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An infrarenal duplication of the inferior vena cava with both channels lying on the right side of the aorta was fortuitously found during an abdominal Computed Tomography performed on a 52 year-old woman. Only two same cases seem to be reported in the literature. This very uncommon abnormality probably results from persistence of the infra-renal part of the right subcardinal vein. Radiologists have to be aware of this right-sided ipsilateral duplication for it may be a trap in abdominal imaging as well as "classical" inferior vena cava duplication located on both sides of the abdominal aorta.  相似文献   

目的 通过对肝后下腔静脉、第二肝门、第三肝门的详细观测,为肝脏外科手术的临床实践提供解剖学参考.方法 随机选择40具成人尸体离体肝脏标本,从正后方剖开肝后下腔静脉,测量第二肝门处肝静脉的口径、长度、与下腔静脉的角度;观测第三肝门处肝短静脉的数量及分布.结果 肝左、中、右静脉的内径分别为(9.17±3.58)mm、(9....  相似文献   

肝后下腔静脉破裂修补术应用解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为肝后下腔静脉破裂修补术提供解剖学资料.方法:50例成人尸体正常肝标本,从正后方剖开肝后下腔静脉,观测肝静脉入口的大小和位置,第二、三肝门之间的距离,第二肝门上方下腔静脉的长度及第二肝门、第三肝门的长度,第三肝门处静脉回流情况.结果:三条肝静脉主干入口分布于肝后下腔静脉上部,形成第二肝门;肝短静脉汇聚于肝后下腔静脉下部,形成第三肝门,静脉支数大多数在4~8支之间,开口下腔静脉右侧壁及前壁的大部分静脉均来自肝右叶,左侧壁静脉主要来自尾状叶;第二、三肝门之间存在一个稀疏间隙.下腔静脉的上口和最高1条肝静脉入口上缘的间距为(21.2±4.7)mm,第二肝门的高度为(21.4±6.3)mm,第三肝门的高度为(40.6±8.7)mm,第二、三肝门之间的距离为(21.9±5.8)mm.结论:第二、第三肝门组成及分布各有规律,二者之间存在间隙,对临床修补肝后下腔静脉破裂,提高病人抢救成功率具有重要意义.  相似文献   

作者在解剖一具成年男性标本时,发现双下腔静脉(图1),报道如下:左下腔静脉由左髂内、外静脉在第五腰椎体前方汇合而成,紧邻腹主动脉左侧上行,至第1腰椎间盘平面斜向右上,跨越腹主动脉前方与右下腔静脉汇合,汇合前收纳左侧腰静脉及左肾静脉、左睾丸静脉。左睾丸  相似文献   

下腔静脉肝后段的应用解剖学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:对下腔静脉肝后段进行应用解剖学研究,为腹腔镜肝尾状叶切除等手术提供形态学基础资料.方法:选32具尸体标本,行下腔静脉肝后段(HIVC)的应用解剖学研究.结果:HIVC长(61.2±10.9)mm,下口内径(19.3土1.8)mm,上口内径(22.1±3.5)mm,在HIVC上1/3与中1/3之间有一个无肝短静脉区,长度为(19.1±7.4)mm.肝左静脉与肝中静脉的开口都位于左上区,其间距为0~5 mm;肝右静脉开口位于前上区.肝右下静脉口径为(5.7±2.4)mm,大于5 mm有16例.尾状叶静脉开口大部分位于HIVC的中、下1/3段,且内径大于5 mm的尾状叶静脉位于HIVC中1/3段的左中区,其他肝短静脉汇入HIVC的位置集中在中、下1/3段,大部分位于左下区和前下区.结论:在HIVC上中1/3交界处的无肝短静脉区,可放置球囊;在肝尾状叶切除手术时,从右侧依次切断尾状叶静脉较为安全.  相似文献   

下腔静脉属支插管的应用解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了给临床静脉插管术提供应用解剖学数据,在50具成人尸体上对下腔静脉主要属支的外径、支数、长度、回流部位及其与椎骨的对应关系等进行了详细观测.  相似文献   

A case of left inferior vena cava (IVC) was found in a 72-year-old male cadaver during student dissection practice in 1999 at Gifu University School of Medicine. It was formed by junction of the left and right common iliac veins at the lower left corner of the 5th lumbar vertebra. This IVC (15-mm caliber) ascended 82 mm along the left side of the abdominal aorta dorsally to the ureter. Receiving the left renal vein, it became 21 mm in caliber and ran obliquely upward for 43 mm across the abdominal aorta. As soon as it received two right renal veins at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, the IVC (25-mm caliber) turned directly above. The present case belongs to Type C of the classification of McClure and Butler (1925), which is based on the combinations of the left and right IVCs, and on their location relative to the ureters. The present case also belongs to Type 1 of the classification of Yoshida et al. (1981). We consider that left IVC in the present case is mainly caused by disappearance of the right supracardinal vein and persistence of the left one during the embryological development of the IVC.  相似文献   

A case of a duplicated inferior vena cava (IVC) along with other anatomical vessel variations in a 72-year-old male cadaver is presented. The anomalous vessels involved, besides the IVC, were the left testicular vein and artery, the left suprarenal artery and a superior accessory left renal artery. Based on the gross appearance of the preaortic anastomotic trunk between the left and right IVC as well as on the underlying embryological features, a classification is proposed: incomplete bilateral duplication of the IVC and complete bilateral duplication of the IVC. The latter can be further divided into three types: major, minor and asymmetric.  相似文献   

Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava is a rare neoplasm; however, it is the most frequent tumor of vascular origin. It is classified according to site of origin that reflects its clinical presentation and prognosis. They are generally recognized to be of smooth muscle cell origin. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice. The role of adjuvant therapy for leiomyosarcoma is not established.  相似文献   

A right single preureteric inferior vena cava (IVC) was found in the cadaver of a 77-year-old Japanese male during a student dissection course at Kumamoto University School of Medicine in 2003. The ureter emerged from the lower end of the hilum of the right kidney at the second lumbar vertebral level. It ran inferomedially to pass behind the IVC, and turned inferolaterally to cross the vein superficially at the level of the third to the fourth lumbar vertebrae. Then, the ureter was situated to the right of the IVC, and descended ordinarily. The second lumbar vein of each side united bilaterally, as did the third lumbar veins. The common stem of the second lumbar veins drained into the left side of the IVC posterolaterally at the level of the second intervertebral disc, and the third common stem opened into the left border of the IVC at the fourth lumbar vertebral level. The ureter hooked around the IVC between the openings of those common stems. There was a small continuation (0.2 mm in diameter) between the left second lumbar and the right third lumbar veins along the vertebral column slightly right of the midline. It passed superficial to the right third lumbar artery, as did the IVC. The right testicular vein opened into the IVC at the level of the lower end of the third lumbar vertebral body. Generally, the level of the opening of the gonadal vein corresponds to the level of the caudal end of the remaining subcardinal vein, but it is lower than usual in this case. Furthermore, the segment from the confluence of the common iliac veins to the common trunk of the third lumbar veins, and to the small continuation can be regarded as the proper IVC, and the part where the ureter hooks around it may have derived from the anastomosis between the common trunk of the third lumbar veins and the subcardinal vein.  相似文献   

目的探讨肝后下腔静脉(RHIVC)前间隙和肝外进、出肝血管在半肝切除术中的临床解剖学意义。方法对21例通过RHIVC前间隙解剖与选择肿瘤侧半肝进、出血管解剖阻断技术(slective hepatic vascul exclusi,SHVE)和22例Pringle阻断法的半肝切除术,同时对半肝切除一侧RHIVC的肝短静脉(shorthepatic veins SHVs)数目和分布情况进行分析。结果在SHVE组患者解剖RHIVC前间隙和将肿瘤侧肝动脉、肝门静脉、肝静脉解剖分离予以结扎或置阻断带过程顺利,无发生RHIVC或肝静脉损伤。在本组43例半肝切除术中,SHVs数量3~4支44.2%,6~8支55.8%,其中SHVs位于RHIVC前壁中轴线占11.6%。结论由于RHIVC前间隙无/或潜在少,且细小的SHVs,通过RHIVC前间隙解剖与SHVE技术,对于巨大肝肿瘤的半肝切除术具有重要的临床实用意义。  相似文献   

在解剖一老年男尸,约60岁,身长167cm,外形无畸形,发现双下腔静脉变异1例(图1),现报道如下:  相似文献   

Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 61-year-old woman with symptoms of inferior vena caval obstruction was investigated with computed tomography and ultrasound imaging and found to have a tumor of the inferior vena cava. Transvenous biopsy revealed a leiomyosarcoma, which at surgical exploration was considered to be unresectable. Autopsy showed that the tumor extended form its origin in the inferior vena cava just above the left renal vein to the right atrium. Hepatic metastases were documented. This rare tumor has seldom been diagnosed prior to exploratory surgery or necropsy and should be included in the differential diagnosis of inferior vena caval obstruction. The case illustrates the relative ease and efficacy of transvenous biopsy in establishing this diagnosis antemortem.  相似文献   

Vascular leiomyosarcomas are rare tumors, arising most frequently from inferior vena cava (IVC). They are mostly seen in sixth decade, with a female predominance. Their diagnosis is often challenging, as patients may present with non-specific complaints such as dyspnea, malaise, weight loss, abdominal pain, or back pain, preceding the diagnosis by several years. Leiomyosarcoma of the IVC most frequently occurs in the middle segment. The final diagnosis can be made by an ultrasound or computed tomography guided biopsy. Because of limited experience with this disease, optimal management of IVC leiomyosarcoma is unknown. Curative surgical resection remains the current treatment of choice for primary leiomyosarcoma of IVC. Neoadjuvant therapy may be given to downsize the tumor and increase resectability rates. Nonetheless, when complete resection is not possible, debulking combined with radiation therapy still provides good palliation. We, hereby, report four cases of this rare entity with emphasis on management.  相似文献   

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