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Collaboration among healthcare providers will help them more effectively meet the needs of their communities in the 1990s. San Francisco-based Catholic Healthcare West (CHW), formed in 1986, strives to provide high-quality healthcare by collaborating with Catholic and non-Catholic providers. CHW leaders believe that Catholic providers make ideal partners; however, they have found that Catholic healthcare providers often must look outside the Catholic healthcare ministry to find these partnership opportunities in order to remain viable and effectively carry out their mission. Besides system-to-system or hospital-to-hospital linkages, collaboration is also achievable with other types of healthcare providers, such as physicians. In collaborations between Catholic and non-Catholic healthcare providers, Catholic providers must strive to maintain their Catholic identity. When evaluating potential partners, they must consider issues such as corporate culture, organizational compatibility, and sponsor influence. CHW leaders believe that for any merger or affiliation to be successful, it must clearly produce market and financial advantages for the new partnership and offer the community a significant improvement in quality of care and services.  相似文献   

Catholic healthcare's mission is keeping people healthy, and providers must listen closely to determine their needs in these fast-paced, stressful times. In a society preoccupied with technology and acute care, which has the least overall impact on people's health, providers must implement more preventive strategies. The shift to promoting community health will require diverse, creative approaches. Catholic facilities must offer holistic healing, becoming community resources for children and the elderly. Religious institutes also must prepare for the laity's increasing role in the ministry. Providers must develop initiatives that define Catholic healthcare, such as the Welfare-to-Work Program in St. Louis, which offers women employment opportunities and benefits as a starting point to gain control of their lives. With increased school collaboration, nurses can help children develop good health habits. The guiding vision must be the health of the whole person and the community. Catholic providers must restore public trust and confidence by emphasizing person-centered healthcare. Only by becoming an integral part of the community can Catholic healthcare make a difference in people's lives.  相似文献   

The ideal healthcare delivery system is client focused and ensures that the individual and the family receive the appropriate mix of services to meet their needs. Healthcare delivery should be presented as a coordinated continuum of care. Key integrating elements are essential to provide healthcare services on a day-by-day basis as a continuum of care. Integrating elements that form the bridge between clients and services include planning, care management, a management information system, financing, and an appropriate administrative structure. Many Catholic healthcare providers are expanding by acquiring a variety of services. However, many of these acquisitions are in response to today's competitive environment, whereas a true continuum of care must focus on the client's range of functional needs. Catholic providers must keep in mind that not all services they provide will be profitable. Although Catholic healthcare providers will be pressured to focus on fiscal strength and market position, they must put the client's holistic needs first. By doing so, they can help create a client-centered healthcare system in their communities.  相似文献   

Catholic healthcare leaders must use all their will and creative imagination to find a way to maintain a significant Catholic presence in healthcare. Catholic healthcare leaders across the nation are acquiring, consolidating, and merging hospitals; forming alliances and networks of integrated services; and bringing together Catholic healthcare systems on a regional and local basis. The next few years are critical for Catholic sponsors of healthcare services. The unique challenge is to pursue the development of a Catholic network that would include a wide range of health, mental health, home care, long-term care, social, and housing services. The key ingredient to making networks happen will be leadership, and I think CHA and sponsors rightly emphasize the need for continuing leadership formation and development of trustees and executives in Catholic healthcare. A united effort by Catholic healthcare providers could have a penetrating influence on the overall development of healthcare in this nation. Now is the time to exercise imaginative leadership; to reach out to the existing Catholic and community-based providers of health and human services; and to create networks that can provide a continuum of accessible, high-quality, values-based, and cost-efficient services.  相似文献   

In an attempt to cap spiraling costs and remain competitive, both providers and insurers are going through a frenzy of consolidation. Experts are predicting these changes: The integrated delivery system (IDS) will be the prevailing type of healthcare organization. There will be fewer acute care beds and fewer hospitals. Hospitals will be subsidiary to IDSs. Catholic and non-Catholic providers will join together to form IDSs. Regional IDSs will join statewide networks. The Catholic healthcare ministry can survive in such an era of consolidation if its leaders (1) collaborate with others on a basis of shared values, (2) have a well-defined mission, (3) provide holistic care, and (4) ensure that the organization remains true to its mission and demonstrates core values in its decisions and behaviors. Sponsors will need to find ways to share management of IDSs with non-Catholic organizations; to collaborate in the formation of regional and statewide IDSs; to urge other Church leaders to support social justice, human dignity, and community service; to be mindful of the stresses these changes will place on physicians and employees; to encourage dialogue about other changes in religious life; and to prepare laypersons to be their successors in the leadership of Catholic healthcare.  相似文献   

The charitable acts of women religious in response to the needs of the communities in which they settled is one of the great chapters in the history of the Church in America. But in the past two decades providers have had to contend with extraordinary changes in the healthcare environment. The Catholic healthcare mission was rooted in concern for the poor. Should Catholic healthcare providers withdraw from this field in which they have had such a significant presence and have contributed so much, or be driven from healthcare by the fiscal consequences of fidelity to mission? Instead, through its reform proposal, the Catholic Health Association has recommended that Catholic providers become advocates of change. However, even if change, such as universal access to healthcare, is achieved, we shall still have a society in which there will be many poor people. The challenge will be to see that healthcare for the poor does not become poor healthcare. Although the changing urban environment presents enormous challenges to providers, the Catholic healthcare ministry is a significant presence in urban areas. Widespread poverty accompanied by behavioral problems and social breakdowns are significant factors affecting healthcare and healthcare costs. Drug addiction; AIDS; teenage pregnancy; homelessness; the deterioration of the family; and generations of unemployment, anomie, abuse, and violence, which are often most acute in concentrated neighborhoods of poverty, challenge the ability of Catholic hospitals to meet their community's needs. Catholic providers today have a real opportunity to bring about positive changes in healthcare. They have the history, experience, and will to preserve a Catholic presence in the provision of healthcare.  相似文献   

As the number of women and men religious involved in healthcare decreases, the Church faces the task of sustaining and expanding its institutional presence in the healthcare world. Both the Gospels and Church teaching support the claim that the Church should be involved in social institutions such as healthcare. Documents such as the Second Vatican Council's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World stress the Church's concern with the impact of God's kingdom on all dimensions of human life. Pope Paul VI's Evangelization in the Modern World clearly affirms that the Gospel cannot be complete until it is interrelated with social life. Jesus' ministries of teaching and humble service are also paradigmatic for Catholic healthcare. To preserve and extend its institutional presence, Catholic healthcare will have to meet a number of challenges in the coming years. Catholic healthcare facilities must be prepared to relinquish their autonomy and work with others, providers will have to become attuned to what is distinctively Catholic about their facilities, and the Church must commit itself to preparing lay leaders for the Catholic healthcare ministry.  相似文献   

Managed care has come under fire lately, and states and the federal government have stepped in to regulate some plans' deficiencies. Some say regulation is not enough; managed care is morally flawed. But the evils of managed care are the result of letting it be shaped solely by market-driven forces rather than mission-driven values. In the Catholic tradition, healthcare is part of the common good. Viewed in this light, managed care becomes more than just a way to control costs. For managed care to serve the common good, we will have to collaborate with other providers that demonstrate a commitment to human life and dignity that is similar to our own. Such collaborations may force us to negotiate (without compromising) our values, but this gives us the opportunity to recognize a hierarchy of goods to be pursued and evils to be avoided. Through our involvement in managed care, we can help shape the greater culture, as well as the culture of healthcare. But we must prioritize our commitments according to values and principles grounded in the Catholic moral tradition. Without these values to guide us, Catholic healthcare will lose its identity and fade away.  相似文献   

Catholic healthcare providers today can live out their vision and values only if they become public policy advocates. They must learn how to shape effective public policy to help heal the ailing U.S. healthcare system. Although from a political perspective they might feel ill-equipped to advocate in the public policy arena, Catholic healthcare providers are richly endowed from the perspective of their tradition of social teaching. They must uphold the common good as a primary criterion in healthcare reform. Two important issues provide an extraordinary opportunity and challenge for Catholic healthcare leaders to demonstrate their commitment to the common good: euthanasia and healthcare reform.  相似文献   

Whatever the final shape of healthcare reform, providers and sponsors are already collaborating with each other in various network arrangements. As they pursue these arrangements, they are asking questions about their role in a reformed system and whether the networks they participate in will strengthen their mission and ministry. Documents published about five years ago by the Catholic Health Association (CHA) and the Commission on Catholic Health Care Ministry provided the rationale for CHA's proposal to form integrated delivery networks (IDNs) as part of a national healthcare reform plan. The documents called for a continuum of care with comprehensive community- and institution-based services and challenged Catholic healthcare leaders to work for a healthcare system that guarantees access to the needy and most vulnerable in society. The central task for administrators today is to determine whether participating in an IDN enables Catholic healthcare providers to fulfill their original mission and purpose. To determine this, organizations must clarify their mission and evaluate their beliefs. They must also develop a shared vision of motives and goals among everyone with whom they collaborate. IDNs' success in furthering the healthcare ministry will depend on leaders' ability to ensure that new corporate cultures which arise in cooperative ventures and arrangements support Catholic values and mission. In making the transition to a new environment, leaders should remember that aspects of IDNs support many of the goals of the Catholic healthcare ministry.  相似文献   

Deaths of children due to neglected dental diseases have put the issue of access to care by minorities at the forefront of dental public health discussions. We evaluated the trends in dental service utilization in relation to racial disparities and other factors using Medicaid enrollment and claims data from 1990 to 1997 for Alabama children 19 years of age and younger (N=512,049). Alabama Medicaid children visited the dentist at a low and declining rate. The number of participating providers gradually declined over time and the racial disparities in service utilization were related to the availability of a local provider. Lower service utilization, however, was not a simple function of race, but a complex interaction of race with age and gender. Identification of these complex interactions and removal of barriers to service utilization in race, age, and gender sub-groups will help the U.S. meet the year 2010 oral health objectives.  相似文献   

Vaccination is one of the most effective strategies employed to prevent morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases. Pregnancy is considered to be a time when women have consistent contact with their healthcare providers and it presents an opportunity for providers to review their immunization status and to advocate for appropriate vaccination antepartum and in the immediate postpartum period. All forms of immunization, with the exception of live viral or live bacterial vaccines are generally considered to be safe for administration during pregnancy. It is important that healthcare providers counsel pregnant women about the benefits of receiving the vaccines that are recommended during pregnancy as well as the potential risks to the developing fetus. It is imperative that obstetricians and primary care providers are aware of and implement the vaccination guidelines for women, both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.  相似文献   

Large, for-profit healthcare corporations now dominate hospital and physician services in many parts of the nation. Such organizations are under unrelenting pressure to produce profits; news stories show that these pressures can lead for-profits to engage in questionable, even illegal activities. Also, for-profits are unlikely to provide much care for the poor and uninsured. Unfortunately, Catholic providers have several disadvantages when competing with for-profits, and one is the fact that they do provide care for the poor. Catholic providers are handicapped also by: Problems with their geographic locations. Difficulties in creating partnerships with physicians. Lack of access to capital. Loss of political influence. On the other hand, Catholic healthcare providers have several advantages over for-profits. Among them are: A reservoir of public goodwill. Experience in forming networks The potential for prudent growth. A common vision. Access to Church pulpits. The influence of women and men religious Given theses advantages, Catholic health ministry leaders could boldly restructure their own organizations, and, in doing so, mitigate the commercialization of healthcare in the United States.  相似文献   

In the new era of managed care, many religious healthcare providers are making "arranged marriages"--permanent partnerships with secular organizations. As they do so, the religious partners naturally ponder how best to ensure that their values permeate the new entity and thus prevail in later organizational "offspring." The organizations most likely to perpetuate their values are those with ethical corporate cultures and climates. These include religiously based healthcare providers, but such providers seem to lack confidence today in their ability to maintain culture and climate in newly formed partnerships. That may be fortunate because it prevents them from trying to impose their values on secular partners. Nevertheless, such values are often attractive to a prospective partner. A religious healthcare provider will need market leverage, as well as attractive values, to make a good "marriage." Even so, religious providers and secular investor-owned organizations are unlikely partners, because their motives and incentives differ radically. But religious providers can form solid relationships with secular, not-for-profit healthcare organizations if they take care to negotiate a binding commitment to maintain an ethical culture and climate. However, Catholic providers are at a disadvantage in such negotiations because Catholic religious congregations are unlikely to continue as owner-sponsors much beyond another decade. It is crucial that a stable source of influence develop to ensure a religious presence in the offspring of new partnerships.  相似文献   

BackgroundMaternal immunization is an effective intervention to protect newborns and young infants from infections when their immune response is immature. Tetanus toxoid vaccination of pregnant women is the most widely implemented maternal vaccine in developing countries where neonatal mortality is the highest. We identified barriers to maternal tetanus vaccination in developing African and Asian countries to identify means of improving maternal immunization platforms in these countries.MethodWe categorized barriers into health system, health care provider and patient barriers to maternal tetanus immunization and conducted a literature review on each category. Due to limited literature from Africa, we conducted a pilot survey of health care providers in Malawi on barriers they experience in immunizing pregnant women.ResultsThe major barriers of the health system are due to inadequate financial and human resources which translate to inadequate vaccination services delivery and logistics management. Health care providers are limited by poor attendance of Antenatal Care and inadequate knowledge on vaccinating pregnant women. Patient barriers are due to lack of education and knowledge on pregnancy immunization and socioeconomic factors such as low income and high parity.ConclusionThere are several factors that affect maternal tetanus immunization. Increasing knowledge in health care providers and patients, increasing antenatal care attendance and outreach activities will aid the uptake of maternal immunization. Health system barriers are more difficult to address requiring an improvement of overall immunization services. Further analyses of maternal immunization specific barriers and the means of addressing them are required to strengthen the existing program and provide a more efficient delivery system for additional maternal vaccines.  相似文献   

A healthcare revolution is at hand, and not just in Washington, DC. The 78th Annual Catholic Health Assembly, held June 6 to 9 in New Orleans, drew 1,300 Catholic health providers from across the nation to explore the progress of healthcare reform--at the federal level, in state initiatives, and in cities across the nation where providers are collaborating to provide more comprehensive, cost-effective care. Culminating in an affirming address by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, the assembly afforded attendees opportunities to discuss the operational opportunities ahead, innovative care approaches, and strategies to maintain their Catholic identity and values under a reformed system.  相似文献   

Around the country, healthcare providers are using the tools of continuous improvement to redesign patient care, match customer needs with available resources, and make management decisions based on data-driven analyses of key processes. Initiatives such as these are producing positive changes within healthcare organizations, but two serious barriers all but preclude improvement at the system level: a compensation process that punishes innovation and the emergence of integrated care systems that lack a common vision. Unless these barriers can be removed, insists the author, healthcare providers ultimately will be unsuccessful in their effort to improve value for their customers.  相似文献   

Catholic organizations need to select, develop, and retain healthcare leaders who dedicate themselves to carrying on the Church's healing ministry and the work begun by those who have preceded them. Persons entrusted to carry on Jesus' healing mission perform their duties out of a sense of commitment to the ministry and a love for the persons with whom they work and whom they serve. They recognize a synergy between their own values and the values of the healthcare organizations they lead. Dedication to leadership in Catholic healthcare can be viewed from three perspectives: the Bible and selected documents of the Catholic Church; the transfer of responsibility for Catholic healthcare from religious congregations to evolving forms of sponsorship; and the implications for the selection, development, and retention of healthcare leaders, both lay and religious. Servant-leadership is an integral part of the religious tradition that underlies Catholic healthcare. As cooperation increases between healthcare providers, third-party payers, employers, and other healthcare agents. Catholic healthcare organizations are challenged to reassert a mission and values that will enable healthcare in the United States to be delivered both compassionately and competently.  相似文献   

In the next five years, Catholic providers must select strategies that will involve affiliations, acquisitions, and consolidations with Catholic and non-Catholic partners. At least 10 options are available to meet the long-term trends of managed care, competition, and capitation. Vertical integration allows comprehensive patient care. Multisponsor management can help religious institutes expand their market share. Systems and one-hospital sponsors can affiliate their facilities to form Catholic networks. Community-based not-for-profit networks can include both Catholic and non-Catholic organizations bound by contracts and joint ventures. Joint ventures provide the benefits of integration to Catholic providers, who must be willing to commit substantial capital to create HMOs and other networks with non-Catholic partners. Acquisition of facilities and regional and statewide expansion can strengthen a Catholic system's market position in the face of declining acute care hospital services. Catholic/non-Catholic mergers risk consolidating and closing facilities but need not erase Catholic identity. Cooperation between affiliation and merger, or "co-opetition," involves creating new legal territory for Catholic/non-Catholic consolidation. Divestiture may be an ultimate strategy, but Catholic sponsors must proceed with caution in their dealings with plentiful buyers. Catholic facilities and systems are joining with Catholic Charities, other providers, and local agencies to create networks.  相似文献   

As costs escalate and the delivery system becomes more fragmented, organizations throughout the United States have begun to call for basic reform of the healthcare system. Several national organizations, including the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association, have presented working proposals advocating coordinated regional healthcare delivery systems. The proposed networks would provide a full continuum of services from prevention through aftercare and long-term care, and from primary through tertiary care. In the past few years, providers themselves have begun to see the value of cooperative efforts. Collaborative ventures such as group purchasing and sharing mobile equipment have increased as hospitals look for ways to reduce costs and control overhead. Mergers and affiliations are also becoming more common. As they develop, different networks will allow for various kinds of interrelationships among components. In general, these systems will provide high-volume, low-cost services at a number of sites and low-volume, high-cost services at a central location. Secondary and tertiary campuses will focus increasingly on specialty care, and as volume increases at primary campuses, secondary and tertiary organizations will establish more primary affiliations. To make the transition from a competitive to a cooperative healthcare delivery system, providers will have to reexamine their mission and values and, in many cases, refocus their vision of the future.  相似文献   

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