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An operation is described for the correction of the unilateral cleft lip nose when there is a deficiency of alar tissue with superior displacement of the alar maxillary junction. This method uses a full-thickness graft from the contralateral alar crease.  相似文献   

The bilateral cleft lip is a complex deformity involving discontinuity of the soft tissue layers of the lip and, frequently, the underlying bony structure. Satisfactory repair requires a thorough understanding of the anatomic deformity. The authors' philosophy and timing of the bilateral cleft lip repair are discussed. Details of the surgical technique are outlined.  相似文献   

目的:探讨对单侧唇裂畸形中鼻畸形的修复和方法选择.方法:在265例单侧唇裂进行鼻翼畸形修复,根据不同情况进行鼻翼弧形切口、飞鸟状鼻小柱、鼻翼联合切口、患侧鼻翼穹隆部新月形皮肤切除等方法综合治疗.结果:单侧唇裂的裂度与鼻畸形的程度成正比,修复方法较为复杂和多样术式.结论:唇裂鼻畸形修复采用美学的分析对鼻翼软骨进行对称性设计,达到美学效果.  相似文献   

卫裴  梁杰 《中国美容医学》2012,21(3):400-402
目的:探索一种新的操作简单、实用性强的修复单侧唇裂术后继发红唇畸形的手术方法.方法:设计红唇双叶瓣矫正单侧唇裂术后红唇畸形.结果:所有病例术后切口均甲级愈合,旋转固定的唇粘膜瓣色泽红润血运良好,左右侧红唇组织厚度一致,口哨样畸形消失,唇珠明显.结论:应用红唇双叶瓣法可以同时矫正两侧红唇厚薄不均、口哨样畸形及唇珠不明显等多种唇裂术后继发红唇畸形,方法简洁,术后效果确切,是可行的且较理想的手术方法,值得推广.  相似文献   

目的 探讨单侧唇裂鼻畸形综合整复术的疗效和方法.方法 本组58例单侧唇裂鼻畸形息儿,选取畸形程度较轻的不完全性唇裂者6例进行Ⅰ期鼻畸形整复术,对52例畸形程度较严重的不完全性唇裂和完全性唇裂者行Ⅱ期鼻畸形整复术.采取定量分析的方法,对鼻畸形修复效果进行评价.对上颌发育异常者进行适当的正畸、正颌辅助疗法.结果 所有患者经3~24个月的随访,鼻小柱居中,双侧鼻孔基本等大,鼻唇部瘢痕轻微,均获得满意效果.结论 全局考虑唇裂鼻畸形整复术的治疗方案,针对不同患者制定个性化的具体步骤,可以取得满意的临床疗效.  相似文献   

目的 探讨单侧完全性唇裂鼻唇畸形同期整复的手术方法 和临床效果.方法 本组14例单侧完全性唇裂鼻畸形患者,采用三角瓣法修复唇裂,Bardach法矫正鼻畸形手术切口同期矫正鼻畸形,将畸形的组织尽可能恢复到正常的解剖位置,尤其是错位鼻软骨的复位,为患儿建立一个对称性的骨架.并采取定量分析的方法,对鼻畸形修复效果进行客观评价.结果 本组14例患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合.经6~18个月随访,上唇解剖形态自然,动、静态效果良好,鼻畸形得到明显改善,鼻小柱居中,双侧鼻孔基本对等,鼻唇部瘢痕轻微,医患评价均满意.结论 单侧完全性唇裂鼻唇畸形同期整复术,可以在早期将畸形的组织尽可能地恢复到正常的解剖位置,不仅可获得即刻的手术效果,远期效果也较满意.  相似文献   

目的:探讨对单侧唇裂鼻畸形的修复和方法选择。方法:以115例单侧唇裂鼻畸形患者为研究对象,针对不同的鼻畸形状况,选择相应的手术方式。以高密度多孔聚乙烯生物材料充填患侧鼻翼基底,弥补上颌骨发育不足;采用悬吊患侧鼻翼,纠正鼻翼塌陷畸形;解剖复位鼻唇肌,矫治鼻翼基底外下方移位及鼻小柱偏斜;矫治鼻中隔偏曲,以纠正鼻下端的歪鼻畸形;术后采用有效的维持措施。结果:术后115例患者的鼻畸形均得到不同程度的改善,随访时间6~12个月,32例植入生物材料的患者,均未发生材料的排异反应。6例患者术后有复发倾向。结论:采用此综合手术方法矫治单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形,效果满意、持久。  相似文献   

单侧唇裂鼻畸形矫正的临床进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱光辉 《中国美容医学》2013,22(15):1651-1654
单侧唇裂鼻畸形,是指单侧唇腭裂患者特有的鼻部畸形。临床主要表现为患侧鼻翼塌陷、鼻翼外侧脚向外下方移位、鼻尖低平、鼻尖和鼻小柱偏斜、患侧鼻孔过大等,其形成机制复杂,目前认为单侧唇裂鼻畸形整复是唇腭裂治疗中最为棘手的问题。单纯的鼻部畸形矫正很难达到满意的修复效果。唇  相似文献   

婴儿单侧完全性唇裂鼻畸形同期整复术后发育的近期观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨婴儿单侧完全性唇裂鼻畸形同期整复术方法,并初步观察其对鼻部发育的影响.方法 对27例单侧完全性唇裂鼻畸形患儿在婴儿期行唇裂鼻畸形同期整复术,术后随访6~8年,采用人体测量学方法定量分析患者术后照片,对所定的各标志点进行测量、分析和评价.结果 27例患儿中,10例鼻外形远期效果为优,良14例,差3例.结论 在了解鼻部血供解剖的基础上,应用适宜的手术方法进行婴儿单侧完全性唇裂鼻畸形同期整复,对鼻部发育无明显影响,可以减轻或消除学龄前患儿的唇裂伴发鼻畸形.  相似文献   

Summary The best way I have found to correct the adult cleft lip nose with marked deformity is to expose the cartilaginous framework and re-align it in improved position. The anterior transcolumellar incision combined with the vestibular extensions is effective. It is important that the cleft side alar cartilage be shifted to the desired position, without any tension in the lateral vestibule, such as frequently results from an oro-nasal fistula. If the cartilaginous framework is correctly realigned, the manipulation of the soft tissue at the anterior nostril margin by elliptical excision or rolling the marginal skin into the vestibule to create the new margin is not necessary in the great majority of cases.Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Plastic Surgeons on April 6, 1979 in Tokyo  相似文献   

目的:探讨矫正单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形的方式和方法。方法:术前根据患者鼻部畸形程度进行分度,根据分度,采用开放式鼻整形切口,在充分解剖复位的基础上分别应用大翼软骨悬吊、软骨植入、膨体材料植入等方法,重塑患侧鼻翼、鼻孔形态。结果:从2005年3月~2010年3月间,单侧唇裂术后鼻畸形病例60例,行综合性治疗方案,矫正效果满意,术后切口愈合良好,随访6个月~1年,外鼻形态持久、满意,植入体无外露、感染等并发症。结论:采用综合手术治疗方法矫正单侧唇裂继发的鼻部畸形,效果满意,聚四氟乙烯作为异体材料,修复单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形可获得持久、满意的形态,并发症少。  相似文献   

单侧唇裂修复同期鼻畸形矫正术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨在修复伴有鼻畸形的先天性唇裂时,同期一次性矫正鼻部畸形,以最大程度地减少唇裂术后继发性鼻畸形发生的手术方法.方法 采用Millard术式或Millard术式+三角瓣插入法,同时利用唇裂手术切口入路恢复大翼软骨、鼻肌及鼻小柱的正常解剖位置以矫正鼻畸形.结果 共修复单侧唇裂108例,术后随访1个月至3年,效果满意.结论 所有单侧唇裂均伴发鼻畸形,在唇裂修复同期进行鼻畸形的矫正,可获得即刻的手术效果和较为满意的远期疗效,并可能减少再次手术及手术难度.  相似文献   

目的 探讨完全性单侧唇裂鼻唇畸形同期修复的时机、手术方法及围手术期的序列治疗对手术效果的影响.方法 收集完全性单侧唇裂病例76例,手术年龄为3~12个月.手术方法采用鼻唇畸形同期修复方法,参考Salyer及Noordhoof法的手术原则,并根据具体情况灵活设计,配合术前、术后的序列治疗.结果 完全性单侧唇裂鼻唇畸形同期修复术后随访时间为3个月至20年.总体鼻唇形态恢复满意.其中,优秀39例(51.3%),满意33例(43.4%),不满意4例(5.3%).结论 早期鼻唇畸形同期修复,配合围手术期的序列治疗,以及整形外科或颌面外科医师纯熟的手术技巧,尽最大可能减少损伤和瘢痕,会达到理想的修复效果.
Objective To investigate the influence of timing, operative method and perioperative sequence treatment on the therapeutic effect of one-staged correction of lip and nose deformities in complete unilateral cleft lip. Methods Seventy-six patients with unilateral complete cleft lip, aged from 3 to 12 months, underwent one-staged correction of lip and nose deformities, based on the Salyer, Noordhoof method. Sequence treatment was performed before and after operation. Results The patients were followed up for 3 months to 20 years with excellent results in 39 cases ( 51. 3% ) , good in 33 patients (43. 4% ) , unsatisfied in 4 patients( 5. 3% ). Conclusions Good results can be achieved when the onestaged correction of lip and nose deformities, combined with perioperative sequence treatment, is performed. The operative technique of plastic surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon is also important for less morbidity and scar.  相似文献   

The most obvious deformity in a unilateral cleft of the lip is asymmetry of the lip and nose. Operation must repair the cleft, lengthen the lip, restore muscle continuity, and create an adequate labial sulcus. Simultaneous correction of the nasal deformity should be carried out to the greatest extent possible at the same time. The rotation-advancement repair has advantages over other repairs in scar placement, correction of the nasal deformity, and conservation of lip and nose tissue. If revision of the lip or nose is required, it can be accomplished more easily following the rotation-advancement repair than other techniques.  相似文献   

以鬼式唇裂Ⅱ期修复方程式B=A+(H-H’)-3为基础,对唇裂术后唇鼻畸形采用患侧口轮匝肌瓣悬吊于鼻中隔下端,人中再建及鼻翼软骨复位等手段进行唇鼻畸形的综合修复,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

目的观察分析单侧唇裂鼻畸形者鼻尖的外在美学缺陷与内在鼻翼软骨解剖异常之间的关系,并对矫正手术加以改进。方法在30例单侧唇裂鼻畸形矫正术中,对鼻尖部进行解剖观察和美学分析。在矫正手术中采用耳甲软骨移植重建鼻尖软骨支架的方法。结果发现鼻翼软骨的各亚结构均有发育不良、移位和变形,这与鼻尖的美学缺陷密切相关,采用改进的手术方法治疗的30例中,24例效果满意,4例畸形矫正不全。结论基于解剖和美学研究基础上改进的手术方法,适用于单侧唇裂鼻畸形的矫正。  相似文献   

The Tennison operation as presented is a reliable operation for all single clefts from the most incomplete to the very wide cleft. A lip adhesion is not necessary as a preliminary operation before the definitive repair. There is no problem in lowering the peak on the medial segment, and features of the atypical cleft have been presented with details on how to deal with these problems. More surgeons should use this procedure and see how pleased they and the patient will be with the result (see Fig. 12).  相似文献   

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