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Although the smoking rate in the United States is declining because of an increase of smoke-free laws, among blue-collar workers it remains higher than that among many other occupational groups.


We evaluated the factors influencing workplace secondhand smoke (SHS) exposures in the U.S. unionized trucking industry.


From 2003 through 2005, we measured workplace SHS exposure among 203 nonsmoking and 61 smoking workers in 25 trucking terminals. Workers in several job groups wore personal vapor-phase nicotine samplers on their lapels for two consecutive work shifts and completed a workplace SHS exposure questionnaire at the end of the personal sampling.


Median nicotine level was 0.87 μg/m3 for nonsmokers and 5.96 μg/m3 for smokers. As expected, smokers experienced higher SHS exposure duration and intensity than did nonsmokers. For nonsmokers, multiple regression analyses indicated that self-reported exposure duration combined with intensity, lack of a smoking policy as reported by workers, having a nondriver job, and lower educational level were independently associated with elevated personal nicotine levels (model R2 = 0.52). Nondriver job and amount of active smoking were associated with elevated personal nicotine level in smokers, but self-reported exposure, lack of a smoking policy, and lower educational level were not.


Despite movements toward smoke-free laws, this population of blue-collar workers was still exposed to workplace SHS as recently as 2005. The perceived (reported by the workers), rather than the official (reported by the terminal managers), smoking policy was associated with measured SHS exposure levels among the nonsmokers. Job duties and educational level might also be important predictors of workplace SHS exposure.  相似文献   

Hansoo Ko 《Health economics》2020,29(3):278-293
To address exposure to secondhand smoke, which is highly prevalent in Korea, local governments have implemented smoking bans at open public places (parks, bus stops, and school zones) since 2011. Exploiting temporal and spatial variation in the implementation dates of these bans, this study estimates their causal effects on individual smoking behavior. The individual‐level longitudinal data from the 2009–2017 Korean Labor and Income Panel Study are linked to the smoking ban legislation information from the National Law Information Center. I find robust evidence that outdoor smoking bans increased the probability of making a quit attempt by 16%. This effect appears immediately after a ban goes into effect and lasts for three or more years. People who spend more time outdoors are more likely to change smoking behavior. I also find heterogeneity in effects across the amount of monetary penalty. Whereas the policy change did not affect the prevalence of smoking overall, higher penalties had stronger impacts on reducing the intensity of smoking and increasing the propensity to try to quit.  相似文献   

上海市市区婴儿环境烟草烟雾暴露的现况调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的了解上海市市区目前婴儿的环境烟草烟雾(ETS)暴露情况和婴儿父亲在其妻子怀孕期间吸烟行为的变化。方法在2005年6月—2006年8月期间,通过采用整群抽样的方法,从上海市遵义、斜土和田林3个社区中抽取所有在研究当时为5~8月龄婴儿(包括户籍和非户籍人口)的母亲为研究对象,通过调查员询问和自填2种方式进行问卷调查。采用SPSS11.5统计软件对资料进行单因素统计分析。结果38.2%的婴儿母亲在孕期有ETS暴露,其被动吸烟率为24.8%;21.3%的婴儿在出生后有ETS暴露,其被动吸烟率为11.2%。母亲孕期被动吸烟与家中同住状态和母亲孕期的工作状态有关,ETS暴露来源以同事、丈夫、朋友和陌生人为主,暴露场所以家里和工作场所为主;婴儿出生后被动吸烟与其母亲文化程度有关,ETS暴露来源主要是婴儿父亲,暴露场所以家中最高。婴儿父亲在其妻子整个怀孕期间的吸烟行为改变率为38.3%,19.1%的父亲减少烟量,19.7%戒烟,12.8%完全戒烟。结论婴儿父亲们开始意识到ETS暴露对胎儿健康的影响,在妻子怀孕期间自发地进行吸烟行为改变,提示孕期可能是婴儿和孕妇ETS暴露干预的最佳时期。工作场所也是母亲孕期ETS暴露的重要场所,在工作环境控烟应成为干预孕期ETS暴露的重要措施。  相似文献   



This research was undertaken with the aim of assessing the indoor air quality in popular hospitality venues, as also to evaluate the effectiveness of the nationwide comprehensive public smoking ban. The analysis was split into two halves – baseline study taken up prior to implementation of the said ban on 2nd October 2008, and the follow-up study after it came into effect.

Materials and Methods:

Twenty-five venues including five restaurants, fourteen resto-bars, two hookah (smoking water-pipe) cafes and four pubs were selected using a mix of random, convenience and purposeful sampling. Particulate matter (PM2.5) measurements at these venues were made using TSI SidePak AM510 Personal Aerosol Monitor.


The average PM2.5 level in venues where smoking was permitted prior to implementation of ban was found to be 669.95 μg/m3 in the baseline study. Post ban, the average PM2.5 level in same test venues reduced to 240.8 μg/m3. The hookah cafes were an exception as the average PM2.5 levels exceeded the permissible limits before as well as post ban.


The baseline study showed that the hospitality venues had hazardous levels of PM2.5 particles arising from second-hand smoke prior to smoking ban. These decreased by a maximum of 64% after the law took effect. A substantial improvement in air quality at these venues post implementation of the smoking ban indicated the effectiveness of the law.  相似文献   

[目的]对上海市某区8家餐厅的环境烟草烟雾浓度在《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例》(简称《控烟条例》)实施前后进行比较,旨在评价《控烟条例》在餐厅的实施效果,为该条例今后的进一步修订提供参考. [方法]采用目的抽样方法,在2008年4月《控烟条例》实施前和2010年12月《控烟条例》实施后选取8家餐厅分别进行基线调查和随访监测,采用AM510个体气溶胶监测仪检测空气中细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度以代表环境烟草烟雾污染状况. [结果]《控烟条例》实施前后餐厅室内PM2.5浓度分别为147.76、125.15μg/m3,室内PM2.5浓度峰值分别为363.20、272.00μg/m3.《控烟条例》实施前后餐厅室内外PM2.5浓度差值分别为80.44、70.53μg/m3,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05). [结论]《控烟条例》实施前后,餐厅室内PM2.5浓度没有明显变化.部分餐厅大厅内尚无有效控烟措施,环境烟草烟雾暴露问题比较严重,必须采取严格有效禁烟措施减少环境中因吸烟所致的烟雾污染.  相似文献   

Background: With an increase in indoor smoking bans, many smokers smoke outside establishments and near their entrances, which has become a public health concern.Objectives: We characterized the exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke (SHS) outside a restaurant and bar in Athens, Georgia, where indoor smoking is banned, using salivary cotinine and urinary 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL).Methods: In a crossover study, we assigned 28 participants to outdoor patios of a restaurant and a bar and an open-air site with no smokers on three weekend days; participants visited each site once and stayed for 3 hr. We collected saliva and urine samples immediately before and after the visits (postexposure) and on the following morning and analyzed samples for cotinine and total NNAL, respectively. Regression models were fitted and changes in biomarkers were contrasted between locations.Results: Postexposure and preexposure geometric mean salivary cotinine concentrations differed by 0.115 ng/mL [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.105, 0.126)] and by 0.030 ng/mL (95% CI: 0.028, 0.031) for bar and restaurant visits, respectively. There were no significant post- and preexposure differences in cotinine levels after control site visits, and changes after bar and restaurant site visits were significantly different from changes after control site visits (p < 0.001). Results comparing next-day and preexposure salivary cotinine levels were similar. Next-day creatinine-corrected urinary NNAL concentrations also were higher than preexposure levels following bar and restaurant visits [1.858 pg/mg creatinine higher (95% CI: 0.897, 3.758) and 0.615 pg/mg creatinine higher (95% CI: 0.210, 1.761), respectively], and were significantly different from changes after the control visits (p = 0.005).Conclusion: Salivary cotinine and urinary NNAL increased significantly in nonsmokers after outdoor SHS exposure. Our findings indicate that such exposures may increase risks of health effects associated with tobacco carcinogens.  相似文献   



To estimate the prevalence and predictors of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure among nonsmoking adolescents in Cambodia.

Materials and Methods:

Analysis of data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) conducted in 2003 in Cambodia. Data were analysed to obtain the prevalence of ETS exposure at home and elsewhere by age and gender. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the association between ETS and gender, age, smoking status of parents and friends.


67.1% (64.0, 70.0) males and 67.4% (64.2, 70.5) females reported being exposed to ETS either at home or elsewhere. Adolescents who had one or both smoking parents had a more than three times the odds of ETS exposure at home (OR = 3.71; 95% CI (3.02, 4.57)). Those who had smoking friends were more likely to be exposed to ETS both at home and outside home (OR = 1.74; 95% CI (1.36, 2.24)). The overall proportion of adolescents exposed to ETS outside home was higher than those exposed at home (P < 0.001), suggesting that exposure in public areas was the main form of ETS among adolescents in Cambodia.


Exposure to ETS is high among adolescent in Cambodia, which indicates an urgent need for specific measures, policies and regulations to protect nonsmoker Cambodian adolescents both within and outside home.  相似文献   

Objectives While the validity of self-reported smoking habits is generally judged as satisfactory, objective markers of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure may be more useful in validating the causal links between prenatal SHS and health effects. The cohort study in Krakow provided an opportunity for comparative assessment of fetal exposure to SHS based upon questionnaires and cord blood cotinine measurements. Methods The study sample included 467 newborns born to women recruited in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. To compare the validity of self-reported SHS and cord blood cotinine levels in assessing the association between fetal passive smoking and health effects of newborns, we separately examined the regression coefficients of birthweight on self-reported number of cigarettes smoked by other household members during the entire pregnancy and cord blood cotinine levels. Results In the non-exposed newborns the geometric mean of cord blood cotinine was 0.077 ng/ml and was significantly lower than in newborns with a maternal report of SHS. Cord cotinine levels were more highly correlated with a self-reported number of cigarettes smoked daily at home in the third trimester of pregnancy. The two measures of SHS (number of cigarettes and number of hours of daily exposure) were equally well correlated with cord blood cotinine levels. Using cotinine as the exposure variable, overall the association was not significant; but among the subgroup with cord cotinine levels above the median (≥0.083 ng/ml), the association with birthweight was significant (beta coefficient = −113.65, P = 0.041). Conclusion The study provides evidence that the assessment of fetal SHS exposure based on cord blood cotinine produced better estimates of the association between exposure and birth outcomes. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  相似文献   



Air nicotine monitoring is an established method of measuring exposure to second hand smoke (SHS). Not much research has been done in India to measure air nicotine for the purpose of studying exposure to SHS. It is a risk factor and many diseases are known to occur among non smokers if they are exposed to second hand smoke.


To conduct monitoring of air nicotine for second hand smoke exposure in public places across major cities in India.

Materials and Methods:

A cross sectional survey was conducted across four cities across the country, using passive air monitoring. The buildings included hospitals, secondary schools, Governmental offices, bars and restaurants. The buildings were selected through convenience sampling method keeping in view specific sentinel locations of interest.


The presence of air nicotine was recorded in most of the buildings under the study, which included government buildings, hospitals, schools, restaurants and entertainment venues (bars) in all four cities under the study. The highest median levels of air nicotine were found in entertainment venues and restaurants in cities.


The presence of air nicotine in indoor public places indicates weak implementation of existing smoke free law in India. The findings of this study provide a baseline characterization of exposure to SHS in public places in India, which could be used to promote clean indoor air policies and programs and monitor and evaluate the progress and future smoke-free initiatives in India.  相似文献   

目的了解澳门儿童家庭被动吸烟状况, 探讨其危险因素, 为儿童被动吸烟干预措施的制定提供科学依据。方法采用方便抽样方法抽取澳门花地玛堂区875名6~14岁儿童家长, 调查儿童家庭被动吸烟状况, 采用非条件logistic回归分析方法分析影响儿童家庭被动吸烟的危险因素。结果在回收的875份有效问卷中, 儿童家庭总被动吸烟率为37.0%, 儿童每日被动吸烟率为28.3%, 不同性别儿童被动吸烟率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.326, P>0.05);父亲吸烟率高达43.7%, 母亲和祖父母或外祖父母吸烟率分别为3.8%、8.3%;父亲吸烟是导致儿童家庭被动吸烟最主要的危险因素(OR=34.061, 95%CI=21.819~53.173), 而父亲文化程度(OR=0.606, 95%CI=0.513~0.716)和母亲年龄(OR=0.973, 95%CI=0.950~0.997)是父亲吸烟的保护因素, 与双亲家庭相比, 单亲母亲的吸烟率较高(OR=8.137, 95%CI=3.209~20.637)。结论澳门儿童被动吸烟率较高, 父亲吸烟是儿童家庭被动吸烟最主要的危险因素。提高父亲的文化程度和自身修养, 建立良好的家庭关系有益于降低父母的吸烟率, 从而有效降低儿童家庭被动吸烟率。  相似文献   



On 1 July 2007, smokefree legislation was implemented in England, which made virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces smokefree.


We examined trends in and predictors of secondhand smoke exposure among nonsmoking adults to determine whether exposure changed after the introduction of smokefree legislation and whether these changes varied by socioeconomic status (SES) and by household smoking status.


We analyzed salivary cotinine data from the Health Survey for England that were collected in 7 of 11 annual surveys undertaken between 1998 and 2008. We conducted multivariate regression analyses to examine secondhand smoke exposure as measured by the proportion of nonsmokers with undetectable levels of cotinine and by geometric mean cotinine.


Secondhand smoke exposure was higher among those exposed at home and among lower-SES groups. Exposure declined markedly from 1998 to 2008 (the proportion of participants with undetectable cotinine was 2.9 times higher in the last 6 months of 2008 compared with the first 6 months of 1998 and geometric mean cotinine declined by 80%). We observed a significant fall in exposure after legislation was introduced—the odds of having undetectable cotinine were 1.5 times higher [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3, 1.8] and geometric mean cotinine fell by 27% (95% CI: 17%, 36%) after adjusting for the prelegislative trend and potential confounders. Significant reductions were not, however, seen in those living in lower-social class households or homes where smoking occurs inside on most days.


We found that the impact of England’s smokefree legislation on secondhand smoke exposure was above and beyond the underlying long-term decline in secondhand smoke exposure and demonstrates the positive effect of the legislation. Nevertheless, some population subgroups appear not to have benefitted significantly from the legislation. This finding suggests that these groups should receive more support to reduce their exposure.  相似文献   

This study aimed to estimate the status of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure through urine cotinine analysis among nonsmoking workers in Korea and to analyze factors affecting urine cotinine concentrations. Data were based on “The 2008 Korea National Survey for Environmental Pollutants in the Human Body,” a cross-sectional study of the National Institute of Environmental Research of Korea. We selected 1448 nonsmoking adult workers from 200 localities to participate in this survey. Urine cotinine concentrations were analyzed using a gas chromatograph-mass selective detector. We calculated separate covariate-adjusted geometric means for socio-demographic variables for males, females, and total subjects by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill.). The prevalence of self-reported exposure to SHS was 36.9%. The geometric mean (95% confidence interval) of urine cotinine concentrations among all participants was 16.50 (14.48–18.80) μg/L. Gender, living area, education, and SHS exposure showed significant differences in urine cotinine concentrations. The urine cotinine concentrations of farmworkers and blue-collar workers such as skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers, and elementary occupations were higher than those of white-collar workers such as clerical support workers, technicians, and associate professionals. Such a high proportion of the population having high urine cotinine levels indicates widespread exposure to SHS among nonsmoking workers in Korea. Furthermore, the urine cotinine levels among nonsmoking workers exposed to SHS varied by occupation. The measured urine cotinine concentration is suggested to be a valuable indication of SHS exposure in Korea.  相似文献   

We performed a survey to assess the exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in 1-year-old infants in Thailand. Of the 725 infants, it was reported that 73.3% had household smoking and 40.7% had detectable urinary cotinine. Twenty-five infants (3.4%) had urinary cotinine in the range of adult heavy smokers. The prevalence of ETS exposure was significantly higher in infants with a father whose education was ≤ grade 6 than in those with father’s education >6 years (44.0% vs. 36.0%, p = 0.039). Data on the exposure to ETS among infants will provide prevalence information and identify population subgroups at increased risk for exposure.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors attempted to validate answers to smoking-habit questions contained in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire. The respondents were invited to visit the chest clinic at Verona, Italy, and their serum cotinine levels were measured. The authors invited each of 504 subjects to complete a respiratory interview and to give a blood sample for a radioimmunoassay serum cotinine measurement. A total of 375 subjects responded, of whom 129 were smokers (34.4%), 79 were exsmokers (21.1%), and 167 (44.5%) had never smoked. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was reported by 216 subjects (57.6% [mean exposure = 3.8 hr/day {± 3.4 hr/day standard deviation}]). In smokers, serum cotinine levels were directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked/day. The authors excluded from analysis nonsmokers who had serum cotinine levels that were ≥ 14 ng/ml, and the resulting mean values were 1.7 ng/ml (± 2.1 ng/ml standard deviation) in nonsmokers unexposed to environmental tobacco smoke and 2.6 ng/ml (± 2.6 ng/ml standard deviation) (p < .002) in nonsmokers exposed to environmental tobacco smoke. There was a relationship between serum cotinine levels and hours of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (R 2 = .136, p < .05). Serum cotinine, which is an objective and accepted measure of tobacco exposure, confirmed the validity of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire with respect to smoking habits and environmental tobacco smoke exposure.  相似文献   

In this study, we estimated the disease burdens attributable to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure in Korean adults in 2010 and analyzed the trend of that from 2005 to 2010. We obtained information on the study population from the 2010 Cause of Death Statistic and estimated the ETS-attributable fraction using data from the Korean Community Health Survey and the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The numbers of ETS-attributable deaths in female and male non-smokers were estimated to be 4.1 and 69.6?% of the numbers of deaths attributable to current smoke, respectively. The deaths attributable to ETS were larger in female than in male non-smokers (710 vs. 420). The ETS-attributable deaths increased slightly in 2005–2008 but decreased in 2009–2010. The number of potential years of life lost from ETS was 9077.24?years in 2010. If there were no exposure to ETS in adult non-smokers, we would expect to see 1130 fewer deaths (9.9?% of the deaths from current smoke). The results suggest that ETS poses considerable disease burdens for non-smokers, especially women, in Korea.  相似文献   

The objective of the present survey was to assess the extent and socio-economic determinants of population exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) in Greece in 2011. The national household survey Hellas Health IV was conducted in October 2011. SHS exposure was based on self-reported exposure within home, workplace and public places. Thirty-three per cent of the respondents reported living in a smoke-free home. Smokers (p?<?0.001) and single individuals (p?<?0.017) were less likely to prohibit smoking at home. SHS exposure at work, in restaurants and in bars/clubs/cafes was frequently mentioned by 41.6, 84.2 and 90.5%, respectively. SHS exposure in a bar/club/cafe was noted more among single individuals (p?=?0.004) and those aged 18–34?years (p?=?0.007). Inhabitants of rural areas were more likely to report someone smoking indoors in all the above venues. Public health education and effective enforcement of the nationwide smoke-free legislation are imperative.  相似文献   

The authors sought to determine levels of urinary cotinine and its association with collateral exposure to second-hand smoke in public health workers. Urinary cotinine was measured twice at 1-wk intervals in 28 public health workers or their spouses. Information on sources of second-hand smoke exposure and a dietary history were obtained from each participant. Geometric mean and median cotinine levels were 2.74 and 2.33 ng/mL, respectively. Only 6 instances of second-hand smoke exposure were reported from a combined 204 days of potential exposure, and these did not correspond to higher cotinine values. There was no association between consumption of foods containing nicotine and log-transformed urine cotinine levels (p = 80). The authors' analysis indicates dietary sources of nicotine are not important, even for persons with very low urinary cotinine levels. Further study is needed to determine sources of variation in urinary cotinine among largely unexposed populations.  相似文献   

Background: Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure is linked to developmental deficits and disorders with known cerebellar involvement. However, direct biological effects and underlying neurochemical mechanisms remain unclear.Objectives: We sought to identify and evaluate underlying neurochemical change in the rat cerebellum with ETS exposure during critical period development.Methods: We exposed rats to daily ETS (300, 100, and 0 µg/m3 total suspended particulate) from postnatal day 8 (PD8) to PD23 and then assayed the response at the behavioral, neuroproteomic, and cellular levels.Results: Postnatal ETS exposure induced heightened locomotor response in a novel environment on par initially with amphetamine stimulation. The cerebellar mitochondrial subproteome was significantly perturbed in the ETS-exposed rats. Findings revealed a dose-dependent up-regulation of aerobic processes through the modification and increased translocation of Hk1 to the mitochondrion with corresponding heightened ATP synthase expression. ETS exposure also induced a dose-dependent increase in total Dnm1l mitochondrial fission factor; although more active membrane-bound Dnm1l was found at the lower dose. Dnm1l activation was associated with greater mitochondrial staining, particularly in the molecular layer, which was independent of stress-induced Bcl-2 family dynamics. Further, electron microscopy associated Dnm1l-mediated mitochondrial fission with increased biogenesis, rather than fragmentation.Conclusions: The critical postnatal period of cerebellar development is vulnerable to the effects of ETS exposure, resulting in altered behavior. The biological effect of ETS is underlain in part by a Dnm1l-mediated mitochondrial energetic response at a time of normally tight control. These findings represent a novel mechanism by which environmental exposure can impact neurodevelopment and function.  相似文献   

目的 了解云南省罗平县农村居民烟草暴露与尼古丁依赖现状。方法 采用按比例概率抽样方法抽取当地12个乡镇≥18岁居民4 611人进行调查。结果 罗平县农村居民吸烟和被动吸烟率分别为40.0%(1 844/4 611)和27.8%(1 281/4 611),其中男性吸烟率为79.2%,女性为1.2%,男性被动吸烟率为8.8%,女性为46.6%,男性吸烟率明显高于女性(P<0.01),而女性被动吸烟率明显高于男性(P<0.01);村民中度及以上尼古丁依赖率为51.1%,家庭种烟者和高收入者(年收入≥15 000元)的吸烟率分别为44.5%和44.1%,明显高于家庭不种烟者和低收入者的37.4%和35.4%,(P<0.01);文化程度初中及以下被动吸烟率为42.9%,高中及以上为24.1%,被动吸烟率随着文化程度的增加而减少(P<0.05);农村居民以吸过滤嘴香烟为主(63.6%),其次为水烟袋(53.4%);初次吸烟年龄主要集中在15~24岁组的青年人群(93.0%),吸烟者中在过去12个月内尝试戒烟1次的比例仅为13.4%,过去7 d内被动吸烟场所在主要集中在家里和公共场所的比例分别为97.0%和88.5%。结论 罗平县村民吸烟和被动吸烟情况较严重,应重点加强家庭种烟者、男性和低文化程度人群的控烟工作。  相似文献   

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