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In India, Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotype O has been associated with more than 75% of the outbreaks. Previous studies with this serotype have indicated that the viruses circulating in India belong to a single genotype. Recent (February 2001) FMD epidemics in Europe have focussed global attention on the source of the virus and have been traced to a strain, PanAsia (serotype O), which is present in India since 1990. In this study, to further characterize the isolates belonging to the PanAsian strain, we sequenced the complete VP1-encoding (1D) gene for 71 FMDV serotype O isolates from India recovered from the field outbreaks during the last 4 decades (1962–2001). All the isolates in the tree were distributed in to three major branches (designated as A, B and C); the branch C is further divided into four groups (I–IV), of which the group IV belongs to the PanAsia strain. Furthermore, we show that the PanAsia strain has been circulating endemically since 1982 (not 1990 as reported earlier) and has been the most dominant outbreak strain in the recent years and distributed at least in 17 states of the country. During the year 2001, another new group (group III) of virus with genetic divergence of 5.4–11.1% at nucleotide level from the PanAsia strain is found to co-circulate endemically, and is slowly replacing it. At amino acid level this strain differed from PanAsia strain at five amino acid positions in the VP1. Although these strains are divergent at nucleotide level, they maintained a good antigenic relationship with one of the vaccine strains (IND R2/75) widely used in the country. Given the ability of the PanAsia virus to persist, spread and to outcompete other strains, the present trend could be of serious concern as the newly emerging virus is replacing it. If this is true, then there is another equally divergent strain as PanAsia that may pose a serious threat to the global dairy and meat industries.  相似文献   

Y Stram  T Molad 《Virus genes》1997,15(1):33-37
Vaccinations against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) has dramatically reduced the number of disease outbreaks. Nevertheless, there are still many outbreaks in different regions around the world. In an effort to find new ways to control the disease, ribozymes able to cleave FMDV were designed and tested. In this work we tested the ability of FRZ4, a ribozyme targeted to the viral polymerase gene, to cleave polymerase sequences of several FMDV. Homology analysis was used to choose target sequences which consist of two conserved GUC which lie 15 bases apart and, their flanking sequences. These were the basis for the FRZ4 ribozyme gene sequence that contains two catalytic domains. We show that polymerase sequences from A, Asia 1, C and two different O1 Israeli isolates could be specifically cleaved by FRZ4. It is suggested that FRZ4 can cleave polymerase gene sequences from any FMDV serotype. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reddy  G.R.  Tratschin  J.D.  Natarajan  C.  Suryanarayana  V.V.S. 《Virus genes》1999,18(2):161-168
Variations in the amino acid sequence of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) structural proteins are the basis for the antigenic diversity of the virus. Majority of antigenic sites for the virus neutralization are present on VP1, the major immunogenic protein. However, a few conformational epitopes are present on the structural proteins VP2 and VP3. The nucleotide sequence encoding all the four structural proteins (P1 region) of FMDV type Asia 1 Ind 63/72 was determined. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequence of P1 of Asia 1 of Indian strain was compared with that of Asia 1 Israel strain. Differences were observed at 284 (14%) nucleotide positions resulting in 69 (10%) amino acid changes. The variation in the derived amino acid sequence is the highest in VP1 (14.4%) followed by VP2 (10%), VP3 (6.4%) and VP4 (3%). Deletion of two amino acids, which was observed in the case of Indian strain as well as in Israel strain indicated that these deletions are specific for type Asia 1. The P1 sequence was also compared with the corresponding region of the other serotypes O1K, A12, C1 and SAT-1. The sequence has been submitted to EMBL data bank, under accession number Y09949.  相似文献   

Aphthoviruses are unique among picornaviruses in that they alone encode a functional L proteinase as the first component of the viral polyprotein. The L genes of a few Indian foot-and-mouth disease viruses were sequenced and compared with those available to study the extent of variation in this gene. Besides the two in-frame start codons present in all FMDV L genes, the Asia-I vaccine virus had an additional in-frame AUG (start) codon, at codon position 3. Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that 39.8% of positions were capable of accepting replacements, yet the residues of the catalytic dyad were totally conserved. Sequence comparison at the C-terminus of the protein indicated that K/RGAGQS is sufficient for L/P1 cleavage. Phylogenetic analysis based on the L gene sequences did not reveal any serotype-specific clustering. The probable implications of the observed high variability in this non-structural gene is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) O/JPN/2000 strain, the PanAsia strain, was determined by cycle sequencing and primer walking. The 5 end of the genome upstream from homopolymeric poly(C) tract (S-fragment) was 367 nucleotides in length, and the remainder of the genome (L-fragment), excepting the poly(A) tail, was 7808 nucleotides. The L-fragment contains a single open reading frame of 6996 nucleotides terminating at a UAA codon 96 bases from the 3 poly(A) sequence. Comparison of sequences shows that the length of the structural and non-structural protein coding regions are identical to those in the O1/Kaufbeuren strain, and no striking differences such as deletion or insertion were observed between them.  相似文献   

It has been shown that variation of antigenic site I in VP1 of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) plays an important role in the antigenic diversification of this virus. However, the O1 Campos strain is able to efficiently cross-protect cattle against the O1 Caseros strain, despite having a different sequence in the site I. In this paper we report and compare the P1 coding region for the capsid proteins of FMDV O1 Caseros and O1 Campos. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a total of 31 amino acid differences. Eight of them are located in surface-exposed loops that have been implicated in antigenic sites. This study should help to identify additional sites to be considered in the development of a new generation of FMDV vaccines. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the structural protein-encoding region of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) A22-India 17/77 was determined using non-radioisotopic technique. Comparison of nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence with A22-Iraq 24/64 revealed 175 synonymous (silent) and 42 non-synonymous nucleotide changes resulting in 34 amino acid substitutions along the capsid proteins (VP1–VP4). Out of the 4 structural proteins VP4 is highly conserved. The highly variable and immunodominant protein VP1 showed 47% of the total amino acid substitutions. VP2 and VP3 contain 38.2% and 14.7% of the amino acid substitutions, respectively. The VP1-based phylogenetic analysis of 18 different type A viruses including A22-India 17/77 divided them in to two broad genetic groups (Asian and European/South American), and each group is further subdivided in to two separate genotypes. A22-India 17/77, A22-Iraq 24/64 and A22-Azerbaijan/65 formed one genotype and the 4 Chinese strains formed a separate genotype in the Asian group of viruses. In the European/ South American group, A-Argentina/87 represents one genotype and the remaining 10 strains formed the second genotype in this group.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships of serotype O foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viruses recovered from outbreaks of the disease in the West African countries of Niger, Burkina Faso and, Ghana (1988–1993) and those from South Africa (2000) were determined by partial VP1 gene characterization. A 581-bp fragment, corresponding to the C-terminus half of the 1D (VP1 gene) region was amplified and sequenced. An homologous region of 495 nucleotides was ultimately used to determine genetic relationships of serotype O viruses from the Middle East, Europe, South America, North Africa, East Africa, southern Africa and Asia. Seven distinct type O genotypes were identified by phylogenetic reconstruction, consisting of viruses from the following geographical regions: Genotype A: Asia, the Middle East, and South Africa, Genotype B: East Africa, Genotype C: West and North Africa, Genotype D: Taiwan and Russia, Genotype E: Angola and Venezuela, Genotype F: Western Europe, and Genotype G: Europe and South America. The genotypes constitute three different evolutionary lineages (I–III), which correspond to three discrete continental regions, some of which display inter-continental distributions due to introductions. Results further indicate that the outbreaks in Burkina Faso (1992) and Ghana (1993) are part of the same epizootic and that the strain involved in a recent outbreak of the disease in South Africa is most closely related (97% sequence identity) to a 1997 Bangladesh strain.  相似文献   

Nagy M  Nagy E  Tuboly T 《Virus genes》2002,24(2):181-185
The nucleic acid and deduced amino acid sequence of the fibre gene of the HNF-61 strain of porcine adenovirus serotype 5 (PAdV-5) was determined and compared to that of the HNF-70 strain of the same serotype (Nagy et al., J Gen Virol 82, 525–529, 2001) and also to adenovirus fibre genes from the genera Mastadenovirus and Atadenovirus. The putative HNF-61 and HNF-70 proteins were similar to each other, with 90% amino acid identity. Conserved amino acid sequences described for mastadenovirus fibre shafts were identified in the shaft regions of both PAdV-5 fibres, except for the so-called TLWT motif. The head regions of the PAdV-5 fibre did not resemble any of the known mastadenovirus fibre heads, but they showed characteristics of the fibre head protein sequences of viruses grouped in the proposed genus Atadenovirus (Benkö et al., Virus Taxonomy, Seventh Report of the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses, Academic Press, New York, San Diego, 2000, pp. 227–238). The findings suggested recombination between viruses of different adenovirus genera.  相似文献   

VP1 gene nucleotide sequences of 51 SAT3-type foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viruses from seven southern and eastern African countries were used to infer a gene phylogeny. Results obtained by phylogenetic analysis of the homologous 405nt region corresponding to the C-terminal 128 amino acids of 1D and adjacent 7 amino acids of 2A indicate that there are six distinct virus lineages evolving independently in different geographical localities in accordance with the FMD topotype concept. Topotypes I–IV occur in southern Africa, whilst topotypes V and VI are unique to East Africa. Viruses of different topotypes differ from each other at 20% or more of the nucleotide sites, specified in this study. Despite the limited geographical distribution of this serotype, the level of intratypic variation is intermediate between that of SAT1 and SAT2, both of which are widely distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. Within SAT3, 37.3% and 47.4% of sites were completely conserved on nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively. The locality-specific grouping of viruses permits accurate determination of the sources of outbreaks, whilst the high levels of variation within the immunodominant 1D protein has implications for the control of the disease through vaccination.  相似文献   

The NSP4 protein of rotavirus is a nonstructural glycoprotein and has a crucial function in virus morphogenesis during infection of host cells. It was recently reported that NSP4 may also function as a viral enterotoxin in the induction of rotavirus diarrhea by causing Ca++ influx in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. We sequenced and analyzed two (Wa and M strains) pairs of NSP4 genes of virulent (v) and attenuated (a) (after 30 to 40 passages in cell culture) human group A rotaviruses and a pair of NSP4 genes of virulent and attenuated porcine group C rotavirus (Cowden strain). These strains were previously identified as virulent (induce diarrhea) or attenuated (no diarrhea) in a gnotobiotic pig model of rotavirus infection [Bohl et al. (4), Saif et al. (13), Ward et al. (17)]. The NSP4 genes of the Wa, M and Cowden strains were amplified with RT-PCR using a proof reading polymerase (Tli) and the RT-PCR product was sequenced directly. Analysis of the NSP4 deduced amino acid sequences showed that only 3 (Wa) and 2 (M and Cowden) amino acids differed between the virulent and attenuated strains. For the Wa strain, the changes from the virulent to attenuated strain were in amino acids 13 (V to A), 16 (L to S) and 34 (P to L); in the M strain, the difference was in amino acids 53 (T to I) and 104 (K to E), and in the Cowden strains, amino acids 50 (L to F) and 97 (D to N) differed between virulent and attenuated strains. To our knowledge, this is the first sequence comparison between NSP4 of a virulent and attenuated pair of group C rotaviruses. The potential impact of these few amino acid changes on the pathogenesis of the NSP4 protein for piglets is unclear, relative to previous findings in mice (1), but requires further study using purified recombinant NSP4 proteins or peptides.  相似文献   

Lee HK  Yeo SG 《Virus genes》2003,26(2):207-212
The nucleocapsid (N) gene of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) Chinju99 which was previously isolated in Chinju, Korea was cloned and sequenced to establish the information for the development of genetically engineered diagnostic reagents. Also, sequences of the nucleotides and deduced amino acids of the Chinju99 N gene were analyzed by alignment with those of CV777 and Br1/87. The nucleotide sequence encoding the entire N gene open reading frame (ORF) of Chinju99 was 1326 bases long and encoded a protein of 441 amino acids with predicted M r of 49 kDa. It consisted of 405 adenine (30.5%), 293 cytosine (22.1%), 334 guanines (25.2%) and 294 thymines (22.2%) residues. The Chinju99 N ORF nucleotide sequence was 96.5% and 96.4% homologous with that of the CV777 and Br1/87, respectively. The Chinju99 N protein revealed 96.8% amino acid identity with that of Br1/87 and CV777, respectively. The amino acid sequence contained seven potential sites for threonine (T)- or serine (S)-linked phosphorylation by each protein kinase C and casein kinase II.  相似文献   

Yeo SG  Hernandez M  Krell PJ  Nagy EE 《Virus genes》2003,26(3):239-246
The spike (S) gene of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) Chinju99 which was previously isolated in Chinju, Korea was cloned and sequenced to aid in the development of genetically engineered vaccines and diagnostic reagents against PEDV. The nucleotide sequence encoding the entire S gene open reading frame (ORF) of Chinju99 was 4152 bases long encoding 1383 amino acids. It consisted of 1001 adenine (24.1%), 849 cytosine (20.4%), 877 guanine (21.1%) and 1425 thymine (34.3%) residues. The Chinju99 S ORF nucleotide sequence was 94.5% homologous with that of the Br1/87 and CV777 strains, respectively. The Chinju99 S protein had 92.8% amino acid identity with that of Br1/87 and CV777, respectively. The amino acid sequence contained 27 potential sites for asparagine (N)-linked glycosylation and there was a stretch of highly hydrophobic residues at position 1325–1350.  相似文献   

Rubella virus (RV), the only member of the Rubivirusgenus in the family Togaviridae, is a single stranded, pos itive sense RNA virus. The structural gene in the 3′endof the genomic RNA encodes 3 virion proteins: the capsidprotein (C), and two envelop glycoproteins, E1 and E2.E1 gene is 1484 bp in length, encoding the hemagglutina tion activity and immune antigenic sites of RV. Studies in dicate that the degrees of variance in E1 gene sequence aresimilar to that of the complete gen…  相似文献   

Orf virus is a large DNA virus and is the type species of the Parapoxvirus genus of the family Poxviridae. Orf virus infects the epithelium of sheep and goats and is transmissible to humans. Recently we discovered a gene in orf virus that encodes a polypeptide with remarkable homology to mammalian interleukin (IL-10) and viral encoded IL-10s of herpes viruses. The predicted polypeptide sequence shows high levels of amino acid identity to IL-10 of sheep (80%), cattle (75%), humans (67%) and mice (64%), as well as IL-10-like proteins of Epstein-Barr virus (63%) and equine herpes virus (67%). The C-terminal region, comprising two-thirds of the orf virus protein, is identical to ovine IL-10 which suggests that this gene has been captured from its host sheep during the evolution of orf virus. In contrast the N-terminal region shows little homology with cellular IL-10s and in this respect resemble other viral IL-10s. IL-10 is a pleiotrophic cytokine that can exert either immunostimulatory or immunosuppressive effects on many cell types. IL-10 is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine with inhibitory effects on non-specific immunity in particular macrophage function and Th1 effector function. Our studies so far, indicate, that the functional activities of orf virus IL-10 are the same as ovine IL-10. Orf virus IL-10 stimulates mouse thymocyte proliferation and inhibits cytokine synthesis in lipopolysaccharide-activated ovine macrophages, peripheral blood monocytes and keratinocytes. Infection of sheep with an IL-10 deletion mutant of orf virus has shown that interferon- levels are higher in tissue infected with the mutant virus than the parent virus. The functional activities of IL-10 and our data on orf virus IL-10 suggest a role in immune evasion.  相似文献   

猪型流感病毒血凝素基因的核苷酸全序列分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
对我国大陆首次从猪群中分离到的猪型(H1N1)流感病毒血凝素(HA)基因核苷酸全序列进行了测定,其长度为1778bp,共编码566个氨基酸,其中信号区17个,HA1区326个,多肽连接区1个,HA2区222个。与A/NJ/11/76(H1N1)毒株HA蛋白分子上氨基酸序列相比,其同源性多1个糖基化点,然而其余的包括2个重叠的糖基化点均相同。  相似文献   

对慢性乙型肝炎患者的22份肝穿刺活检组织及其中配对的6份血清用PCR扩增出乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的PreC/C基因,选用AvaⅡ、Sau3AⅠ、XmnI,BstNI及TaqI5种限制性内切酶消化后,对C基因进行酶谱分析。发现有6份肝组织及1份血清出现异常酶谱。对Sau3AⅠ酶解异常标本进行分子克隆及核苷酸序列分析,发现2例患者因2137位核苷酸点突变出现了Sau3AⅠ的新酶切点。类似变化在肝癌组织的HBVC基因中也曾发现,其意义待进一步研究。  相似文献   

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