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The development of the glomerular mesangium was studied in fetal and newborn rat kidneys by using a widefield electron microscope which can cover a whole glomerulus within one low-power viewfield. A three-dimensional observation of the immature glomeruli was done by performing ultrathin serial sectionings of the specimen for electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopic observation of the developing glomeruli was also performed. The developmental distribution of contractile protein (actin) in mesangial cells and the main intrinsic component of the extracellular matrix protein (type IV collagen) of the mesangium were examined by immunohistological techniques. The widefield electron micrograph revealed a precise relationship between the mesangium and other components of the glomerulus. The results confirmed that the capillary extends into the S-shaped body from the sur-rounding vascular system at the initiation of nephronogenesis. The mesangial cells are always continuous to the vascular pericyte-smooth muscle cell system during the whole course of glomerular development and they participate in the sub-division of the capillary network during glomeru-logenesis. Morphological findings and the changing distribution of intra- and extracellular proteins of the mesangium during development suggest that the mesangial cell differentiates from the primitive pericyte of the immature capillary.  相似文献   

Volume density (Vv) is a morphometric parameter used to detect pathological changes within renal tissue. To establish the most efficient technique, Vv of the mesangium in renal biopsies was studied. First, a digitizing tablet was used to trace mesangial and total glomerular areas, subsequently used to calculate Vv of the mesangium. Secondly, a point counting technique was tested using either a 16-point or an 81-point grid; the number of grid points falling on the mesangium and glomerulus was used to calculate mesangial Vv. The digitizing tablet, the 81-point grid and the 16-point grid all gave equivalent Vv for the 15 biopsies. The 81-point grid and the 16-point grid were, respectively, 1.9 and 3.2-fold faster than the digitizing tablet. Since all techniques gave comparable results, the 16-point grid was the most efficient.  相似文献   

Collodial carbon, 70 mg/100 g, was injected into rats which were sacificed for histologic study of the kidneys at intervals of five minutes to seven weeks. Transient thrombocytopenia and albuminuria were observed. Uptake of carbon by the mesangium of glomeruli was maximal at 32 hr and gradually decreased thereafter. Semiquantitative analysis of the distribution of carbon particles within glomeruli revealed a predominately peripheral localization during early time periods, and increased relative concentration of particles within more central zones and in the lacis area at the vascular pole of the glomerulus at two to seven weeks, indicating that one of the mechanisms for clearance of materials from the mesangium was movement of particles in the direction of the lacis area. Sequential electron microscopic studies showed that carbon particles moved through fenestrae in the endothelium covering the mesangium into channels between mesangial cells. Observations at later intervals suggested that carbon eventually reached the vascular pole by being passed on from one mesangial cell to the next. Vasoactive amines or other substances derived from platelets may play an important role in initiating the process of mesangial uptake.  相似文献   

Cells derived from isolated glomerular tufts of rats were studied in primary tissue culture after the removal of epithelial cells by collagenase treatment. The cultured cells, fusiform or stellate in shape, grew readily over a 12-day period. Immunofluorescence staining was positive for myosin and fibronectin, while negative for Factor VIII, suggesting that the outgrowing cells were derived from the glomerular mesangium. In serum-free culture, these cells produced neutral proteinase activity that occurred as a latent trypsin-activable form (apparent molecular weight range, 78,000 to 100,000 daltons) and in an active form (44,000 to 58,000 daltons). Neutral proteinase activity was inhibited by EDTA and by cysteine, and exhibited a pH optimum of 7.2 to 7.8, characteristic of an extracellularly active metalloendopeptidase. The culture supernate which contained the neutral proteinase activity was capable of degrading purified rat glomerular basement membrane. The release of hydroxyproline-containing fragments from the basement membrane indicated that degradation of the type IV collagen component of the basement membrane was occurring. These findings suggest that the neutral proteinase activity generated by mesangium-derived cells may play a role in the physiologic turnover of glomerular structural proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

Investigation of serum from a nominally healthy subject revealed an unusual autoantibody with specificity for the glomerular mesangium and Bowman's capsule. Immunofluorescence studies on rodent kidney sections revealed typical mesangial fluorescence and intense linear staining of Bowman's capsule. The antibody was organ, but not species, specific and did not correspond to any previously described antibody with anti-mesangial activity (e.g. anti-actomyosin or anti-fibronectin). Intravenous injection in mice resulted in heavy mesangial deposition of antibody within one hour, the antibody disappeared within 2--4 weeks, and no urinary abnormalities were seen. Retrospective analysis of clinical data revealed a history of chronic hepatitis and possible drug abuse, but no evidence for impaired renal function at any timepoint. To our knowledge this is the first report of specific anti-mesangial antibody in man, the pathogenetic relevance remains unclear.  相似文献   

Cell and matrix components of the glomerular mesangium in type I diabetes.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
In a cross-sectional study, glomerular basement membrane (GBM) width, the volume fractions of the mesangium (VvMes), its cell (VvCell) and matrix (VvMatx) components, and surface density of the peripheral capillary surface (SvPGBM) were measured in renal biopsies from 187 nondiabetic living related and cadaveric donors of kidneys for transplantation and from 150 patients with insulin-dependent (type I) diabetes mellitus of 1-41 yr duration. In the diabetic patients, the matrix was the major factor in the expansion of the mesangium. However, both VvCell (0.11 +/- 0.04) and VvMatx (0.20 +/- 10) in diabetic patients exceeded the same measurements in nondiabetic subjects (0.07 +/- 0.02 for each component) (P less than 0.001 in each case). Linear regression analysis demonstrated significant correlations (P less than 0.001 for all) between GBM width, VvMes, VvCell, VvMatx, or SvPGBM and either urinary albumin excretion and creatinine clearance, with the higher correlation coefficients in all cases with albuminuria. Of the structural parameters, VvMatx correlated best with either functional measure by stepwise regression, with GBM as an added factor only with albuminuria. Therefore, although models of diabetic glomerulopathy must consider enlargement of both mesangial cells and matrix, the predominant factor in the progression of structural and functional renal disease is mesangial matrix expansion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glomerular capillaries of the mammalian kidney are exposed to high intraluminal hydrostatic pressures and require elastic constraint to maintain size, shape, and integrity. Previous morphological and functional studies indicated that the extracellular matrices of glomeruli, that is, basement membrane and mesangial matrix, contribute to glomerular resilience and mechanical stability. Immunofluorescence microscopy findings demonstrated elastic fiber components to be located in the renal vasculature, including glomeruli. The aim of this study was to clarify the exact glomerular localization, composition, and cellular production of these proteins. METHODS: We examined the renal distribution of the elastic fiber proteins fibrillin-1, emilin, microfibril-associated glycoproteins (MAGPs) 1 and 2, latent transforming growth factor-binding protein-1 (LTBP-1), and elastin using immunohistology and immunoelectron microscopy of human, rat, and mouse kidneys. In mesangial cell cultures, we also studied the expression and extracellular deposition of such proteins by use of Northern blotting and immunocytochemistry. RESULTS: Fibrillin-1, emilin, MAGPs 1 and 2, and LTBP-1 were present in glomeruli of mouse, rat, and human kidney, where they were located predominantly in the mesangial extracellular matrix underlying glomerular endothelium and basement membrane. Several of these proteins, as well as elastin, were also expressed in the renal vasculature. While elastin localized to the glomerular vascular pole in afferent and efferent arterioles extending to Bowman's capsule, it was not found in the glomerular capillary tuft. Cultured mesangial cells of rat, mouse, and human kidneys expressed mRNAs of fibrillin-1, emilin, MAGP-2, and elastin, and the respective proteins localized within and outside of mesangial cells, as shown by immunocytochemistry. mRNA expression of fibrillin-1, emilin, and elastin was strong in quiescent mesangial cells; their gene expression was further up-regulated by transforming growth factor-beta1, while it was transiently reduced when cells were exposed to mitogenic 10% fetal calf serum and platelet-derived growth factor. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that specific elastic fiber proteins are produced and secreted by mesangial cells. This process is regulated by growth factors. Their abundance in the extracellular matrix of the mesangium is in keeping with the concept that elastic fiber proteins contribute to the mechanical stability and elastic strength of the glomerular capillary tuft.  相似文献   

Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (NPHS1, CNF) is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in a major podocyte protein, nephrin. NPHS1 is associated with heavy proteinuria and the development of glomerular scarring. We studied the cellular and molecular changes affecting the glomerular mesangium in NPHS1 kidneys. Marked hyperplasia of mesangial cells (MC) was mainly responsible for the early mesangial expansion in NPHS1 glomeruli. The levels of the proliferation marker, mindbomb homolog 1 and the major MC mitogen, platelet-derived growth factor, and its receptors, however, were quite normal. Only a small number of cells were positive for CD68 (marker for phagocytic cells) and CD34 (marker for mesenchymal precursor cells) in the NPHS1 mesangium. MCs strongly expressed α-smooth muscle actin, indicating myofibloblast transformation. The expression levels of the profibrotic mediators osteopontin and transforming growth factor β were up-regulated in NPHS1 glomeruli by 3.2 and 1.6-fold, respectively, compared to the controls. The synthesis by MCs of the typical fibroblast products collagen I, fibronectin, and tenascin, however, was low, and the extracellular matrix increase was caused by the accumulation of a normal MC product, collagen IV. The results indicate that severe glomerular sclerosis can develop without major qualitative cellular or molecular changes in the mesangium.  相似文献   

Mesangial cell proliferation and growth factor over-expression are characteristic features of several glomerular diseases. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a potent mitogen, is expressed in podocytes in the glomerulus, and VEGF receptors (flt-1, KDR, and neuropilin-1) are present on endothelial cells and other cell types. This study examined whether human mesangial cells (HMC) express VEGF receptors in vitro and ex vivo and evaluated the effect of VEGF on HMC proliferation. All receptor types were detected in HMC in vitro by immunofluorescence and Western blotting. VEGF(165) induced a dose-responsive increase in (3)H-thymidine incorporation (25 ng/ml VEGF(165) : 2.3-fold increase; 50 ng/ml : 3.8-fold; 100 ng/ml : 4. 8-fold; 200 ng/ml : 3.4-fold; P = 0.016) and in cell number (50 ng/ml VEGF(165) : 1.2-fold increase; 100 ng/ml : 1.6-fold; 200 ng/ml : 1.4-fold; P = 0.005), effects prevented by an anti-VEGF(165) polyclonal neutralizing antibody (100 microg/ml). The proliferative effect was confirmed by a tetrazolium dye-based assay (100 ng/ml VEGF(165) : 1.4-fold increase). In ex vivo experiments, VEGF receptors in biopsy material from normal and diseased kidneys were detected by immunohistochemistry. No mesangial flt-1 receptor staining was seen in normal renal cortical tissue samples, and only weak mesangial KDR staining was detected. In contrast, mesangial flt-1 and KDR receptor staining were both clearly seen in biopsy samples from proliferative renal diseases. In conclusion, flt-1, KDR, and neuropilin-1 are present on cultured HMC, and VEGF(165) induces HMC proliferation. In addition, the flt-1 and KDR receptors are expressed in the mesangium in mesangioproliferative disease.  相似文献   

The pathobiology of the mesangium.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

To evaluate the influence of Coxsackie B4 virus (Cox. B4 virus) on the clearing function of the mesangium, colloidal carbon and Cox. B4 virus were intravenously injected into five groups of female Swiss albino mice. Group I received carbon and no Cox. B4 virus; group II, carbon and live Cox. B4 virus; and group III, carbon and inactivated Cox. B4 virus; Group IV and V received live and inactivated Cox. B4 virus, respectively, first, followed by carbon. Semiquantitative analysis of the distribution of carbon particles within glomeruli revealed that in groups II and III disappearance of intracapillary carbon particles was delayed significantly, and that in group II mesangial transport of carbon particles in the direction of the vascular pole of the glomerulus was suppressed. In Groups IV and V, when the interval between carbon and virus injections was shorter than 24 hours, many carbon particles were observed within glomerular capillary lumina compared with Group I. The mechanism of suppressed mesangial uptake of carbon particles may be explained by change of the charge barrier of the glomerular capillary walls and the expansion of the subendothelial space observed after Cox. B4 virus injection. The suppressed mesangial transport of macromolecules appears to be intimately related to be effect of substances produced in viremia and to impairment by viral infection of the function of mononuclear cells infiltrating glomeruli. These results suggest that mesangial uptake and transport of carbon particles are suppressed in transient glomerular changes due to direct injury by the live virus. This means that the biologic property of Cox. B4 virus may be a very important determinant of the clearing function of the mesangium.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1 (IL-1) exerts a number of biologic actions upon cultured glomerular mesangial cells (MC). These include stimulation of cellular proliferation and induction of prostaglandin and type IV collagenase secretion. It was determined that this activity, as with other polypeptide growth factors, was associated with the activation of specific MC plasma membrane protein kinases. Plasma membranes from cycling MC were incubated with purified IL-1 and (32P) ATP in the absence of calcium and cyclic nucleotides. Macrophage IL-1 stimulated the rapid phosphorylation of several plasma membrane proteins, the most significant of which were 52-55 kd, 46 kd, and 20 kd in size. Macrophage IL-1 induced specific membrane phosphorylation in concentrations as low as 1.5 x 10(-12) M, an effect obtained with equivalent concentrations of purified MC IL-1. The 46 kd phosphoprotein, which was the most prominent, was alkali-resistant and contained phosphotyrosine when examined by phosphoamino acid analysis. The 52-55 kd and 20 kd phosphoproteins were alkali-labile and contained phosphoserine. The 46 kd phosphoprotein was the major phosphoprotein recovered from Con A-Sepharose and IL-1 affinity columns. Induction of plasma membrane-associated protein kinase activity may represent one mechanism whereby IL-1 initiates mesangial cellular activation.  相似文献   

The endothelial cell surface layer (ESL) is believed to contribute to the glomerular barrier, and the nature of its molecular structure is still largely unknown. The ESL consists of the membrane-bound glycocalyx and the loosely attached endothelial cell coat (ECC). A brief injection of hypertonic sodium chloride into the left renal artery was used to displace, elute, and collect non-covalently bound components of the renal ESL in rats. This procedure increased the fractional clearance of albumin 12-fold without detectable morphological changes as assessed by electron microscopy compared with the control group injected with isotonic saline. Mathematical modeling suggested a reduced glomerular charge density. Mass spectrometry of the renal eluate identified 17 non-covalently bound proteins normally present in the ECC. One of these proteins, orosomucoid, has previously been shown to be important for capillary permselectivity. Another protein, lumican, is expressed by glomerular endothelial cells and likely contributes to maintaining an intact barrier. Thus, the absence of one or more of these proteins causes proteinuria and illustrates the importance of the ECC in glomerular permselectivity.  相似文献   

The concept of glomerular self-defense   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The balance between local offense factors and defense machinery determines the fate of tissue injury: progression or resolution. In glomerular research, the most interest has been on the offensive side, for example, the roles of leukocytes, platelets, complement, cytokines, eicosanoids, and oxygen radical intermediates. There has been little focus on the defensive side, which is responsible for the attenuation and resolution of disease. The aim of this review is to address possible mechanisms of local defense that may be exerted during glomerular injury. Cytokine inhibitors, proteinase inhibitors, complement regulatory proteins, anti-inflammatory cytokines, anti-inflammatory eicosanoids, antithrombotic molecules, and extracellular matrix proteins can participate in the extracellular and/or cell surface defense. Heat shock proteins, antioxidants, protein phosphatases, and cyclin kinase inhibitors may contribute to the intracellular defense. This article outlines how the glomerulus, when faced with injurious cells or exposed to pathogenic mediators, defends itself via the intrinsic machinery that is brought into play in resident glomerular cells.  相似文献   

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