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目的:探讨抗阻训练对绝经后女性身体成分、膝关节屈伸肌力及动态平衡能力的影响。方法:将25 名绝 经女性随机分为抗阻训练组和对照组,抗阻训练前后测试绝经后女性身体成分( 体质量、体脂肪量、肌肉量、左 右下肢肌肉量),左、右膝关节屈、伸肌力及动态平衡能力。结果:12 周抗阻训练可使绝经后女性体脂肪量显著 下降,左右下肢肌肉量及全身肌肉量均显著增加,而体质量在抗阻训练前后无显著差异;此外,12 周抗阻训练可 使绝经后女性左、右膝关节屈、伸肌肌力显著增加,闭眼状态下总体稳定指数、前后方向稳定指数及左右方向稳 定指数显著下降。结论:12 周抗阻训练可显著降低绝经后女性身体脂肪量、增加下肢肌肉量及膝关节肌肉力量, 改善动态平衡能力,对于预防绝经后女性跌倒及提高绝经后女性生存质量有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 分析甘肃省中西部地区围绝经期和绝经后女性血清脂联素水平与身体组成之间的关系,探讨影响血清脂联素水平的因素。方法 采用生物电阻抗分析仪测量638例(围绝经期317例,绝经后321例)甘肃中西部女性体重、体质量指数(BMI)、腰臀比、脂肪量、体脂肪率、内脏脂肪含量和肌肉量;通过ELISA检测血清脂联素水平;采用Pearson相关分析和多元线性回归分析法探讨脂联素水平与身体成分之间的关系。结果 甘肃省中西部地区绝经后女性体重、肌肉量均呈下降趋势;腰围、腰臀比、体脂肪率、内脏脂肪含量呈上升趋势;BMI、脂肪量、脂联素水平无明显差异。从总体来看,脂联素水平与体脂肪率、内脏脂肪量成正相关,与肌肉量成负相关,其中内脏脂肪量是脂联素水平的主要影响因素。结论 甘肃中西部地区围绝经期和绝经后女性血清脂联素水平主要影响因素为内脏脂肪量。  相似文献   

目的探讨锦州市健康绝经妇女身体质量指数(BMI)、左下肢肌肉含量及脂肪含量等身体组成成分与左侧跟骨骨密度(BMD)的关系。方法使用体成分仪及骨密度仪测量421例健康绝经妇女的体成分和左侧跟骨骨密度。结论左侧跟骨BMD与年龄呈负相关,与左下肢肌肉量、BMI呈正相关关系,而与左下肢脂肪量没有相关性。结论 BMI是影响绝经妇女BMD的重要因素,加强运动、增加身体肌肉含量对预防骨质疏松有重要作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨运动对兰州市汉族绝经后女性骨强度、体成分及性激素的影响。 方法 2018年1月~2019年6月,采用随机整群抽样选取兰州市汉族绝经后女性233例(运动组110例,非运动组123例),采用超声骨密度仪、生物电阻抗分析仪及电化学发光全自动免疫分析仪,分别测量跟骨骨强度、体成分和性激素。 结果 兰州市汉族绝经后运动组女性的体重、体质量指数及脂肪组织体成分均低于非运动组(P<0.05);骨强度、雌二醇及肌肉组织体成分均高于非运动组(P<0.01)。绝经后运动组女性骨质疏松低于非运动组(P<0.01)。Pearson 相关分析显示,绝经后女性的骨强度与雌二醇和肌肉组织体成分成正相关(P<0.01),与脂肪组织体成分成负相关(P<0.01)。Logistic 回归分析显示,四肢肌肉量和雌激素是绝经后非运动女性骨质的保护性因素,内脏脂肪含量是骨质异常的危险因素;雌激素是经后运动女性骨质的保护性因素。 结论 肌肉与脂肪共同决定着绝经后女性的骨强度,且两者关系受运动状况的影响。运动通过促雌激素生成,增加四肢肌肉量及降低内脏脂肪含量,有效防控兰州市汉族绝经后女性骨质疏松的发生。  相似文献   

背景:绝经妇女常伴有全身肌肉间脂肪增加,国际上可用于测量全身肌肉间脂肪的方法有CT和MRI,但成本均比较昂贵,且CT具有放射性等缺点,不宜广泛应用于临床。 目的:使用体表简单参数(人体学和血清学指标等)评估绝经妇女MRI扫描肌肉间脂肪含量,以期提高检测效率,节省医疗成本。 方法:自然绝经的妇女60名,分为代谢综合征组和非代谢综合征组。测量人体学指标(体质量,肱三头肌皮褶厚度等),血清学指标(三酰甘油等),使用生物电阻抗仪测量全身脂肪含量。依既往研究成果选取小腿中部单层图像分析计算小腿中部以及全身肌肉间脂肪含量。将体表简单参数与MRI测量结果进行多元回归分析。 结果与结论:①全身脂肪含量超量(全身脂肪含量百分比> 30%)、代谢综合征的发生率分别为88.3%,28.3%。②消除年龄、绝经年限及雌二醇水平的影响,小腿中部肌肉间脂肪面积以及全身肌肉间脂肪体积与三酰甘油、空腹血糖、收缩压、舒张压呈正相关,与高密度脂蛋白胆固醇呈负相关。③与全身肌肉间脂肪体积最相关的指标为全身脂肪含量。④初步建立使用体表简单参数评估绝经妇女肌肉间脂肪含量的方程。提示全身肌肉间脂肪体积是绝经妇女发生代谢综合征的危险因素。 关键词:体成分;绝经;血清学指标;肌肉间脂肪;代谢综合征 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2012.13.014  相似文献   

目的 分析东乡族成年女性绝经前后骨强度和体成分变化并探讨体成分变化对骨强度的影响。 方法 2016年9月~2018年7月采用随机整群抽样选取甘肃省东乡族41~50岁成年女性203例(绝经前102例,绝经后101例),采用超声骨密度仪、生物电阻抗分析仪分别测量跟骨骨强度和体成分指标。 结果 东乡族绝经后女性的骨强度、肌肉组织体成分低于绝经前(P<0.05);脂肪组织体成分高于绝经前(P<0.01)。东乡族绝经后女性骨质疏松的患病率高于绝经前(P<0.01)。Pearson 相关分析显示,绝经前后女性的骨强度均与肌肉组织体成分正相关(P<0.01),与脂肪组织体成分负相关(P<0.01)。多元线性逐步回归分析显示,四肢肌肉量是东乡族女性骨强度的保护性因素,皮下脂肪含量是骨强度下降的危险因素。 结论 肌肉以及脂肪组织共同决定着东乡族女性的骨强度且与体成分分布部位有关,但两者的关系不受绝经状态的影响。绝经是东乡族女性骨质疏松发生的重要影响因素,应加强绝经后女性骨质疏松的防控。加强肢体锻炼,增加四肢肌肉量,减少皮下脂肪,有助于提高东乡族绝经前、后女性骨强度,预防骨质疏松。  相似文献   

目的:从人体组成学的角度探讨围绝经期女性的骨密度、血生化指标和体成分的关系。方法:筛选围绝经期骨质疏松症患者(观察组)和健康女性(对照组),采用双能X线检测骨密度,采用生物电阻抗分析法检测体成分,并进一步检测相关的血生化指标。结果:骨量及腕部骨密度随着年龄的增长逐渐降低,并且观察组低于对照组。与对照组相比,50岁前体质量升高,50岁以后无变化;脂肪率在45岁以前降低而在45岁以后升高;观察组各年龄段的卵泡刺激素、甲状旁腺素、骨钙素均升高,而血清雌二醇降低;观察组的脂肪率在绝经前期降低,在绝经期和绝经后期升高,而骨量和腕部骨密度在3个时期均降低。在围绝经期,观察组的卵泡刺激素、甲状旁腺素和骨钙素升高,而雌二醇的浓度降低。此外,骨密度与骨钙素、骨量、血清雌二醇关系最为密切,其次为非脂肪率、脂肪率、甲状旁腺素、卵泡刺激素。结论:河南地区围绝经期女性骨密度既受雌激素、卵泡刺激素、甲状旁腺素等激素水平的影响,又与脂肪量、非脂肪率、骨量等体成分有着密切的关系,为利用体成分指标预测围绝经期女性骨质疏松症的发生提供可能的理论基础。  相似文献   

毛南族绝经和未绝经女性体成分与血脂的相关性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的研究毛南族绝经与未绝经女性的体成分和血脂的差异,探讨绝经后脂肪含量和分布的变化与血脂的相关性。方法随机抽取广西环江毛南族绝经和未绝经女性200人,追溯其3代均为毛南族,采用生物电阻抗法测定体成分,抽血检测总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)。结果绝经女性的内脏脂肪等级(面积)、腰臀比、左(右)下肢的脂肪量、TC、TG、LDL-C等均大于未绝经女性,且差异具有统计学意义(P0.01);绝经女性的高胆固醇血症、混合型高脂血症及血脂异常的检出率均高于未绝经女性(P0.01);血脂4项与腰臀比和内脏脂肪含量密切相关(P0.05或P0.01),除TC外,TG、HDL-C、LDL-C均与体脂率、BMI和皮下脂肪含量显著相关(P0.05或P0.01)。结论毛南族女性绝经后脂肪在内脏和腰腹部的堆积增多可能是血脂异常的主要影响因素之一。与BMI和BF%相比,WHR能更好地反映血脂水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨绝经后妇女IUD取器前超声测定环距是否与取器难度有关.方法 对放置IUD绝经后妇女取器前行超声测定环距,分环距>1.5cm,1.5-1.0cm,≤1.0cm三组,比较手术难度,并对绝经≤12月IUD组与对照组的围绝经期综合症、老年性阴道炎、阴道炎、子宫蒌缩情况进行分析.结果 环距≤1cm组手术难度显著增加(P<0.05).绝经≤12个月IUD组与对照组在围绝经综合症、老年性阴道炎、阴道炎、子宫萎缩发生率方面均无显著差异,(P>0.05).结论 绝经后妇女取器前超声测定环距对估计手术难度有一定意义,尤其当环距≤1cm,手术困难明显增加.绝经≤12月IUD对健康没有直接影响.  相似文献   

目的:了解绝经前后女性体型变化情况及其影响因素,为老年女性疾病防治提供参考。方法:采用Heath-Carter体型法对锦州市区40~65岁汉族女性382名进行体型测评。结果:绝经前后女性平均体型值为6.45-2,97-1.39,属于偏中胚层的内胚层体型,进入绝经期后妇女内因子、腰臀比呈先上升后下降趋势,中因子和体脂率呈上升趋势,外因子呈下降趋势。随着生育次数增加,内因子值、体脂率逐渐下降,中因子值逐渐升高,组间比较差异存在统计学意义。运动组内因子、腰臀比和体脂率比非运动组明显低,中因子和外因子比非运动组明显高。合并疾病组内因子、中因子、腰臀比低于未合并疾病组,但前者中因子明显高于后者。结论:绝经后女性体型发生较大变化,主要表现为进入绝经期后女性脂肪含量升高,肌肉发达,线性度明显降低,体质量和体脂显著上升,生育情况、运动情况和合并代谢疾病会对绝经后妇女体型变化产生影响。  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) play a vital role in the generation of immune responses, participating both in innate immunity as well as in the initiation of adaptive immunity. However, study of this rare cell population in vivo has been hampered by their low frequency as well as by inadequate means to track antigen-bearing DCs. Our laboratory has developed a novel strategy to genetically tag these DCs in the skin, and to monitor their migration from the periphery to the draining lymph nodes. These studies have provided new insights into the frequency of DC migration, the longevity of DCs in the lymphoid organs, as well as the ability of these DCs to function as antigen-presenting cells. Furthermore, the potential applications of this technique include the ability to evaluate DC function after silencing of specific genes.  相似文献   

The expression of DbetaH and several neuropeptides was investigated in neuronal elements of the ovine pancreas using double immunocytochemical stainings. Immunoreactivities to DbetaH, NPY, VIP and SP were seen to various extents in nerve terminals associated with the acini, islets, ducts, blood vessels, interlobular connective tissue as well as in the neurons of intrapancreatic ganglia. The expression of CGRP was limited to nerve fibers lying in the connective tissue septa, amongst the acini and in close vicinity to the pancreatic blood vessels. Single GRP-positive nerve endings were located around the acini, ducts and in the interlobular connective tissue. With the exception of the ductal system in a co-localization of NPY with DbetaH was frequently found in all regions of the pancreas. Moderately numerous blood vessel-associated VIP-positive nerve fibers as well as the vast majority of VIP-containing intrapancreatic neurons were found to co-express DbetaH. Single SP-immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibers of the exocrine pancreas and interlobular connective tissue as well as SP-positive intrapancreatic neurons additionally showed the presence of DbetaH. The co-localization of VIP and NPY was found in nerve terminals located around the blood vessels and acini, in the connective tissue septa as well as in numerous pancreatic neuronal perikarya. Rare nerve terminals located between the acini and around small blood vessels as well as several neurons of intrapancreatic ganglia were VIP-IR/ SP-IR. Simultaneous expression of SP and CGRP was found in nerve fibers supplying large pancreatic arteries and veins, interlobular connective tissue and, occasionally, around the acini. Throughout the pancreas the population of CGRP-positive nerve endings showed lack of VIP and NPY. In a moderate number of GRP-containing nerve fibers, a co-expression of NPY was noted. Nerve terminals containing both GRP and VIP were detected sporadically, whereas none of the GRP-positive nerve terminals showed expression of SP. We conclude that the presented noradrenergic as well as peptidergic innervation patterns of the ovine pancreas are species-dependent. On the basis of the occurrence of DbetaH, NPY, VIP and SP (alone or in combination) in pancreatic neuronal elements we can suggest that these substances presumably act as regulators of the endocrine and/or exocrine pancreas. Involvement of CGRP and GRP in the ovine pancreas physiology seems to be of minor importance. The co-localization study indicated that the pancreas of the sheep is innervated from several sources including intrinsic as well as extrinsic ganglia.  相似文献   

The genetics of osteoporosis: 'complexities and difficulties'   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone mass as well as a deterioration of the bone architecture resulting in an increased risk of fracture. Although the disease is multifactorial, twin studies have shown that genetic factors account for up to 80% of the variance in bone mineral density, the best known predictor of the risk of osteoporosis. Some loci, such as the vitamin D and estrogen receptor genes, as well as the collagen type Ialpha1 locus, are promising genetic determinants of bone mass, and possibly other bone phenotypes, but this is controversial and the molecular basis of osteoporosis remains largely undefined. Considering that the effect of each candidate gene is expected to be modest, discrepancies between allelic association studies may have arisen because different populations carry different genetic backgrounds and exposure to environmental factors. Also, we realize the importance of gene-gene as well as gene-environment interactions as significant determinants of bone density and risk of osteoporosis. The use of new tools such as small nucleotide polymorphism maps now allows the possibility to perform allelic association studies in the context of whole-genome search. However, specific study design strategies in large epidemiological studies as well as the best statistical approach will need to be established. We may expect the development of population-specific at-risk profiles for osteoporosis that would include genetic and environmental factors, as well as their interactions. This should eventually lead to better prevention strategies and more adapted therapies against osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Autonomy-connectedness is the capacity for being on one's own as well as for satisfactorily engaging in interpersonal relationships. Associations have been shown between autonomy-connectedness components (self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the capacity for managing new situations) and various indices of psychopathology. Both in a theoretical sense as well as for enhancing treatment and prevention, it is relevant to identify which factors most powerfully predict individual differences in autonomy-connectedness: body awareness, alexithymia, or assertiveness. The present study examined this question in a clinical sample of women who were diagnosed as having autonomy problems (N=52) and in a female nonclinical community sample (N=59). In line with expectations, assertiveness was a strong predictor of (all three components of) autonomy-connectedness, as was emotionalizing, one of the alexithymia-components, but the latter in an opposite direction than we had expected: the higher an individual's ability to emotionalize was, the less self-aware and capable to manage new situations that person was, and the more sensitive to others. Cognitive alexithymia contributed to self-awareness as well as to the capacity for managing new situations, and one of the components of body awareness appeared to predict capacity for managing new situations. Our results indicate that assertiveness training and the enhancement of emotion regulation are important elements of autonomy-connectedness targeted interventions.  相似文献   

The presence of adenosine in all nervous system cells (neurones and glia) together with its intensive release following insults makes adenosine as a sort of ‘regulator’ of synaptic communication, leading to the homeostatic coordination of brain function. Besides the direct actions of adenosine on the neurosecretory mechanisms, to tune neurotransmitter release, adenosine receptors interact with other receptors as well as with transporters as part of its attempt to fine-tune synaptic transmission. This review will focus on examples of the different ways adenosine can use to modulate or metamodulate synapses, in other words, to trigger or brake the action of some neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, to cross-talk with other G protein-coupled receptors, with ionotropic receptors and with receptor kinases as well as with transporters. Most of these interactions occur through A2A receptors, which in spite of their low density in some brain areas, such as the hippocampus, may function as amplifiers of the signalling of other mediators at synapses.  相似文献   

角巩膜为眼外壁组织,在维持眼球形状和屈光功能方面均发挥着重要作用。作为典型的黏弹性组织,角巩膜力学性能的变化会引起相应的眼部疾病,如近视和圆锥角膜等。临床上,可通过人为改变角巩膜组织的几何结构(如屈光手术、角膜接触镜的佩戴、角膜胶原交联术)改变生物力学行为,治疗一些与屈光有关的眼科疾病。本文通过对与角巩膜相关疾病及临床治疗方法中的生物力学研究进展进行综述,理出这些临床诊疗手段中仍需要解决的问题,以期为进一步临床诊疗策略的完善和新的潜在治疗手段的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Zeng X 《Stem cell reviews》2007,3(4):270-279
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are unique in that they can proliferate indefinitely in culture in an undifferentiated state as well as differentiate into any somatic cells. Undifferentiated hESCs do not appear to undergo senescence and remain nontransformed over multiple passages. Culture hESCs maintain telomere length and exhibit high telomerase activity after prolonged in vitro culture. The ability of hESCs to bypass senescence is lost as hESCs differentiate into fully differentiated somatic cells. This loss of immortality upon differentiation may be due to a variety aging related factors such as reduction in telomere length, alteration of telomerase activity, changes in cell cycle regulation and decrease in DNA repair ability. Absence of such aging factors as well as the lack of genomic, mitochondrial and epigenetic changes, may contribute to the lack of senescence in hESCs. In this review, we will summarize recent advances in determining changes in these aspects in prolonged hESC cultures. We will in particular discuss the potential roles of several cellular pathways including the telomerase, p53, and Rb pathways in escaping senescence in hESCs. We will also discuss the genomic and epigenetic changes in long-term hESC culture and their potential roles in bypassing senescence, as well as alternative sources of pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   

Unit responses to sinus nerve stimulation were recorded in the medulla. A conditioning stimulus to the posterior hypothalamus produced inhibition of 65% of unit responses to sinus nerve stimulation as early as 7 ms and extending as long as 790 ms after conditioning; 50% recovered after 300 ms. Unit responses to hypothalamic stimulation alone were also recorded in the medulla, some in the same loci as other unit responses to sinus nerve stimulation. They could be activated by contralateral as well as ipsilateral hypothalmic stimulation and showed recurrent bursts of firing over a 1,000-ms poststimulus interval. Evoked potentials and unit responses were recorded in the posterior hypothalamus, some occurring within 10--20 ms poststimulation of the sinus nerve, indicating that baroreceptor information is ascending in a time sufficiently short to involve the hypothalamus in reflex regulation of blood pressure as well as more generalized homeostatic responses which include the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

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