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糖尿病是以高血糖为主要特点,引起代谢紊乱综合征的一种疾病。糖尿病患者对手术耐受性差,手术应激、麻醉、术后疼痛等均增加其手术复杂性及危险性。做好糖尿病患者围手术期管理是手术成功以及减少并发症的重要因素,应当把需要接受手术治疗的糖尿病患者视为高危和疑难病例进行全面系统的围手术期综合管理,重点包括:健康教育、饮食调节、血糖控制、心血管事件和感染预防等。  相似文献   

妇科肿瘤合并糖尿病的围手术期处理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
妇科肿瘤合并糖尿病临床并不少见,但关于围手术期管理的报道却不多,本文就妇科肿瘤合并糖尿病病人手术前后管理方面的体会报道如下。1 临床资料1-1 一般资料我院1993年1月~1995年1月共收治妇科肿瘤2653例,合并糖尿病者36例,占1-36%。胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(Ⅰ型)3例,非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(Ⅱ型)33例,其中无糖尿病病史12例。年龄最小34岁,最大67岁,平均(53±11-52)岁。1-2 本组病例中良性肿瘤合并糖尿病26例,其中子宫肌瘤23例,卵巢瘤3例。恶性肿瘤合并糖尿病者10例,其…  相似文献   

妇科内镜手术的麻醉与监测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
妇科内镜手术因其微创的优点 ,有关技术和适应证现已得到深化和普及。麻醉科医师不仅要为手术创造良好的条件 ,而且还要在提高和 (或 )改善麻醉与监测水平 ,减少围术期并发症上下功夫。1 麻醉选择与监测1 1 麻醉选择宜首选气管内全麻。有鉴于内镜手术需要气腹 (CO2 )和头低位 ,倘病人术中意识完全清醒 ,则不仅可能导致其精神紧张和体位引发的不适感 ,而且还因膈肌高位引发呼吸频率骤增 ,呼吸作功增加 ,血CO2 分压增加 ,甚至发生呼吸性酸中毒 ,此时如果椎管内麻醉的效果不确定 ,则更加重了病人精神、肉体上的负担 ,同时给施术者带来干扰…  相似文献   

妇科腹腔镜手术CO_2气腹围麻醉期观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
因腹腔镜手术创伤小、术后疼痛轻、恢复快、疤痕小,现已在临床广泛应用,但CO2气腹可能导致血气、酸碱平衡、呼吸循环生理及神经内分泌的变化。从我院近年来行妇科腹腔镜手术的患者中选择30例,就有关腹腔镜CO2气腹围术期的麻醉进行总结。1 资料与方法 妇科腹腔镜手术30例,其中不孕症24例,卵巢囊肿6例,20~38岁,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,术前无内分泌系统疾患,麻醉方法均为全麻,术前用药杜冷丁50mg、阿托品05mg肌注。麻醉诱导静注咪唑安定015~02mg.kg-1、异丙酚2~3mg.kg-1、万可松015mg.kg-1、芬太尼4~6ug.kg-1。气管插管…  相似文献   

腹腔镜手术是低侵袭性的手术,因此,术后疼痛少,可以早期离床、早期出院,可以回避开腹手术伴发的许多问题,由于腹腔镜手术的上述优点,近年来得以迅速推广普及。可是,相对麻醉科而言,腹腔镜手术也有一些非低侵袭性特征,特别是对呼吸系统、循环系统的  相似文献   

妇科手术与女性性功能   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
妇科手术与女性性功能广东医学院附属医院妇产科(524001)李英勇所有接受妇科手术的已婚育龄妇女及其丈夫都不同程度地关心手术对女性性功能的影响,也是患者接受手术治疗的主要顾虑之一。此点应引起施术医生的足够重视,尽可能采取恰当的手术方式保护女性的性功能...  相似文献   

目的总结妇科疾病合并糖尿病的围手术期的处理经验。方法分析26例需行妇科手术的糖尿病患者手术前后血糖的控制及并发症的预防。结果26例糖尿病患者术中、术后合理使用胰岛素使患者预后良好,全部安全度过围手术期,无严重并发症发生,伤口一期愈合率88.46%,二期愈合率11.54%。结论糖尿病患者术前较好地控制血糖,并于术中、术后积极监测及治疗,使围手术期的血糖相对稳定,是手术成功及减少术后并发症的关键。  相似文献   

妇科腹腔镜手术12例报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

腹腔镜手术是低侵袭性的手术,因此,术后疼痛少,可以早期离床、早期出院,可以回避开腹手术伴发的许多问题,由于腹腔镜手术的上述优点,近年来得以迅速推广普及。可是,相对麻醉科而言,腹腔镜手术也有一些非低侵袭性特征,特别是对呼吸系统、循环系统的影响很大,与开腹手术带来的影响有些不同,有腹腔镜下手.术特有的特征,因此其相应的处理方法也与普通的开腹手术不同。  相似文献   

妇科腹腔镜手术38例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妇科腹腔镜手术38例报告林晓华陈育梅胡爱月(温州市第三人民医院)1996年6月至1997年5月我们用电视腹腔镜进行各种妇科手术38例,疗效满意。现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料38例年龄21~48y,平均32.5y,已婚35例,未婚3例,经产3...  相似文献   

近十年中妇科手术领域有长足进展。开腹手术范围及难度逐步增加,阴式手术普遍开展,腹腔镜、宫腔镜技术的引进及普及使患者获得同开腹手术相同的疗效。但是由于解剖学的毗邻关系,妇科手术并发胃肠道损伤时有发生。胃肠道损伤发生率低,如果处理不当后果严重。既往手术史,子宫内膜异位症,肿瘤.炎症.操作不当等因素增加了损伤的发生率。依据损伤部位和手术方式就妇科手术中胃肠道损伤的类型、发生原因、诊疗方法及预防措施做一综述。  相似文献   

近十年中妇科手术领域有长足进展。开腹手术范围及难度逐步增加,阴式手术普遍开展,腹腔镜、宫腔镜技术的引进及普及使患者获得同开腹手术相同的疗效。但是由于解剖学的毗邻关系,妇科手术并发胃肠道损伤时有发生。胃肠道损伤发生率低,如果处理不当后果严重。既往手术史,子宫内膜异位症,肿瘤,炎症,操作不当等因素增加了损伤的发生率。依据损伤部位和手术方式就妇科手术中胃肠道损伤的类型、发生原因、诊疗方法及预防措施做一综述。  相似文献   

Fertility preservation is one of the major concerns of young patients diagnosed with gynecological cancer. With newer treatment regimens and better surgical techniques, survival rates after cancer treatment have improved, hence preservation of fertility has recently become an important issue in the treatment of gynecological cancers. Fertility sparing surgery may be an option for early-stage cervical cancer with the development of loop excision techniques and radical trachelectomy which allows a radical approach to cervix cancer at the same time preserving the uterus and thus fertility. Fertility preservation is possible in Stage 1 epithelial ovarian cancers, germ cell ovarian tumors, and borderline cancers. Hormonal therapy with progestin agents is effective in early endometrial cancer. In patients desiring future pregnancy, fertility sparing options must be explored before starting treatment for gynecologic cancers.  相似文献   


Study Objective

To investigate the feasibility, safety, and short-term outcomes of robotic surgery (RS) for gynecologic oncologic indications (cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancer) in elderly patients, especially women age 65 to 74 years (elderly group [EG]) compared with women age ≥75 years (very elderly group [VEG]).


Retrospective cohort study (Canadian Task Force classification II-2).


Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.


Between May 2013 and April 2017, 204 elderly and very elderly patients underwent RS procedures for gynecologic malignancies.


The median age was 71 years (range, 65–74 years) in the EG and 77 years (range, 75–87 years) in the VEG. The incidence of cardiovascular disease was higher in the VEG (p?=?.038). The EG and VEG were comparable in terms of operative time, blood loss, and need for blood transfusion. Almost all (98.5%) of the patients underwent total/radical hysterectomy, 109 patients (55.6% of the EG vs 48.3% of the VEG) underwent pelvic lymphadenectomy, and 19 patients (10.5% of the EG vs 6.7% of the VEG) underwent aortic lymphadenectomy. A total of 7 (3.4%) conversions to open surgery were registered. Only 3 patients required postoperative intensive care unit admission. The median length of hospital stay was 2 days in each group. A total of 11 patients (5.6%) had early postoperative complications. Four patients (2.8%) in the EG and 2 patients (3.3%) in the VEG experienced grade ≥2 complications. At the time of analysis, median follow-up was 18 months (range, 6–55 months). Eleven patients (5.6%) experienced disease relapse, 2 (1%) died of disease, and 3 (1.5%) died of cardiovascular disease.


This study demonstrates the feasibility, safety, and good short-term outcomes of RS in elderly and very elderly gynecologic cancer patients. No patient can be considered too old for a minimally invasive robotic approach, but a multidisciplinary approach is the best management pathway; efforts to reduce associated morbidity are essential.  相似文献   

Preoperative evaluation for elective benign gynecologic procedures is a necessary step in reducing perioperative complications. Although a thorough history and physical examination are the foundation of this assessment, much evidence exists that physicians rely on unnecessary laboratory and diagnostic testing. Our goal was to perform a systematic review of the available literature regarding preoperative evaluation to better inform preoperative test selection and to identify deficiencies in the current literature. There is very limited data specific to preoperative testing for patients undergoing gynecologic surgeries. Abnormal test results are common when routine, unselected testing is applied. Using a protocol to guide preoperative testing improves patient care by eliminating unnecessary tests without compromising the efficacy of predicting adverse perioperative events or case cancellation and modifications.  相似文献   

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