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广西城乡居民膳食结构调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查广西城乡居民主要食物消费状况,为居民合理调整膳食结构提供依据。方法用多阶段分层整群抽样法,对6个慢性病监测点常住居民开展调查,按中国居民平衡膳食宝塔(CBDP)评价。结果居民粮谷及薯类平均日摄入量较合理(379.7g);畜禽肉类摄入过量,差率达120.7%;摄入不足的依次为奶类、豆类、蛋类、水产品、水果和蔬菜,除蔬菜外,差率均在-40.0%以上,奶及奶制品差率达-80.5%;女性粮谷及薯类、禽畜肉类的摄入量低于男性,水果、奶类及奶制品的摄入量高于男性;农村居民水果、奶类及奶制品等摄入量较低,粮谷及薯类、禽畜肉类的摄入量较高。居民盐和油脂均摄入过量,差率达97.7%和97.6%。结论广西城乡居民膳食结构不够合理。应加强教育和干预,引导居民改进膳食结构,平衡营养,以防控相关慢性病发生。  相似文献   

用中国居民平衡膳食宝塔评价广西居民膳食模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的评价广西居民膳食模式,为制订膳食模式改善策略提供科学依据。方法用多阶整群随机抽样法抽取4城区、4农村县,4268户、17104人。用称重法获调味品量,3d24h回顾法获个人食物量,用中国居民平衡膳食宝塔评价广西居民膳食模式。结果广西居民谷类、蔬菜、水果、鱼虾、蛋类、奶类、豆类摄入不足,盐、畜禽肉、油脂摄入过量。畜禽肉、鱼虾、奶类、蔬菜、水果、蛋类、油脂摄入量是省会城市>一般城市>二类农村>四类农村,表现出与经济发展水平呈正比关系。畜禽肉、鱼虾、奶类、蛋类、水果摄入量是高收入组>中收入组>低收入组,表现出与经济收入呈正比关系。蛋、奶、豆类、水果摄入逐年递增和食盐摄入逐年下降,向合理膳食模式靠近。畜禽肉、油脂摄入逐年递增和谷类、蔬菜、鱼虾摄入逐年下降,背离合理膳食模式要求。城市摄入动物性食品总量有放缓趋势,而农村有加速趋势,与经济水平发展进程有关。广西居民营养有明显的由低脂膳食向高脂膳食转变趋势。结论广西已进入居民膳食模式的迅速变迁期,已到了膳食模式干预的关键阶段。  相似文献   

新鲜蔬菜水果是人类平衡膳食的重要组成部分,也是我国传统膳食重要特点之一。蔬菜水果是维生素、矿物质、膳食纤维和植物化学物质的重要来源,水分多、能量低。薯类含有丰富的淀粉、膳食纤维以及多种维生素和矿物质。富含蔬菜、水果和薯类的膳食对保持身体健康,保持肠道正常功能,提高免疫力,降低患肥胖、糖尿病、高血压等慢性疾病风险具有重要作用,所以近年来各国膳食指南都强调增加蔬菜和水果的摄入种类和数量。推荐我国成年人每天吃蔬菜300~500g,最好深色蔬菜约占一半,水果200~400g,并注意增加薯类的摄入。  相似文献   

目的了解柳州市某社区55岁及以上中老年人膳食营养状况,为当地中老年人合理膳食提供基础性依据。方法采用食物模型和食物容器结合24 h回顾性膳食调查社区居民摄入食物种类和数量,与中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量及膳食平衡宝塔、2002年广西营养调查相比,评价调查对象的营养素摄入情况。结果粮谷类[(239.66±123.73)g]、大豆类[(5.75±25.18)g]、鱼类[(22.76±51.62)g]、奶类[(5.74±25.18)g]、蔬菜[(169.92±203.41)g]、水果[(49.11±89.62)g]摄入不足,奶类,大豆类,蔬菜和水果明显低于推荐量。除蛋白质、硫胺素和铁等外,其他营养素均低于推荐摄入量、2002年广西营养调查(城市居民)水平,差异有统计学意义(P0.001)。结论当地中老年人群膳食结构不合理,营养素缺乏,建议增加奶类和豆类,增加蔬菜和水果的摄入。  相似文献   

常熟市居民膳食结构及能量来源状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解江苏常熟居民膳食营养结构及各供能物质的食物来源,为改善居民膳食现状提供参考资料,以制定符合地方实际的营养干预政策。方法采用多阶段抽样方法抽取常熟市农村、城镇、城市居民分别为540、90、90户家庭,对其年满15周岁及以上成员进行膳食频率调查。结果常熟市居民蔬菜、水果、奶类摄入分别为262.2g、71.6g、24.4g,谷类食物提供的能量占总能量的55.2%,由动物性食物提供的占15.5%。结论居民膳食结构不尽合理,蔬菜、水果、奶类摄入均偏低,高脂食物摄入过多,应加强健康教育,指导居民合理膳食,预防和控制营养相关疾病。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市松江区居民食物摄入频率现状和膳食结构模式,为今后有针对性地开展营养教育和促进工作提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,在上海市松江区抽取424名居民作为研究对象,运用半定量食物频率法调查15岁及以上居民,用入户调查的方法对研究对象调查近3个月的各类食物摄入频率和摄入量。采用评分方法评价该区居民的膳食质量,采用多因素logistic回归分析方法筛选食物摄入频率的相关影响因素。结果松江区居民膳食结构欠合理,谷类、蔬菜类、鱼虾类、畜禽肉类摄入频率较高,得分均在3.5分以上,水果类、豆类、蛋类和奶类次之,蔬菜、水果以及奶类的摄入量与中国居民膳食宝塔推荐量相比仍有较大差距。影响居民食物摄入频率的主要影响因素是文化程度、性别、职业和收入水平。结论目前松江区居民的膳食存在着蔬菜、水果和奶类摄入不足的问题,应针对不同人群开展营养宣教,以建立居民合理营养的健康观念。  相似文献   

北方农村居民食物摄入与血压的关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的;探讨食物摄入与血压之间的关系,为农村地区高血压的防治提供科学依据。方法:利用1997年国际合作项目“膳食、生活方式与慢性疾病研究”的资料,采用多因素分析方法对河南南阳农村地区居民食物摄入与血压的关系进行分析。结果:高钠食物(腌制蔬菜)和油脂类食物与血压水平呈明显正关联,水产品、新鲜蔬菜、水果与血压水平呈明显负关联,可以预防高血压的发生和发展。结论:食物摄入种类和摄入量与血压水平有密切的关系,合理膳食是防治高血压的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

[目的]了解上海市普陀区居民食物摄入频率现状和膳食结构模式,为今后开展营养教育和营养改善工作提供科学依据。[方法]选用2007年上海市普陀区居民营养与健康状况的调查资料,运用食物摄入频率法调查1277名15岁及以上居民,对每位调查对象过去1年的各类食物摄入频率和摄入量进行询问并记录。采用评分方法评价该区居民的膳食质量,采用多元线性回归分析方法筛选食物摄入频率的相关影响因素。[结果]普陀区居民谷类、蔬菜类、水果类、鱼虾类摄入频率较高,得分均在3分以上,畜禽肉类、蛋类、豆类和奶类次之。但蔬菜、水果以及奶类的摄入量与国家推荐标准相比仍有较大差距,居民的膳食结构仍不太合理。影响居民食物摄入频率的主要影响因素是经济状况(P=0.00)、文化程度(P〈0.05)、性别(P=0.00)和职业(P〈0.05)。[结论]目前普陀区居民的膳食状况以蔬菜、水果和奶类的摄入不足为主要问题,应加强营养知识的宣传教育,引导合理膳食。  相似文献   

潘怡  王小义  江国虹 《现代预防医学》2007,34(23):4461-4463
蔬菜水果是人类平衡膳食的重要组成部分,富含人体必需的多种维生素和矿物质、膳食纤维、碳水化合物。中国居民膳食指南中提出“多吃蔬菜、水果和薯类”;中国居民平衡膳食宝塔中,蔬菜、水果位于第二层,建议每人每天应摄入“蔬菜400~500 g、水果100~200 g”;美国国家科学院也建议每人每天食用5份(每份大约80 g)不同品种的蔬菜水果,特别要有绿色、黄色蔬菜和柑橘类水果。  相似文献   

目的分析评价新疆5个监测点成年居民每日的膳食情况。方法使用"2010年新疆慢性病及其危险因素监测"饮食情况部分的数据,分析评价新疆5个疾病监测点3000名18岁以上居民的每日各类食物的摄入情况。结果水产品、蔬菜、水果及奶类均摄入不足,低于中国居民膳食宝塔推荐量。女性蔬菜水果摄入较男性高。18~29岁组蔬菜、水果和奶类摄入最低。维吾尔族薯类、禽肉类、水产品、蔬菜、奶类及豆类的摄入量最低。农村谷薯类摄入高于城市,畜禽肉类、水产品、蔬菜水果、奶类和豆类的摄入均为城市高于农村。除了蛋类和畜肉类外其他各类食物的摄入量均为和田县最低。蔬菜水果摄入不足率较高,城市均低于农村;食用油每天摄入量为49.56 g,食盐每天摄入量为14.75 g,食用油和食盐过量摄入率较高。结论新疆5个监测点膳食结构不合理,需开展营养宣传教育活动,指导居民合理营养,平衡膳食。  相似文献   

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables in schoolchildren is important for the physical and cognitive development of the child as well as for the prevention of nutrition-related diseases. In Germany, 816?schoolchildren (boys and girls, aged 10-13?years) from 14?public schools in the central region of Hesse were asked about their fruit and vegetable intake in May?2009. The results show that the mean fruit intake is 185?g fruit per day and 83?g vegetables per day in all schoolchildren. There is no significant difference in the amounts of fruit consumed by boys and girls. Regarding the amounts of consumed vegetables, there is a significant difference between gender (p?=?0.004). Schoolchildren eat fruits more frequently than vegetables. Furthermore, they prefer sweet fruits and convenient vegetables. German schoolchildren still do not reach national recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake, although current results show slightly equal or rather lower intake levels for fruits, but not for vegetables, in comparison to other national studies (e.g., National Consumption Study II, Donald Study, and EsKiMo Study). Health-promotion strategies should focus on both fruit and vegetable consumption to ensure a large variety of food choices and nutrient intake.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We estimated the global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables, an increasingly recognized risk factor for cardiovascular disease and cancer, and compared its impact with that of other major risk factors for disease. METHODS: The burden of disease attributable to suboptimal intake of fruit and vegetables was estimated using information on fruit and vegetable consumption in the population, and on its association with six health outcomes (ischaemic heart disease, stroke, stomach, oesophageal, colorectal and lung cancer). Data from both sources were stratified by sex, age and by 14 geographical regions. FINDINGS: The total worldwide mortality currently attributable to inadequate consumption of fruit and vegetables is estimated to be up to 2.635 million deaths per year. Increasing individual fruit and vegetable consumption to up to 600 g per day (the baseline of choice) could reduce the total worldwide burden of disease by 1.8%, and reduce the burden of ischaemic heart disease and ischaemic stroke by 31% and 19% respectively. For stomach, oesophageal, lung and colorectal cancer, the potential reductions were 19%, 20%, 12% and 2%, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study shows the potentially large impact that increasing fruit and vegetable intake could have in reducing many noncommunicable diseases. It highlights the need for much greater emphasis on dietary risk factors in public health policy in order to tackle the rise in noncommunicable diseases worldwide, and suggests that the proposed intersectoral WHO/FAO fruit and vegetable promotion initiative is a crucial component in any global diet strategy.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main cause of death in Western countries. Nutrition has a significant role in the prevention of many chronic diseases such as CVD, cancers, and degenerative brain diseases. The major risk and protective factors in the diet are well recognized, but interesting new candidates continue to appear. It is well known that a greater intake of fruit and vegetables can help prevent heart diseases and mortality. Because fruit, berries, and vegetables are chemically complex foods, it is difficult to pinpoint any single nutrient that contributes the most to the cardioprotective effects. Several potential components that are found in fruit, berries, and vegetables are probably involved in the protective effects against CVD. Potential beneficial substances include antioxidant vitamins, folate, fiber, and potassium. Antioxidant compounds found in fruit and vegetables, such as vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids, may influence the risk of CVD by preventing the oxidation of cholesterol in arteries. In this review, the role of main dietary carotenoids, ie, lycopene, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin, in the prevention of heart diseases is discussed. Although it is clear that a higher intake of fruit and vegetables can help prevent the morbidity and mortality associated with heart diseases, more information is needed to ascertain the association between the intake of single nutrients, such as carotenoids, and the risk of CVD. Currently, the consumption of carotenoids in pharmaceutical forms for the treatment or prevention of heart diseases cannot be recommended.  相似文献   

Over recent years, consumers have shown an increasing interest in health and wellbeing, with many wanting food and drink products that are healthy and nutritious, yet fit in with busy lifestyles. Fruit juice is one beverage that has seen a dramatic increase in consumer purchasing since the 1970s, and is now consumed by nearly half the UK population. While the beneficial effects of consuming diets rich in fruit and vegetables are well documented, the specific health effects of consuming fruit juice are less so. Further, the role of fruit juice in conditions such as obesity has also recently come under scrutiny, due to questions over how liquid calories affect subsequent energy intake. Limitations in the literature in this area include a lack of studies looking at different types of fruit juices and their effects on health, as well as studies that differentiate fruit juice from fruit and vegetable intake. Consuming a diet rich in fruit and vegetables (to which fruit juice can count once towards the 5 A DAY target) can help to reduce an individual's risk of suffering from a variety of chronic diseases, and should therefore be encouraged.  相似文献   

The so-called Mediterranean diet is claimed to be preventive with respect to diet-related degenerative diseases. It is suggested that the preventive effect especially with respect to diabetes might be the low glycemic index of this kind of diet. However, nutrients with a high GI are more frequently consumed in the Mediterranean diet than in other European countries. The major difference seems to be the higher amount of fiber and a higher intake of unsaturated fat together with a higher intake of fruits and vegetables. Based on recent studies from the nurses health and physicians health study, a diet which is similar to the Mediterranean diet, physical exercise and a BMI < 25 protects from the development of diabetes type 2.  相似文献   

To gain better insight into the potential health effects of fruits and vegetables, reliable biomarkers of intake are needed. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of flavonoid excretion in both 24-h and morning urine samples to reflect a low intake and moderate changes in fruit and vegetable consumption. Furthermore, the urinary excretions of 4-pyridoxic acid (4-PA) and potassium were investigated as other potential biomarkers of fruit and vegetable intake. The study was designed as a 5-d randomized, controlled crossover study. On d 1-3, the men (n = 12) consumed a self-restricted flavonoid-free diet. On d 4, they were provided a strictly controlled diet containing no fruits or vegetables (basic diet). On d 5, they consumed the basic diet supplemented with 300 or 600 g of fruits and vegetables. The total excretion of flavonoids in 24-h urine samples increased linearly with increasing fruit and vegetable intakes (r(s) = 0.86, P < 1 x 10(-6)). The total excretion of flavonoids in morning urine also increased, but the association was weaker (r(s) = 0.59, P < 0.0001). Urinary 4-PA in 24-h and morning urine samples increased significantly only with the 600-g increase in fruit and vegetable intake, whereas the excretion of potassium in urine did not reflect the changes in fruit and vegetable intake. We conclude that the total excretion of flavonoids in 24-h urine may be used as a new biomarker for fruit and vegetable intake.  相似文献   

目的了解贫困大学生的能量和营养素(膳营养素、营养制剂和食品营养强化剂)摄入量,判断机体营养健康水平,为大学生保健工作提供依据。方法选择山西大同大学医学院189名贫困大学生作为研究对象,其中男生85人,女生104人;采用问卷调查及膳食调查的方法,对贫困大学生健康及营养状况进行评价。结果贫困大学生膳食主要以谷物为主,鱼虾类、水果、奶类、蔬菜、肉类和蛋类明显少于参考摄入量标准,尤其是钙、锌和V-C的摄入量仅占参考摄入量的1/3。贫困大学生牙龈出血率为56.61%,口腔溃疡发生率为46.03%,皮肤粗糙出现率为33.33%,视力不良率为80.42%。结论贫困大学生的膳食结构及各种营养素的摄入不合理,应加强贫困大学生营养知识的宣传教育,改善贫困大学生膳食营养,从而提高贫困大学生的健康水平。  相似文献   

The positive link between bone health and fruit/vegetable consumption has been attributed to the lower renal acid load of a diet high in alkaline-forming fruit/vegetables. Other important dietary determinants of bone health include micronutrients and bioactives found in fruit/vegetables. We hypothesized that increased intake of fruit/vegetables to 9 or more servings a day would lower net endogenous acid production (NEAP) significantly (~20 mEq/d) and increase urine pH (0.5 pH units). This 8-week feasibility study investigated if 21 midlife women (age, 40-65 years) currently consuming 5 or less servings a day of fruit/vegetables could increase their intake to 9 or more servings a day to substantially lower NEAP and include specific vegetables daily. Three-day diet diaries were completed at baseline and the end of the study and assessed for NEAP (estimated) and number of servings from all food groups. Urine pH dipsticks were provided for the participants to assess and record their fasting urine pH daily (second void). Seventy-six percent of women achieved the study aim, which was to increase to 9 or more servings of fruit/vegetables for at least 5 d/wk. There was a reduction in the number of bread/cereal servings. Net endogenous acid production (estimated) was reduced significantly, with a mean urine pH increase of 0.68 pH units (95% confidence interval, 0.46-1.14); however, daily urine pH measures showed high variability. This study demonstrated that a group of midlife women can change their diet for 8 weeks by significantly increasing fruit/vegetable servings and include specific “bone friendly” vegetables daily, resulting in a significant decrease in estimated dietary NEAP and an increase in urine pH.  相似文献   

汞是危害人类健康的重金属之一,人体内血液汞的水平与心血管疾病(cardiovascular diseases, CVDs)的发生发展密切相关,但目前我国关于汞与CVDs之间的报告甚少。本研究将从汞对心血管系统的影响、汞通过干扰心血管线粒体钙稳态、诱导心血管线粒体功能障碍、诱导心血管的氧化应激、诱导脂质过氧化、诱导心血管内皮损伤等机制促进CVD进展进行综述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Simple screening tools to identify intake of fruit, vegetables and fat are necessary to design effective public health intervention strategies in order to increase intake of fruit and vegetable and to reduce fat intake. METHODS: 108 men recorded their food intake for 14 days and filled in a 27-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) 1.5-2 months later. Estimates of fruit, vegetables and fat intake from the FFQ were compared with those from the weighed records. RESULTS: Mean intake of vegetables and fruit estimated from the diet records increased with increasing categories for frequency of intake assessed by the FFQ. Spearman correlation coefficient between frequency of intake of vegetables and fruit from the FFQ and amount of these food items estimated from the weighed records was 0.46 and 0.66, respectively. The ability of the FFQ to predict those having inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables based on weighed record data, was more than 90%. Almost 95% who reported use of fat spreads by the FFQ also reported this by the records. The correlation coefficient between the amount of fat used on bread from the two methods was 0.79. The correlation between fat intake estimated from both methods was 0.36 and for saturated fat intake the correlation was 0.38. CONCLUSION: The FFQ could be used to screen for low consumers of fruit, vegetable and fat spread in intervention programmes. However, the ability of the FFQ to identify persons with high (or low) intake of fat and saturated fat was not good.  相似文献   

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