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Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) is known to enhance fracture healing when delivered via a bovine collagen sponge. However, collagen rapidly releases BMP-2 with a high burst phase that is followed by a low sustained phase. As a result, supra-physiological doses of BMP-2 are often required to successfully treat bone defects. High BMP-2 dosing can introduce serious side effects that include edema, bone overgrowth, cyst-like bone formation and significant inflammation. As the release behavior of BMP-2 carriers significantly affects the efficacy of fracture healing, we sought to compare the influence of two BMP-2 delivery matrices with contrasting release profiles on BMP-2 bioactivity and ectopic bone formation. We compared a thiol-modified hyaluronan (Glycosil?) hydrogel that exhibits a low burst followed by a sustained release of BMP-2 to a collagen sponge for the delivery of three different doses of BMP-2, the bioactivities of released BMP-2 and ectopic bone formation. Analysis of bone formation by micro-computed tomography revealed that low burst followed by sustained release of BMP-2 from a hyaluronan hydrogel induced up to 456% more bone compared to a BMP-2 dose-matched collagen sponge that has a high burst and sustained release. This study demonstrates that BMP-2 released with a low burst followed by a sustained release of BMP-2 is more desirable for bone formation. This highlights the therapeutic potential of hydrogels, particularly hyaluronan-based, for the delivery of BMP-2 for the treatment of bone defects and may help abrogate the adverse clinical effects associated with high dose growth factor use.  相似文献   

The mechanisms driving bone marrow stem cell mobilization are poorly understood. A recent murine study found that circulating bone marrow-derived osteoprogenitor cells (MOPCs) were recruited to the site of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)-induced bone formation. Stromal cell-derived factor-1α (SDF-1α) and its cellular receptor CXCR4 have been shown to mediate the homing of stem cells to injured tissues. We hypothesized that chemokines, such as SDF-1, are also involved with mobilization of bone marrow cells. The CD45(-) fraction is a major source of MOPCs. In this report we determined that the addition of BMP-2 or SDF-1 to collagen implants increased the number of MOPCs in the peripheral blood. BMP-2-induced mobilization was blocked by CXCR4 antibody, confirming the role of SDF-1 in mobilization. We determined for the first time that addition of SDF-1 to implants containing BMP-2 enhances mobilization, homing of MOPCs to the implant, and ectopic bone formation induced by suboptimal BMP-2 doses. These results suggest that SDF-1 increases the number of osteoprogenitor cells that are mobilized from the bone marrow and then home to the implant. Thus, addition of SDF-1 to BMP-2 may improve the efficiency of BMPs in vivo, making their routine use for orthopaedic applications more affordable and available to more patients.  相似文献   

Yang HS  La WG  Bhang SH  Lee TJ  Lee M  Kim BS 《Tissue engineering. Part A》2011,17(17-18):2153-2164
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are the most potent osteoinductive growth factors. BMP-2 is clinically used for spine fusion and bone fracture healing. Commercially available BMP-2 uses a type I collagen scaffold as a carrier, but it only releases BMP-2 for a short period of time, which may release the bone formation efficacy. In the present study, we hypothesize that apatite coating of a collagen scaffold increases the release period as well as the osteogenic efficacy of BMP-2. Apatite coating was achieved by incubating collagen scaffolds in simulated body fluids (SBFs). Apatite coating on collagen scaffolds was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The rate and period of BMP-2 release from apatite-coated collagen scaffolds varied depending on the concentration of SBFs used. The 5× and 10× SBF apatite-coated collagen scaffolds released 91.8%±11.5% and 82.2%±13.1% of their loaded BMP-2 over 13 days in vitro, respectively, whereas noncoated collagen scaffold released 98.3%±2.2% over the initial one day. BMP-2 released from apatite-coated collagen scaffold significantly increased the alkaline phosphatase activity of cultured osteoblasts, compared with BMP-2 released from noncoated collagen scaffold. Computed tomography and histomorphometry showed that BMP-2 delivery using apatite-coated collagen scaffolds resulted in 2.5-fold higher bone formation volume and 4.0-fold higher bone formation area than BMP-2 delivery using noncoated collagen scaffolds. This study shows that simple apatite coating of a collagen scaffold results in a BMP-2 carrier that renders long-term release of BMP-2 and dramatically enhances osteogenic efficacy.  相似文献   

This work evaluated gelatin microparticles and biodegradable composite scaffolds for the controlled release of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) in vitro and in vivo. Gelatin crosslinking (10 and 40mM glutaraldehyde), BMP-2 dose (6 and 60ng BMP-2 per mg dry microparticles), buffer type (phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and collagenase-containing PBS), and gelatin type (acidic and basic) were investigated for their effects on BMP-2 release. Release profiles were also observed using poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles with varying molecular weights (8300 and 57,500). In vitro and in vivo studies were conducted using radiolabeled BMP-2; the chloramine-T method was preferred over Bolton-Hunter reagent for radioiodination with this system. BMP-2 release from PLGA microparticles resulted in a moderate burst release followed by minimal cumulative release, while BMP-2 release from gelatin microparticles exhibited minimal burst release followed by linear release kinetics in vitro. Growth factor dose had a small effect on its normalized release kinetics probably because of an equilibrium between gelatin-bound and unbound BMP-2. Differences in release from acidic and basic gelatin microparticles may result from the different pretreatment conditions used for gelatin synthesis. The in vitro release kinetics for both gelatin microparticles alone and within composite scaffolds were dependent largely on the extent of gelatin crosslinking; varying buffer type served to confirm that controlled release relies on enzymatic degradation of the gelatin for controlled release. Finally, in vivo studies with composite scaffolds exhibited minimal burst and linear release up to 28 days. In summary, dose effects on BMP-2 release were found to be minimal while varying gelatin type and release medium can alter release kinetics. These results demonstrate that a systematic control of BMP-2 delivery from gelatin microparticles can be achieved by altering the extent of basic gelatin crosslinking.  相似文献   

Jeon O  Song SJ  Kang SW  Putnam AJ  Kim BS 《Biomaterials》2007,28(17):2763-2771
In this study, a heparin-conjugated poly(l-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (HP-PLGA) scaffold was developed for the sustained delivery of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), and then used to address the hypothesis that BMP-2 delivered from this scaffold could enhance ectopic bone formation. We found the amount of heparin conjugated to the PLGA scaffolds could be increased up to 3.2-fold by using scaffolds made from star-shaped PLGA, as compared to scaffolds made from linear PLGA, and that the release of BMP-2 from the HP-PLGA scaffold was sustained for at least 14 days in vitro. The BMP-2 released from the HP-PLGA scaffold stimulated an increase in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of osteoblasts for 14 days in vitro, suggesting that the HP-PLGA scaffold delivery system releases BMP-2 in a bioactive form for a prolonged period. By contrast, BMP-2 release from unmodified (no heparin) PLGA scaffolds induced a transient increase in ALP activity for the first 3 days and a decrease thereafter. In vivo bone formation studies showed the BMP-2-loaded HP-PLGA scaffolds induced bone formation to a much greater extent than did either BMP-2-loaded unmodified PLGA scaffolds or unloaded (no BMP-2) HP-PLGA scaffolds, with 9-fold greater bone formation area and 4-fold greater calcium content in the BMP-2-loaded HP-PLGA scaffold group compared to the BMP-2-loaded unmodified PLGA scaffold group. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the HP-PLGA delivery system is capable of potentiating the osteogenic efficacy of BMP-2, and underscore its importance as a possible bone regeneration strategy.  相似文献   

Autograft treatment of large bone defects and fracture non-unions is complicated by limited tissue availability and donor site morbidity. Polymeric biomaterials such as alginate hydrogels provide an attractive tissue engineering alternative due to their biocompatibility, injectability, and tunable degradation rates. Irradiated RGD-alginate hydrogels have been used to deliver proteins such as bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), to promote bone regeneration and restoration of function in a critically sized rat femoral defect model. However, slow degradation of irradiated alginate hydrogels may impede integration and remodeling of the regenerated bone to its native architecture. Oxidation of alginate has been used to promote degradation of alginate matrices. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of alginate oxidation on BMP-2 release and bone regeneration. We hypothesized that oxidized-irradiated alginate hydrogels would elicit an accelerated release of BMP-2, but degrade faster in vivo, facilitating the formation of higher quality, more mature bone compared to irradiated alginate. Indeed, oxidation of irradiated alginate did accelerate in vitro BMP-2 release. Notably, the BMP-2 retained within both constructs was bioactive at 26 days, as observed by induction of alkaline phosphatase activity and positive Alizarin Red S staining of MC3T3-E1 cells. From the in vivo study, robust bone regeneration was observed in both groups through 12 weeks by radiography, micro-computed tomography analyses, and biomechanical testing. Bone mineral density was significantly greater for the oxidized-irradiated alginate group at 8 weeks. Histological analyses of bone defects revealed enhanced degradation of oxidized-irradiated alginate and suggested the presence of more mature bone after 12 weeks of healing.  相似文献   

背景:重组人骨形态发生蛋白2在体内半衰期短、易降解代谢,达不到理想的骨再生效果。 目的:制备缓释型重组人骨形态发生蛋白2/壳聚糖生物骨修复材料,并观察其缓释性能、骨诱导活性。 方法:将重组人骨形态发生蛋白2与壳聚糖混合制备壳聚糖膜,涂覆于生物骨修复材料表面,ELISA方法检测其体外释药性能。茜素红染色检测缓释型人骨形态发生蛋白2/壳聚糖生物骨材料、重组人骨形态发生蛋白2生物骨材料、单纯骨填充材料诱导C2C12细胞骨钙蛋白的形成,观察其诱导成骨细胞能力。同时将3种骨修复材料植入清洁级KM小鼠股部肌袋内,2周后检测新生骨Ca2+离子含量,评价其异位骨诱导能力。 结果与结论:材料表面的壳聚糖膜分布均匀,负载的重组人骨形态发生蛋白2呈团簇状。重组人骨形态发生蛋白2/壳聚糖生物骨修复材料体外释药存在突释,前4 d释放量达总药量的50%,持续至12 d,释药量达到90%,第18天时释放完全。与单纯骨填充材料、重组人骨形态发生蛋白2生物骨材料相比,缓释型人骨形态发生蛋白2/壳聚糖生物骨修复材料诱导C2C12细胞向成骨晚期分化能力与异位骨形成能力显著增强(P < 0.05)。结果提示缓释型人骨形态发生蛋白2/壳聚糖生物骨修复材料缓释性能好,促进骨形成能力强。  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that recombinant human interleukin-11 (rHuIL-11) induced osteoblast differentiation of C3H10T1/2 progenitor cells and also acted synergistically with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rHuBMP-2) in performing the same function. In this study, we investigated the effect of rHuIL-11 and rHuBMP-2 on bone formation in a rat ectopic model. When placed in rats, implants consisting of polymer-coated gelatin sponges containing various concentrations of rHuBMP-2 showed a dose-dependent increase in calcium content. This was confirmed by radiographic analysis of the implants. Although implants containing rHuIL-11 alone did not accumulate calcium, implants containing a combination of rHuBMP-2 and rHuIL-11 had significantly higher calcium levels than those containing rHuBMP-2 alone. This increase was rHuIL-11 dose dependent. The synergistic effect of 20 micrograms rHuIL-11 and 6 micrograms rHuBMP-2 on bone formation was estimated to be 1 week in advance of that of 6 micrograms rHuBMP-2 alone. Histologic examination revealed that the combination of rHuIL-11 and rHuBMP-2 caused spindle cells to accumulate around implants and induced cell infiltration into implants. Bone formation occurred faster in implants with the combination of rHuIL-11 and rHuBMP-2 compared with rHuBMP-2 alone. These results suggest that rHuIL-11 acts synergistically with rHuBMP-2 to more rapidly stimulate bone formation compared with rHuBMP-2 alone. This novel combined therapy may be of great clinical benefit in bone healing.  相似文献   

A biodegradable microsphere/scaffold composite based on the synthetic polymer poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF) holds promise as a scaffold for cell growth and sustained delivery vehicle for growth factors for bone regeneration. The objective of the current work was to investigate the in vitro release and in vivo bone forming capacity of this microsphere/scaffold composite containing bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) in combination with autologous bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) in a goat ectopic implantation model. Three composites consisting of 0, 0.08, or 8 microg BMP-2 per mg of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microspheres, embedded in a porous PPF scaffold, were combined with either plasma (no cells) or culture-expanded BMSCs. PPF scaffolds impregnated with a BMP-2 solution and combined with BMSCs as well as empty PPF scaffolds were also tested. The eight different composites were implanted subcutaneously in the dorsal thoracolumbar area of goats. Incorporation of BMP-2-loaded microspheres in the PPF scaffold resulted in a more sustained in vitro release with a lower burst phase, as compared to BMP-2-impregnated scaffolds. Histological analysis after 9 weeks of implantation showed bone formation in the pores of 11/16 composites containing 8 microg/mg BMP-2-loaded microspheres with no significant difference between composites with or without BMSCs (6/8 and 5/8, respectively). Bone formation was also observed in 1/8 of the BMP-2-impregnated scaffolds. No bone formation was observed in the other conditions. Overall, this study shows the feasibility of bone induction by BMP-2 release from microspheres/scaffold composites.  相似文献   

Yamamoto M  Takahashi Y  Tabata Y 《Biomaterials》2003,24(24):4375-4383
The objective of this study is to develop a carrier for the controlled release of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) suitable for enhancement of the bone regeneration activity. Hydrogels with different water contents were prepared through glutaraldehyde crosslinking of gelatin with an isoelectric point of 9.0 under varied reaction conditions. Following subcutaneous implantation of the gelatin hydrogels incorporating 125I-labeled BMP-2 into the back of mice, the in vivo retention period of BMP-2 prolonged with a decrease in the water content of hydrogels used, although every time period was much longer than that of BMP-2 solution injection. Ectopic bone formation studies demonstrated that the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and osteocalcin content around the implanted site of BMP-2-incorporated gelatin hydrogels were significantly high compared with those around the injected site of BMP-2 solution. The values became maximum for the gelatin hydrogel incorporating BMP-2 with a middle period of BMP-2 retention, while bone formation was histologically observed around the hydrogel incorporating BMP-2. The ALP activity was significantly higher than that of the collagen sponge incorporating BMP-2. We concluded that the controlled release technology of BMP-2 for a certain time period was essential to induce the potential activity for bone formation.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), in particular BMP-2, are the growth factors primarily responsible for osteoinduction. A knowledge of interactions between bone substitute materials and growth factor variants is crucial to designing bone substitutes with an ideal release profile. Here we compare glycosylated and non-glycosylated recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) either incorporated into a hydrolyzable polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel developed as a slow release system or adsorbed to a deproteinized bovine bone matrix (DBBM), a clinically well-established bone substitute material. rhBMP-2 loaded materials were immersed in cell culture medium and rhBMP-2 concentration profiles in the supernatant were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The corresponding biological activities were assessed in vitro by alkaline phosphatase activity assay. We show a strong affinity of rhBMP-2 for DBBM and reduced biological activity after its release from PEG hydrogels. Glycosylated rhBMP-2 was significantly less affected by the hydrogel and interacted significantly more strongly with DBBM than non-glycosylated rhBMP-2. We therefore question the combination of PEG hydrogels with DBBM as a rhBMP-2 delivery system over DBBM alone, since rhBMP-2 released from the hydrogel will be trapped by DBBM. Moreover, our results suggest that glycosylated rhBMP-2 is favorable in combination with PEG hydrogels, since its activity is better preserved, whereas in combination with DBBM non-glycosylated rhBMP-2 is favorable, benefiting from an initially higher concentration of free rhBMP-2.  相似文献   

Yang HS  La WG  Bhang SH  Kim HJ  Im GI  Lee H  Park JH  Kim BS 《Tissue engineering. Part A》2011,17(13-14):1809-1818
Microfracture of cartilage induces migration of bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. However, this treatment often results in fibrocartilage regeneration. Growth factors such as bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 induce the differentiation of bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into chondrocytes, which can be used for hyaline cartilage regeneration. Here, we tested the hypothesis that long-term delivery of BMP-2 to cartilage defects subjected to microfracture results in regeneration of high-quality hyaline-like cartilage, as opposed to short-term delivery of BMP-2 or no BMP-2 delivery. Heparin-conjugated fibrin (HCF) and normal fibrin were used as carriers for the long- and short-term delivery of BMP-2, respectively. Rabbit articular cartilage defects were treated with microfracture combined with one of the following: no treatment, fibrin, short-term delivery of BMP-2, HCF, or long-term delivery of BMP-2. Eight weeks after treatment, histological analysis revealed that the long-term delivery of BMP-2 group (microfracture + HCF + BMP-2) showed the most staining with alcian blue. A biochemical assay, real-time polymerase chain reaction assay and Western blot analysis all revealed that the long-term delivery of BMP-2 group had the highest glucosaminoglycan content as well as the highest expression level of collagen type II. Taken together, the long-term delivery of BMP-2 to cartilage defects subjected to microfracture resulted in regeneration of hyaline-like cartilage, as opposed to short-term delivery or no BMP-2 delivery. Therefore, this method could be more convenient for hyaline cartilage regeneration than autologous chondrocyte implantation due to its less invasive nature and lack of cell implantation.  相似文献   

Nonunion is a common complication in open fractures and other severe bone injuries. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) delivered on a collagen sponge enhances healing of fractures. However, the burst release of rhBMP-2 necessitates supra-physiological doses of rhBMP-2 to achieve a robust osteogenic effect, which introduces risk of ectopic bone formation and severe inflammation and increases the cost. Although the concept that the ideal pharmacokinetics for rhBMP-2 includes both a burst and sustained release is generally accepted, investigations into the effects of the release kinetics on new bone formation are limited. In the present study, biodegradable polyurethane (PUR) and PUR/microsphere [PUR/poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)] composite scaffolds with varying rhBMP-2 release kinetics were compared to the collagen sponge delivery system in a critical-sized rat segmental defect model. Microcomputed tomography analysis indicated that a burst followed by a sustained release of rhBMP-2 from the PUR scaffolds regenerated 50% more new bone than the collagen sponge loaded with rhBMP-2, whereas a sustained release without the burst did not form significantly more bone than the scaffold without rhBMP-2. This study demonstrated that the putative optimal release profile (i.e., burst followed by sustained release) for rhBMP-2 can be achieved using PUR scaffolds, and that this enhanced pharmacokinetics regenerated more bone than the clinically available standard of care in a critical-sized defect in rat femora.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are the most potent osteoinductive growth factors. However, a delivery system is essential to take advantage of the osteoinductive effect of BMPs. In the present study, we tested the suitability of apatite-coated poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)/nanohydroxyapatite (PLGA/HA) particulates as carriers for the controlled release of BMP-2. The release of BMP-2 from apatite-coated PLGA/HA particulates was sustained for at least 4 weeks in vitro. A delivery system of apatite-coated PLGA/HA particulates suspended in fibrin gel further slowed the BMP-2 release rate. In vivo implantation of either Fibrin gel + BMP-2 or Fibrin gel + apatite-coated PLGA/HA particulates showed enhanced new bone formation in critical-sized calvarial defects of rats 8 weeks after implantation, compared to implantation of fibrin gel only. Importantly, new bone formation was much higher in the defects treated with BMP-2 delivery using apatite-coated PLGA/HA particulates in fibrin gel (Fibrin gel + PLGA/HA + BMP-2 group) than in the defects treated either with apatite-coated PLGA/HA particulates in fibrin gel (Fibrin gel + BMP-2 group) or with BMP-2 delivery using fibrin gel alone (Fibrin gel + BMP-2 group). BMP-2 and osteoinductive HA had an additive effect on orthotopic bone formation. In conclusion, the apatite-coated PLGA/HA particulates showed good results as carriers for BMP-2. The BMP-2 delivery system showed high osteogenic capability in a rat calvarial bone defect model. The local and sustained delivery system for BMP-2 developed in this study may be useful as a carrier for BMP-2 and would enhance bone regeneration efficacy for the treatment of large bone defects.  相似文献   

背景:目前骨组织工程常用的支架材料主要有无机材料、有机高分子材料及天然衍生材料等,上述材料各有优缺点,为了充分发挥各类材料的优势,弥补其不足,目前多采用联合材料制备复合支架。 目的:制备新型仿生支架材料骨形态发生蛋白7多肽/壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石/胶原,并观察其对骨髓间充质干细胞增殖、黏附及分化的影响。 方法:制备壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石/胶原复合支架材料,扫描电镜观察支架材料表面微观形貌;采用真空吸附法将骨形态发生蛋白7多肽与支架材料复合,高效液相色谱仪检测骨形态发生蛋白7多肽在体外的释放规律;将骨髓间充质干细胞接种到复合骨形态发生蛋白7多肽的仿生支架材料上,以未复合多肽的支架材料作为对照,检测支架材料表面细胞增殖、黏附率、生长形态及碱性磷酸酶活性。 结果与结论:壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石/胶原支架材料呈多孔状,孔径10~100 µm;骨形态发生蛋白7多肽可以从支架材料中缓慢释出;在复合多肽的仿生支架材料表面,骨髓间充质干细胞的黏附及向成骨细胞方向分化能力均明显强于对照组(P < 0.05),而增殖能力与对照组差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。说明新型仿生支架材料骨形态发生蛋白7多肽/壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石/胶原是一种理想的骨组织工程支架材料,具有良好的细胞相容性。  相似文献   

The release of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) from three room temperature polymerising methacrylate systems has been studied. These all contained poly(ethyl methacrylate) powder, but the monomer liquids comprised, respectively, tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFM), 90/10 THFM/hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), and 70/30 THFM/ HEMA. In all cases, rhBMP-2 was released, but the addition of 10% HEMA accelerated release (a nine-fold increase in diffusion coefficient); a further increase to 30% HEMA had no additional effect. For most of the release process, a diffusion process operated, although the early stages were not well defined. At the end of the 15 day period, the release, respectively, for the PEM/THFM, PEM:90/10 THFM/HEMA and PEM:70/30 THFM/HEMA systems was 596, 878 and 923 ng (i.e. up to 92% of the rhBMP-2 added).  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) irreversibly induced the differentiation of mesenchymal-type cells into osteoprogenitor cells for endochondral ossification. During the process of BMP-induced differentiation in mice, 4 cell type (chondroblasts, osteoblasts, chondroclasts, and osteoclasts) were examined for phosphatase and succinate dehydrogenase using a wide range of buffers (4.0 less than or equal to pH less than or equal to 9.2). During the chondroid tissue-forming stage (1 week), chondroblast-like or osteoblast-like cells expressed phosphatase activity at 6.8 less than or equal to pH less than or equal to 9.2; chondroclast-like or osteoclast-like cells expressed phosphatase activity at 4.0 less than or equal to pH less than or equal to 5.8. However, mature chondrocytes found in hyaline cartilage expressed phosphatase activity between 6.6 less than or equal to pH less than or equal to 7.6 (2 weeks). During the process of endochondral ossification, alkaline phosphatase activity decreased in osteoblast-like cells with traces of acid phosphatase activity still detectable. Chondroclastic and osteoclastic giant cells were characterized by intense succinate dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

The long-term stability of bone tissues induced by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) and poly[L-lactide-co-glycolide] copolymer-coated gelatin sponge (PGS) was examined. In 16 dogs, 2.5 cm unilateral bone defects were created in the left tibial diaphyses. Tibia was fixed with metal plate, and PGS impregnated with (0.4 mg/cm(3)) or without rhBMP-2 was implanted into 15 or one defects, respectively. The metal plates of rhBMP-2-treated limbs were removed 16 weeks after the implantation. The bilateral tibiae of five animals each of the rhBMP-2-treated group were harvested at 32, 52 or 104 weeks, and served for biomechanical testing and histology. Although the defect that received PGS alone resulted in nonunion at 16 weeks, all defects treated with rhBMP-2 achieved radiographic bony union by 8 weeks. Biomechanical properties of the regenerated bones restored to the levels of intact tibiae at 32 weeks, but torsional stiffness was significantly higher. No statistical significances were detected in all parameters between regenerated and intact tibiae at 104 weeks. No radiographic and histological findings suggesting enhanced resorption to the regenerated bones were observed. These results suggest the long-term stability of the bone tissues induced by rhBMP-2, and the usefulness of rhBMP-2-impregnated PGS as a biomaterial for long bone defect filling.  相似文献   

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