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OZCAN C.T., OFLAZ F. & BAKIR B. (2012) The effect of a structured empathy course on the students of a medical and a nursing school. International Nursing Review Aim: The study aims to determine the effect of an empathy course for medical and nursing school students in one university in Turkey. Being able to relate to others empathetically is important for health professionals who need to develop therapeutic relationships with people who are sick, weak, sensitive and vulnerable. Professionals need empathic communication skills and professionalism not only for patients and their families but also for colleagues and other members of the health team. Method: All first year students (257) from a medical and a nursing school in one Turkish university in 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 were enrolled to the study. The course included 10 h of lectures on empathy and communication skills given through five consecutive weeks with 2 h in a week in the first year of both schools. Data were collected by using the Empathic Communication Skills Scale (ECSS), and the Empathic Tendency Scale (ETS) before and after the course. There were 143 medical students and 83 nursing students (total: 226, 88%) who completed the ECSS and ETS in a pre‐/post‐test study. Findings: Results demonstrated that all students received significantly higher scores for the final application than for initial scores on both scales. This implied that the targeted educational programme could have a positive effect on learning empathy and gaining empathy skills and tendency. Conclusion: Effective educational programmes might facilitate and improve empathic skills and empathic tendency of medical and nursing students, and both male and female students benefitted from the empathy course.  相似文献   

The struggle to develop nursing research in Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Little is known internationally about nursing research in Turkey. The development of nursing research would, however, provide a distinctive perspective on health needs and service provision. To understand the development of nursing research in Turkey, the development of nursing research in other countries might be analysed. AIM: To describe the development of nursing research and education in Turkey in a European context. FINDINGS: The evolution of nursing research in Europe is discussed and the importance of setting nursing research priorities described. Different countries in the world are then examined for the development of nursing research and priorities. Finally, the development of nursing education, nursing research and priorities in Turkey are analysed and discussed in the context of the political and social background. CONCLUSION: The development of Turkish nursing research may still be insufficient in relation to the development of nursing research in Europe, but it is following global developments. Over the past years, there has been an increased interest in nursing research and Turkish nurses work hard to produce work for international publication.  相似文献   

Nursing education in Turkey first began in 1912 with the introduction of a 6-month course to train voluntary medical attendants, with Dr. Besim Ömer Pasha’s advice to the Red Crescent Association regarding the inadequacy of healthcare services, as a crucial need for nursing services resulted due to significant losses given during Tripoli (1911) and the Balkan (1912) wars. Carrying out their duties in battlefields and hospitals with great devotion, the first nurses graduated from the course played a significant role in promoting the nursing profession and its importance.Nursing education which used to continue at the secondary and high-school levels increased to bachelor’s level in 1955. Master’s program in nursing was opened in 1968, and Ph.D. programs was opened in 1972.Professional members of the practice, well-equipped in accordance with the requirements of the age, who conduct their studies at the national and international levels, are trained as the consequence of the recent developments in nursing education. The number of nurses at the universities who offered higher levels of academic degree, and especially the number of nurses who gained ‘science expert’ title at the inpatient medical establishments has increased. This situation and globalization, which ensures an easier access to nursing literature through internet, enable a more systematic and of a better quality healthcare.This article explains the nursing education in Turkey from past to present. The developments in nursing education which have taken place in Turkey are expressed in a chronological order, starting from the Ottoman Empire, until the present. Compared with other countries, nursing education is given on different levels in Turkey. Recently, however, the obstacles regarding the differences especially at the bachelor’s degree level were overcome, appropriate changes were made, and education melioration efforts gained speed.  相似文献   

为了培养和提高护理专业学生的临床思维、自主实践、循证护理和科研能力,构建和实施了层次化、校内外一体化、以提高护理专业学生实践能力和科研素养为核心的“三层、两纵”的“探究型”护理实践教学体系,形成了创新人才培养模式,教学效果显著。  相似文献   

护理本科教育中护士核心能力培养路径探析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
护理本科教育中加强对护士核心能力的培养可通过确立护士核心能力内涵、改革培养方案和课程设置、遵循能力本位原则改革教学方法和教学手段、运用合理的评价方法等4个路径来实现。  相似文献   

从2006年开始实施护理本科生导师制.实施过程中,明确导师的基本条件和主要职责,实施导师在本科学生学习过程各阶段的主要工作.从学生对全程导师作用的评价中观察导师制的实施效果,2011届护理本科毕业生69名,分别有36.2%、34.8%、34.8%和30.4%认为导师在帮助学生端正学习态度、解决思想困惑、教会做人和培养职业道德方面作用非常大;在缓解学生心理压力、培养科研能力、提高解决问题能力、就业指导方面,认为导师作用非常大的学生分别占27.5%、29.0%、26.1%和20.3%.  相似文献   

目的了解1 223名本科院校护理教师线上教学的情况,分析线上教学现存的问题和困难,及时总结经验和成果,为线上教学改革奠定基础。方法自设我国护理学类专业本科教育线上教学质量调查(教师版)问卷,2020年6月10日—30日,利用问卷星调查了1 223名本科院校护理教师、临床教学医院护理教师线上教学情况。结果2020年2月前,783名(64.0%)护理教师没有线上教学经历,1 114名(91.1%)护理教师对线上教学表示接受或非常接受。2020年2月—6月,1 109名(90.7%)护理教师线上教学1~3门课程,线上教学时,护理教师能为学生提供全方位的学习支持和丰富的教学活动。相较于理论课教学,259名(57.9%)和109名(44.7%)护理教师分别认为实验教学、临床教学的效果更差。网络问题(72.4%),线上课堂状态不易控制(60.8%)和学生互动不积极(56.6%)是护理教师线上教学的主要困难。护理教师对线上教学质量的自我评价整体水平较好,其中教学准备方面得分最高,为(4.1±0.7)分。结论 2020年2月前,多数护理教师缺乏线上教学经历,但护理教师对线上教育态度积极,线上实验教学和...  相似文献   

在本科护理教育中设置循证护理课程的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘辉  胡静 《中华护理教育》2010,7(10):443-446
目的探讨在本科护理教育中设置循证护理课程,为循证护理教育和临床护理人员循证实践的相关培训提供依据和参考。方法采用德尔菲专家咨询法对17名护理管理、临床护理、护理教育专家进行3轮问卷调查,听取专家的意见和建议,筛选循证护理课程设置指标条目。结果 70.59%的专家认为在护理专业本科教育中开设循证护理课程"非常必要",29.41%的认为"必要";70.59%的专家建议将循证护理课程列入护理专业本科的选修课程,学时数为17-24学时;76.47%的专家建议将循证护理课程安排在整个护理学学习的中后期,即基础课程学习后期,临床实习前期;76.47%的专家建议从事临床工作的教师担任本科循证护理课程教学任务。结论本科循证护理课程开课形式为选修课;开课时机为基础课程学习后期,临床实习前期;学时数为17-24学时;师资来源为从事临床工作的临床教师。  相似文献   

目的 调查我国高等中医院校本科护理学专业课程设置情况,分析可能影响课程设置的因素,为促进高等中医院校本科护理学专业课程体系改革提供依据.方法 收集我国19所高等中医院校本科护理学专业课程设置的相关资料,采用比较研究法获取其特征与不足,并分析可能的影响因素.结果 19所高等中医院校护理学专业所有课程(2815.8±432.9)学时,专业基础课程(787.4±211.8)学时,专业课程(717.0±189.8)学时,人文素养课程(238.7±73.8)学时,中医相关课程(289.9±130.9)学时.我国高等中医院校本科护理学专业的课程设置已初步形成体系,但存在着中医护理特色不够突出、人文素养课程比例偏小及课程类型构成欠佳等问题.影响课程设置的因素是多方面的,包括师资队伍、教材建设、市场需求及中医护理学科体系定位等.结论 我国高等中医院校本科护理学专业课程设置有待进一步完善.护理教育者应认识影响课程设置的因素,采取具有针对性的措施,构建科学、合理及可持续发展的课程体系.  相似文献   

目的探讨本科实习护生护理情感教育的实践方法。方法在2003级本科护生进临床实习前,对临床带教老师进行培训,采用护士职业态度量表对临床实习结束后2002级和2003级护生进行问卷调查。结果临床实习结束后,试验组(2003级)的职业态度比对照组(2002级)趋于积极,差异具有统计学意义(t=-2.077,P〈0.05)。结论实习护生对护理工作的情感是可以培养的。临床实习阶段是培养护理本科生职业态度的重要阶段,充分发挥临床带教老师对护生护理情感培养的作用,能促进护生对护理工作的积极情感。  相似文献   

This paper is an opinion piece based on experience and supported where possible with literature, which addresses an issue of both national and international interest. It focuses on one aspect of the multifaceted social phenomenon of nurse migration, i.e. nurse education.
Background:  Much has been written about the direct effects of nurse migration on the nurse migrant, the delivery of health care in the countries that supply the nurses, and the countries that receive them. However, there is little information regarding the direct effects of migration on nurse education within the literature.
Aim:  The aim of this paper is to raise awareness of the positive and negative effects of nurse migration on nurse education both in the countries that supply nurses and those which receive them.
Methods:  Both scholarly and 'grey' literature is used to support the discussion on the 'real' challenges faced by nurse educators and clinical nurses in those countries that supply or receive nurses. In addition, practical recommendations for nurse educators are presented. Furthermore, the nursing profession is challenged to become politically active, to become involved and to take responsibility for the decisions made about nurse education in order to protect the integrity of nurse education and patient safety.
Conclusion:  The quality of nurse education in many countries has been undermined as a result of rapid, mass migration. There is an urgent need to take practical steps to maintain the integrity of nurse education and the nurse's preparation for practice in order to protect patients' safety.  相似文献   

目的根据医疗卫生事业和社会对高级护理人才的需求,以"全面质量管理"为导向,构建有利于护理专业学生综合能力培养的教学模式。方法以"精品、精致、精英"的教学理念,从人才培养目标、课程体系、教学内容与方法、实验实践教学等方面进行全面质量管理、改革和实践。结果通过改革人才培养方案、优化课程体系、创新教学方法和手段、加强教材建设、构建实践教学新体系等各环节为重点的全过程教学质量管理,形成了具有特色的护理学本科教学模式。结论以培养学生"知识、能力、素质"为目标,以师资队伍和教学管理制度建设为保障的、全员参与的教学改革和质量管理符合社会对高级护理人才培养的需求,取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The inclusion of the social, behavioural and bio-sciences is acknowledged as essential to the development of the art and science of nursing. Nonetheless, the literature highlights on-going debate about the content and delivery of these subject areas in undergraduate nursing education. The bio-sciences and social sciences in particular have received much attention but more recently the inclusion of psychology in nursing curricula is gaining momentum. Studies conducted on nursing students' views of these supporting sciences have also highlighted problems with their understanding, relevance and application to nursing practice.Although broad guidelines are given as to what should be included, no detail is given as to how much detail or at what level these subjects should be taught. Subsequently, approved institutions are responsible for their own course content. This has resulted in inconsistent and varied approaches to integrating the sciences in undergraduate nursing curricula.Following a recent review of the undergraduate nursing curriculum in one university in the Republic of Ireland a decision was made to combine the teaching, learning and assessment of Applied Psychology with Interpersonal Communication skills. This paper will describe the developmental process and evaluation of the integrated module.  相似文献   

该文阐述了跨文化护理能力培养依据的主要理论基础,理清跨文化护理能力相关概念,对国内外护理本科生跨文化能力的培养模式、培养内容、评价工具及方法等方面进行总结分析,为我国护理本科生跨文化护理能力的培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

L.Y.K. Lee rn  rm  rtn  phd  J.K.L. Lee rn  rtn  phd  M.K. Li rn  rm  rtn  bn  bcm  ma 《International nursing review》2010,57(3):359-364
LEE L.Y.K., LEE J.K.L., WONG K.F., TSANG A.Y.K. & LI M.K. (2010) The establishment of an integrated skills training centre for undergraduate nursing education. International Nursing Review 57 , 359–364 Aim: This paper details the experience of establishing an integrated skills training centre for use in undergraduate nursing education in The Open University of Hong Kong. Background: Skills training is an essential element in undergraduate nursing education. Owing to the increasing complexity of the health‐care system and patient health needs, undergraduate nursing students should be well prepared for integrated skills competency, critical thinking and rapid decision‐making. To achieve this goal, the use of simulation as a skills training tool is being recommended. Conclusion: The Clinical Nursing Education Centre is established. It adopts simulation as a teaching and learning tool. It has four specific education units, namely: (1) clinical simulation education unit, (2) virtual reality education unit, (3) nursing skills education unit, and (4) Chinese medicinal education unit. These units are specifically designed for the teaching and learning of nursing skills related to general, mental and Chinese medicinal nursing from elementary to advanced level. Experiences pertaining to the conceptualization, exploration and actualization phases of the establishment are presented. Details of the structure and specific functions of the centre are also illustrated. Finally, there is discussion on the challenges encountered during the establishment process and how they were overcome.  相似文献   

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