.ResultsThe mean scores of 93 and 94 (potential range of scores 0 to 144) suggest positive attitudes towards incarcerated persons exist, yet few nursing students report an interest in correctional nursing as a career. Although few (n = 5) students had a correctional nursing clinical experience, most perceived it as an effective clinical learning setting.ConclusionWith high rates of incarceration, the researchers recommend that baccalaureate nursing programs include educational teaching strategies that focus on incarceration, incarceration stigma, and explore clinical learning experiences.  相似文献   

Rahimi‐Madiseh M, Tavakol M, Dennick R. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16 : 478–483
A quantitative study of Iranian nursing students' knowledge and attitudes towards pain: Implication for education It is well documented that pain management and pain assessment is an indispensible part of the nursing care of patients. This study sought to quantify the current knowledge and attitudes of nursing students in Iran about pain management. We conducted a cross‐sectional study using a well‐validated questionnaire entitled the ‘Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Pain Tool’, previously used to evaluate undergraduate nursing students. Results from the survey questionnaire showed that there was a severe deficit in knowledge relating to pain and its management. It is argued that there is a real need for improving the content of pain and its management in the undergraduate nursing education curriculum, which might improve the delivery of optimal nursing care of patients. The limitations of the study are discussed and some recommendations are made for reforming pain management education for future practice.  相似文献   

Consumer participation in all aspects of mental health service delivery, including the education of mental health professionals, is now a policy expectation in Australia. Whether education programs introducing nurses to mental health nursing lead to more favourable attitudes towards consumer participation is yet to be examined in pre-registration nursing programs in Australia. The current evaluation examined changes in scores for the Consumer Participation Survey for undergraduate nursing students (n = 68) in an Australian University. Data were analysed, using repeated measures t-test, to compare the pre- and post-test scores. There was a significant improvement in views on consumers participating as staff members. There were no statistically significant changes in attitudes towards consumer capacity and consumer involvement in care processes. Consumer participation in mental health care is now clearly articulated in Australian Government policy. For this to be successfully implemented a more comprehensive understanding of the ability of education to influence attitudes is required.  相似文献   

Clinical experience is consistently emphasized in research findings as the primary influence in encouraging more positive attitudes to mental health nursing. The available research, however, presents two major limitations. First, it does not measure the specific factors that might contribute to a positive clinical experience. Second, it does not consider the relationship between clinical experience and attitudes towards people experiencing a mental illness or towards mental health nursing. This is the second of a two-part paper presenting findings from a statewide survey of undergraduate nursing students in Victoria. A pre-/post-test design was used to measure the impact of clinical experience on the following subscales: (i) attitudes towards people experiencing a mental illness; (ii) attitudes toward mental health nursing; and (iii) preparedness for mental health practice. Subscale (iv) satisfaction with clinical experience was also measured in the post-test phase. The findings demonstrated an improvement on all three subscales in the post-test phase and a high level of satisfaction with clinical experience. Furthermore, a relationship between all four subscales was evident.  相似文献   

Previous research examining the impact of education on nursing students' attitudes towards mental health nursing as a career has highlighted clinical experience as the primary influencing factor and generally has not considered the impact of theory. The current study compared a cohort of second-year and a cohort of third-year nursing students from the same university. Second-year students had received more theory and clinical experience than their counterparts. Questionnaires were distributed to the total population of students before commencement of, and after completion of clinical placement. This paper examines students' perceived preparedness for and satisfaction with clinical experience, attitudes towards people with mental illness, and attitudes towards mental health nursing as a career option following the completion of differing amounts of theory and clinical experience. The results demonstrate some statistically significant differences with increased amounts of theory and clinical experience in the second-year cohort being positively influential. The findings suggest that an increased component of theoretical and clinical experience in psychiatric/mental health nursing is likely to produce more positive attitudes towards people with mental illness and psychiatric/mental health nursing. However, little difference in perceived preparedness for and satisfaction with clinical experience was noted between the two cohorts.  相似文献   

Nursing faculties are working to improve students’ attitudes towards mental illness and people with severe mental illness, given the repercussions a lack of knowledge and negative attitudes may have on the quality of care. Complementing undergraduate programmes with volunteering activities affords students the opportunity to interact with people with a severe mental illness, and allow them to develop positive attitudes and overcome prejudice. Aim: to explore and deepen in nursing students attitudes prior to and following volunteering on an Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit. By means of mixed methods approach, students were assessed at two time points by questionnaires including “Community Attitudes to Mental Illness” and “Semantic Differential”, and by testimonies gathered from interviews. Positives changes in attitudes were identified and monitored over time capturing a destigmatizing tendency. The participation in educational strategies such as volunteering in Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit, complementary to undergraduate programmes and clinical placements in mental health, allows nursing students to develop more diversified and positive attitudes towards mental illness and people with severe mental illness. The impact of an interventional education strategy is not as powerful in nursing students as it might be in students of other non-healthcare oriented university degrees due to their baseline attitudes.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports the development, piloting and validation of a tool to measure attitudes for use with nursing staff working in acute mental health care units. BACKGROUND: The quality of care provided for service users in acute mental health care has come under both scrutiny and severe criticism. The attitudes of staff working in these environments have been cited as a contributory factor in poor care. No measure of attitudes specific to acute mental health has been reported. METHODS: A 64-question measure was constructed and distributed to a sample of qualified and unqualified nurses drawn from seven mental health care units in the North of England. Exploratory factor analysis and a number of other statistical tests were performed to validate the questionnaire. RESULTS: Preliminary analysis reduced the original 64 questions to 37. Five components were retained, accounting for 42% of the variance, and the five rotated factors were identified. The resultant 'Attitudes Towards Acute Mental Health Scale' (ATAMHS) achieved good internal reliability, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.72. CONCLUSION: The construction and validation of the ATAMHS measure will enable improved understanding of the attitudes of nursing staff working in acute mental health care settings to occur. This measure is available for use in a clinical area of nursing in which attitude change is of fundamental importance for future development of care.  相似文献   

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