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Ophthalmological data and results of surgical treatment in 81 children with congenital myopia are analysed. The methods used were simple, accessible for children ophthalmological practice: scleroplasty after Pivovarov-Pristavko (group I), modified chondroplasty (group II), simplified scleroplasty with revascularization of the Tenon's capsule after Beliaev (group III). Analysis of immediate results of operation has shown that any method of scleroplasty leads to increase of visual acuity, reduction of refraction and shortening of the anteroposterior axis of the eye. Signs of tenonitis after operation were recorded in most of the patients from group I, in one third of cases in group III and were absent in group II. The choice of the surgical method should be differential considering ophthalmological data of each patient. In children practice simplified methods of scleroplasty should be used, including chondroplasty, allowing to shorten the time of operation and to prevent operative and postoperative complications. 相似文献
高度近视白内障手术治疗 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的探讨高度近视合并白内障超声乳化吸出联合人工晶状体植入手术的效果和并发症。方法回顾分析近4年在我院行超声乳化摘出联合人工晶状体植入的高度近视合并白内障256例(368眼)的治疗效果和并发症。结果术后1 d矫正视力〈0.1者6眼,占1.63%;0.1-0.3者49眼,占13.32%;0.3-0.5者184眼,占50.00%;0.5-0.6者87眼,占23.64%;0.6-0.8者28眼,占7.61%:0.8-1.0者11眼,占2.99%;≥1.0者3眼,占0.82%。术后3个月矫正视力〈0.1者5眼,占1.36%;0.1-0.3者38眼,占10.33%;0.3-0.5者157眼,占42.66%;0.5-0.6者112眼,占30.43%;0.6-0.8者36眼,占9.78%,0.8-1.0者15眼,占4.08%;≥1.0者5眼,占1.36%。并发症主要有:术中撕囊失败11眼(2.99%),后囊破裂5眼(1.36%),悬韧带断裂7眼(1.90%),术后可逆性角膜水肿31眼(8.42%),经治疗后1-2周消失;暂时性眼压升高11眼(2.99%),继发性视网膜脱离2眼(0.54%),经手术后恢复。结论高度近视合并白内障行超声乳化吸出联合人工晶状体植入既可治疗白内障,亦可矫正高度近视,术后视功能恢复较好。 相似文献
A 55-year-old woman had convergent strabismus fixus associated with high myopia. Bilateral medial rectus recession and loop myopexy of lateral and medial rectus muscles was performed. The clinical characteristics and the possible surgical treatment modalities were discussed. This surgery seems effective on both the restoration of dislocation of the eyeball and the improvement of ocular motility. 相似文献
The use of vitrectomy combined with the adjunct of 18% C3F8 or silicone oil is a safe and effective method in treating retinal detachment due to macular hole in high myopia. Preoperative
careful examination of ocular fundus, appropria te surgical design, and better surgical expertise are basic factors in treating
this disease.
The authors have stated that they do not have a significant financial interest or other relationship with any product manufacturer
or provider of services discussed in this article. The authors also do not discuss the use of off-label product, which includes
unlabeled, unapproved, or investigative products or devices. 相似文献
高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离手术治疗 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
目的评价高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离手术成功率,并分析有关因素。方法对11例高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离患者行玻璃体切除联合眼内填充18%C3F8或硅油手术。术后严格俯卧位至少2周以上。结果10只眼黄斑裂孔闭合视网膜复位。10只眼术后视力提高,1只眼术后视力无变化。术后主要并发症为晶状体核轻度硬化1只眼,眼压升高1只眼, 纤维素性渗出2只眼,双眼复视1只眼。结论玻璃体切割联合眼 内填充18 % C3F8或硅油是治疗高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离安全有效的方法。术前详细检查眼底、正确设计手术方案及良好手术技术是治疗本病关键。(中华眼底病杂志,2001,17:90-92) 相似文献
高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离的手术治疗 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的 探讨治疗高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离手术的方法。方法 对172只眼(169例)高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离行玻璃体切除联合眼内光凝黄斑裂孔、12%C3F8填充术。术后取面向下体位两周。结果 172只眼黄斑裂孔闭合、视网膜复位。1只眼在气液交换过程中出现脉络膜大出血而作硅油填充术。172只眼术后视力均有不同程度的提高。结论 玻璃体切除联合眼内光凝黄斑裂孔、12%C3F8填充术是治疗高度近视眼黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离和提高手术成功率的安全有效的方法。 相似文献
目的 观察内直肌悬吊法联合外直肌折叠术治疗高度近视合并内斜视的效果.方法 6例高度近视合并内斜视行手术治疗.6只眼均先行主斜眼内直肌悬吊于肌止点,再行该眼外直肌折叠术.术中根据内斜度数决定内直肌悬吊及外直肌折叠的手术量.结果 术前内斜度在+35°~+50°,术后随访3~36个月,基本正位5只眼,欠矫1只眼.结论 内直肌悬吊法联合外直肌折叠术,对治疗高度近视所致内斜视效果是可行的. 相似文献
Forty-eight patients, aged 7 to 15, with the diagnosis of high developed myopia complicated by chorioretinal peripheral dystrophy were investigated. A total of 1500 examinations were made. The patients were shared between the main and control groups. Sex, age and the clinical pattern were compatible. The main-group patients received the carbogene therapy and routine neurotrophic treatment, while the controls received only the latter. The treatment course lasted for as long as 10 days (10 inhalations). There were no any complications during and after the carbogene inhalations. The conclusion, based on the data obtained, can be that the carbogene inhalations, when added to the neurotrophic treatment scheme, enhance the therapy efficiency in case of high, complicated and developed myopia in children. 相似文献
Ferdinando Bottoni Emanuele Perego Pietro Airaghi Mario Cigada Sergio Ortolina Giuseppe Carlevaro Vito De Molfetta 《Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie》1999,237(7):573-582
· Background: A study was carried out to elucidate the anatomical and functional outcome after surgical excision of subfoveal choroidal neovascular membranes in high myopia. · Methods: Sixty-five patients with high myopia (≥6 diopters), well-defined subfoveal neovascular membranes on fluorescein angiography and preoperative visual acuity ≤20/100 were selected for surgery. A standardized surgical technique was used in all cases, by a single surgeon. The main outcomes assessed were Snellen visual acuity, surgical retinal pigment epithelium defect and postoperative perfusion of the choriocapillaris. Multifactor analysis of variance and chi-square/Fisher’s exact test statistics were used to assess the association between patients’ pre- and postoperative characteristics and outcome measures. · Results: Follow-up ranged from 6 to 48 months (mean 16 months). Mean postoperative visual acuity (0.18) was significantly better than mean preoperative visual acuity (0.09). Visual acuity improved by at least two lines in 29 eyes (45%) and was unchanged in 24 (37%). Overall, 43 eyes (66%) had visual acuity of 20/200 or better and 15 (23%), 20/60 or better. Predictive factors with a significant effect on final visual acuity were mean visual acuity, preoperative status of retinal pigment epithelium and postoperative perfusion of the choriocapillaris. Postoperative perfusion was detected in 31 (48%) of the total 65 eyes and in 12 (67%) of the 18 eyes with normal retinal pigment epithelium at baseline. The mean postoperative retinal pigment epithelium defect was 4.6 times larger than the original neovascular membrane. In selected patients, SLO macular scotometry showed areas of retained retinal sensitivity within the atrophic scar. · Conclusion: The natural history of subfoveal neovascularization in high myopia is rarely visually restorative. By contrast, surgical excision of the membranes is feasible and may restore visual acuity in selected patients. This therapeutic approach merits a formal multicenter clinical trial. Received: 27 August 1998 Revised version received: 9 November 1998 Accepted: 10 November 1998 相似文献
Refractive surgery for unilateral high myopia in children 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of refractive surgery in children. METHODS: Pediatric patients with unilateral high myopia who were 9 years of age or older were offered refractive surgery to supplement optical correction. The patients and families were informed that the operation may not improve their best-corrected visual acuity. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) or laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) was performed on the more myopic eye with the use of topical anesthesia. Cycloplegic refraction, stereopsis, motility, and best-corrected visual acuity were measured before the procedure and at 2 months and 20 months after the procedure. All patients had completed amblyopia therapy before surgery. RESULTS: Fourteen eyes of 14 patients aged 9 to 14 years received refractive surgery. Average age at the time of surgery was 11.9 years (+/-1,6). Average corrected preoperative visual acuity was 20/147 (+/-0.065 in decimals). Average preoperative refraction was -7.96 D (+/-2,16) spherical equivalent. Twenty months after refractive surgery, the uncorrected visual acuity averaged 20/129 (+/-0.08 in decimals) and best-corrected vision averaged 20/121 (+/-0.08 in decimals). Average refraction was -0.46 D (+/-0,58) at 2 months and -0.67 D (+/-0,68) D at 20 months. An average myopic shift in refraction of -0.22 D was found in treated eyes during the 20 months of follow-up; this was not statistically significant (P =.69). Three patients had LASIK and 11 patients had PRK. LASIK patients averaged -0.875 D of myopic shift over 20 months of follow-up. Those with PRK averaged -0.025 D. This difference was not statistically significant (P =.10). The vision of 5 of 14 patients improved 1 or 2 lines after refractive surgery. Two patients who had 20/80 vision preoperatively improved to 20/60. No patients lost any lines of vision. Only 4 patients demonstrated stereopsis preoperatively, and all retained stereopsis postoperatively. No patient gained stereopsis. CONCLUSIONS: LASIK and PRK can be performed safely and effectively in children who are cooperative enough to undergo the procedures with topical anesthesia. Refractive surgery does not improve vision in densely amblyopic eyes but may give modest improvement in those that are mildly amblyopic. No significant complications were encountered aside from a myopic shift over time. 相似文献
目的探讨儿童高度近视眼的各屈光成份与近视发生的相关性。方法对38人73眼儿童高度近视患者分别进行散瞳验光,采集角膜不规则指数CIM、角膜形状系数SF与模拟角膜Simk1、Simk2,前房深度、晶体厚度、眼轴长度,并作角膜屈折力/眼轴长比值。结果屈光度为-6.0D~24.5D,平均球镜度为(10.23D±3.75)D;Simk1为(44.00±1.48)D,Simk2为(45.45±1.52)D,K值为42.86±9.09,角膜不规则指数CIM为0.73±0.35,角膜形状系数SF为0.27±0.08;前房深度(3.56±0.43)mm,晶体厚度(3.94±0.41)mm,眼轴长度(27.22±2.34)mm;角膜屈折力/眼轴长比值为1.66±0.15。屈光度与Simk2、前房深度、晶体厚度、眼轴长度、角膜屈折力/眼轴长比值间均有显著相关性,P<0.05;角膜不规则指数CIM、角膜形状系数SF与Simk1、Simk2均无统计意义的相关性,P>0.05。结论儿童高度近视患者以轴长为主,角膜屈光力与眼轴不匹配时便导致近视的发生和发展;儿童高度近视患者SF值小于正视眼,CIM大于正视眼,影响了成像质量,负反馈引起眼后段发育生长加快;高度近视儿童角膜屈光力的变化与角膜形状系数、角膜不规则指数的变化不相匹配,打破了眼球正常发育所需的协调性,可能引发了近视的产生。 相似文献
有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入术矫正高度近视 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
探讨有晶状体眼中用负度数的人工晶状体矫正高度近视的临床疗效。方法在8例11眼高度近视角膜较薄的患眼中植入房角支撑型人工晶状体。结果手术前,后平均远视力分别为0.04和0.6,平均近视力分别为0.75和0.70,平均最佳矫正视力分别为0.74和0.91,其中2眼瞳孔变形伴有眩光,未发现房角损害相关的青光眼。 相似文献
Secondary cataract after extracapsular surgery is one of the main complications in aphakic eyes. In severely myopic eyes secondary cataract not only impairs visual acuity but also interferes with peripheral retinal exploration; in these eyes Nd-Yag laser capsulotomies are not recommended because of the high risk of retinal detachment and also because this technique does not solve problems related to peripheral retinal examination. For these reasons, in severely myopic eyes the authors perform extra capsular cataract extraction without IOL implantation and, if secondary cataract appears, they perform surgical cleaning of the capsule. The authors emphasise the good visualization of the peripheral retina obtained with this technique. 相似文献
LASIK矫治儿童高度复性近视散光性屈光参差 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
目的 评价LASIK联合散光MASK盘 (M盘 )矫治儿童高度复性近视散光性屈光参差的安全性、有效性、可预测性和稳定性。方法 使用Summit公司的SVSApexPlus准分子激光系统、MASK盘 (M盘 )及Moria公司的板层刀 ,对 2 1例 7~ 1 5岁患儿 2 3只高度复性近视散光性屈光参差眼行LASIK手术 ,术后托百士、艾氟龙眼液点眼。随访时间 1 2个月。结果 术前球镜均值 :-9 1 0± 3 3 7DS ( -4 5 0~ -1 7 2 5DS) ,柱镜均值 :-2 3 7± 0 47DC ( -1 2 5~ -4 5 0DC)。裸眼视力均值 :0 0 7± 0 0 4( 0 0 4~ 0 1 ) ,矫正视力均值 :0 5 1± 0 3 1 ( 0 1~ 1 0 )。术后 1 2月球镜均值 :-1 1 0± 1 1 5DS ( +0 5 0~ -3 2 5DS) ,柱镜均值 :-0 1 0± 0 1 4DC ( +0 2 5~ -1 2 5DC)。裸眼视力均值 :0 5 8± 0 41 ( 0 2~ 1 0 ) ,矫正视力均值 :0 67± 0 40 ( 0 3~ 1 2 )。结论 LASIK矫治儿童高度复性近视散光性屈光参差是安全、有效的 ,且可预测性及稳定性均较好。这一手术的开展为不能耐受戴镜的高度复性近视散光性屈光参差眼提供了一种有效的矫治手段。 相似文献