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We describe here the characterization of the promoter activity of a 4.8‐kb sequence isolated from the 5′ end of the zebrafish germ cell‐specific ziwi gene. We show that this fragment is sufficient to drive heterologous gene expression specifically in germ cell starting as early as 7 days post‐fertilization, a time point when only mitotic germ cells are present in the gonad. In adult animals, we find that this fragment is sufficient to drive gene expression in all germ cells with stage‐specific differences in expression levels. In females, EGFP expression is highest in stage IB oocytes, but appreciable expression is detected in both pre‐meiotic germ cells, as well stage II–IV oocytes and mature eggs. In males, EGFP expression is highest in spermatogonial stem cells, but low levels are detected in all stages, including spermatozoa. Developmental Dynamics 239:2714–2721, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Scinderin, the closest homologue of the actin‐severing protein, gelsolin, has two similar paralogs (Scinla and Scinlb) in zebrafish. Scinla is abundant in the adult cornea; Scinlb comprises considerably less corneal protein. Here, we show that scinla is expressed in the nose, lens, brain, cornea and annular ligament of the iridocorneal angle; by contrast, scinlb is expressed in the hatching gland, floor plate, notochord, otic vesicle, brain, pharynx, cartilage, swim bladder and cornea. Activity of scinla and scinlb promoter fragments driving the EGFP reporter gene in transgenic zebrafish resembled scinla or scinlb expression. Previously, we showed that reduction of scinla by injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides ventralized embryos; here, specific reduction of scinlb expression led to subtle brain abnormalities associated with increased cell death, decreased shhb expression in the floor plate, and slightly reduced eye distance. Thus, scinla and scinlb have different expression patterns and developmental roles during zebrafish development. Developmental Dynamics 238:2633–2640, 2009. Published 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Protease‐activated receptors (PARs) play critical roles in hemostasis in vertebrates including zebrafish. However, the zebrafish gene classification appears to be complex, and the expression patterns of par genes are not established. Based on analyses of genomic organization, phylogenetics, protein primary structure, and protein internalization, we report the identification of four zebrafish PARs: par1, par2a, par2b, and par3. This classification differs from one reported previously. We also show that these genes have distinct spatiotemporal expression profiles in embryos and larvae, with par1, par2a, and par2b expressed maternally and ubiquitously during gastrula stages and their expression patterns refined at later stages, and par3 expressed only in 3‐day‐old larvae. Notably, the expression patterns of zebrafish par1 and par2b resemble those of their mammalian counterparts, suggesting that receptor function is conserved among vertebrates. This conservation is supported by our findings that Par1 and Par2b are internalized following exposure to thrombin and trypsin, respectively. Developmental Dynamics, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The hallmark of effective establishment of immune memory is the long-term memory cell that persists in the absence of antigen. To explore its characteristics, we investigated the differences between a resolved successful immune response, such as after influenza (flu) vaccination, and the state of chronic infection with persistent antigen, such as with cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which leads to defective T-cell memory. Immunophenotypic analyses using multi-parameter flow cytometry and tetramer technology identified a unique pattern of CD26(high) expression among influenza-specific CD8(+) T cells, but not among CD8(+) T cells specific for CMV, EBV (three different epitopes) or HIV. The median percentage of CD8(+) T cells expressing CD26 was 95.5% for influenza, but for cells specific for CMV, EBV and HIV it was 10.5%, 12%-19%, and 13.2%, respectively. These findings suggest that expression of CD26(high) may be a characteristic of a memory cell. CD26(high) expression correlates with expression of CD127, a marker of memory cells. Furthermore, CD26(high) cells can produce interleukin-2. These findings offer insight into the dynamics of T-cell differentiation, and they may offer a specific marker of a successfully developed memory CD8(+) T cell, that of CD26(high). This marker has the potential to be useful in studies of immune responses to infectious agents, and to new vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

alpha‐actinins are actin microfilament crosslinking proteins. Vertebrate actinins fall into two classes: the broadly‐expressed actinins 1 and 4 (actn1 and actn4) and muscle‐specific actinins, actn2 and actn3. Members of this family have numerous roles, including regulation of cell adhesion, cell differentiation, directed cell motility, intracellular signaling, and stabilization of f‐actin at the sarcomeric Z‐line in muscle. Here we identify five zebrafish actinin genes including two paralogs of ACTN3. We describe the temporal and spatial expression patterns of these genes through embryonic development. All zebrafish actinin genes have unique expression profiles, indicating specialization of each gene. In particular, the muscle actinins display preferential expression in different domains of axial, pharyngeal, and cranial musculature. There is no identified avian actn3 and approximately 16% of humans are null for ACTN3. Duplication of actn3 in the zebrafish indicates that variation in actn3 expression may promote physiological diversity in muscle function among vertebrates. Developmental Dynamics 238:2936–2947, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Embryonic expression of zebrafish MiT family genes tfe3b, tfeb, and tfec   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Enzymes of the St8Sia family, a subgroup of the glycosyltransferases, mediate the transfer of sialic acid to glycoproteins or glycolipids. Here, we describe the cloning of the zebrafish St8SiaIII gene and study its developmental activity. A conserved synteny relationship among vertebrate chromosome regions containing St8SiaIII loci underscores an ancient duplication of this gene in the teleost fish lineage and a specific secondary loss of one paralog in the zebrafish. The single zebrafish St8SiaIII enzyme, which is expected to function as an oligosialyltransferase, lacks maternal activity, is weakly expressed during nervous system development, and shows a highly dynamic expression pattern in somites and somite-derived structures. Morpholino knock-down of St8SiaIII leads to anomalous somite morphologies, including defects in segment boundary formation and myotendious-junction integrity. These phenotypes hint for a basic activity of zebrafish St8SiaIII during segmentation and somite formation, providing novel evidence for a non-neuronal function of sialyltransferases during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

ADP‐ribosylation factor‐like 6 (Arl6) mutation is linked to human disease and Arl6 interacts with Arl6 interacting protein (Arl6ip). However, the expression pattern and function of Arl6ip during embryogenesis are unknown. To confirm whether abnormal Arl6ip function might result in embryonic defects in zebrafish, we examined the expression patterns of arl6ip during embryogenesis, and they were maternally expressed and exhibited in the brain, optic primordia, hypochord, spinal cord, myotome, heart, fin‐bud, kidney, trunk, and retina. Knockdown of Arl6ip revealed the following phenotypic defects: microphthalmia, disorganized pigment pattern, flat head, defective tectum, deficient pectoral fins, abnormal pneumatic duct, pericardial edema, and deformed trunk. Particularly, histological dissection of the retinae of arl6ip‐morphants revealed that neuronal differentiation is severely delayed, resulting in no formation of retinal layers. We further confirmed that opsins of arl6ip‐morphants were not transcribed. Based on this evidence, Arl6ip may play important roles in zebrafish ocular, heart, and fin‐bud development. Developmental Dynamics 238:232–240, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the IL-1 family cytokines, in addition to IL-6 and IL-8, could be induced in normal human cortical epithelial cells in response to bacterial stimuli. Human renal tissue was obtained from 9 patients undergoing elective tumour nephrectomy. Renal cortical epithelial cells of tubular origin were prepared from the unaffected tissue. The proximal tubular cells were stimulated for 2, 6 and 24 h with a heat-inactivated pyelonephritogenic Escherichia coli strain DS-17. Cultured unstimulated tubular cells served as controls. IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-1 receptor antagonist, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha, G-CSF and GM-CSF were analysed using immunohistochemistry at the single cell level. The nonstimulated cells were found to express low levels of IL-6 and IL-8 (mean value < 3% of total cells). In contrast, E. coli exposure resulted in significantly increased incidences of IL-6 and IL-8 expressing cells (mean values approximately 18% of total cells) peaking within two hours of stimulation (P < 0.008 and P < 0.02 versus non-stimulated cells, respectively). A gradual decrease was thereafter observed at 6 and 24 h, respectively, although persistently higher compared to controls. A different kinetic response was found for IL-1 alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-1 receptor antagonist-expressing cells, which peaked 24 h after E. coli stimulation (mean values 3--10%) (P < 0.008, P < 0.02, P < 0.02 versus non-stimulated cells, respectively). Low levels of TNF-alpha and GM-CSF were found in 3 of the 9 donated epithelial cells, peaking at 2 h, and IL-10 and G-CSF producing cells in 1 patient each. In conclusion we found that heat-inactivated pyelonephritic E. coli induced a proinflammatory cytokine response in the normal human proximal tubular cells including the IL-1 family, IL-6 and IL-8.  相似文献   

Eosinophil infiltration of the lung is a feature of both allergic and nonallergic asthma, and IL-5 is the key cytokine regulating the production and activation of these cells. Despite many studies focusing on the IL-5 promoter in both humans and mice there is as yet no clear picture of how the IL-5 gene is regulated. The aim of this study was to determine if distal regulatory elements contribute to appropriate regulation of the human IL-5 (hIL-5) gene. Activity of the -507/+44 hIL-5 promoter was compared to expression of the endogenous IL-5 gene in PER-117 T cells. The IL-5 promoter was not sufficient to reproduce a physiological pattern of IL-5 expression. Further, functional analysis of the 5' and 3' intergenic regions revealed a number of novel regulatory elements. We have identified a conserved enhancer located approximately 6.2 kb upstream of the hIL-5 gene. This region contains two potential GATA-3-binding sites and increases expression from the hIL-5 promoter by up to ninefold.  相似文献   

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