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记述分布于湖北省的硬蜱科1新纪录属:花蜱属(Amblyomma)及4新纪录种:龟形花蜱(A.testudinarium)、雉鸡血蜱(Haemaphysalis phasiana)、豪猪血蜱(H.hystricis)和中华硬蜱(Ixodes sinensis).标本保存于武汉市疾病预防控制中心昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

《Ticks and Tick》2022,13(6):102043
The aim of this study is to determine if there is circulation of microorganisms of the genus Ehrlichia in opossums Didelphis albiventris and their ticks from the Humid Chaco in Argentina. Blood samples of 15 specimens of the opossum D. albiventris were analysed. Immature stages of the ticks Amblyomma ovale (Larvae=26; Nymphs=10), Amblyomma sculptum (Larvae=86; Nymphs=6) and Ornithodoros sp. cf. O. mimon (Larvae=90) were also analyzed. DNA was extracted individually from blood samples and ticks. Molecular detection of Ehrlichia agents was performed targeting two different loci: 16S rRNA and dsb gen. The phylogenetic analyses showed that the Ehrlichia sp. detected in D. albiventris in this study is identical to Ehrlichia sp. strain Natal previously detected in two marsupials from Brazil. Furthermore, a new Ehrlichia strain was amplified from an A. ovale nymph (named as Ehrlichia sp. strain El Bagual) which is phylogenetically closely related to a strain of Ehrlichia sp. detected in Bradypus tridactylus in Brazil. The findings of the current study represent the first report of these two strains of Ehrlichia for Argentina, showing that the diversity of Ehrlichia spp. is greater than previously assumed. Further studies should determine the epidemiological relevance of these findings.  相似文献   

为了解浙江省金华地区野外鼠形动物种类、数量和季节消长,明确其体外寄生蜱情况,探讨其与新发蜱媒传染病的关系,笔者于2006-2008年对该地区野外鼠形动物进行了调查,现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

天津市蜱及蜱媒病原体的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查天津市蜱种群及其分布、病原携带及居民蜱虫防治知识知晓情况,为蜱防治提供依据.方法 应用布旗法采集自然生境中蜱,牛、羊等牲畜体表直接捕捉,采集的蜱样本经鉴定分类后检测布尼亚病毒、伯氏疏螺旋体、巴尔通体及嗜吞噬细胞无形体等病原携带情况;在全市各区(县)随机选取20名居民进行蜱防治知识知晓调查.结果 全市8个区(县)发现蜱,共采集鉴定蜱152只,其中全沟硬蜱占捕获总数的23.03%,长角血蜱占76.97%;相关病原携带检测全部为阴性;居民蜱叮咬防治知识知晓率达70%以上,叮咬后正确处理知晓率达80%以上,城乡无差异.结论 蜱在天津地区存在,未发现携带相关病原,居民防治知识水平较高.今后在防治蜱传疾病中,应继续做好防治宣传,提高医疗卫生部门相关防治能力,准备好相关的处理预案.  相似文献   






共监测452只家养动物,寄生蜱阳性306只,阳性率67.70%,捕获蜱2 603只,蜱指数5.76,隶属于生蜱1科4属10种,长角血蜱为优势蜱种(占59.16%),其次为镰形扇头蜱(26.32%)、微小扇头蜱(6.45%)。各种家养动物寄生蜱阳性率、蜱指数、蜱虫种类数依次为:山羊(74.37%、7.45、7种)、黄牛(62.50%、4.14、6种)、犬(54.62%、2.59、8种)。单只家养动物寄生≥2种蜱种的动物主要是山羊(25.99%)、掺和多重寄生蜱种以长角血蜱(91.26%)最多。山羊优势蜱种为长角血蜱(65.15%)及镰形扇头蜱(29.42%);黄牛优势蜱虫为微小扇头蜱(67.67%)及镰形扇头蜱(20.69%),犬优势蜱种为长角血蜱(57.14%)及豪猪血蜱(21.10%)。山羊、黄牛、犬3种家养动物蜱指数随季节变化其变化趋势也有所不同,山羊与犬蜱指数同长角血蜱消长呈一致,均为3月份为主高峰,9、10月份为次高峰;黄牛蜱指数与微小扇头蜱消长一致,有4月份、8—9月份2个高峰。幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱均有捕获,以若蜱为多,存在单只动物重叠寄生同种不同虫态蜱虫现象,山羊占比较高,其中以长角血蜱多见。




新疆地区Rickettsia raoultii分子流行病学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在媒介生物学理论上, 如立克次体能有效通过某种蜱经卵和经期传播, 则该种蜱既是立克次体的宿主又是其传播媒介, 且立克次体病的分布与该蜱种的分布将-致。国外学者研究证实, R.raoultii能有效通过森林革蜱、边缘革蜱、草原革蜱和网纹革蜱经卵和经期传播, 是R.raouhii的传播媒介和宿主[5], 尼raouhii及TIBOLA的分布应与森林革蜱和边缘革蜱分布相-致。  相似文献   

Levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 17 topsoil samples collected in and around the city of Harbin, an industrial center in Northeast China for decades, are presented. Total concentrations (ng/g dry weight [dw]) ranged from 17 to 3,260 (mean: 508) for PAHs and 0.30 to 6.17 (mean: 1.63) for PCBs. As expected, large differences of the concentration levels of PAHs and PCBs in topsoil were found among the samples from urban, suburban, and background/rural sites. Total PCB and PAH concentrations were higher in industrialized areas than those at the other sites, with a ratio of up to one order of magnitude, possibly indicating the urban source of these chemicals. The PAH profiles were similar among samples, with high percentages of high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs and domination of four-ring PAHs. Compositions of PCB homologues showed that tri-CBs and tetra-CBs were abundant in all soil samples. There was also a higher abundance of low molecular weight (LMW) PCBs and lower abundance of HMW PCBs at background sites than other areas, indicating the urban fractionation phenomenon. Pyrogenic origins were the dominant PAH sources in surface soil at most urban sites, whereas petrogenic origins were the major PAH sources in surface soil at all the rural and background sites. The TEQ concentrations (pg/g dw) of all four dioxin-like PCBs (CBs 77, 81, 105, and 118) were 0.009 for humans and mammals, 0.005 for fish, and 1.42 for birds. Strong correlations were found between PAH and PCB concentrations and soil organic matter and, also, between PAH and PCB concentrations.  相似文献   

《Ticks and Tick》2020,11(4):101422
Dermacentor andersoni, the Rocky Mountain wood tick, occurs predominantly in the northwestern United States and southwestern Canada. There are relatively few contemporary data to evaluate the occurrence of Rickettsia and Anaplasma species in D. andersoni in western North America, and even less information about these associations in the state of Washington, where this tick species is widely distributed and often bites humans. We used PCR assays to detect DNA of Rickettsia and Anaplasmataceae bacteria in 203 adult D. andersoni ticks collected from 17 sites in 9 counties of Washington between May 2012 and May 2015. Of these, 56 (27.6 %) were infected with a Rickettsia species and 3 (5.4 %) with a member of the Anaplasmataceae family. Rickettsia peacockii, R. bellii and R. rhipicephali were found in 17.7 %, 4.9 %, and 4.4 % of the Rickettsia positive ticks, respectively. Coinfections of R. bellii with R. peacockii or R. rhipicephali were identified in 6 ticks. Of the Anaplasmataceae-positive ticks, one was identified as being infected with Anaplasma phagocytophilum AP-Variant 1. No ticks were infected with a recognized human or animal pathogen, including R. rickettsii, A. phagocytophilum-ha, A. bovis, or A. marginale.  相似文献   

Six species are recorded for the 1st time in Formosa province, northeast region of Argentina: Culex delpontei, Cx. eduardoi, Cx. maxi, [corrected] and Toxorhynchites theobaldi, increasing the number of species of that province to 73.  相似文献   

Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) were investigated for their value as sentinel animals for Lyme borreliosis in the Netherlands. Serum was obtained from 114 roe deer, and 513 Ixodes ricinus, predominantly females (72%), were obtained from 47 animals (41%). The polymerase chain reaction was used to detect DNA of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in a total of 190 ticks, comprising 106 engorged ticks and 84 non-engorged ticks. Borrelia DNA was detected in 24 engorged ticks (23%) and 26 non-engorged ticks (31%). This difference was not significant (P = 0.25). Four species of B. burgdorferi sensu lato were identified in the ticks. B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia afzelii and group VS116. B. afzelii was most commonly found and present in 13 mixed infections, and in 28 single infections. Fifteen sera (13%) contained antibodies to Borrelia spp. Ticks are more appropriate sentinel animals for Lyme borreliosis than roe deer, an important host for I. ricinus. Although the viability of borrelia spirochaetes in engorged ticks collected from roe deer was not assessed, a bloodmeal taken from roe deer did not eliminate borrelia spirochaetes from the tick. The relevance of this finding for transovarial transmission of borrelia spirochaetes in ticks is discussed.  相似文献   

目的调查陕西省蜱的种类与自然地理分布。方法采用布旗法和动物体表采集法采获蜱类标本。结果陕西省有26种蜱,长角血蜱、波斯锐缘蜱、翘缘锐缘蜱在陕西省6个自然地理区划内均有分布,其他蜱的分布有一定的地理特征。结论发现陕西省蜱类新记录12种。  相似文献   

目的了解哈尔滨市医院重症监护室(ICU)环境物体表面、医务人员手病原菌群种类和分布情况及病原菌对抗菌药物的耐药性,为探明医院感染传播途径及传播媒介提供主要依据。方法对哈尔滨市10家医院ICU环境物体表面及医务人员手采样后进行细菌分离鉴定及药敏试验,并按不同采集区域分别进行统计分析。结果共采集ICU动态环境标本724份,检出病原菌479份,其中革兰氏阳性菌344株,占71.8%,革兰氏阴性菌135株,占28.2%;分离的病原菌株数位于前3位的分别是表皮葡萄球菌81株、松鼠葡萄球菌73株、鲍氏不动杆菌66株。主要的革兰氏阴性菌对氨苄西林、头孢哌酮、头孢孟多、头孢噻肟的耐药率较高,主要的革兰氏阳性菌对磺胺复合物、甲氧苄氨嘧啶、四环素、氨苄西林的耐药率较高。结论 ICU环境物体表面和医务人员手均分离出多种引起医院感染的常见病原菌,主要以革兰氏阳性菌为主,且对抗菌药物均有不同程度的耐药性。  相似文献   

Anaplasma bovis, causative agent of bovine anaplasmosis, is usually identified by nested-PCR amplifying the rrs gene. However, it is difficult to determine the genetic relationship among different variants within A. bovis using this gene because of high conservation. In this study, two tick species, identified as Rhipicephalus microplus and Haemaphysalis longicornis based on morphological and molecular methods by analyzing COI gene, were collected from cattle, goat or sheep. Subsequently, A. bovis was initially detected by PCR amplifying the rrs gene in ticks in Shaanxi Province, China. The sequencing and Blast results showed that some false positive samples were found when only based on the amplification of partial rrs gene, presenting these sequences resembled those of other Alphaproteobacteria rather than A. bovis. Although major surface proteins genes were proposed and used successfully to identify members within Anaplasmataceae, these genes were unavailable for A. bovis. Hence, primers targeting the groEL gene were designed and a PCR assay was developed. The PCR products were sequenced and similarity and phylogenetic analysis suggested all these sequences are the groEL gene of A. bovis. In addition, phylogenetic analysis based on the groEL gene also revealed the genetic diversity of A. bovis worldwide, as well as in Shaanxi Province of China, which wasn't reflected by analyzing the rrs gene. In sum, groEL gene is important for molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of A. bovis.  相似文献   

Adult mortality of Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex quinquefasciatus, and the Aedes spp. complex (Aedes sollicitans and Aedes taeniorhynchus) was observed after aerial ultra-low volume (ULV) exposure to Dibrom, Trumpet, and Scourge. Dibrom was applied at 112 g active ingredient (AI)/ha, Trumpet at 112 g AI/ha, and Scourge at 1.96 g AI/ha. At all time intervals, Dibrom and Trumpet were significantly more effective against the Aedes spp. complex than against An. quadrimaculatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Scourge was significantly more effective against An. quadrimaculatus and Cx. quinquefasciatus than Dibrom or Trumpet. Trumpet was evaluated at lower labeled rates (28, 56, and 84 g AI/ha) against Cx. quinquefasciatus and the Aedes spp. complex. Adult mortality with Trumpet increased significantly at 1 and 24 h against Cx. quinquefasciatus. With the Aedes spp. complex, mortality increased with rate at 1 h, but at 12 and 24 h, the medium and high dosages were not significantly different from each other. Culex quinquefasciatus and the Aedes spp. complex were also subjected to ULV ground applications of Dibrom, Trumpet, and Scourge. Dibrom was applied at 22.4 g AI/ha, Trumpet at 22.4 g AI/ha, and Scourge as a 1:6 mineral oil mixture at 1.96 g AI/ha. Relative to Dibrom and Trumpet, mortality from Scourge differed greatly with mosquito species. Against Cx. quinquefasciatus, Scourge was significantly more effective than Dibrom and Trumpet at all times and distances, but against the Aedes spp. complex Scourge was significantly less effective.  相似文献   

Populations of three sympatric species (Daphnia cucullata, Daphnia galeata, and Daphnia hyalina (Daphnia longispina complex)) inhabiting three lakes in northeastern Poland (Ro?, Miko?ajskie, Wigry) were checked for interspecific hybrids. Hybrid Daphnia coexisting with parental individuals were detected in each of the investigated lakes. Several classes of hybrids (F1, F2, backcrosses), including D. cucullata×galeata×hyalina individuals, have been detected. Hybrids constituted a substantial (13%?C38%) part of the total abundance of individuals of the D. longispina complex. Deficiency of heterozygotes (hybrids) detected may indicate the existence of barriers for gene flow between the sympatric Daphnia taxa.  相似文献   

To date, no study has investigated Babesia ecology in wild boars, hares or foxes in Turkey. This study aimed to determine and characterize Babesia spp. in wild animals and their ticks. We identified a novel Babesia genotype and four known Babesia species in wild animals and their ticks. We detected Babesia spp. molecularly in hares for the first time. In addition, we identified B. vulpes in foxes for the first time in Turkey. The presence of B. rossi, B. crassa and B. occultans was also revealed in ticks collected from wild boars and hares. This is only the second report of B. rossi in ticks outside of Africa and suggests that B. rossi is circulating in ticks in Turkey. Therefore B. rossi poses a significant threat to domestic dogs. Here we demonstrate the role of wild animals in the life cycle of Babesia species in Turkey and contribute to Babesia ecological and taxonomic information.  相似文献   

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