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脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

脑室周围白质软化是早产儿最主要的脑损伤类型,少突胶质前体细胞(OPC)是病变的关键靶细胞,OPC对缺血缺氧和炎症反应引起的损害高度敏感.了解OPC的易损机制可为防治脑窒周周白质软化提供新的思路.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine risk factors for the development of cystic periventricular leucomalacia (PVL) and to correlate ultrasound findings with neurodevelopmental outcome. By means of a retrospective case-control study (matched for gestational age, birth weight, sex, and year of birth) and a cohort analysis of all preterm infants with cystic PVL documented by ultrasound scans hospitalised at a local tertiary care centre between 1988 and 1998, 98 preterm infants with a gestational age ranging from 26 to 35 weeks were diagnosed as having cystic PVL. The mean day of diagnosis of periventricular echodensities was 3 ± 2 days (range 1–11 days), and of cystic PVL 21 ± 8 days (range 2–47 days). Of 79 infants (1988–1997) eligible for neurodevelopmental follow-up (91%), hemi-, di-, or tetraplegia was diagnosed in 61 (77%), normal mental outcome in 22 (28%), associated visual disorders in 41 (52%) and seizure disorders in 12 (15%) infants. Significant risk factors associated with the development of cystic PVL were premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis, and hyperbilirubinaemia (odds ratios 4.665, 6.026, and 2.460 respectively). Subgroup analysis according to gestational age (26–28, 29–32, 33–35 weeks) revealed similar results despite spontaneous labour (26–28 weeks; odds ratio 4.808) and pre-eclampsia (33–35 weeks; odds ratio 3.517). Multiple pregnancy was associated with a twofold increased risk (odds ratio 2.075). The white matter damage probably accounted for the significantly higher prevalence of apnoeas (P < 0.001) and neonatal seizures (P < 0.001). Cysts located bilateral or parieto-occipital were associated with a higher risk of cerebral palsy (odds ratios 6.933 and 4.327 respectively). Solely anterior located cysts were associated with normal neurological outcome. Increasing size of the cysts was associated with increasing risk of cerebral palsy with a cut-off value of 10 mm (odds ratio 3.300 and above) and all infants with cysts of more than 20 mm diameter had cerebral palsy. Conclusion The high prevalence of premature rupture of the membranes and chorioamnionitis further supports the role of intra-uterine infection in the pathogenesis of periventricular leucomalacia. The overall prognosis of cystic periventricular leucomalacia is poor. Received: 30 September 1999 and in revised form: 28 February 2000 / Accepted: 17 March 2000  相似文献   

Objective: To identify risk factors for the development of cystic periventricular leucomalacia (PVL) in twin gestation. Design: Retrospective case-control study. Setting: Tertiary care university hospital, Department of Paediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Graz, Austria. Patients: Preterm twin gestations with one sibling having developed cystic PVL, diagnosed by ultrasound scans, compared with their co-twins without PVL, in hospital between 1988 and 2000. Main outcome measures: Perinatal and postnatal risk factors for the development of PVL. Results: Eighteen preterm twin gestations were included. Monochorionicity was evident in 47% of the pregnancies, and twin to twin transfusion syndrome occurred in two cases (11%). Fetal distress correlated inversely with PVL (15% v 53%, p  =  0.019, relative risk (RR)  =  2.057, 95% confidence interval (CI)  =  1.067 to 3.968). Hypocarbia with PCO2 levels below 30 mm Hg (4 kPa) was diagnosed in 29% of the cases compared with 6% of the controls (p  =  0.038, RR  =  1.944, 95% CI  =  1.113 to 3.396). There were no significant differences between groups with regard to premature rupture of the membranes, early onset infection, respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, arterial hypotension, persistent ductus arteriosus, and hyperbilirubinaemia. Asphyxia was only evident in three controls. Three infants died and another three were lost to follow up. None of the cases compared with 62% of the controls were diagnosed as having developed normally (p < 0.001), and 14 cases (82%) compared with two controls (15%) developed cerebral palsy (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Hypocarbia was the only risk factor strongly associated with cystic PVL. The general outcome of the infants was poor.  相似文献   

The brains of 30 infants who died after at least one real time ultrasound scan were examined after fixation. The ultrasound diagnosis of either periventricular haemorrhage or periventricular leucomalacia was compared with the macroscopic and histological appearances. Each hemisphere was considered separately for both periventricular haemorrhage and periventricular leucomalacia. The accuracy of ultrasound diagnosis for periventricular haemorrhage was 88%, with sensitivity of 91% and specificity of 85%. The accuracy for periventricular leucomalacia was 90%, with sensitivity of 85% and specificity of 93%. Ultrasound was shown to diagnose the entire range of periventricular leucomalacia lesions. Three hemispheres showed the appearance of prolonged flare, and this correlated with extensive spongiosis and microcalcification of the periventricular white matter, although no macroscopic lesion was seen.  相似文献   

Sonographic pictures of the brain of 19 newborn infants who died at a mean age of 4.2 days after birth (range 1–23 days) were examined independently by five experienced sonographers. In all infants information on postmortem brain pathology was available. Diagnoses made by the sonographers based on the sonographic pictures were compared with the gross postmortem findings. The results of the study show that except for one infant with a subarachnoid hemorrhage all cerebral hemorrhages were diagnosed accurately by all sonographers. Non-hemorrhagic periventricular leucomalacia (PVL), however, was missed on sonography in 2 of the 3 cases. Surprisingly, PVL was diagnosed on sonography in 1 (8%) to 6 (50%) of 12 infants in which postmortem examination of the brain revealed no PVL. It is concluded that non-hemorrhagic PVL cannot be diagnosed accurately using sonography in the first days of life, if a 5 MHz transducer is used.  相似文献   

AIM: To test the association between early disturbances in hemodynamics induced by left-to-right shunting through the duct and cystic periventricular leucomalacia. PATIENTS: Forty-six preterm infants (27-32 wk) admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with risk criteria. METHODS: Patent ductus arteriosus was evaluated on days 1 and 4, and was significant (sPDA) in cases of absent or reversed end diastolic flow in the subductal aorta. Resistance index was measured in the anterior cerebral artery and in the subductal aorta. MAIN OUTCOME: Diagnosis of cystic periventricular leucomalacia between day 10 and day 50. RESULTS: The 12 infants who developed cystic periventricular leucomalacia were compared with those who did not. On day 1, sPDA was more frequent (64% vs 26%; p = 0.03) in the cystic periventricular leucomalacia group, left ventricular output was higher (median = 341 vs 279 ml kg-1.min-1; p = 0.005), and rescue surfactant was more frequently used (83% vs 47%; p = 0.03). This latter association was confirmed by multivariate analysis. Resistance index in the anterior cerebral artery was increased in cases of significant patent ductus arteriosus (p < 0.01) and was correlated with resistance index in the subductal aorta. CONCLUSION: On day 1 in this selected population, sPDA has an effect on blood flow velocity waveform in cerebral arteries and is associated with an increase in the emergence of cystic periventricular leucomalacia. This association could be casual rather than causal.  相似文献   

Serial cranial ultrasound scans were performed in 178 preterm Chinese infants (gestation less than 35 weeks, birthweight less than 2000 g) to study the incidence, age of onset and associating risk factors of periventricular haemorrhage (PVH), and also the occurrence of post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation and periventricular leucomalacia (PVL). Sixty-four infants developed haemorrhage, giving an incidence of 36%. Among infants of birthweight less than 1500 and less than 1000 g the respective incidence was 52 and 69%. Seventy-two per cent (46 of 64) of haemorrhages were initially detected within the first 3 days of life, but delayed haemorrhage occurring after 1 week of age occurred in nine infants. In eight of these infants PVH had been shortly preceded by a major clinical disaster. Eleven perinatal factors were found to be significantly associated with PVH but only systemic hypotension showed a significant independent association. Post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation developed in 17 (46%) of the 37 infants who survived for more than 1 month after PVH. This was transient in 41%, persistent but stable in 29% and progressive in 29%. PVL was detected in eight infants who survived the initial period following PVH.  相似文献   

目的 探讨早产儿脑室周围白质软化(PVL)发生的危险因素.方法 选取2007年1月至2008年6月在我院新生儿重症监护病房住院的早产低出生体重儿,生后1、3、7、14 d及28 d行头颅B超检查,脑室周围有囊腔形成者为PVL组,无囊腔者为对照组.对23种产前及生后可能与PVL有关的因素进行分析,并将有意义的变量进行logistic回归.结果 PVL组21例,对照组48例.PVL组平均胎龄(30.6±2.0)周,明显低于对照组(31.9±2.1)周(P<0.05),生后6 h内第一次血气pH值亦明显低于对照组(7.20±0.08比7.25±0.06,P<0.05);颅内出血患儿PVL发生率70.0%(7/10)明显高于非颅内出血组23.7%(14/59)(P<0.05),机械通气患儿PVL发生率58.3%(7/12)亦明显高于非机械通气组24.6%(14/57)(P<0.05).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,生后6 h内第一次血气pH值降低(OR=4.395,95% CI 0~0.537)和颅内出血(OR=4.741,95%CI 1.188~26.644)是PVL的危险因素(P<0.05).结论 生后6 h内第一次血气pH值降低和颅内出血是发生PVL的主要危险因素,减少酸中毒和颅内出血对降低PVL的发生率很有意义.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare the ultrasound (US) evolution and neurodevelopmental outcome of infants with localised (grade II) and extensive (grade III) cystic periventricular leucomalacia (c-PVL). METHODS: Over a nine year period, c-PVL was diagnosed in 96/3451 (2.8%) infants in two hospital cohorts. Eighteen were excluded from the study. Thirty nine infants with grade II PVL were compared with 39 infants with grade III PVL. RESULTS: The two populations were comparable for gestational age and birth weight. In infants with grade II PVL, cysts were noted to develop more often after the first month of life (53%) in contrast with grade III PVL (22%) (odds ratio (OR) 3.81 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.19 to 12.63)). Cysts were also more often unilateral in grade II (54%) than in grade III PVL (0%) (OR indefinite; RR 3.17 (95% CI 2.16 to 4.64)). At 40 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA), cysts were no longer seen on US in 13/38 infants with grade II PVL, with ventriculomegaly being the only visible sequel in nine cases. In grade III PVL, cysts were still present in 25 of the 27 surviving infants. Nine infants with grade II PVL were free of motor sequelae at follow up compared with one infant with grade III PVL (OR 8.07 (95% CI 0.92 to 181.66)). Twenty two out of 29 children with grade II PVL who developed cerebral palsy achieved independent walking compared with 3/26 with grade III PVL (OR 75 (95% CI 11.4 to 662)). CONCLUSIONS: In the cohort studied, 50% of the infants with c-PVL had a more localised form (grade II). In grade II PVL, the cysts developed beyond the first month of life in more than half of the cases and were often no longer visible, on US, at 40 weeks PMA. In order not to miss this diagnosis, sequential US should also be performed beyond the first month of life. Mild ventriculomegaly noted at term can sometimes be due to grade II c-PVL. Cerebral palsy was slightly less common and tended to be less severe in infants with grade II PVL than in those with grade III PVL.  相似文献   

目的 探讨最终发展为脑室周围白质软化(periventricular leucomalacia,PVL)的早产儿出生早期头部MRI表现及其演变.方法 选取2010年1月至2013年12月中国医科大学附属盛京医院新生儿科住院经MRI确诊为PVL的患儿12例,所有病例均在生后2~7d(平均5.5d)及17~23 d(平均20.3 d)完成2次常规MRI及弥散加权成像(diffusion-weighted imaging,DWI)扫描.结果 最终被确诊的12例PVL患儿,初次扫描结果:全部病例DWI显示脑室周围白质高信号,其中6例弥漫、对称性高信号,3例线状高信号,3例簇状高信号,而常规MRI仅有5例显示T1加权像稍高信号,T2加权像稍低信号,余7例无改变;再次扫描结果:全部患儿脑室周围白质出现大小不等、数量不一的病灶,常规MRI显示T1加权像低信号,T2加权像高信号,相应病变部位DWI呈低信号.结论 早产儿出生早期,DWI对发现和预测PVL优于常规MRI;弥漫性脑白质损伤易发展为PVL,较严重的局灶性脑白质损伤,如多簇状、线状损伤也有发展成PVL的可能.  相似文献   

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