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Defense styles have a close relationship with ego development and psychopathology. The purpose of the present paper was to examine the reliability and validity of the Japanese edition of the Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40; Andrews et al. 1993). Six hundred and six Japanese university students (348 female) completed the DSQ-40 and Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI). The neurotic tendency had positive correlations with immature and neurotic defense styles and a negative correlation with the mature defense style. The extroversion tendency had positive correlations with the mature and neurotic defense styles and a negative correlation with the immature defense style. There was a significant test-retest correlation for all items of the DSQ-40 (n = 284). The results show that the Japanese version of the DSQ-40 had concurrent validity with the MPI and a test-retest reliability of 2 months, although there was some doubt about the validity of the factor structure of the DSQ-40. Therefore, the DSQ-40 is a useful scale in Japan to measure ego development and ego function through defense styles.  相似文献   

The internal consistency, validity and factor structure of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) were investigated in a homogeneous sample consisting of 18-year-old males in Italy. The GHQ-12 proved to be a reliable instrument, as indicated by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.81. When the screening characteristics of the GHQ-12 (scored by the Likert method) were evaluated against the psychiatrist's ratings, the best balance between sensitivity and specificity was found at the GHQ cut-off score of 8/9: at this threshold, sensitivity was 0.68 and was paired to a specificity of 0.59 and an overall misclassification rate of 0.40. Validity coefficients based on a single severity score were rather low compared with those reported in other settings. When a principal components analysis with varimax (and oblimin) rotation was performed, two factors were identified: factor A (general dysphoria) was defined by 7 items related to anxiety and depression; factor B (social dysfunction) included 6 items testing the ability to perform daily activities and to cope with everyday problems. The identified factors revealed distinct ability in the discrimination between subjects with and without emotional disturbance according to the psychiatrist's ratings and correlated differently with 3 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory subscales (depression, D; conversion hysteria, Hy; psychasthenia, Pt). Thus, the factor structure of the GHQ-12 might provide useful information along with that offered by a single severity score, and the detection of cases might be improved by examining an individual's profile of scores on different subscales derived from factor analysis.  相似文献   

This present study was undertaken to validate the English version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in urological patients. Validity and reliability were studied in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and patients without LUTS. Reliability was evaluated using the test-retest method and internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Sensitivity to change was expressed as the effect size in the pre-intervention versus post-intervention score in additional patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Internal consistency was excellent. A high degree of internal consistency was observed for each of the 12 items with Cronbach's alpha value of 0.37-0.79, while total scores was 0.79 in the population study. Test-retest correlation coefficient for the 12 items score were highly significant. Intraclass correlation coefficient was high (0.35-0.79). It showed a high degree of sensitivity and specificity to the effects of treatment. A high degree of significant level between baseline and post-treatment scores were observed across all 12 items in the treatment cohort but not in the control group. The GHQ-12 is suitable, reliable, valid and sensitive to clinical change in urological disorders.  相似文献   

Objective: The Ways of Responding (WOR) instrument measures compensatory skills, a central construct in some theories of the mechanism of cognitive therapy for depression. However, the instrument is time-consuming and expensive to use in community settings, because it requires trained independent judges to rate subjects’ open-ended written responses to depressogenic scenarios. The present study evaluated the reliability and validity of a self-report version of the WOR (WOR-SR) in a community mental health sample with depressive symptoms (N?=?467). Method: Subjects completed the WOR-SR, a modified version of the original WOR, and other measures of depressive symptoms, dysfunctional cognitions, functioning, quality of life, and interpersonal problems at multiple time points. Results: An exploratory factor analysis confirmed the two-factor structure of the WOR-SR. The positive and negative subscales both demonstrated excellent internal consistency (Cronbach’s alphas?=?.91) and moderate convergent validity with other measures. Conclusion: The WOR-SR is a reliable and valid measure of compensatory skills in patients receiving treatment for depression at community mental health centers.  相似文献   

Aims:  The Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS) is an instrument that has obtained reliability and validity in some countries for use in detecting depersonalization disorder under clinical conditions, but not yet in Japan under non-psychiatric conditions. The purposes of this study were to develop a Japanese version of the CDS (J-CDS) and to examine its reliability and validity as an instrument for screening depersonalization disorder under non-clinical conditions.
Methods:  The CDS was translated from English into Japanese and then back-translated into English by a native English-speaking American. After making the J-CDS, we examined its reliability and validity. Questionnaires that were composed of J-CDS, the Dissociative Experience Scale (DES), the Zung self-rating scale and the Maudsley Obsessional–Compulsive Inventory were administrated to 59 participants (12 patients with depersonalization disorder, 11 individuals who had recovered from depersonalization and 36 healthy controls).
Results:  Cronbach's alpha and split-half reliability were 0.94 and 0.93, respectively. The J-CDS score in the depersonalization group was significantly higher than in the healthy control group. The J-CDS score was significantly correlated with scores of total DES, and DES-depersonalization. The best compromise between the true positive and false negative rate was at a cut-off point of 60, yielding a sensitivity of 1.00 and a specificity of 0.96.
Conclusions:  In this study, J-CDS showed good reliability and validity. The best cut-off point, when we use this for distinguishing individuals with depersonalization disorder from individuals without psychiatric disorders, is 60 points.  相似文献   

The Interactive Observation Scale for Psychiatric Inpatients (IOSPI) is characterized by the necessity of interaction between the rater and the patient during the evaluation process. The reliability, validity and factor structure of the IOSPI were evaluated by using a total of 186 sets of ratings accomplished by 2 nursing aides on 34 adult psychiatric inpatients submitted to weekly evaluations during the 3 first weeks of hospitalization. The patients were observed by the 2 nursing aides simultaneously during the morning shift (5 h). In the afternoon of the same day, they were interviewed by two psychiatrists who filled in separately the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Factor analysis of the 16 IOSPI items revealed 5 distinct clusters of items, which represented higher-order constructs of social interest, psychomotor agitation, psychoticism, neatness and irritability. It was found that the IOSPI has significant interrater reliability, estimated by an intraclass correlation coefficient of total score and factor score. The total scores of the IOSPI showed a significant correlation with the total scores of the BPRS, meeting the criteria of concurrent validity. The criteria of predictive validity were also met, since the patients who could be discharged presented IOSPI scores significantly lower than the patients who could not be discharged. In conclusion, the IOSPI met the requirements of an evaluation scale and can stimulate therapeutic attitudes of the nursing staff by its characteristics of interactive observation.  相似文献   

目的:评价中文版强迫症症状分类量表(修订版)(OCI-R)在正常人群和强迫症患者中的信、效度。方法:采用中文版耶鲁-布朗强迫症量表(Y-BOCS)对299例在校大学生及90例强迫症患者进行评定,同时要求每位被试者自行完成OCI-R中文版的评估。其中44名强迫症患者于4周后进行再次测试。结果:OCI-R中文版Cronbach’salpha=0.88,重测信度r=0.690(P<0.05)。OCI-R验证性因素分析结果:χ2=403.07,ν=120,n=299;拟合优度指数(GFI)=0.87;近似误差均方根(RMSEA)=0.086;比较拟合指数(CFI)=0.96;非标准拟合参数(NNFI)=0.95。OCI-R各条目在总量表中的负荷值r=0.450~0.660(P<0.01),各维度在总量中的负荷值r=0.662~0.782(P<0.01)。强迫症患者中OCI-R总分与Y-BOCS总分之间相关系数r=0.422(P<0.01)。结论:OCI-R(修订版)中文译本具有良好的信效度,符合心理测试要求,可适用于中国人群强迫症状的测量。  相似文献   


Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Persian version of brief self-control scale (BSCS) in Iranian motorcyclists.

Methods: The original English questionnaire of BSCS has been translated into Persian using the direct-reverse approach. A total of 130 motorcyclists aged 18–65?years old in Iran–Kashan completed the questionnaire. Validity was determined by content validity methods, structural validity through factor analysis, and also the convergence and divergence validity using Spearman correlation coefficient. The intra class correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to estimate the reliability of the self-control tool. Reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha.

Results: The mean and standard deviation of the age at the time of study was 38.5?±?13.5?years old and all of the subjects were male. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the whole questionnaire (BSCS) was 0.81, which was good in this regard. The ICC coefficient was 0.88 with confidence interval of (0.8–0.93), which confirmed the repeatability of this tool. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) yielded a two-factor solution accounted for 42% of the observed variance.

Conclusion: This study showed that Persian version of BSCS has a good reliability and validity for self-control in the Persian language community.
  • Key points
  • The Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS) has good internal consistency.

  • The Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS) has acceptable reliability.

  • Brief Self-control Scale (BSCS) has acceptable validity and reliability in the population studies.


OBJECTIVE: General population longitudinal cohort studies have demonstrated the prognostic validity of self-reported psychotic experiences, but data on reliability and cross-validation with interview-based measures of these experiences are sparse. This study tested the reliability and validity of the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE42). METHOD: At baseline, the CAPE42 was used to measure the subclinical psychosis phenotype in a general population sample (n = 765). At follow-up (mean interval: 7.7 months), the Structured Interview for Schizotypy, Revised (SIS-R), the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), and the CAPE42 were administered (n = 510). RESULTS: Baseline self-reported dimensions of psychosis were specifically and independently associated with their equivalent interview-based dimension at follow-up (standardized effect sizes of 0.4-0.5) and with their equivalent self-reported measure (standardized effect sizes of 0.6-0.8). CONCLUSION: The results indicate that self-reported dimensions of psychotic experiences in general population samples appear to be stable, reliable and valid.  相似文献   

目的:引入暴力危险性筛查量表(violenceriskscreening-10,V—RISK-10),对V—RISK-10中文版在精神分裂症患者中的信度与效度进行检验。方法:对英文版V—RISK-10进行翻译和修订,以109例精神分裂症患者为评估对象,完成一般情况调查表、V—RISK-10中文版、卫生部危险性评估、修订版外显行为攻击量表(MOAS)的测评。其中14例患者由2位评估者独立评估V—RISK-10中文版,49例患者2周后重测V—RISK.10中文版。结果:V—RISK-10中文版9个条目的鉴别力良好,内部一致性系数0.833(P〈0.01)。评分者信度(斯皮尔曼等级相关系数:r=0.655—0.899)、重测信度(Kappa=0.536—1.000)较好(P〈0.ol或P〈0.05)。V—RISK.10中文版中7个条目得分与其综合评定建议分级(Kendal和谐系数为0.387~0.685)、危险性评估分级(Kendal和谐系数为0.319~0.618)、MOAS总分(皮尔逊相关系数:,=0,301~0.585)均显著正性相关(P均〈0.01);关联效度理想。结论:V—RISK-10中文版在精神分裂症患者中的信度与关联效度良好。  相似文献   

The Mini PAS-ADD is an assessment schedule for psychiatric disorders in people with an intellectual disability. It is designed to provide a link between the mental health expertise of psychiatrists and psychologists, and the detailed knowledge of individual service users possessed by support staff. In broad terms, the aim of the Mini PAS-ADD is to enable non-psychiatrists accurately to recognize clinically significant psychiatric disorders in the people who they care for, so that they can make informed referral decisions, The instrument comprises 86 psychiatric symptoms and generates a series of subscores on: depression, anxiety and phobias, mania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosis, unspecified disorder (including dementia), and pervasive developmental disorder (autism). The present paper reports the results of a study investigating internal consistency, inter-rater agreement and validity in relation to clinical opinion, using a sample of 68 people with intellectual disability who were in contact with psychiatric services. In terms of the instrument fulfilling its main intended function, i.e. accurate case recognition, the crucial question was whether the support workers, with their lesser knowledge of psychopathology, were also able to correctly identify cases identified by expert clinicians. The validity results in this respect (81% agreement on case recognition) were sufficiently good that it is to be anticipated that the Mini PAS-ADD should have a significant impact on the identification of psychiatric disorders in the community of people with intellectual disability.  相似文献   

The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI) was developed to assess the temperament (‘novelty seeking’, ‘harm avoidance’, ‘reward dependence’, ‘persistence’) and character (‘self‐directedness’, ‘cooperativeness’, ‘self‐transcendence’) dimensions of Cloninger's biosocial model of personality in children and adolescents. The psychometric properties of the JTCI are presented. We used the German version of JTCI in a clinical sample of 188 adolescent psychiatric patients (aged 12 to 18 years) and in a non‐referred sample of 706 German adolescents of the same age range. Aspects of reliability and validity are discussed. We subjected the JTCI to confirmatory factor analysis and were able to replicate the temperament and character scales of the original TCI. The internal consistency of the scales was satisfactory with the exception of ‘reward dependence’ and ‘persistence’. Construct validity was supported by good correspondence of JTCI dimensions with related constructs. Psychometric properties of the German version of JTCI are very promising. Results yield strong support for Cloninger's psychobiological theory. Copyright © 2001 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to test the reliability and the construct validity of a nurses' depression-rating scale (NRS) patients with a depressive syndrome of endogenous or mixed endogenous-psychogenic aetiology were assessed initially, during and after treatment, by NRS, doctors' rating scale (Cronholm & Ottosson) and self-rating (Zung). Global ratings were also made. The inter-rater reliability of the NRS was 0.41–0.90 for the symptoms, 0.90 for the depression-anxiety syndrome, 0.79 for the retardation syndrome and 0.89 for the total depressive syndrome. As indicators of construct validity three criteria were used: treatment criterion (to discriminate between untreated and treated patients), group difference criterion (to discriminate between groups of treated patients), and convergent validity (correlation to other depression scales). Further, the degree of the discriminating ability, the sensitivity of the scale, was examined. The NRS discriminated well between untreated and ECT treated patients and satisfactorily between recovered and much improved patients. The correlations between NRS and doctors' ratings were positive and significant, although not very high. They indicate that nurses' rating and doctors' rating probably measure partly different aspects of the depressive symptomatology. The simultaneous use of both ratings may thus give a more complete estimate of depression. Doctors' rating was superior to nurses' rating in sensitivity and showed somewhat higher reliability. The results do not justify the replacement of doctors' rating by other ratings. Self-rating appeared to be of little value as an additional assessment.  相似文献   

The PAS-ADD Checklist is a screening instrument specifically designed to help staff recognize mental health problems in the people with intellectual disability for whom they care, and to make informed referral decisions. The instrument consists of a life-events checklist and 29 symptom items scored on a four-point scale. Scores are combined to provide three threshold scores. The crossing of any of these thresholds indicates the need for a fuller assessment. The items are worded in everyday language, making the Checklist suitable for use by individuals who do not have a background in psychopathology. The present paper presents the results of a number of studies evaluating the reliability and validity of the Checklist. Factor analysis of Checklists completed on a community sample of 201 individuals yielded eight factors, of which seven were readily interpretable in diagnostic terms. Internal consistency of the scales was generally acceptable. Inter-rarer reliability in respect to individual items gave a fairly low average Kappa of 0.42. However, agreement on case identification, the main purpose of the Checklist, was quite good, with 83% of the decision being in agreement. Validity in relation to clinical opinion was also satisfactory, case detection rising appropriately with the clinically judged severity of disorder. The PAS-ADD Checklist is published and distributed by the Hester Adrian Research Centre, Manchester, England, from where further information and order forms are available on request.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS) that was developed by Barsky et al. in the Turkish population. The study was carried out with 42 patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Asthma Diseases attending to outpatient Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation and Chest Diseases clinics and 86 healthy students from Karadeniz Technical University. SSAS scores were normally distributed, and had acceptable test-retest reliability (r: 0.73) and internal consistency (alpha, 0.62-0.76). Item to scale correlations varied from 0.10 to 0.72, and most were highly significant. Whereas, one item (item 1) in the control group and one item (item 2) in the patients group had low item-total score correlation (r < 0.15). Criterion related validity of the SSAS was shown with significant correlation between the Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire, the Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Symptom Check List 90 Revised somatization subscale. The validity analysis of the scale resulted in a very high significant difference (P < 0.01) between the mean SSAS scores of the control and patient's group. Test-retest, internal reliability, and item-total score correlation, discriminating power for specific groups and criterion related validity of the SSAS show that the scale has acceptable reliability and validity for the Turkish population.  相似文献   

目的:评价Morisky问卷对精神分裂症患者服药依从性的信度和效度。方法:采用便利取样法选取125例精神分裂症恢复期患者进行Morisky问卷调查,7 d后对其中30例患者进行Morisky问卷重测,计算Cronbach'sα系数及重测信度,评价量表的信度;采用探索性因子分析方法考评量表结构效度。结果:采用条目-总分相关法及决断值法对条目的区分度进行分析,问卷的4个条目皆达显著水平,符合选题标准,可以保留。问卷总Cronbach'sα系数为0.78,7 d后重测信度为0.84。经最大方差旋转法旋转后提取1个因子,累计解释的方差为52.25%,4个条目的因子负荷0.65~0.78之间。结论:Morisky问卷在精神分裂症恢复期患者服药依从性中有较好的信度及效度。  相似文献   

To evaluate the therapies for cerebellar diseases appropriate neurological assessment methods to measure severity of ataxia are required. Reliability and validity of the semiquantitative International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) has recently been examined in patients with degenerative ataxias. We evaluated reliability (internal consistency), criterion-related validity and internal construct validity of ICARS for the first time in patients with focal cerebellar lesions (68 patients with surgical lesions and 68 patients with ischemic lesions). For comparison 45 patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia were included. We found an excellent Cronbach's alpha as a measurement for internal consistency which was independent from underlying disease. Criterion-related validity was high. Total ICARS score mirrored clearly the immediate postsurgical worsening and the improvement during the first 3 months after focal surgical and ischemic lesions, whereas in chronic state of focal and degenerative cerebellar disorders ICARS score remained nearly unchanged. Principal component analysis in patients with focal lesions revealed five distinct and clinically meaningful factors which corresponded to the four ICARS subscores and reflected the laterality of kinetic functions. In degenerative disorders, however, the items for the subscore "kinetic function" loaded to more than one factor. Total ICARS score seems to be a useful and valid measurement to describe the time course of ataxia in patients with focal and degenerative disorders affecting primarily the cerebellum. Validity of subscores however is good in focal, but not in degenerative disorders.  相似文献   

目的 中文翻译公众对癫痫患者态度测评(PATE)量表并在中国内地进行信度及效度分析.方法 采用国际通行的量表翻译程序,将PATE量表翻译为中文版.利用便利抽样的方法在湖南省长沙市选取210个具有经济文化代表性的汉族成人,分析中文版量表的信度及效度.结果 总计得到199份有效问卷,有效率为94.7%,问卷平均应答时间为7 min;199位有效问卷答卷者平均年龄为33.75岁,有一定的经济文化代表性;量表各条目与各自所属领域相关性显著,与总体量表及其他领域相关较弱;探索性因子分析及验证性因子分析表明中文版量表与原量表的内在构造基本一致;各领域及量表整体的Cronbach's Alpha系数处于0.853 ~0.909之间.结论 中文版的PATE量表的信度和效度良好,可以应用于中国公众对癫痫病人态度的评测.  相似文献   

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