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目的探讨FAME全自动酶免分析仪的保养及常见故障处理措施。方法根据仪器特性,总结保养措施;分析故障原因,采取不同的处理方法并总结工作经验。结果实施有效保养,排除常见故障。结论采取有效的保养和故障处理措施是延长仪器使用寿命和正常使用的重要保证。  相似文献   

目的岛津CL-8000全自动生化分析仪运转数年后,进入老化期,仪器的故障频繁而复杂,为了保证仪器正常运行,总结了分析排除这些特殊故障的经验,供同道参考.方法根据仪器的工作原理,分析了2类7种特殊故障现象,并给出了解决的办法.结果有效的排除了故障,保证了仪器的正常运行.结论认真总结经验,认真做好仪器的维护保养,能够保证仪器快速、准确的特性,为临床提供可靠的诊断依据.  相似文献   

最近我们在使用血球计数器的过程中,排除了该机少见的连续噪音的故障。现将故障表现、检测顺序、原因和排除方法介绍如下:1故障表现自检显示噪音红灯不断报警,主机状态出现重复计数,计数屏一数字、===、EEE交替出现,以致无法正常工作。2检测顺序①空白稀释液测试,排除采样不当的试样液的不良因素。②检查仪器以外的设备干扰及本权的接地装置,确认仪器的内部故障。③清洗微孔管,检查做孔管有否裂缝破损等原因以及检查内电极的连接。①检查微孔管上方的闪电极连接以及外电极的连接装置。3故障原因由于外电极连接圈与血红蛋白吸样…  相似文献   

目的 介绍日立7020全自动生化分析仪在使用过程中出现的故障报警现象及处理方法.方法 将仪器出现的6种故障报警信息进行总结,并分析其产生的原因.结果 根据不同的故障报警现象及原因进行处理,报警及故障排除.结论 做好仪器的日常保养及维护,同时掌握一些排除仪器故障的方法,使仪器处于最佳的工作状态和性能,显得非常重要.  相似文献   

意大利生产的ACTO-Ⅰ电脑化半自动生化分析仪,具有准确、稳定、快速、试剂用量少,操作简便等优点。我科通过2年的使用,对该仪器的维护和故障的排除方法积累了一些经验,现总结如下:l.出现waterblankiswronsRedo?(空白试剂是错误的重做)仪器无法正常工作。1.l测定项目试剂的空白吸光度高于标准管使仪器无法比色,出现waterblankiswrongRedo?故障原因及排除:吸取试剂时混有底层的沉淀物,试管和吸管不洁具有微小尘埃,促使其吸光度过高。吸取上层试剂,选取清洁试管、吸管,可避免上述情况发生。l·2比色地脏是造成。terblanki…  相似文献   

目的 探讨日常工作中仪器的保养和维护的重要性.方法 对该科雅培CD-1800全自动血细胞分析仪在使用过程中进行维护及非常规故障进行排除和维修.结果 按仪器使用要求进行清洁、维护,保证仪器正常工作及检验结果的准确性、稳定性.结论 对仪器细心观察、积极钻研、积极维护和保养是保证临床检验结果准确的重要环节.  相似文献   

我们在Monarch全自动生化分析仪(美国产)的应用过程中,碰到了以下两类故障,现将排除方法介绍如下:1温度故障在仪器选定分析温度为30oC时,则仪器内部温度必须保持在30±0.3℃以内,否则便会打印出“AnalysisCompartmehtTemperatareFailureat2669℃”等字样,并报警。1992年12月份由于下雪,天气寒冷,室外温度很低。每天早晨正常开机,仪器预热王十分钟后,不能正常运转工作,不断出现此故障,并且仪器自身设定的程序不能排除此故障。经请教省人民医院有关人员并分析后,判断为夜间室温太低,一夜过后,仪器本身内部机械温度变得很…  相似文献   

MA-4210尿液分析仪是一种半自动用双波长反射原理制成的集电子、光学、机械的最新技术于一体的现代分析仪器。该仪器被广泛地用于各医院、防疫、体育研究等部门,是临床生化分析必不可少的仪器。为了充分发挥仪器的作用,本文特向大家介绍仪器的一些常见故障和排除方法,谨供大家参考。 故障现象一:仪器处于停止状态,出现了TROUBLE-1。 故障排除:TROUBLE-1说明光源光线过强,检查供电电压,供电电压正常;检查钨灯,钨灯安装位置正常;怀疑灯泡质量差。更换新灯泡后,仪器工作正常。 故障现象二:仪器处于停止状态,出现了TRO…  相似文献   

目的检验设备的完好是检验数据准确的必备条件,医学检验人员在工作过程中应熟悉检验设备的常见故障,并学会常见故障的排除方法。本文旨在与同行进行经验交流,同时对该仪器的初学者也是一点帮助。方法作者结合自己的工作经验,对LBY—N6COMPACT全自动血液流变仪常见的故障进行分析,阐述故障的特征和产生原因。结果故障的排除方法有效。结论检验工作人员不仅要会使用仪器,更重要的是还要注意仪器的维护和保养,熟悉和掌握仪器的常见故障及简单维修方法,保证仪器良好状态,为临床提供高效、准确的检验结果。  相似文献   

识别和排除仪器的故障是质量控制的重要一环,本文将日本MEK-4500A血细胞分析仪故障作一初析,并介绍一些行之有效的方法,原因及排除方法总结如下。  相似文献   

调整手术室器械护士上班时间的效果评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的评价调整手术室器械护士上班时间后的效果。方法将2005年9月-2006年2月共122d手术室器械护士按传统时间上班(8:00-15:00)作为传统上班时间组,分析该上班时间所存在的问题有:日均所需器械护士人数多、人均加班时数多、日均加班人数多、人均日工作时间长。针对此问题,对器械护士上班时间进行调整,改为9:00—16:00,将2006年3—8月共129d作为调整上班时间组,比较两组日均所需护士人数、日均加班人次、人均加班时数和人均日工作时间的差异性。结果调整上班时间组在日均手术例数增多(P〈0.05)的情况下,其日均所需护士人数、日均加班人次、人均加班时数和人均日工作时间均较传统上班时间组明显减少(P〈0.01)。结论调整手术室器械护士上班时间后提高了单位时闻的工作效率,减少了加班人次,保证器械护士有更多的时间学习和休息,提高了工作质量,从而使患者、医院和医护人员均获益;上班时间调整后更适应手术量的增长,管理者能有效利用人力资源。  相似文献   

In the context of medical rehabilitation quality assurance, the use of screening procedures aims at specifically screening for rehabilitative cases that might be affected by quality problems. These may then be subjected to more elaborate quality management procedures. In the study presented, a criteria-based screening checklist designed to tap potential quality problems among rehabilitative cases in the German statutory accident insurance medical rehabilitation system was evaluated regarding its validity and suitability for routine use. Checklists were filled out by accident insurance administrators in three regional insurance funds who were instructed to evaluate all current rehabilitation cases (n=189) with regard to potential quality problems. For validation of the instrument, case reviews by physicians familiar with medical and administrative features of the accident insurance rehabilitation system were used. About a fifth of all cases reviewed using the screening checklist (22%) were classified as potentially problematic in terms of quality. Absence of relevant documents, delays in document receipt, and complications during treatment were cited as the most frequent problems. Concordance between the screening checklist and physicians' ratings concerning the quality of rehabilitative cases was moderate. Sensitivity and specificity were insufficient when using physicians' ratings as a validation criterion (0.53 and 0.56, respectively). Accident insurance administrators rated the screening checklist as a useful and practical quality management instrument. Concerning its insufficient validity using physicians' ratings as a validation criterion, the suitability of the checklist as a screening instrument is questionable. The instrument's potential of introducing the accident insurance administrators' expertise and knowledge into medical rehabilitation quality management strategies is highlighted. Further research on methodological aspects of the instrument as well as its content features is warranted. Starting points for modifications are outlined.  相似文献   

An empirical evaluation of an expanded Nursing Stress Scale   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the study of work-related stress among nurses, the Nursing Stress Scale (NSS) is the best known and most widely used scale. This article presents an overview of the NSS and its use, and describes the development of an expanded instrument (ENSS) to measure sources and frequency of stress perceived by nurses. Findings are based on a random sample of 2,280 nurses in Ontario working in a wide range of work settings. Pretests for the study indicated that an expanded version of the NSS was necessary in order to adequately measure sources of stress among nurses. The sources of stress comprised nine subscales--death and dying, conflict with physicians, inadequate preparation, problems with peers, problems with supervisors, workload, uncertainty concerning treatment, patients and their families, and discrimination. Confirmatory factor analyses, run on two randomly selected halves of the sample, came close to meeting standard criteria levels. The alpha coefficients of eight of the subscales were .70 or higher, and concurrent and construct validity assessments provided strong support for the expanded NSS.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper is a report of a study to develop and test the psychometric properties of the Work-Related Quality of Life scale for healthcare workers. BACKGROUND: As problems associated with stress and job satisfaction are evident for healthcare workers and nurses, a reliable tool to assess employees' quality of working life is required. However, previous research has produced inconsistent factor structures and inadequate psychometric properties for a range of quality of working life measures. This new scale expands the concept of quality of working life by incorporating a broad six-factor structure derived from a theoretical review of the field. METHOD: We used data from a 2003 survey of 953 healthcare workers. Eighty-six per cent of the sample is female and 36% had been employed by the organization for 1-5 years. Approximately 50% of workers were employed full-time. FINDINGS: Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis using split-half data sets produced a good fit and a reliable 23-item, six-factor measurement model of Work-Related Quality of Life. The factors generated were labelled: Job and Career Satisfaction, General Well-Being, Home-Work Interface, Stress at Work, Control at Work and Working Conditions. CONCLUSION: The Work-Related Quality of Life measure is one of the most succinct yet psychometrically valid and reliable Quality of Working Life scales in the literature. We propose that it can appropriately be used in healthcare organizations to assess quality of working life. Further research is required to refine the instrument and assess its applicability to other areas.  相似文献   

罗群 《华西医学》2009,(7):1878-1880
目的:调查手术室实施持续质量改进(continuous quality improvement,CQI)对手术室护理工作质量、工作效率和医生、患者满意度的影响。方法:成立科室质量控制小组,全科护理人员均为责任人。根据手术室质量管理中存在的问题确立改进目标,实施CQI。质控小组定期监测及发放问卷调查并比较实施CQI前后手术室工作质量、工作效率及医生和患者的满意度。结果:实施CQI后,手术室的术前用药准备、术前平面清洁、术后整理、药品按序摆放、物品定位放置、仪器完好、器械清洗合格各项指标均较实施CQI前改善;手术等待时间缩短,手术总台次增加;医生和患者的满意度提高。结论:通过实施CI,规范了护士的行为,提高了手术室的工作质量和工作效率,增加了医生和患者的满意度。  相似文献   

目的了解医院不同类别医务人员在工作中锐器伤发生情况,探讨预防对策。方法采用问卷调查方式,对某教学医院不同类别医务人员在过去一年临床工作中锐器伤发生情况进行了调查与分析。结果共调查各类医务人员458名,锐器伤发生者292名,损伤率为63.76%。统计学分析发现,不同职称人员之间和不同工作年限医务人员之间锐器伤发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论该教学医院的医务人员锐器伤发生率较高,锐器伤的发生与职称和工作年限关系密切,应有针对性地采取预防措施。  相似文献   

This study tests the stability of health status measurement (SF-36) in a working population. A total of 4,225 employees from two sectors (one state agency, one private company) enrolled in three health plans at Trigon BlueCross/BlueShield of Virginia. An eight-dimension short-form health survey (SF-36) was first tested on a cross-sectional basis for its validity. Then, a panel study was established to test for the stability of health status instrument over time. Structural equation modeling built on equality constraint conditions was the statistical technique for this study. Data were collected through two-wave mail surveys. Both comprehensive (original eight scales) and parsimonious (revised five scales) models of health status were found fit into the data quite well. Furthermore, the revised parsimonious model was shown highly stable over time. Within a working population aged 18 to 64, people are relatively healthy. Their perception of health issues is reflected mainly on "physical health status," as indicated by physical functionings or role limitations. The high stability of revised health status model warrants the possibility of using a more concise health status instrument for the majority of people in working force.  相似文献   

This pilot study explored how nursing staff experienced clinical use of a quality of life (QoL) instrument as complement to their standard assessment interview. Twenty-six of 36 Registered Nurses working in one palliative care service responded in writing to six open questions.We found that nurses described positive features in using the QoL instrument related to how it supported their professional role, eased therapeutic contact with patients, and in terms of the outcomes of its use. Others noted difficulties incorporating the tool into the framework of their traditional nursing assessment, noting instrument and situation-specific limitations, with attitudes and comfort with the questionnaire affecting its use. Clinical use of QoL tools may be facilitated by emphasizing their role as a first screening assessment, and acknowledging and supporting the importance of clinical expertise and the patient-nurse relationship in further more focussed assessments and nursing care.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development and psychometric testing of the Mental Health Problems Perception Questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed to measure the therapeutic commitment, role support and role competency of non-mental health specialist nurses (generalists) to working with patients with mental health problems who live in rural communities. The instrument was demonstrated to be valid and reliable in this population. The questionnaire was underpinned by an explicit theoretical model which facilitates an understanding of the factors that influence effective psychosocial nursing interventions with this client group.  相似文献   

目的:探讨成本核算在消毒供应中心的应用效果。方法:比较我院妇产一科实行成本核算前、后使用无菌器械包的数量并比较2011年两家医院1年的消毒成本。结果:我院妇产一科成本核算前、后无菌器械包使用量有统计学差异(P<0.01)。两家医院消毒成本对比,有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论:成本核算减少了消耗,降低了医院经营成本,调动了消毒供应中心工作人员的积极性和主动性,保证了工作质量,促进了区域化管理。  相似文献   

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