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坚持从严管理 确保医疗安全   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨在医疗实践中确保医疗安全无事故,本文介绍了①抓思想在“防”字上下功夫;②抓管理在“严”字上下功夫;③抓技术在“创”字上下功夫。为医院确保安全无事故提供一些经验。  相似文献   

为探讨新形势下旅医院卫勤保障工作的开展方法,本阐述了(1)健全组织机构。重点突出“防”字;(2)调动积极因素。重点突出“治”字;(3)创造保障条件,重点突出“快”字。为新形势下旅医院开展卫勤保障工作提供经验。  相似文献   

"军字一号”工程的数据仓库技术的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
为探讨“军字一号”工程中数据仓库技术的应用,根据如何将“军字一号”工程中现存的大量历史数据转变成有用的信息;并就今后“军字一号”工程应用的发展,提出了将数据仓库技术应用到“军字一号”工程中的设想。不但阐述了数据仓库技术应用的背景,以及“军字一号”工程应用数据仓库的意义,更多的是分析其可行性;并通过对实现目标的有利条件和可能遇到的问题及其解决办法进行了详细地分析和讨论。最后,提出了建立实验系统;并且列出要达到该目标所应该实施的工作内容。  相似文献   

封建时代,对君、亲、师的名字避免直呼,新社会社交中避讳引起不愉快的字眼儿,都要用一种委婉词语代替,谓之避讳语。 古代对君、亲、师及长辈的名字避讳概有二法:一、取同义字或同音字代替避讳字。如司马迁为避汉武帝刘彻名讳,在《史记》中将蒯彻改为蒯通;苏轼为避祖父苏序名讳,改序为叙。二、用改字、空字、缺笔,弃名称字之法避讳。如南齐时萧景先,原名萧道先,为避齐高帝萧道成名讳而改换一字;空字避讳,即空某字不写,或作空围“口”,或写“某”字,或写“讳”字;为避万  相似文献   

“军字一号”工程的实用研究   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  
为探讨“军字一号”工程在医院实施过程中的应用情况,对“军字一号”工程的特点与功能,安全性与稳定性,组织技术与管理等问题进行了阐述;为保证网络畅通,正确指导操作人员严格操作规程,使“军字一号”工程保持良好的运行状态。  相似文献   

盐城市针对农业部授权取消有关达标活动后,部分干部、群众在思想上出现“偏”字,工作上出现“松”字,投入上出现“少”字的情况,着重抓了三方面工作:一是调查研究、为新形势下做好卫生工作提供决策依据;二是统一思想认识;三是明确任务,加强领导,保证了卫生工作与整个农村经济的同步发展。  相似文献   

门诊信息的管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨“军字一号”工程的门诊信息的质量管理,本阐述了门诊信息的特点;门诊信息的内容;门诊信息的应用;门诊信息的管理;为“军字一号”工程的门诊信息的质量管理提供经验。  相似文献   

病案首页信息质量保证   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
为探讨“军字一号”工程中的病案首页的质量管理,本阐述了病案首页信息质量;病案首页信息缺陷原因分析;病案首页质量保证方法;病案首页质量保证措施;为“军字一号”工程案首页的质量管理提供经验。  相似文献   

<正> 江苏省金坛市计生局围绕《国家计生委关于开展计划生育优质服务先进县(市区)创建活动的通知》要求,以“好”字为落脚点,以改进计划生育管理与服务,满足人民群众的需求为目标,在“高”字上下功夫,以高标准贯穿运作过程,“全方位”进行优质服务。近日计生局发文,要求局机关科室站及乡  相似文献   

“军字一号”工程输血管理子系统的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为加速“军字一号”工程的运用进程,本阐述了“军字一号”工程中的输血管理子系统的应用情况及其注意事项;为提高输血科的工作效率,减少差错的发生,提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨ABO血型鉴定中RSP法与人工操作法检测结果的差异。[方法]对2004年1月至2005年5月济宁市中心血站流动采血车采集的34021份健康无偿献血者血样,先用ABO正定法人工操作初定型,再用RSP法进行复检定型,并用试管法进行反定型校正。[结果]RSP法的误判率为0.009%,人工法的误判率为0.091%(P〈0.01)。[结论]RSP法明显优于人工法。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore aspects of the meaning of home as experienced by very old single-living people in Sweden. A grounded theory approach was used, and interviews were conducted with 40 men and women aged 80–89. The findings indicate that home has a central place in the lives of very old people because it is where they live and spend so much time. The significance of the home is based on the fact that it means so many different things to the participants. The theme comprises two key categories: home means security and home means freedom. Each of these has three sub-categories. In home means security, these are: living in a familiar neighborhood, everything functions, and having memories to live on. Home means freedom comprises a place for reflection, a social meeting-point, and leaving your own mark. Home is part of the environment and influences the meaning and selection of activities that very old people decide to engage in. When occupational therapists prescribe assistive devices or recommend changes in the home environment, they must be very well aware of and reflect on what home means to their clients and base their measures on that.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies discovered numerous genetic variants significantly associated with various phenotypes. However, significant signals explain only a small portion of the variation in many traits. One explanation is that missing variation is found in “suggestive signals,” i.e., variants with reasonably small P‐values. However, it is not clear how to capture this information and use it optimally to design and analyze future studies. We propose to extract the available information from a genome scan by accurately estimating the means of univariate statistics. The means are estimated by: (i) computing the sum of squares (SS) of a genome scan's univariate statistics, (ii) using SS to estimate the expected SS for the means (SSM) of univariate statistics, and (iii) constructing accurate soft threshold (ST) estimators for means of univariate statistics by requiring that the SS of these estimators equals the SSM. When compared to competitors, ST estimators explain a substantially higher fraction of the variability in true means. The accuracy of proposed estimators can be used to design two‐tier follow‐up studies in which regions close to variants having ST‐estimated means above a certain threshold are sequenced at high coverage and the rest of the genome is sequenced at low coverage. This follow‐up approach reduces the sequencing burden by at least an order of magnitude when compared to a high coverage sequencing of the whole genome. Finally, we suggest ways in which ST methodology can be used to improve signal detection in future sequencing studies and to perform general statistical model selection.  相似文献   

The potential for research involving biospecimens can be hindered by the prohibitive cost of performing laboratory assays on individual samples. To mitigate this cost, strategies such as randomly selecting a portion of specimens for analysis or randomly pooling specimens prior to performing laboratory assays may be employed. These techniques, while effective in reducing cost, are often accompanied by a considerable loss of statistical efficiency. We propose a novel pooling strategy based on the k‐means clustering algorithm to reduce laboratory costs while maintaining a high level of statistical efficiency when predictor variables are measured on all subjects, but the outcome of interest is assessed in pools. We perform simulations motivated by the BioCycle study to compare this k‐means pooling strategy with current pooling and selection techniques under simple and multiple linear regression models. While all of the methods considered produce unbiased estimates and confidence intervals with appropriate coverage, pooling under k‐means clustering provides the most precise estimates, closely approximating results from the full data and losing minimal precision as the total number of pools decreases. The benefits of k‐means clustering evident in the simulation study are then applied to an analysis of the BioCycle dataset. In conclusion, when the number of lab tests is limited by budget, pooling specimens based on k‐means clustering prior to performing lab assays can be an effective way to save money with minimal information loss in a regression setting. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction: In a previous study consensus was sought from Malaysian occupational therapists of occupation-based intervention (OBI) that was perceived as a means and an end. Occupation as a means refers to occupational and purposeful tasks as a therapeutic agent while occupation as an end refers to occupation as an outcome of intervention. The purpose of this follow-up study was to describe the occupational therapists’ experiences of providing OBI in hand injury rehabilitation in Malaysia. Methods: Sixteen occupational therapists with more than five years of experience in hand rehabilitation were individually interviewed on their experiences of using OBI in practice. Data were thematically analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results: Definition of “Occupation as a means”, and “Occupation as an end” was broadened after data analysis of interviews to include two new themes: “Rewarding yet challenging” and “Making OBI a reality”. Occupational therapists had positive experiences with OBI and perceived that occupation as a means and an end can be merged into a single therapy session when the occupational therapists use an occupation that is therapeutic. Conclusion: Although occupation as a means and as an end have different purposes, when the ultimate goal is to enhance the clients’ maximum level of functioning both can be used for successful rehabilitation of hand injuries.  相似文献   



School-based breakfast provision is increasingly being seen as a means of improving educational performance and dietary behaviour amongst children. Furthermore, recognition is growing that breakfast provision offers potential as a means of addressing social inequalities in these outcomes. At present however, the evidence base on the effectiveness of breakfast provision in bringing about these improvements is limited.  相似文献   

Therapy of ‘the word’: New goals in teaching communication skills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Editor's Introduction The analysis of health care is now taught across the globe, but it is by no means a clearly defined activity. The teaching of analytical skills to health workers takes many different forms, and is done in widely divergent institutions and cultures. Teaching communication skills has been one of the most successful means of fostering nonclinical analytical thinking in medical students. Below, in an article all the more powerful for its subtlety, Dr. Valerie Grant shows how good communication is also good medicine.  相似文献   

Not to remember means to side with the executioners againstits victims; not to remember means to kill the victims a secondtime; not to remember means to become an accomplice of the enemy.On the other hand, to remember means to feel compassion forthe victims of all persecutions.
(Elie Wiesel, excerpt from the Miami Beach Holocaust Memorialdedication, 4 February 1990) In 1991, Croatia entered the list of world's crisis areas ravagedby armed conflicts. The scenes of war, once thought to be safelyburied in the textbooks of European history, resurrected beforethe eyes of shocked nations. As if all the tragic lessons ofprevious wars were forgotten,  相似文献   

目的探索风险评估法结合类比法在建设项目职业病危害预评价中的应用。方法风险评估方程式:R=MLSN。式中R为评价单元中某种有害因素(尘、毒、噪声等)危害风险值;M为危害因素防护措施权数;L为危害因素发生职业病危害的可能性量化值,等于有害因素超限倍数b与暴露时间t的乘积;S为有害因素可能导致职业病危害严重程度权数;N为暴露人数权数。根据R值划分风险等级,应用和计算各评价单元的风险等级,进而计算建设项目职业病危害风险等级。结果发电升压、锅炉、水处理、中控室等工作场所R值为1~48,风险度分级为Ⅰ级,属低风险;燃料、燃料灰渣处理、维修作业R值为72,属中等风险。项目职业病危害风险综合评估综合风险值33.6,拟建项目职业病危害属于低风险。结论风险评估法与类比法相结合,解决了单独用类比法没有解决的建设项目职业病危害风险程度问题。  相似文献   

目的了解三门峡农村饮用水一般化学指标状况。方法对2013年120份三门峡农村水样检测,分析主要数据地区分布。结果共检测水样120份,一般化学指标12项,其中溶解性总固体、总硬度、硫酸盐、氯化物、耗氧量在不同地区间含量差异均有统计学意义(P=0.000),前4项含量以陕县最高,渑池县、卢氏县次之,均数之间差别具有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论三门峡农村饮用水一般化学指标质量总体较好,应针对重点项目、重要地点加强监测。  相似文献   

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