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体重指数与儿童青少年体能指数关联性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨体重指数(BMI)与儿童青少年体能指数(PFI)之间的关联.方法 以安徽省参加2010年全国学生体质健康调查的7~18岁汉族学生共8941人为研究对象.按性别、年龄分层后,将研究对象依据BMI百分位数分为5组:很低(BMI<P5)、较低(P5≤BMI<P15)、正常(P15≤BMI< P85)、较高(P85≤BMI<P95)、很高(BMI≥P95).对各体能测试成绩进行标准化,将其Z分相加算出PFI.用方差分析比较不同BMI组PFI的差异.用线性回归模型分析不同性别不同学龄段学生BMI与PFI的关联.结果 8941名学生中BMI很低、较低、正常、较高、很高组的PF1分别为-1.77、-0.91、0.32、-0.17、-0.54,呈倒“U”形分布;BMI正常组的PFI显著高于其他各组(P值均<0.05).回归分析显示PFI与BMI呈正相关,与BMI2呈负相关,表明PFI是BMI的二次函数,随着BMI的增高PFI呈现先上升后下降的抛物线变化趋势.结论 BMI与儿童青少年PFI呈现抛物线变化趋势.  相似文献   

目的 探讨体重指数(BMI)与儿童青少年体能指数(PFI)之间的关联.方法 以安徽省参加2010年全国学生体质健康调查的7~18岁汉族学生共8941人为研究对象.按性别、年龄分层后,将研究对象依据BMI百分位数分为5组:很低(BMI<P5)、较低(P5≤BMI<P15)、正常(P15≤BMI< P85)、较高(P85≤BMI<P95)、很高(BMI≥P95).对各体能测试成绩进行标准化,将其Z分相加算出PFI.用方差分析比较不同BMI组PFI的差异.用线性回归模型分析不同性别不同学龄段学生BMI与PFI的关联.结果 8941名学生中BMI很低、较低、正常、较高、很高组的PF1分别为-1.77、-0.91、0.32、-0.17、-0.54,呈倒“U”形分布;BMI正常组的PFI显著高于其他各组(P值均<0.05).回归分析显示PFI与BMI呈正相关,与BMI2呈负相关,表明PFI是BMI的二次函数,随着BMI的增高PFI呈现先上升后下降的抛物线变化趋势.结论 BMI与儿童青少年PFI呈现抛物线变化趋势.  相似文献   

The question as to whether fitness should be assessed in a European health monitoring system, perhaps from the early stages of life onwards, remains to be answered. We aimed to examine the associations between cardiorespiratory fitness and metabolic risk factors in children. A total of 873 healthy children from Sweden and Estonia aged 9–10 years (444 girls and 429 boys) were randomly selected. A maximal ergometer bike test was used to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness. Additional cardiovascular risk factors were assessed. Significant differences among cardiorespiratory fitness quartiles for the sum of five skinfolds, insulin resistance, triglycerides, and total cholesterol (TC) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) ratio were shown in girls whereas in boys, the sum of five skinfolds and insulin resistance were significantly different. The lowest sum of five skinfolds and insulin resistance was shown in the highest cardiorespiratory fitness quartile in girls and boys, and the lowest values of triglyceride and TC/HDLc values in the highest cardiorespiratory fitness quartile was observed only in girls. Cardiorespiratory fitness was negatively associated with a clustering of metabolic risk factors in girls and boys. The results add supportive evidence to the body of knowledge suggesting that cardiorespiratory fitness in children is an important health marker and thus should be considered to be included in a pan-European health monitoring system.  相似文献   



To determine the temporal relationships screen-time and physical activity have with cardiorespiratory fitness.


Measures were made over two years (2008-2010) in 1500 participants aged 11.5 (SD 0.5) years at baseline.


Tracking coefficients were low-to-moderate for all measures. At follow-up, 25% of participants moved from having low (< 2 h) to high (≥ 2 h) daily screen-time and 6% became unfit according to FITNESSGRAM standards. Baseline screen-time was the strongest univariate predictor of becoming unfit. Multivariate analysis controlling for decimal age, BMI and deprivation confirmed baseline screen-time as the strongest independent predictor of becoming unfit over the 2-year study period (OR 2.4; 95%CI:1.4-4.0). Current (OR 2.3; 95%CI:1.3-4.0) and previous (OR 1.7; 95%CI:1.0-2.9) physical activity levels also independently predicted becoming unfit.


There is currently no guidance for limiting screen-time in UK children. These longitudinal data add to the cross-sectional evidence of lower physical activity and fitness in children reporting ≥ 2 h daily screen-time. More importantly, these data demonstrate that high screen-time during childhood is an independent predictor of lower cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescence.  相似文献   

目的 了解中国儿童青少年身体运动素质和生活质量的流行病学特征及相互关系,为制定相应干预方法和训练措施提供依据.方法 选取我国4个城市7~18岁儿童青少年4 104人,分析儿童青少年身体运动素质和生活质量在性别和年龄上的差异及相互关系.结果 高运动素质人数比例男生(27.2%)低于女生(35.2%);男生和女生高运动素质比例均为高中组最低(21.9%2,6.8%);生活质量评分男生(48.20±10.48)低于女生(48.95±8.80),男生和女生均为初中组最低(46.93±10.294,6.92±9.62);高运动素质的儿童青少年生活质量评分(49.90±10.34)高于一般运动素质(48.79±9.92)和低运动素质评分(48.23±9.02),且差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论 不同年龄、性别儿童青少年在运动素质和生活质量方面有差异,儿童青少年运动素质与生活质量有密切关系.  相似文献   

目的描述2019年中国13~18岁儿童青少年的体质水平, 并且分析其与心理困扰之间的关联。方法使用2019年全国学生体质与健康调研数据, 研究对象为90 633名13~18岁汉族儿童青少年。按照《国家学生体质健康标准》(2014年修订)对测量的体质指标进行评价。根据凯斯勒心理困扰量表的得分对心理困扰程度进行判定:≤19、20~、25~、≥30分别表示无、轻度、中度、重度心理困扰, 中度和重度心理困扰合称高心理困扰。使用χ2检验比较性别差异, 采用Cochran-Armitage检验分析趋势, 建立混合效应模型中的无序多分类logistic回归模型分析体质水平与心理困扰程度的关联。结果 2019年中国13~18岁儿童青少年体质不及格率为17.2%;优良率为18.2%, 男生体质优良率(15.9%)低于女生(20.5%), 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。体质优良率随年龄的增加呈降低的趋势(趋势检验P<0.05)。2019年中国13~18岁儿童青少年高心理困扰率为39.3%, 男生高心理困扰率(37.0%)低于女生(41.6%), 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05), 且...  相似文献   

目的 探讨预测中国儿童青少年MS的WHtR适宜界值。方法 2009年10月至2010年10月选择北京、天津、上海、重庆、南宁和浙江省(市)19 284名6~15岁中小学生为调查对象,统一收集、整理、录入数据。采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析,研究预测儿童青少年具有≥2个危险组分的WHtR适宜界值。结果 ROC曲线显示6~9岁组男女童WHtR分别在第85、80百分位(P85、P80)具有较好的预测效果,灵敏度、特异度分别为35.78%、85.41%和49.21%、79.87%。男女童WHtR的P85的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.61、0.64,分别与同性别儿童WHtR的P80、P90 AUC比较,差异均无统计学意义;10~15岁组男女童的WHtR也分别在P85、P80具有较好的预测效果,灵敏度、特异度分别为49.60%、85.90%和47.01%、80.07%。男女童WHtR的P85 AUC分别为0.68、0.63,与同性别人群P80的AUC相比差异均无统计学意义,但均大于同性别P90的AUC(P<0.05)。结论 预测6~9岁组具有≥2个心血管疾病危险因素的WHtR切点应选在0.48;预测10~15岁组MS的WHtR切点,男性选择0.48、女性选择0.46较为适宜,均分别对应同性别年龄组人群WHtR的P85数值。  相似文献   

目的了解北京海淀区户籍与流动儿童少年家庭用餐及饮食教育状况,为制定相应的干预措施提供依据。方法采用二阶段分层随机整群抽样原则,选取北京海淀区969名中小学生作为研究对象,采用问卷调查法进行调查。结果儿童少年家庭就餐分别以“家里做饭”、“到餐馆用餐”、“购买外卖”、“热剩饭菜”和“吃方便面等方便食品”为主的比例分别为92.9%、3.0%、1.2%、1.4%和1.1%。58.1%的家庭用餐时“一家人都轻松自在地谈话,气氛活跃”(海淀区户籍儿童少年家庭的比例高于流动儿童少年家庭,P=0.001);8.7%的家长“常利用进餐时间对孩子进行说教”(海淀区户籍儿童少年家长的比例低于流动儿童少年家长,P〈0.05);5.6%的家长“用餐时谈自己的事,不管孩子”(海淀区户籍儿童少年家长的比例低于流动儿童少年家长,P〈0.01);20.2%的家庭“边吃饭边看电视”;4.9%的家庭“进餐时气氛严肃,很少交谈”;而67.9%的儿童少年表示在意用餐的环境和气氛(海淀区户籍儿童少年的比例高于流动儿童少年,P=0.001)。户籍和流动儿童少年家庭食物的主要制作人均为母亲。32.2%的家长“当孩子考试成绩好或表现好时给予某些食物当作奖励或安慰”;10.8%的家长“在孩子吃了某些食物后,才会答应孩子别的请求或允许孩子做某件事”(海淀区户籍儿童少年家长的比例低于流动儿童少年家长,P〈0.01);33.3%的家长“经常提示或教育孩子吃某些食物”(海淀区户籍儿童少年家长的比例低于流动儿童少年家长,P〈0.05);21.1%的家长“喜欢、经常吃某些食物”。结论海淀区户籍与流动儿童少年家庭在用餐及饮食教育方面存在诸多不合理现象,应积极采取措施对儿童少年及其家长进行干预,改变不合理行为。  相似文献   

目的 建立并使用儿童青少年膳食指数评价成都市中小学生的膳食质量,分析膳食整体质量与超重/肥胖的关系.方法 以当前中国居民膳食指南和平衡膳食宝塔为依据,结合我国儿童饮食特点,选择12个元素构成儿童青少年膳食指数.参照平衡膳食宝塔的推荐摄入量,对成都市l 997名7~15岁儿童青少年膳食摄入状况进行评分.同时比较不同膳食质量水平的调查对象间身体成分指标——体脂百分比(PBF)、脂肪组织指数(FMI)和去脂组织指数(FFMI)的差异.结果 调查人群平均膳食指数得分为(59.36±11.50)分,其中13 ~ 15岁年龄组膳食整体质量最差.比较不同膳食质量水平组的身体成分指标,以7~9岁儿童中等膳食质量水平组的PBF最高(P=0.04),10~12岁儿童高膳食质量水平组的FFMI最低(P=0.002).结论 建立的膳食指数评价体系能反映儿童青少年膳食质量水平,成都市儿童青少年的膳食状况有待提高;膳食整体质量与超重/肥胖存在一定程度相关,但尚需更深入研究.  相似文献   



This study aims to determine contribution of meal frequency, self-efficacy for healthy eating, and availability of healthy foods towards diet quality of adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


This study was conducted among 373 adolescents aged from 13 to 16 years old. Diet quality of the respondents was assessed using the Healthy Eating Index for Malaysians. Meal frequency, self-efficacy for healthy eating, and availability of healthy foods were assessed through the Eating Behaviours Questionnaire (EBQ), self-efficacy for healthy eating scale, and availability of healthy foods scale, respectively.


The majority of the respondents (80.7%) were at risk of poor diet quality. Males (mean = 34.2 ± 8.2%) had poorer diet quality than females (mean = 39.9 ± 9.0%) (t = -5.941, P < 0.05). Malay respondents (mean = 36.9 ± 8.7%) had poorer diet quality than Indian respondents (mean = 41.3 ± 10.0%) (F = 2.762, P < 0.05). Age (r = 0.123, P < 0.05), self-efficacy for healthy eating (r = 0.129, P < 0.05), and availability of healthy foods (r = 0.159, P < 0.05) were positively correlated with the diet quality of the respondents. However, meal frequency was not correlated with the diet quality of the respondents. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that being a male, being a Malay, low self-efficacy for healthy eating, and low availability of healthy foods contributed significantly towards poor diet quality among respondents.


In short, sex, ethnicity, self-efficacy for healthy eating, and availability of healthy foods were associated with diet quality among adolescents. Health practitioners should take into consideration of differences in sex and ethnicity during implementation of nutrition-related intervention programs. Self-efficacy for healthy eating and availability of healthy foods should be included as important components in improving diet quality of adolescents.  相似文献   

目的  评价中国不同风险人群心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease, CVD)理想生活方式中膳食和体力活动的分布状况,为CVD的防治提供科学依据。方法  利用来自全国22 220名35~74岁既往无CVD个体的调查资料,使用中国动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病风险预测(prediction for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk in China, China-PAR)模型进行10年CVD风险评估并分组: < 5%为低风险,5%~ < 10%为中风险,≥10%为高风险。比较不同风险人群中膳食(蔬菜水果、鱼类、红肉、豆制品和茶)和体力活动指标分布情况。结果  中国35~74岁人群中,10年CVD风险低、中、高风险者分别占75.6%、14.9%和9.4%。与女性相比,男性的膳食(56.6% vs. 75.6%)、体力活动(46.2% vs. 57.6%)理想比例均较高(均有P < 0.05)。蔬菜水果和鱼类理想率均随着CVD风险水平的升高呈现下降趋势(均有P < 0.05),其中水果和鱼类摄入不足在CVD高风险和低风险人群中差异最大。体力活动理想率随风险水平升高呈现下降趋势(P < 0.001),其中女性高、低风险组体力活动理想率差异较大(28.7% vs. 48.4%)。结论  CVD高风险组人群的膳食、体力活动理想率最低,女性尤为严重,应积极引导高风险人群摄入蔬菜水果和鱼类,参与体育锻炼。  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童青少年外周动脉顺应性和内皮功能的年龄变化规律及其与肥胖相关测量指标和心血管疾病危险因素的关系。方法 在上海市闵行区儿童青少年血压流行病学调查人群中选取7~17岁体重正常和超重/肥胖者,分别采用动脉硬化检测仪、Endopat2000无创内皮功能检测仪测定动脉顺应性、血管内皮功能,测量肱踝脉搏波速度(baPWV)、充血反应指数(RHI)及体格、血压和空腹血生化指标。分析baPWV、RHI随年龄的变化规律。对相关测量指标进行年龄标准化以及偏态分布的指标正态化转换后,使用简单线性相关分析观察baPWV、RHI与肥胖相关测量指标、心血管疾病危险因素的关系。结果 452名体重正常和94名超重/肥胖者完成动脉顺应性和血管内皮功能检测,其中299名(54.76%)为男性。简单线性相关分析显示,正常体重者中baPWV、RHI与年龄呈弱正相关关系(r=0.33,P<0.01;r=0.36,P<0.01)。baPWV与标准化(z_)BMI(r=0.13,P=0.002)、SBP(r=0.20,P<0.01)、DBP(r=0.27,P<0.01)、TG(r=0.11,P=0.010)、胰岛素(r=0.21,P=0.004)、胰岛素抵抗指数(r=0.21,P=0.005)呈正相关关系,与HDL-C呈负相关关系(r=-0.09,P=0.039)。RHI与z_BMI呈正相关关系(r=0.10,P=0.018),与DBP呈弱的负相关关系(r=-0.10,P=0.016),与其他测量指标无显著性相关。baPWV在男性略高于女性,而RHI无性别差异。结论 baPWV、RHI测量值在7~17岁间随年龄增长整体呈上升趋势,提示动脉顺应性和血管内皮功能在此期间处在不断发育的过程。动脉顺应性的变化与心血管疾病危险相关测量指标的变化具有相关性,而血管内皮功能则仅在超重/肥胖儿童中表现出提前发育的现象,与血压、胰岛素抵抗等心血管疾病的危险因素未表现出相关性。对儿童青少年人群心血管疾病危险的早期评估,测量动脉顺应性可能比血管内皮功能指标更敏感。  相似文献   

Although illnesses and diseases are thought to adversely affect quality of life (QoL), whether children who have physical disabilities (PD) from a young age adapt to the effect of developmental disabilities has rarely been investigated. This study attempted to assess the subjective wellbeing, and examine the correlation between objective and subjective QoL, of children with PD. Using a self-reported non-disease-specific questionnaire, the QoL of 72 young persons (13.5 ± 2.0 years) with PD was contrasted with those who do not have disabilities (n=510; age-matched). MANOVA analyses revealed that the PD group had lower objective QoL score (63.0 ± 7.4 vs. 66.8 ± 5.7, p > 0.001) but the two groups were not significantly different in subjective QoL score (70.9 ± 11.4 vs. 69.6 ± 13.6, p=0.466). No correlation was found between objective and subjective QoL in the PD group (r ranged from 0.06 to 0.19), while weak to medium correlations (r ranged from 0.03 to 0.41) were observed for the controls. The apparent detachment of subjective feeling and objective circumstances in the PD group may reflect adjustment to developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

目的分析总体膳食质量与青春期发育的关系。方法采用分层整群抽样法抽取1549名成都市7~15岁儿童青少年作为调查对象,通过食物频率法收集调查对象过去一年各类食物摄入及饮食行为情况,按照儿童青少年膳食指数评分体系评价其总体膳食质量。同时采用现场观测和询问法收集调查对象的青春期发育情况。结果被调查人群男、女生膳食指数的平均得分分别为57.57±11.32分和59.73±11.50分。在男生中,高膳食质量组的初遗和变声的发生率最低;在女生中,高膳食质量组乳房发育处于B1期的人数所占比例最高,初潮发生率最低;发育程度越高,男、女生的膳食指数得分越低。结论儿童青少年的膳食总体质量与青春期发育存在一定程度的负相关,且膳食质量对女孩青春期发育的影响作用可能更大。  相似文献   

目的 了解2016-2017年江苏省儿童青少年膳食及血清锌状况,探索其与营养相关心血管疾病代谢危险因素之间可能存在的关系。 方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,2016-2017年从江苏省12个监测点抽取1 251名6~17岁儿童青少年进行体格测量(身高、体重、腰围)、血液生化检验(血清锌、空腹血糖、血脂),并采用连续3 d 24 h膳食回顾法对其进行膳食调查。统计学方法采用Pearson χ2检验、Kruskal-Wallis检验及线性回归分析。 结果 最终有1 122名6~17岁儿童青少年纳入本研究。其膳食锌摄入低于平均需要量(EAR)比例为39.39%,其中13~17岁年龄组、一般农村的被调查对象比例较高,分别为56.7%和54.8%;血清锌水平低于参考值的比例较低,为0.5%,但在不同性别、地区间存在差异,其中男性、大城市儿童青少年血清锌水平较高。线性回归分析结果表明,膳食锌与血清锌无线性关系;膳食锌与高密度脂蛋白呈正相关(β=0.072,95%CI: 0.034~0.111,P<0.001);血清锌与空腹血糖呈负相关(β=-0.506,95%CI:-0.575~-0.437,P<0.001)。 结论 江苏省儿童青少年存在膳食锌摄入不足风险的比例依然较高,充足的膳食锌摄入及较高的血清锌水平与儿童青少年良好的代谢状况有关。  相似文献   

目的探讨南京市儿童青少年体力活动和视屏时间与超重肥胖之间的关联,为防控儿童青少年肥胖提供参考依据。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,于2018年5—6月选择南京市36所学校4~12年级学生(9~17岁儿童青少年)共4 401人进行问卷调查和身高、体重测量。根据性别、年龄和体质指数(BMI)将调查对象划分为超重肥胖组和体重正常组,采用国际体力活动问卷调查体力活动水平和视屏时间,logistic回归方法分析体力活动和视屏时间对南京市儿童青少年超重和肥胖的影响。结果南京市儿童青少年超重肥胖率为27.7%(1 219人),体力活动充足率为21.1%(930人),视屏时间较短率为96.3%(4 237人)。体力活动充足以及视屏时间较短的学生BMI值分别低于体力活动不充足以及视屏时间过长学生。体力活动不充足且视屏时间过长组超重肥胖的发病率最高(39.7%)。在调整了相关混杂因素后,logistic回归分析结果显示,体力活动不充足且视屏时间较短组以及体力活动充足且视屏时间较短组超重肥胖的风险分别为体力活动不充足且视屏时间过长组的0.54倍(95%CI=0.37~0.77)和0.64倍(95%CI=0...  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the occurrence of symptoms of binge eating (BE) among children and adolescents seeking treatment for their obesity, as well as to evaluate their diet composition and metabolic characteristics. The Binge Eating Scale (BES) was answered by 128 children and adolescents (10.77+/-2.04 years, BMI 29.15+/-4.98 kg/m2, BMI Z score 2.28+/-0.46, 53.91% pubescent), who were classified into two subgroups--binge eaters (score greater than or equal to 18 points) and non-binge eaters (score lower than 18 points). Anthropometric data, body composition and Tanner stages were collected and dietary evaluation conducted. Blood pressure was determined, and glucose, lipid profile and insulin assays were performed. Insulin resistance was determined using HOMA-IR. BE symptoms were present in 39.06% of patients. Carbohydrate intake in diet composition was significantly higher among binge eaters. Children with BE did not demonstrate significant dissimilar metabolic characteristics when compared to their counterparts without BE. Therefore, BE seems to be a prevalent problem among children and adolescents seeking help for their obesity. When associated with obesity, this eating behaviour can influence macronutrient consumption through increased carbohydrate intake. Further research would be valuable to verify the reproducibility of these findings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Research on the metabolic syndrome and its association with lifestyle behaviors in adolescents is important for identifying subgroups of youth at whom interventions should be targeted. OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship of metabolic syndrome with diet and physical activity in US adolescents. DESIGN: A sample of 4,450 12- to 19-year-olds was obtained from 4-year combined data of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2002. METHOD: The metabolic syndrome was defined as having three or more of the following conditions: waist circumference > or =90th percentile for age/sex, fasting blood glucose > or =100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L), blood triglycerides > or =110 mg/dL (> or =1.2 mmol/L), HDL cholesterol < or =35 mg/dL (0.9 mmol/L), and systolic/diastolic blood pressure > or =90th percentile for height or taking antihypertensive drugs. Diet quality was assessed using the Healthy Eating Index and its components, and nutrient intakes. The association between the metabolic syndrome and physical activity was presented as the prevalence of metabolic syndrome by different physical activity levels. RESULTS: Overall prevalence of metabolic syndrome among US adolescents was 3.5%. More males than females (5.1% vs 1.7%; P<0.0001) had metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome was 16 times higher in overweight adolescents (body mass index > or =95th percentile) compared to those with body mass index <85th percentile (14.5% vs 0.9%; P<0.0001). Prevalence of metabolic syndrome decreased with increments of overall Healthy Eating Index and fruit score quartiles. Higher overall Healthy Eating Index and fruit scores were associated with lower metabolic syndrome (P<0.001). There was a trend toward lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adolescents with high physical activity levels (2.6%) compared to those who had low (4.3%) or moderate (3.1%) physical activity levels. CONCLUSION: Results support the need to engage adolescents in regular physical activity and healthful dietary practices to prevent excessive weight gain. Weight control should be recommended as the first-line intervention to decrease metabolic syndrome in adolescents.  相似文献   

目的探讨中国河北省、浙江省、陕西省和湖南省(四省)7~17岁儿童青少年心血管代谢性危险因素的流行特征以及人口经济特征对其的影响。方法选取"神经系统疾病专病社区队列研究"2018年的1 747名7~17岁儿童青少年作为研究对象, 对高腰围、中心性肥胖、TG升高、TC升高、LDL-C升高、HDL-C降低、血压升高、血糖升高和危险因素聚集进行分析。应用χ2检验进行单因素分析、多因素logistic回归分析人口经济学因素与危险因素的相关性、Cochran-Armitage趋势检验进行分析。结果中国四省7~17岁儿童青少年高腰围、HDL-C降低、血压升高、TG升高、血糖升高、中心性肥胖、TC升高、LDL-C升高检出率分别为29.08%、15.28%、13.17%、13.05%、11.79%、7.33%、6.53%、5.15%。18.37%的儿童青少年中存在危险因素聚集。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示, 女性高腰围发生的风险高于男性(OR=1.67, 95%CI:1.26~2.22), 血糖升高和危险因素聚集的风险低于男性(OR=0.69, 95%CI:0.49~0.99;OR=0.72,...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to improve the understanding of the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and the early aetiology of cardiovascular disease. We examined if the levels of traditional and novel cardiovascular disease risk factors were influenced by the levels of CRF in children. A total of 339 randomly selected children aged 9–10 years participated in the Swedish part of the European Youth Heart Study (EYHS). CRF was estimated by a maximal ergometer bike test and dichotomized into low and high categories. Additional measured outcomes included fasting triglycerides, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), C-reactive protein, homocysteine, blood pressure, body mass index, sum of five skinfolds and waist circumference. Homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) was computed from insulin and glucose measurements. Body mass index, skinfold thickness, waist circumference and insulin resistance (HOMA) levels were lower both in girls and boys with high CRF compared to those with low CRF. In girls, the levels of C-reactive protein were significantly lower in those with high CRF compared with those with low CRF, while HDLc levels showed the opposite pattern. The levels of triglycerides and homocysteine showed a tendency to be lower in girls having low CRF compared to those with high CRF. The results indicate that the levels of several traditional and novel cardiovascular disease risk factors are positively influenced by the levels of CRF in school-aged children. The data call for the development, testing and implementation of preventive strategies with stronger emphasis on CRF, especially for those children with low CRF. They also reinforce the need to include CRF testing in pan-European Health Monitoring Systems, also among younger individuals.  相似文献   

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