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爱打仗的将军们,常常是阿修罗转世,易怒好斗,面目狰狞。撕掉假面,剥落谎言,回到从前,啊,是一颗扑通扑通的大贪心。  相似文献   

惊悚片总喜欢出点幺蛾子,就好像你本来硬着头皮准备挨闷棍,过来的却是个催泪弹——《画皮》很煽情,奶奶很喜欢。  相似文献   

本期栏目一开始,先向所有的“小朋友”和“大朋友”们道一声“六一快乐”!忙碌的生活、紧张的工作、激烈的竞争都让我们备受压力,我们都需要一些简单、轻松的方式来调剂。而动画片着实是一个不错的选择!其实,在每一个人的内心。都不曾真正地告别过“六一”。因为“六一”就是我们每个人内心对青春、对童年,最美好、最愉悦的回忆!年年“六一”,今年的“六一”,不如足不出户,在家享用一下动画片带来的乐活之美吧。  相似文献   

散发人 《东方养生》2009,(7):124-124
与《金刚狼》无情的遗忘相比,这里似乎更有人情味儿。"上手快,好玩,不上瘾",是游戏玩家看好游戏的标准,不管是网络游戏还是小游戏。看完《终结者2018》,走出影院放映厅,咣当咣当,片子结尾的列车轨道的轰鸣声,还在震荡,这就像玩一次游戏的测试。  相似文献   

简介:把两部《×战警》打造得多姿多彩、却转手拍出伟人传记一样温吞的《超人归来》,布莱恩·辛格导演的功力究竟该如何评断实乃饶有兴味的话题。这次的合作伙伴(老板)是联艺的汤姆·克鲁斯,接手公司之后的第一部作品便是;中奥未果、票房惨败的超级闷片《狮入羊口》,  相似文献   

01《木乃伊3:龙之诅咒》;02《七龙珠》;03《其实你不懂他的心》;04《菠萝特快》;  相似文献   

“草书若不入晋人格,辄徒成下品”。不仅是草书,篆、隶、楷、行,各种书体的演化,到了两晋时期都已基本完成,并成就了王羲之、王献之这样至高无上的书法大家.  相似文献   

功夫熊猫;神奇绿巨人;通辑;星际总动员  相似文献   

裘吉生先生1921年迁居杭州后,创建三三医社,出版《三三医书》丛书,发行《三三医报》旬刊,设立三三医院,为近代中医药事业的发展作出了突出的贡献。  相似文献   

裘吉生先生1921年迁居杭州后,创建三三医社,出版《三三医书》丛书,发行《三三医报》旬刊,设立三三医院,为近代中医药事业的发展作出了突出的贡献。  相似文献   

玛雅医学和中医学共同选择了放血这种治疗方法,两者的放血疗法有异有同,本文介绍了玛雅医学放血疗法的病因认识、治疗原则及具体的实施方法,初步探讨两者差异的认识本源,以期进一步促进放血这种自然疗法的应用和推广。  相似文献   

程源 《东方养生》2008,(11):32-35
越过摇摇欲附的断墙,经过破败沧桑的金字塔,石灰岩建筑越过高高的热带雨林,巨人般地耸立在美洲的土地上——那是曾经万人影像的王国。  相似文献   

There are various enema scenes on classic Maya pottery, which undoubtedly represent rituals and may very well indicate that the ancient Maya took intoxicating enemas in a ritual context. This idea is quite contrary to the traditional view that the ancient Maya were a contemplative people, who did not indulge in ritual ecstasy. The occasional display of vomiting actors would seem to provide a plausible reason why the Maya opted for rectal application. Some scenes present a fair amount of evidence that an alcoholic beverage may have been taken rectally. Anecdotal experimental evidence suggests that an alcoholic liquid may certainly induce or intensify a state of inebriation, when it is administered via the rectal route. Other scenes open up the possibility that tobacco and the water lily or some other flowering plant may have served as an enema ingredient. The phytochemistry and psychopharmacology of tobacco are well documented and there can be little doubt that this herb may produce toxic effects, when it is taken in the form of a clyster. Unfortunately, little is still known about the constituents and pharmacological activity of the water lily. It is sometimes speculated that this plant is hallucinogenic, but experimental confirmation of this view is still awaited.  相似文献   

李进华 《东方养生》2007,(7):132-135
不要以为只有女人是恋物分子,比如像《欲望都市》里的凯瑞那样,宁愿省下坐出租车的费用徒步走上十条大街回家,也要为一双新鞋如痴如醉。  相似文献   

王致效 《东方养生》2008,(5):124-125
什么是气? 气在中医的概念里是一个比较难描述的定义。广义上说,气囊括了所有中医学中的概念,大概分为经络之气、脏腑之气、天地之气、疫疠之气、六淫邪气、水谷之气、元气、清气、宗气、寒热温凉四气、水气、正气等等,包括有形或无形的;狭义上说的“百病生于气”的气,指的就是根据气的充盈状态和运行状态而形成的几种常见问题:气不足、气有余、气不畅等。  相似文献   

Comparisons are made between ancient ritual uses of the flowers of Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae) in Maya and Egyptian civilizations. Recurrent motifs encountered in the art of both of these ancient civilizations suggests that the role fo the water lily was that of a narcotic (psychodysleptic) used to mediate ecstasis among a priestly caste. Relevant literature is reviewed as are chemical data. Elements in the complex belief systems of these two civilizations need to be reinterpreted in view of the use of two water lilies as ritual narcotics. The species implicated are Nymphaea caerulea Sav., in Egypt, and N. ampla DC., among the Maya.  相似文献   

A microbiological evaluation was conducted on those medicinal plants most frequently used to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases by Tzeltal and Tzotzil communities in the highlands of Chiapas. The results obtained showed that many of the species induced antimicrobial activity in vitro. The present study allowed selection of three groups of plants with potent effect against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative Escherichia coli bacteria and Candida albicans. It was also demonstrated that 63% of the botanical species that showed antimicrobial properties, enhanced (46%) or induced (17%) the effect under exposure of the plant extracts to UV-A light. In the search for new molecules with therapeutic value, the present screening offers a preliminary selection of groups of botanical species; within each, there are several representatives that merit further evaluation as potential antibiotics and photosensitizers.  相似文献   

Antioxidant activity of Plantago bellardii All   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Plantago bellardii All. aerial parts. This was assessed by two different tests, scavenging of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil (DPPH) radical, and inhibition of lipid peroxidation on liposomes prepared from bovine brain extract. In both tests the extract showed a potent antioxidant effect. The characterization of the major compounds in the extract as rutin, geniposide and verbascoside was performed by isolation and HPLC comparison with authentic samples. They were quantified by HPLC for the flavonoids and colorimetry for iridoids. The compounds that contribute most to the antioxidant activity were shown to be verbascoside and rutin.  相似文献   

《素问·咳论》说:“五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也。”是论述咳嗽病机的最早记载,也是对咳嗽病机的完整概括。咳嗽主脏在肺,《素问·咳论》云:“肺者,脏之长也,为心之盖也,有所失亡,所求不得,则发肺鸣,鸣则肺热叶焦。”外感六淫或内伤所生的病邪,皆伤及于肺而致咳嗽,这是因为肺主气,其位最高,为五脏之华盖,肺又开窍于鼻,外合皮毛,故肺最易受外感、内伤之邪,而肺又为娇脏,不耐邪侵,邪侵则肺气不清,失于肃降,迫气上逆而作咳。肺阴不足每致阴虚火旺,灼津为痰,肺失濡润,气逆作咳,或肺气亏虚,肃降无权,气不化津,津聚成痰,气逆于上,引起咳嗽。肺为五…  相似文献   

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