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From June, 1986 to June 1989, 24 cases of hilar bile duct carcinoma were explored in the Surgical Department of General Hospital of PLA, 16/24 cases were resected, a resectability rate of 66%. The increase of resectability rate was due to earlier recognition of this condition and the extension of surgery, including major resection of liver as well as radical dissection of the hepato-duodenal ligament and repairative operations on the blood vessels. Among these 16 cases, major hepatic resection was performed in 10 cases, in which, 3 cases of resections of the middle lobe of the liver were done instead of right or extended right lobectomy. No operative mortality in the 30 days' postoperative period, but the postoperative morbidity rate was still high and most of the complications were related to biliary leakage and infection. Three patients died in the follow up period at 6, 14 and 15 months respectively. All of them died from biliary infection. The remaining 13 patients were still alive, the longest bein  相似文献   


Primary squamous cell carcinoma of thebreast is very rare and 3 cases of this disease weredetected at our hospital.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the clinical features of patients with primary small cell carcinoma (SCC) of the bladder and to improve the diagnosis and treatment. Methods:Clinical data of 3 cases with primary SCC of the bladder were discussed and the pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis were reviewed. Results: 3 cases of primary SCC of the bladder were presented. Of them the diagnosis was confirmed by pathological examination after operation (2 cases) and biopsy (1 case). One case with stage T4M1 died after three months‘ chemotherapy. One case with stage T2M0 underwent partial cystectomy and was treated with chemotherapy and one year later died of miocardial infarction. Another case with stage T4M0 underwent radical cystectomy and postoperative irradiation therapy. The patient was alive and had no recurrence of symptoms during two years follow-up. Conclusion: Primary SCC of the urinary bladder is highly malignant. Radical cystectomy combined with radiotherapy appears to be the efficient treatment. Chemotherapy seems to be of no significant effect.  相似文献   

From 1978 through 1986, 74 cases (77 lesions) of T0 carcinoma of the breast were studied. All of these cases were treated with mastectomy. Pathologically, 52 cases (67.5%) were early carcinoma, including non-invasive (30), early invasive (19) and specific type (3). Axillary lymph node metastasis was present in 12.9% of the cases. Follow-up study revealed that 46 patients have been living and in good health for 3-5 years. For successful detection, the following prerequisites are indispensable: (1) physicians concerned must be aware of the new concept that most early breast carcinoma may not be palpable; (2) physicians must be well familiarized with the clinical manifestations of nonpalpable carcinoma of the breast; (3) any abnormalities of the breast must be thoroughly investigated until proven otherwise; and <4) combined diagnostic procedures must be used.  相似文献   


From 1973 to 1989, 90 cases of obstructing carcinoma of the left colon were treated with five different operative procedures, the Incidence of anastomotic leakage was 6.7%, the operative mortality was 7. 8%. Among all the patients, 14 cases were treated by primary resection with anastomosis. Anastomotic leakage occurred in 6 cases, and 5 of them were died. Of 25 cases with the traditional staged management, the tumors were resected only in 20 cases, and not resectable in the other 5 patients. 19 with modified Hartmann's procedure and 26 with extended right hemlcolectomy with ileorectal or low ileosigmoid anastomosis gave satisfactory results. In terms of this series, the five-year survival rate in primary resection group was significantly higher than that in staged resection group (P< 0. 05). It is suggested that extented right hemlcolectomy or modified Hartmann' s procedure in cases of acute cancerous obstruction of the left colon would be favord.  相似文献   

李辉,姚松朝CARCINOMAARISINGINBARRETT'SESOPHAGUS(AREPORTOF51CASES)¥LiHui;YaoSongchao;WalshTNHennessyTPJ(DepartmentofCardiothoracicS...  相似文献   


SURGICALTREATMENTOFHUGEMALIGNANTMEDIASTINALTUMORDuanDepu;段德溥YangKexian;杨可贤XinDehe;信德和ZhangShaoming;张绍明ZhangHang;张珩RenYouJun;任...  相似文献   


LUNGCARCINOSARCOMAAREPORTOF15CASESXuZhilong徐志龙;DingJiaan丁嘉安;ShiMeixin石美鑫;XuZhenglang徐正浪;XieXiuhua谢秀华(DepartmentofThoracic,Sha...  相似文献   

From 1975 to 1987, 112 patients with loco-regional recurrence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (N P C) were treated again with radiation at our hospital. All cases were proven histologically by biopsy. Of these patients, 92 had their recurrence in the nasopharynx only, 13 had additional involvement of the base of the skull, and 7 had tumor recurrences simultaneously in the nasopharynx as well as the cervical lymph nodes. Radiotherapy adopted in this series was 60Co external irradiation (X R Te) and/ or betatron in 96 patients, X R Te plus intracavitary 60Co irradiation (X R Ti) in 12 patients and X R Ti alone in the other 4 patients. The 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates were 86.3%, 45.8% and 30.2% respectively after the start of recurrence retreatment. The 63 patients who survived for 5 years or more were analyzed. The prognosis of the patient was related to the histological type, clinical stage, modality of treatment, and disease interval to recurrence and site of recurrence. No serious complications occur  相似文献   

ACASEREPORTOFPRIMARYSQUAMOUSCARCINOMAOFTHEENDOMETRIUMHeWencui何文翠;WuJing吴静;ChangJie唱捷;(TheSecondAffiliatedHospital,Xi’anMedica...  相似文献   


Duetomanyreasons,therecurrenceofhepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC)aftersurgicalresectioniseasilytakenplace.Thefocusofrecurrencecannotbere-resectedforthegreatpartofthepateints.Thetreatmentoftranscatheterarterialchemoembolization(TAE)wasperformedforthesepatients.Howtodecreasetherecurrencerateandincreasesurvivalrateofthesepatientsisoneofimportantproblems.Thecurrentstudywasestablishedtofindtherelationshipwithprimaryhepatocellularcarcinomaandrecurrencetumors,bysurgicalresectionfindings,pathologicalexa…  相似文献   

Radical resections were performed in 177 cases of gastric cancer ( early cancer 31 cases and advanced cancer 146 cases). R1 operation was performed in 10 cases and R2 or R3 was in 167. All patients were followed up to the end of the study with the 5-year survival rate of 57. 6%. In the patients with normal serosa, cancer was often located in the mucosa. In such situation, R1 or R1 operation was advisiable. In the patients of reactive serosal types, the extent of operation should not be reduced. The serosa were often penetrated by cancer cells in diffusely infiltrated cancer, with a poor prognosis. If measures were not taken to destroy free cancer cells, the 5-year survival rate was very low inspite of radical operations. The number of lymph nodes metastasis was closely related to the biological behavior of primary cancer. Prognosis was good after R2 or R3 operation when the cancer was still within the gastric wall, Borrmann type 1,2,3 massive or nest growth patterns, and the number of lymph node metas  相似文献   

Domesticsurgeonspreferredaleftthoracicapproachoresophagectomyviaupperabdominal,rightposterolateralandleftcervicalincisionwhichneednochangingposition.ThreehundredthirtyeightpatientswithesophagealcarcinomabeneathtrachealbifurcationreceivedIvor-Lewisesophagolgastrectomy'(separatelaparotomyandrightthoracotomyincisions,dissectionofthoracicandabdominallymphnodes)whichprovidedsatisfactoryresult.MATERIALSANDMETHODSClinicalFeaturesTherewere177maleand161femalepatientsintheproportionas1.1:1.Thei…  相似文献   

Objective: To study the biological characteristics, the therapeutic procedure and the prognosis of male breast cancer. Methods: 34 patients with male breast cancer were retrospectively analyzed, who were diagnosed and treated in the First Hospital of Jilin University between 1980 and March 2005. Results: Clinical TNM stage of the patients were stage Ⅰ, 6 patients, stage Ⅱ, 24 patients and stage Ⅲ, 4 patients'. Positive lymph nodes were found in 35.3% of the patients. All these patients received modified radical mastectomy. The 5-year survival rate was 65.3%. Postoperation recurrence rate was 11.8%. Conclusions: Patients with male breast cancer should receive surgical treatment, assisted with adjuvant treatment, such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, endocrine therapy and so on. TNM stage and expression of hormone receptor may be the main factors affecting the prognosis.  相似文献   

Thelifequalityofgastricandesophagealcancerpatientswereverypoorwhentherewererecurencelesionafteroperationandradiotherapy,espec...  相似文献   

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