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目的 了解体表心电图对右心室流出道室性早搏(室早)消融结果的预测价值.方法 收集2002年1月~2007年3月室性早搏发作时心电图V1导联QRS波均呈左束支阻滞(LBBB)形态的无明显器质性心脏病患者72例,按射频消融治疗结果分为成功组和对照组,其中成功组63例,对照组9例(失败4例、复发5例),分析两组体表心电图12导联R波幅度、R波时限、S波时限、QRS时限,V2导联R波时限占QRS时限的百分比、胸前导联R波移行导联、V1导联R/S的比值、V1导联R波缺失、aVL和aVR比例(Qs或rS幅度)、I导联R波单相、I和aVL导联Qs波以及起搏时12导联心电图与自然发作室早心电图图形相同的导联数,比较两组患者心电图的特点.结果 胸前导联移行导联在≥V3成功率较高,≤V2很难成功(P=0.002),V1导联R波缺失预示成功率高(P=0.011),V2导联R波时限占QRS时限的百分比大于30%更易成功(P=0.025),两组体表心电图的aVL:aVR(QS或rS的幅度比),aVL导联Qs形态和起搏时12导联心电图与自然发作室早心电图图形相同的导联数有显著差异性(P《0.05),12导联R波幅度、R波时限、S波时限、QRS时限等参数中仅Ⅱ导联的S波时限有显著性差异(P=0.027),其他指标未达到统计学意义(P》0.05).结论 术前分析心电图有助于临床医生选择合适室早患者作为消融对象,以降低失败风险,提高成功率.  相似文献   

患者男75岁。多次晕厥入院。超声心动诊断右房、右室扩大、收缩功能不全.心室晚电位终末40ms均方根电压9.6μV,低于40μV持续时间116ms,滤波后QRS间期158ms,提示阳性。DCG记录出现频发室性早搏,呈左束支阻滞型(图略)。临床诊断右心室心肌病。图1为常规12导联同步心电图。窦性心律,心率74次/min,P—R间期159ms,QRS宽度160ms。V1、V2 QRS波rsR′型.QRS波后可见1个向上的波(箭头所示),Tv1~Tv4倒置。图2为心向量图的水平面QRS及T环,箭头所示为产生心电图QRS波后向上波的心电向量变化。  相似文献   

当QRS波群的初始向量背离某个心电图导联的探查电极时,可记录到Q波。根据Q波振幅的大小分别用大写的“Q”和小写的“q”来表示。正常Q波的标准是:振幅低于同导联R波的1/4。时限〈30ms。病理性Q波或异常Q波是指:心电图某些导联上QRS波群起始的负向波。时限≥30ms.振幅〉同导联R波的1/4。病理性Q波可由各种不同类型的心脏解剖异常引起.也可由一些异常的心电生理变化引起。病理性Q波主要见于心肌梗死。但许多研究表明。病理性Q波也是心电图诊断肥厚型心肌病(HCM)的重要依据之一。  相似文献   

目的在正常中国人中,对标准导联和Mason-Likar导联所记录肢体导联心电图的波段进行定量比较。方法经冠脉造影和心脏超声检查结果均正常者共84例,列为正常人。结果两类导联系统所记录的心电图存在良好的相关性,但也存在显著性差异。与标准肢体导联相比,Mason-Likar肢体导联心电图的差异包括:①心电轴右偏,平均增加23.3±26.7度;②II、III和aVF导联中R波和QRS波振幅显著增加,ST段显著下移,III和aVF导联T波振幅降低或T波转为倒置,其中III导联变化最大;③I和aVL导联QRS波振幅显著增加,ST段显著上移伴T波振幅增加。与心电图改变有关的相关性包括:①R波振幅改变与QRS波电轴偏移存在相关性;②ST80ms和T波振幅与T波电轴偏移存在相关性,与QRS波振幅改变也存在相关性。结论应充分认识两类导联系统所记录心电图的差异性。  相似文献   

肥厚型心肌病的病理性Q波   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当QRS波群的初始向量背离某个心电图导联的探查电极时,可记录到Q波。根据Q波振幅的大小分别用大写的"Q"和小写的"q"来表示。正常Q波的标准是:振幅低于同导联R波的1/4,时限<30ms。病理性Q波或异常Q波是指:心电图某些  相似文献   

1 心电图资料 患者女性,76岁。临床诊断:肺心病伴感染、右心衰。附图V_1导联为连续记录。Ⅱ导联中P波直立,电压正常。P—R0.16s,下传的QRS波形态、时间正常,R_4为室早。在每一个T波中,均可见一未下传的直立P波。V_1导联可见特高尖型P波,电压0.6mv,下传的QRS波之后的T波内均有一形态一致的特高尖型P  相似文献   

目的:应用心电图这一简便而直接的检查方法及时发现或预测急性心肌梗死的发生以及对病情预后的评价。方法:将本院41例临床确诊为急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者发病前1W所记录的心电图(ECG)与以往不定期检查的ECG对比。结果:有31例(约占75%)患者在以R波为主的导联QRS波电压可见明显减低。其降幅于肢导联为33%~60%,平均49.5%;胸导联为40%~90%,平均65%。并发现QRS波电压降幅在50%以上且合并肢、胸导联QRS波电压减低(尤其是R波)的患者.预后不良.死亡率较高占19%。结论:心电图QRS波电压减低或QRS波低电压在病因上并无特异性,但对某些类型的冠心病如AMI、变异型心绞痛等.却能起着辅助诊断及判断预后的作用。  相似文献   

王秀芹 《心电学杂志》2003,22(2):107-107
患者男性,45岁,因“扁桃体周围炎”伴发热2天入院。平素健康,否认晕厥发作史。体检:一般状况良好,T38.7℃,BP130/80mmHg。心率70次/min,心律齐,各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音, 两肺呼吸音清,生理反射正常。入院当天下午,患者感胸闷、气短,心电图(图1A)示:窦性心律,心率68次/min,P-R间期150ms,QRS时间100ms,Q-T间期360ms,QRS波群在V1、V2导联呈完全性右束支传导阻滞型,V5、V6导联S波不粗钝。ST段在V1、V2导联呈下斜型抬高,V3导联呈马鞍型抬高0.1~0.5mV,T波在V1、V2导联倒置,V3导联正负双相。心电图诊断:窦性心律,Brugada波。间隔24h…  相似文献   

预激综合征致窦性P波短暂显示不清1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈序  邓尚廉 《心电学杂志》1998,17(4):243-243
患者男,32岁。因阵发性心悸2年,反复晕厥1年,近1月发作频繁而入院。体检:心界不大,心率82次/min,心律齐,心尖区未闻及病理性杂音。超声心动描记术显示正常。入院时心电图示多导联QRS波群宽大畸形,前后未见明确P波,V_1导联(附图上)的第1、2、8—11个QRS波群呈R型,时间0.16s,前无窦性P波,T波倒置;第4—6个QRS波群呈Rs型,时间0.12s,其前可见窦性P波,P-R间期0.11s,见S波,T波直立;第3、7个QRS波群虽呈R型,时间0.14s,但其前见窦性P波,P-R间期为0.06s,见6波,T波倒置,P-J间期均为0.22s。入院后24h动态心电图(中行)似上行,但P-R间期与QRS时间  相似文献   

宽QRS波群心动过速的诊断及鉴别诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何方田 《心电学杂志》1999,18(4):241-243
一、宽QRS波群心动过速的机制、类型及心电图特点1.室性心动过速(1)QRS波群宽大畸形,频率多在150~250次/min.(2)存在房室分离或有室性融合波群、窦性夺获,此点特异性高,但敏感性低.(3)胸导联QRS波群均不呈RS型.(4)当QRS波群类似右束支传导阻滞时,V_1呈单相R波或呈M型,其R波前峰>后峰,呈左突耳征(又称兔耳型)、双相波如QR、Rs、RS型,V_6呈QS、QR或RS型,其R/S<1.(5)当QRS波群类似左束支传导阻滞时,V_1有R波>30ms,R-S间期>60ms(从R波起始至S波最深点的时间),V_6呈QS、QB或RS型,R/S<1.(6)额面电轴左偏或极度右偏,尤其是如原有束支传导阻滞,则心动过速时其电轴、QRS波形有明显变化.  相似文献   

慢型克山病室性早搏的心向量图分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的 探讨慢型克山病室性早搏在心向量图(VCG)的表现特征。方法 在山东省克山病病区选择慢型克山病有室性早搏的患者进行VCG描记,描记每个患者所发生的各种室性早搏,并对各种室性早搏进行分析。结果 慢型克山病室性早搏的QRS环形态以麻花形和不规则形最多见,QRS环的总运行时间比正常人的明显延长,最大QRS环和T环的电压比正常人的明显增大,最大QRS环和T环的角度无集中的分布范围,QRS-T角有60.9%~73.3%的图形在180度,有63.8%~68.6%的图形有ST向量,并且ST向量的电压较大。结论 慢性克山病室性早搏的QRS环形态、运行时间、最大QRS环和T环的角度及电压、QRS-T角、ST向量的电压和正常人的有明显的不同。  相似文献   

Changes in the P wave, QRS complex, ST segment, and T wave during and after maximal exercise were quantitatively analysed in 116 healthy women with a mean age of 39. The corrected orthogonal Frank lead electrocardiogram was continuously recorded and computer processed during bicycle ergometry. With exercise, maximal spatial P wave vectors shifted downward. The Q wave amplitude became more negative and the R wave amplitude diminished considerably in leads X and Y: the S wave amplitude decreased only slightly in these leads. The QRS vectors shifted towards right and posteriorly during exertion and a further shift in the same direction was seen in the recovery period. The ST segment amplitude 60 ms after the J point decreased with exertion and became negative at heart rates above 140 beats per minute, in particular in lead Y. ST segment depression increased with age. The T wave amplitude decreased during exercise and increased sharply in the recovery period. Though mean R wave amplitude in leads X and Y became more negative with exercise, this response was unpredictable in individual women. The exercise induced changes in QRS vectors in women resembled those described in men. Changes in the amplitude of the R wave should not be used for the diagnosis of coronary disease in women. ST segment depression was more pronounced in the inferiorly oriented lead Y than in lead X but it was unrelated to changes in the QRS vectors in these leads.  相似文献   

Changes in the P wave, QRS complex, ST segment, and T wave during and after maximal exercise were quantitatively analysed in 116 healthy women with a mean age of 39. The corrected orthogonal Frank lead electrocardiogram was continuously recorded and computer processed during bicycle ergometry. With exercise, maximal spatial P wave vectors shifted downward. The Q wave amplitude became more negative and the R wave amplitude diminished considerably in leads X and Y: the S wave amplitude decreased only slightly in these leads. The QRS vectors shifted towards right and posteriorly during exertion and a further shift in the same direction was seen in the recovery period. The ST segment amplitude 60 ms after the J point decreased with exertion and became negative at heart rates above 140 beats per minute, in particular in lead Y. ST segment depression increased with age. The T wave amplitude decreased during exercise and increased sharply in the recovery period. Though mean R wave amplitude in leads X and Y became more negative with exercise, this response was unpredictable in individual women. The exercise induced changes in QRS vectors in women resembled those described in men. Changes in the amplitude of the R wave should not be used for the diagnosis of coronary disease in women. ST segment depression was more pronounced in the inferiorly oriented lead Y than in lead X but it was unrelated to changes in the QRS vectors in these leads.  相似文献   

慢型克山病在心电图上的有关项目分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 了解慢型克山病病人在心电图上的有关项目改变,更好的为这类病人的防治管理提供有价值的信息。方法 应用心电图检查慢型克山病,然后测量分析心电图的有关项目。结果 在心电图上的有关项目常见改变是QRS波、V5VAT、Q-T间期时间延长以及对心率的影响,其次是对V1和V5的R波和S波的影响。诊断异常的心电图常见的是室性早搏和室性早搏合并左室大劳损以及束支传导阻滞。合并多种异常的占54.3%,单项异常的占45.7%。被检病人两年中恢复正常的占7.9%(7/76),死亡的占7.9%(7/76)。结论 占54.3%较重的病人在心电图上表现为QRS波、V5VAT、Q-T间期时间延长和心率的快或慢合并室性早搏和束支传导阻滞,对这些病人加强管理可延长生命但很难恢复其心脏的健康状态。占45.7%较轻的病人只有单项改变,对这些病人加强管理不但可延长生命而且还可以有望恢复心脏的健康状态。  相似文献   

目的报道21例起源于左主动脉窦的室性心律失常的心电生理特征和射频消融疗效。方法分析术前体表心电图(ECG)和Holter心电图室性早搏(VPB)或室性心动过速(VT)的形态特点,测量V1导联r波振幅和时限,计算r与QRS波的振幅和时限比值。术中在自发VPB或VT时标测主动脉窦,以局部室波最早部位放电消融,并进行冠状动脉造影,测量消融靶点距左冠状动脉口的距离。结果21例均有频发VPB,8例有反复短阵VT。VPB或VT在Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联为高大R波,V1导联r波振幅为QRS波的1/3或以上,r波时限87.5±9.5 m s,为QRS波时限的1/2以上。V3导联多为R s形,V5、V6导联无S波。有效消融靶点局部电图室波明显超前ECG的QRS波(36.2±12.2 m s),距左冠状动脉口部1 cm左右。有效靶点放电2~8 s VPB消失或VT终止。结论起源于左主动脉窦的VPB或VT其Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联为高大R波,V1导联r波振幅高(≥1/3QRS波),时限宽(≥1/2QRS波);主动脉窦激动顺序标测可安全有效地指导消融治疗。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that ventricular repolarization of the first sinus beat following a ventricular premature beat (VPB) can be modulated in the absence of clearly discernible T‐wave changes. We applied principal component analysis (PCA) to assess QRS and T‐wave complexity of sinus beats preceding and following VPBs in multiple 10‐second resting 12‐lead electrocardiograms of two subjects with frequent VPBs and no apparent heart disease. In both subjects, T‐wave complexity of the first post‐VPB beat was significantly increased compared to the beats preceding the VPB.  相似文献   

To assess incidence of ventricular premature beats (VPB) and correlate ECGraphic and hemodynamic data of parameters at rest and during exercise, 176 oligo or asymptomatic patients (167 males and 9 females) with recent myocardial infarction (RMI) (20-60 days after AMI) underwent a maximal symptom limited exercise test in supine position during hemodynamic monitoring (Swan-Ganz cath. 7F placed in pulmonary artery) without medical therapy. During the following 24 hours the patients underwent a continuous ambulatory ECG. 71 patients (40%) had no VPB (class 0), 56 patients (32%) had less than 1 VPB/hour (class 1), 35 patients (20%) had less than 6 VPB/minute and less than 30 VPB/hour (class 2) and 14 patients (8%) had greater than 6 VPB/minute and greater than 30 VPB/hour (class 3). Patients with VPB were then divided into qualitative classes: class A: 57 patients (54%) with isolated and unifocal VPB; class B: 38 patients (36%) with polifocal, bigeminal and paired VPB; class C: 10 patients (10%) with R on T or consecutive beats (3 or more). 28% of the patients had complex VPB (class B and C). 20% of all the patients (36/176) had VPB during exercise, 8 patients had VPB only during exercise, increasing the percentage of arrhythmias from 60% to 64%. VPB were more frequent and complex in patients with inferior or anterior + inferior MI than in patients with anterior MI and patients aged more than 60. Patients with complex VPB had cardiac volume index higher (p less than 0.05) than patients without VPB or with isolated VPB. Patients of different classes showed work capacity of 75-80 watts with 75-80% of maximal theoretic heart rate. Infarct size (NQ) was not correlated with number of VPB. Arrhythmias were slightly more frequent in patients with exercise ST depression (66%) than in patients without exercise ST depression (57%) (NS). No significant difference was found between ST elevation at rest and during exercise and VPB. PWP was, on the average, normal at rest (10 mmHg in the different classes) and slightly pathological during exercise with no differences between patients without VPB (class 0 = 21.7 mmHg) and patients with VPB (class 1 = 22.4 mmHg, Class 2 = 24.4 mmHg, Class 3 = 20.8 mmHg). In conclusion: in oligo or asymptomatic patients with RMI: a) exercise slightly increased the sensitivity of continuous ambulatory ECG to reveal VPB b) poor correlations were found between VPB and ECGraphic and hemodynamic parameters both at rest and during exercise.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: Pharmacological therapy can reduce diagnostic and prognostic accuracy of exercise stress testing. However, the risk of withdrawing drugs early after myocardial infarction (MI) has not been established. We assessed safety and clinical implications of drug withdrawal in patients undergoing stress testing after uncomplicated MI. METHODS: A total of 362 MI patients underwent ECG Holter recording before and after withdrawing beta-blockers, calcium-antagonists and nitrates. QRS (QRS/h) and ventricular premature beats (VPB/h) count per hour, repetitive ventricular arrhythmias, ST segment changes and patient complaints were evaluated for reproducibility using kappa statistics and Bland-Altman method. RESULTS: No major complications occurred. Forty-three patients complained of >1 symptom on and 37 off therapy. QRS/h and VPB/h count were significantly (p<0.0001) higher off therapy but correlated with the corresponding values on therapy. A mean heart rate increase of 8 beats/min (agreement range -8 to +14 beats/min) and a five-fold increase in VPB/h (agreement range -141 to +151) were observed after withdrawing therapy. Repetitive ventricular arrhythmias and ST changes were also more frequent off therapy but intra-patient reproducibility was poor: kappa 0.12 (95% confidence interval (CI) -0.01 to 0.25) for arrhythmias, -0.02 (95% CI -0.46 to 0.39) for ST depression and -0.01 (95% CI -0.66 to 0.64) for ST elevation. CONCLUSIONS: The withdrawal of therapy is well tolerated soon after uncomplicated MI; however, a generic but not individual risk of ventricular arrhythmias and/or transient myocardial ischemia has to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Ninety-eight cases of scrub typhus were examined electrocardiographically. Various findings beyond the normal range were as follows: In the febrile stage, sinus arrhythmia with some beats below 60 per minute, flat or low T waves in the left precordial leads, sinus tachycardia, ST segment elevation of 4-l mm in V2, prominent u waves measuring 1 mm or more in amplitude, tall and peaked T waves in V2-4, incomplete right bundle branch block, T wave inversion in V3-4, first degree A-V block, Q-Tc interval prolongation, notched T waves in V3, AV junctional escapes, prominent Ta waves or depression of PR segments in V2, and right axis deviation; in the convalescent stage, sinus arrhythmia with some beats below 60 per minute, prominent u waves measuring 1 mm or more in amplitude, tall and peaked T waves in V2-4, flat or low T waves in the left precordial leads, incomplete right bundle branch block, sinus tachycardia, first degree A-V block, Q-Tc interval prolongation, T wave inversion in V3-4, ST segment elevation of 4 mm in amplitude in V2, ventricular premature contractions, atrial premature contractions, and right axis deviation. In comparison with the electrocardiographic findings in 101 asymptomatic normal subjects, flat T waves in the precordial leads, tall and peaked T waves in V2-4 in both acute and convalescent stages, and sinus arrhythmia with some beats below 60 per minute in the convalescent stage were more frequent in cases. Electrocardiographic abnormalities were present most commonly in the acute illness, and our findings support the impression that, with few exceptions, prompt treatment of scrub typhus with antibiotics prevents the serious cardiac complications seen prior to the antibiotic era.  相似文献   

Irregular high frequency deflections of low amplitude have been found within the ST segment immediately following the QRS complex and in the T wave of high resolution bipolar recordings (lead V4-V7) in single beats as well as in averages of 100 beats. The signals in the T wave, found in six out of 22 normal subjects, coincide with the apex of the T wave in standard lead II. Their amplitude depends on the phase of the respiratory cycle. They were most pronounced during expiration. The occurrence of these signals depends on the position of the electrodes relative to the position of the equivalent current dipole, which is determined from simultaneous magnetocardiographic measurements. When electrode V4 is systematically shifted these signals vanish or increase, respectively become measurable.  相似文献   

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