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农村婴儿辅食添加与营养状况调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为确切了解当前农村婴儿喂养行为状况,以及对其营养状况的影响,笔者于1998年7~8月对湖北省咸宁市麻塘乡1岁内小儿进行调查,以便为今后的婴儿喂养健康教育提供理论依据。1 对象与方法1·1 调查对象 1997年7月后出生的小儿,共127人,男59人,女68人。1·2 调查方法 制定调查表,固定调查人员,采用回  相似文献   

合肥市婴儿辅食添加状况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]探讨合肥市婴儿辅食添加状况.[方法]采用问卷式调查婴儿母亲120人,调查结果进行分析.[结果]婴儿辅食添加率:婴儿小于4个月、4~6个月、大于6个月开始添加一种及以上辅食的为26.7%、61.7%、6.7%,未添加任何辅食的为5.0%;婴儿母亲对6种辅食的添加尚缺乏科学性(P<0.005).[结论]目前婴儿辅食添加还存在一些问题,儿童保健医师应进一步加强婴儿辅食添加知识的宣传,对添加辅食的年龄、次数及种类都应系统地、正确地进行指导,使母亲能够科学地、合理地为婴儿添加各种辅食.  相似文献   

中国农村地区婴幼儿辅食添加状况   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
何宇纳  翟凤英 《卫生研究》2001,30(5):305-307
对较贫困农村地区 146 49名 4~ 2 4月龄婴幼儿的辅食添加情况进行分析 ,结果显示婴幼儿平均从出生后 6个月开始添加食物 ,约 1 3的婴幼儿在 4~ 6个月开始添加 ,有 16 4%的婴幼儿在 4个月以前就添加了谷类食物 ;大多数婴幼儿 (74 4% )从 7个月开始每天进食谷类食物 ,蔬菜水果类食物的摄入频率随着年龄的增加有所增加 ,但 1岁以后也只有 5 0 %的的婴幼儿能够每天食用蔬菜水果。蛋白质类食物的摄入频率较低 ,1岁以上婴幼儿能够每天食用的占 38% ,有 15 8%的婴幼儿从未添加过肉蛋类及豆制品类食物。农村地区的大多数婴幼儿是以母乳喂养的 ,但断奶以后只有 2 0 %的婴幼儿能够每天饮奶 ;婴幼儿的食物摄入情况受家庭食物状况的影响 ,随着年龄的增加 ,影响程度增加 ;婴幼儿辅食添加的状况直接影响婴幼儿的生长发育 ,长期不合理的喂养模式 ,就会造成营养不良。应通过营养教育 ,提高婴幼儿看护人的营养知识 ,及时合理地添加辅食对婴幼儿的生长发育非常重要。  相似文献   

中国7城市婴儿辅食添加状况调查   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:23  
目的:了解目前城市婴儿辅食添加的状况及其影响因素。方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法,对北京、长春、呼和浩特、洛阳、西安昆明以及厦门7个城市内1123例有4-12个月婴儿的母亲进行了面对面的调查,采用交叉表方法分析数据。结果:(1)有35%的婴儿在4个月前已经开始添加了一种或一种以上的辅食;4-6个月时已添淀粉;水果、蔬菜、鸡蛋、鱼/肉和豆制品的比例分别是83%、70%、75%、79%、67%和64%;到6个月时添加一种及以上辅食的婴儿比例为99%,6种辅食全部都添加的达62%。淀粉、水果、蔬菜、鸡蛋添加次数为每天1次及以上的比例在70%及以上,而鱼、肉和豆制品仅为45%和32%。(2)促进婴儿4-6个月之间开始添加辅食的母亲方面因素有:职业为工人或干部、产后恢复工作,接受过辅食添加的宣传教育、正确掌握有关辅食添加的知识、知识来源于大众媒体、保健人员和医护人员等。结论:目前城市4-6个月的辅食添加率较高,应限制4个月以前开始添加辅食。应给广大育龄妇女提供更多、更好、更新的有关正确添加辅食的宣传教育,特别是要加强社区在宣传教育中的作用。  相似文献   

[目的]对云南农村婴幼儿的喂养现状进行调查,了解辅食添加及体格生长等相关情况。[方法]选取2周岁内婴幼儿进行调查,用Epidata建立数据库,采用SPSS软件进行统计分析。[结果]6~9月添加淀粉者占27.0%,鸡蛋占16.0%,乳品类占13.0%,肉类占22.0%,豆制品类占8.0%,蔬菜水果类占22.0%;添加最早者在月龄不到1月组添加的食品有淀粉、乳品类和肉类;添加最晚者11~12月仍未添加淀粉者占3%、蛋类占35.1%、乳品类56.4%、肉类8.5%,豆制品类61.8%,蔬菜水果类12.7%。[结论]婴儿的辅食添加欠合理,需进行科学育儿的指导。  相似文献   

婴幼儿期是体格生长和智力发育的关键时期。营养是生长发育的基础 ,母乳喂养和辅食添加是婴幼儿合理喂养的关键 ,是婴幼儿健康成长的保证。WHO倡导纯母乳喂养是 4~ 6个月前婴幼儿的最佳喂养方式 ,同时 ,合理添加辅食对婴幼儿达到良好发育状态具有同等重要的作用。对开封县农村 0~ 2 4个月婴幼儿母乳喂养及辅食添加状况进行调查分析 ,为指导今后婴幼儿合理营养提供科学依据。1 调查对象及方法1 1 对象 开封县农村 0~ 2 4个月婴幼儿共 4 88人。1 2 方法 采取分层抽样的方法 ,随机抽取开封县4个乡 ,每个乡随机抽取 6个自然村 ,每村随…  相似文献   

成都市婴儿辅食添加知识及喂养行为状况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】了解成都市婴儿辅食添加知识及喂养行为现状,为开展婴儿营养改善工作提供依据。【方法】分层整群随机抽取成都市3~12月龄婴儿580名,对其看护人相关婴儿辅食添加知识及喂养行为进行问卷调查。【结果】婴儿看护人辅食添加知识得分不及格率为39.9%,优秀率为12.3%;获取辅食添加知识的实际和期望来源均主要是儿保医护人员(70.7%、63.8%);6月龄婴儿谷类、水果/蔬菜类、蛋类、鱼/肝脏和其他肉类的添加率分别为95.7%、83.6%、84.5%、31.9%、30.2%;各类辅食首次添加时间集中在4~6月龄。【结论】目前成都市婴儿看护人辅食添加知识水平较低,婴儿辅食添加不尽合理,建议通过儿保医护人员加强婴儿辅食添加知识普及和技能指导。  相似文献   

目的:了解衢州市城镇婴儿辅食添加状况。方法:对衢州市政府所在地柯城区系统保健的332名婴儿进行问卷调查,并作相关检查。结果:衢州市婴儿2个月未添加蛋类、鱼肉类、植物蛋白和蔬菜,谷类与水果的添加率为2.3%和10%,9个月奶类添加率为61%。辅食按时添加与母亲文化程度和职业有关。未按时添加辅食的婴儿贫血和佝偻病的患病率高达24.43%和57.08%。结论:衢州市婴儿辅食添加时间较适宜,奶类的添加需加强。及时正确添加强化辅食,可以减少婴儿贫血和佝偻病的患病率。  相似文献   

深圳市南山区部分婴儿辅食添加情况调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁海丽  荣学明  乐新  田青  仇容 《现代预防医学》2003,30(4):513-514,516
目的:了解本地婴儿辅食添加状况。方法:对2002年8~11月在我科进行体检的861名婴儿进行问卷调查。结果:本地6个月婴儿谷类、水果蔬菜类和蛋白类食物的添加率分别为90%、85%、79%.较全国2000年调查的整体水平高,常、暂住人口的辅食添加率差异不明显。婴儿是否合理、及时添加辅食与母亲的文化程度有密切关系。与家庭收入、是否母亲看护关系不明显。结论:选择有效的健康教育模式,提高看护人的科学育儿知识是我区婴儿保健的重点内容。  相似文献   

2005年中国西部34县农村婴幼儿辅食添加状况分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
[目的]了解中国西部9省市34县农村3岁以下儿童辅食添加的状况.[方法]采用横断面调查设计和人口比例抽样法,2005年调查34县获得10655对母与子,通过母亲回顾调查了儿童的辅食添加情况,并与2001年相同的34县的调查结果进行比较.[结果]2005年儿童平均从6个月开始添加辅食.2005、2001年4个月以前添加任何辅食的比例分别是29.7%、42.6%,到6月龄时未添加任何辅食的比例分别是9.0%、17.1%.4~6个月开始添加下列辅食的比例分别是谷类59.2%、蛋类54.8%、鲜奶类11.7%、豆制品24.0%、肉类34.1%和蔬菜水果类45.4%.到9个月时,未添加下列各种辅食的儿童的比例分别是谷类10.1%、蛋类23.2%、鲜奶类71.3%、豆制品49.5%、肉类34.1%和蔬菜水果类24.8%.2005年辅食添加的时间、比例和频率明显优于2001年.[结论]谷类和蛋类是西部农村儿童普遍添加的辅食,其次为蔬菜水果类、肉类和豆制品;鲜奶类不是儿童普遍添加的辅食.可通过发展经济、营养健康教育,提高母亲的文化水平以及住院分娩来提高适时辅食添加率.适时足量添加豆制品和动物性食品可有效降低儿童营养不良患病率.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nutrition and complementary feeding (CF) of infants and young children (IYC) aged 6–23 months in rural areas of China in 2018 and explored the relationship between CF and nutritional status. We measured the length and weight, calculated the z-scores, and detected micronutrients in the hair. The status of CF was obtained from the respondents by a 24-h dietary recall. IYC were classified into clusters using a two-step cluster analysis. The CF and nutritional status of each cluster were analyzed and compared. The prevalence of stunting, wasting, and overweight in the IYC in rural Chinese areas was 7.1%, 3.0%, and 3.7%, respectively. The median levels of Ca, Fe, and Zn in hair were 550.10 µg/g, 62.94 µg/g, and 132.86 µg/g, respectively. The prevalence of meeting the requirements of minimum dietary diversity (MDD), minimum meal frequency (MMF), and minimum acceptable diet (MAD) was 68.9%, 77.9%, and 46.4%, respectively. IYC with a higher prevalence of MDD, MMF, and MAD were more inclined to maintain a healthy status. The prevalence of undernutrition and overweight of 6- to 23-month-old IYC in rural areas of China was low. However, lack of trace elements was evident, and MAD prevalence remained low.  相似文献   



Breastfeeding practices play an important role in reducing child mortality and morbidity. This study was aimed to describe the breastfeeding practices prevalent in rural areas.


The primary objective of this study was to describe the breastfeeding and newborn care practices in rural areas and the secondary objective was to describe the factors affecting the initiation and duration of breastfeeding.

Settings and Design:

The study was conducted in primary health care center (PHC) that is attached to a medical college in Kengeri, rural Bangalore, Karnataka.

Materials and Methods:

Mothers with children who were 9 months old who came to the PHC for measles vaccination were included in the study and data was collected using the pre-tested questionnaire on breastfeeding and newborn practices.


Our study shows 97% of the mothers initiated breastfeeding, 19% used pre lacteal feeds, 90% had hospital deliveries and 10% had home deliveries, and 50% used a house knife to cut the umbilical cord among home deliveries.


This study emphasizes the need for breastfeeding intervention programs especially for the mother during antenatal and postnatal check-ups and practices like discarding the colostrum and early/late weaning are still widely prevalent and need to be addressed.  相似文献   

目的 了解陕西农村社区婴幼儿营养性贫血的原因及发病率,改善当地儿童营养状况,提高人口素质。方法 采用随机整群抽样方法,对0~18个月的婴幼儿进行调查,获有效资料336份。结果 6~18个月婴幼儿的贫血患病率为81.7%,其中轻中度贫血占98.4%。结论 陕西农村社区的营养性贫血发病率较高,主要原因是辅食添加不合理,建议通过平衡膳食来控制贫血的发病率。  相似文献   

Adequate nutrition in the first year of life is the key prerequisite for a child’s healthy growth and development. The success of complementary feeding is influenced by various factors, including the family’s socioeconomic status, maternal age, place of residence and educational level, older children and duration of breastfeeding. Modified infant feeding guidelines were introduced in Poland in 2016. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that exert the greatest influence on infant feeding practices in the Polish population. A thorough understanding of maternal factors that are responsible for undesirable feeding practices is required to improve the mothers’ knowledge and to promote healthy feeding practices. This study was carried out in March–June 2018 and between November 2018 and March 2019 in the Region of Lublin in southeastern Poland. The mothers of children aged 9–14 months, who had introduced complementary foods, were invited to the study. A total of 441 mothers agreed to participate, and 289 of them fully and correctly completed the questionnaires. Logistic regression models were developed to assess the association between maternal factors, such as age, educational level and the nutrition knowledge score, and introduction of solid foods. The infant’s sex and birth weight and the mother’s place of residence had no significant influence on the duration of breastfeeding. The mother’s age and educational level, the number of children in the family and maternal nutrition knowledge scores contributed to significant differences in breastfeeding duration. Older mothers (30–34 years vs. 25–29 years, p = 0.001), better educated mothers (university vs. secondary school education p = 0.002) and mothers with one or two children exclusively breastfed their children for longer (17 weeks vs. 11 weeks, p = 0.002) than younger mothers with secondary school education and more than three children. Exclusive formula feeding was significantly correlated with untimely introduction of solid foods compared to exclusive breastfeeding (13 weeks vs. 19.7 weeks, p = 0.001). Mothers with nutrition knowledge scores in the upper tertile were more likely to adapt food consistency to the skills manifested by the child (88%) (OR = 1.88; Cl: 1.53–2.26, p < 0.05) and were less likely to delay the introduction of new foods that required chewing and biting (84%) (OR = 0.22; Cl: 0.09–0.34, p < 0.05) than mothers with nutrition knowledge scores in the bottom tertile. Maternal age, educational level and nutrition knowledge significantly increased the age at which infants were introduced to solid foods and the correct identification of the signs indicative of the child’s readiness to explore new tastes and foods with a new consistency. The above factors contributed to delayed, but not untimely, introduction of complementary foods (6 months of age or later), including gluten.  相似文献   

目的了解西部贫困地区农村婴幼儿喂养现状和影响喂养行为的因素,为进一步进行营养综合干预提供依据。方法在国家级和省级贫困县陕西省商南县,应用自编问卷对2个乡镇的494名儿童的家长进行现状调查。结果动物性食物的适宜添加率在母亲的不同文化程度之间的差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.141,P<0.01),有随文化程度升高而上升的趋势。婴幼儿辅食制作方式的影响因素有家庭经济水平(χ2=13.801,P<0.01)及母亲文化程度(χ2=16.198,P<0.01)。结论家庭的经济收入及母亲的文化程度是影响婴幼儿动物性食物的适宜添加率及辅食制作方式的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

农村贫困地区健康教育的实践与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经过不断的探索与3,证明在中国云南省农村贫困地区采用与性农村健康教育(Participatry Rural Health Education,PRHE)方法是可行的。它与传统的方法不同,强调的是当地人的参与,外画者只是协助、地他们的活动,促使当地人分析与他们生活有关的知识和条件,以相应行动,充分挖掘当地人的自身潜力,促进其自我发展。在开展健康工作的同时,也要注意政府的参与,以及农村社区的发展等问题  相似文献   

中国九市婴儿辅食喂养状况分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
【目的】分析我国婴儿辅食添加的现状、变化趋势以及与生长发育的关系。【方法】以"2005年中国九市七岁以下儿童体格发育调查"中1~12个月婴儿为对象,现场询问获得辅食添加信息。【结果】①1~3、4~5和6~12月婴儿辅食添加率:城区分别为11.0%、82.5%、98.9%,郊区为11.4%、69.1%、96.8%。郊区明显低于城区。蛋、水果、粥的添加时间最早,肉、鱼、面食次之,豆制品添加最晚;②北、中片辅食添加率低于南片;③1985~2005年辅食添加率城区表现为1985~1995年有增长,1995~2005年无明显变化;郊区则呈逐渐增长趋势;④4个月内添加辅食组体重、身高均低于未添加组,4月龄以上添加多种辅食组体格指标高于添加单一辅食组。【结论】①多数婴儿均能按照喂养建议进行辅食添加;②辅食添加存在地区差别;③1985~2005年辅食添加有所改善;④辅食添加时间、种类与生长发育有关。  相似文献   

Complementary feeding (CF) should start between 4–6 months of age to ensure infants’ growth but is also linked to childhood obesity. This study aimed to investigate the association of the timing of CF, breastfeeding and overweight in preschool children. Infant-feeding practices were self-reported in 2012 via a validated questionnaire by >7500 parents from six European countries participating in the ToyBox-study. The proportion of children who received breast milk and CF at 4–6 months was 51.2%. There was a positive association between timing of solid food (SF) introduction and duration of breastfeeding, as well as socioeconomic status and a negative association with smoking throughout pregnancy (p < 0.005). No significant risk to become overweight was observed among preschoolers who were introduced to SF at 1–3 months of age compared to those introduced at 4–6 months regardless of the type of milk feeding. Similarly, no significant association was observed between the early introduction of SF and risk for overweight in preschoolers who were breastfed for ≥4 months or were formula-fed. The study did not identify any significant association between the timing of introducing SF and obesity in childhood. It is likely that other factors than timing of SF introduction may have impact on childhood obesity.  相似文献   

Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) is a new and emerging method of introducing complementary feeding in solid consistency, without the use of a spoon and entirely guided by the baby. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the BLW approach in relation to compliance with basic components and sources of information in Chilean families. Using a cross-sectional design, we assessed early nutrition, including breastfeeding and foods offered, maternal/child characteristics and sources of information on BLW among a non-probabilistic sample of mothers of children <24 months who reported practicing BLW (n = 261, median age = 28 years) in Chile. We found that 57.5% of mothers reported their child ate the same food as the family, 44.1% shared ≥3 meals with the family, 84.7% offered ≥3 foods at each meal and 75.6% reported only occasionally offering food with a spoon. The majority reported obtaining information on BLW from social media (82%). Moreover, 56% had offered cookies, 32% added salt and 9% sugar in the first 2 years. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months related to higher odds of consuming family foods (OR = 2.45, 95% CI 1.24–4.84), while having received information from professional sources and social media related to lower odds (OR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.22–0.88 and OR = 0.31, 95% CI 0.15–0.66, respectively). Those who had appropriate weight gain had lower odds of consuming ≥3 foods in meals (OR = 0.35, 95% CI 0.13–0.96). Among mothers who reported practicing BLW with their children, we observed a wide variety of feeding habits, sources of information and low compliance with the studied components. Eating the same food as the family was the most prevalent component and social media was the main source of information on BLW.  相似文献   

Limited data are available regarding the nutritional needs for preterm infants. In most cases, guidelines refer to the acquisition of neuromotor skills, adequate weight and corrected chronological age. While waiting for the establishment of specific nutritional indications for premature infants we proposed the weaning recommendations for term infants of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition with LARNs (Reference intake Levels of Nutrients and energy for the Italian population) of 2014, the Dietary Reference Values for nutrients of European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) of 2017 and the Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand Including Recommended Dietary Intakes of 2017.  相似文献   

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