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目的:了解皮肤点刺试验对特应性皮炎和慢性荨麻疹患者的临床意义。方法:对进行皮肤点刺试验的33例特应性皮炎和20例慢性荨麻疹患者的结果进行总结分析。结果:在特应性皮炎和慢性荨麻疹患者中均以粉尘螨(分别为78.79%,75.00%)和屋尘螨(分别为75.76%,70.00%)的阳性率最高,粉尘螨和屋尘螨在两者中的阳性率比较,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=9.04,P<0.05;χ2=12.35,P<0.05)。牛奶在慢性荨麻疹患者中的阳性率(30.00%)高于在特应性皮炎患者中的阳性率(6.06%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.00,P<0.05)。结论:特应性皮炎患者较慢性荨麻疹患者对粉尘螨、屋尘螨更易过敏,而后者较前者对牛奶更易过敏。进行皮肤点刺试验可以有效寻找过敏原,减少病情反复机会。  相似文献   

目的:了解普宁市慢性荨麻疹患者过敏原情况,为该病的预防和治疗提供依据。方法:采用一次性点刺针和阿罗格变应原点刺液(包括10种吸入性变应原、17种食入性过敏原、生理盐水阴性对照组和组胺阳性对照组)对3 151例慢性荨麻疹患者进行皮肤点刺试验。结果:3 151例慢性荨麻疹患者中,总阳性率69.53%,其中吸入物阳性数2 134例,食入物阳性数1 894例。吸入物过敏原中,蟑螂阳性率最高,共2 100例,占66.65%;粉尘螨居第二位,共2 066例,占65.57%;第三位为屋尘螨,共1 372例,占43.54%。食入物过敏原中,金枪鱼阳性率最高,共1 793例,占56.90%;红辣椒居第二位,共903例,占28.66%。结论:本观察组3 151例慢性荨麻疹患者吸入性过敏原以蟑螂、粉尘螨、屋尘螨多见;食入性过敏原以金枪鱼、红辣椒为主。找出病因,对临床治疗该病有较好指导意义。  相似文献   

5种瘙痒性皮肤病患者皮肤点刺试验变应原检测结果分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 了解瘙痒性皮肤病的变应原情况。方法 应用变应原皮肤点刺试验对 5种常见的瘙痒性皮肤病进行检测。 结果  2 80例瘙痒性皮肤病患者的变应原检测阳性率达 82 .14 % ;变应原中屋尘螨 ( 5 0 .0 0 % )和粉尘螨( 3 5 .71% )阳性率最高 ;荨麻疹 ( 93 .14 % )、特应性皮炎 ( 87.5 0 % )对变应原反应阳性率最高 ,其次为湿疹 ( 75 .47% )。结论 变应原皮肤点刺试验具有操作简便、快速、特异性高的特点 ,可以帮助患者找出病因 ,在日常生活中避免接触致病变应原。  相似文献   

目的分析天津地区296例过敏性疾病患者的常见变应原。方法采用皮肤点刺试验检测天津地区296例过敏性疾病患者的常见过敏原并对其结果进行分析。结果 296例患者中阳性患者125例,总阳性率为42.23%;其中粉尘螨、屋尘螨阳性率最高,分别为17.91%和15.20%,其次是蟑螂、艾蒿、干草尘埃,分别占9.12%、8.78%和6.08%。荨麻疹、湿疹和特应性皮炎患者的阳性率最高,分别为44.83%、42.64%和40.0%。结论粉尘螨和屋尘螨是天津地区过敏性疾病患者的常见致敏原,其次是蟑螂、艾蒿、干草尘埃,点刺试验是检测过敏原的重要手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性过敏性皮肤病常见变应原的致病状况,为其流行病学研究及临床诊断、治疗和预防提供依据.方法:应用德国默克公司生产的 Allergopharma标准变应原液在前臂掌侧皮肤进行皮肤点刺试验, 同时应用0.1%组胺和生理盐水作为阳性和阴性对照,判断结果得出的数据用SPSS13.0软件包进行2检验和t检验.结果:1 232例慢性荨麻疹、特应性皮炎、慢性湿疹等患者的皮肤点刺试验中,结果变应原阳性率为81.3%;尘螨(屋尘螨+粉尘螨) 阳性率(57.0%)明显高于其它变应原,其次阳性率较高的有虾(18.1%),其余阳性率〉10%的有松属、禾本科花粉、霉菌、杂草.儿童组阳性率明显高于成人组(P〈0.01),吸入组变应原阳性率及阳性程度明显高于食物组变应原(P〈0.01).结论:吸入组变应原是慢性过敏性皮肤病常见变应原,尘螨为首要变应原,其儿童组阳性率明显高于成人组,反应的强度明显强于成人组(P〈0.01).  相似文献   

目的:了解惠州地区慢性荨麻疹患者变应原种类.方法:应用皮肤点刺试验对300例慢性荨麻疹患者进行变应原检测.结果:慢性荨麻疹变应原检出阳性率为79.3%(238例),阴性率20.7%(62例),所测变应原中,阳性率高的依次为屋尘螨、粉尘螨、海虾、海蟹、鸡蛋清.结论:惠州地区慢性荨麻疹患者变应原检出率高,可能是疾病反复发作的主要因素之一.  相似文献   

目的探讨皮肤变应原点刺试验在皮肤变态反应性疾病诊断中的意义。方法选用德国默克公司生产的阿罗格变应原点刺液17种进行试验,阳性对照用组胺,阴性对照用生理盐水,分别对835例荨麻疹、丘疹性荨麻疹等疾病进行皮肤点刺试验,大于3种过敏原阳性者和/或强阳性者为高敏感者。结果619例阳性(阳性率74.13%),高敏感者336例(40.24%),阳性率前五位的变应原分别为粉尘螨(58.44%)、屋尘螨(54.25%)、霉菌Ⅰ(32.8I%)、霉菌Ⅱ(27.31%)、树Ⅰ(19.04%)。随着年龄的增大,变应原.点刺试验阳性率呈阶梯状下降趋势(P〈0.01)。荨麻疹(83.29%)与丘疹性荨麻疹(80.14%)对变应原反应阳性率较高。结论粉尘螨和屋尘螨是本地区变态反应性皮肤病的最主要的变应原,许多患者可以对多种变应原产生过敏,可以出现强阳性,点刺阳性率随年龄的增大呈下降趋势。皮肤变应原点刺试验可以为变态反应性皮肤病患者避免接触相应过敏原和进行特异性脱敏治疗提供客观依据。  相似文献   

目的:明确武汉地区慢性荨麻疹患者变应原种类。方法:采用标准化皮肤点刺试验方法对230例慢性荨麻疹患者进行10种变应原检测。结果:受试者变应原粉尘螨阳性率最高占80%;其次是海蟹、海虾、花粉、花生、狗毛上皮,分别占44.35%、36.52%、28.26%、26.96%和21.30%。结论:本地区变应原以粉尘螨最常见,慢性荨麻疹患者应尽可能避免接触含尘螨较多的环境。  相似文献   

过敏性皮肤病患者血清吸入性过敏原特异性IgE研究   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
为了了解吸入性过敏原在过敏性皮肤病中的作用,采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测148例荨麻疹,138例湿疹和49例异位性皮炎血清屋尘,尘螨,霉菌,豚草花粉,艾蒿花粉,树花粉等6种常见吸入性过敏原特异IgE。结果显示70.9%荨麻疹,79.0%湿疹和77.6%异位性皮炎患者血清中至少有一种吸入性过敏原特异IgE为阳性,均显著高于健康对照组13.0%的阳性率(P<0.01),有异位性病史的异位性皮炎患者血清吸入性过敏原特异IgE的阳性率为90.3%,显著高于无异位性病史者的阳性率58.3%(P<0.05),提示吸入性过敏原诱发的I型变态反应在荨麻疹,湿疹和异位性皮炎的发病中起了一定作用,并且有异位性病史的异位性皮炎患者比无异位性病史的患者对吸入性过敏原敏感。  相似文献   

目的探讨各种变应原与慢性荨麻疹发病的关系,为患者的预防提供指导依据。方法采用国际标准的皮肤点刺试验对400例慢性荨麻疹患者进行23种变应原的检测。结果400例慢性荨麻疹患者进行23种变应原的检测阳性率达65.75%(263例):变应原中粉尘螨45.25%(181例)阳性率最高,其次为螨Ⅱ36.50%(146例)。结论对于慢性荨麻疹患者在诊疗过程中应积极寻找病因,避免在日常生活中接触相应的致病变应原,降低发病率。  相似文献   

目的:通过测定特应性皮炎、慢性特发性荨麻疹、慢性湿疹三种变应性皮肤病患者血清总IgE水平,以及对广州地区这三种疾病的致敏原进行初步分析,了解血清总Ig水平及致敏原在这三种疾病中的状况。方法:采用酶联免疫方法对89例慢性特发性荨麻疹、24例特应性皮炎(AD)、49例慢性湿疹、32例正常对照进行MAST—CLA致敏原检测。结果:这三种疾病患者血清总IgE水平显著高于正常对照,三者间无显著差异,在三种疾病主要致敏原:AD分别是:螨虫83.34%、蟑螂37.5%、狗毛或猫毛58.34%;慢性特发性荨麻疹:螨虫39.32%、蟑螂12.36%、牛肉与蟹10.11%、牛奶8.99%;慢性湿疹:螨虫24.48%、屋尘14.29%、狗毛或猫毛10.2%、棉花、青霉菌、蟑螂、牛肉均为8.16%。结论:在广州地区外原性致敏原诱发的Ⅰ型变态反应可能在这三种疾病中起了重要作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the significance of contact allergen and aeroallergen sensitization in suspected allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), unclassified endogenous eczema (UEE) and non‐atopic chronic urticaria (NACU). 63 cases of suspected ACD, 140 cases of suspected UEE and 21 cases of suspected NACU were patch tested with the standard series of Beijing Medical University and, if available, suspected materials as is. 22 such cases of ACD, 104 such cases of UEE and 42 such cases of NACU were intradermally tested with common aeroallergens. Patients with non‐allergic skin disease served as controls. 85.7% of the suspected ACD patients, 57.9% of the suspected UEE patients and 52.4% of the suspected NACU patients were positive on patch testing, and the results in 81.0% of the suspected ACD patients and 23.6% of the suspected UEE patients were considered relevant. No patch test reactions in the NACU patients were considered relevant. 27.1% of the suspected UEE patients, 41.3% of the suspected ACD patients and 14.3% of the suspected NACU patients reacted to 2 or more contact allergens. High positive rates on aeroallergen intradermal testing were also found in suspected NACU (69.0%), UEE (49.0%) and ACD (59.1%) patients. These results support the conclusions that patients with allergic skin diseases will develop multiple sensitization, and that early detection and avoidance of sensitizing allergens is necessary. The exact rôle of aeroallergen sensitization in these diseases needs further study.  相似文献   



Urticaria and atopic dermatitis are representative allergic skin diseases that can be mediated by IgE. Measuring levels of specific IgE can be used to confirm causative agents of these skin diseases.


To analyze results from the multiple allergosorbent test chemiluminescent assay (MAST-CLA), which measures specific IgE in the presence of a causative agent/allergen, in IgE-mediated skin diseases.


A total of 404 patients with urticaria, atopic dermatitis or pruritus were enrolled in the present study. Positive rates of specific IgE as well as total serum IgE from the MAST-CLA were compared.


Positive rates of specific IgE were highest in atopic dermatitis patients, followed by urticaria, and then pruritus, with 57.0%, 37.1%, and 20.8%, respectively (p<0.05). House dust mite species were the most common allergens in both atopic dermatitis and urticaria skin diseases. There were no differences in the overall MAST-CLA results between acute and chronic urticaria. The relative positive rate of inhalant allergen was significantly higher in adult than in child atopic dermatitis patients.


Results from the MAST-CLA showed diversity among the three disease groups, and within each disease group, with different positive rates of specific IgE, a different mean allergen number per patient, and so on. Therefore, we concluded that MAST-CLA could be a useful diagnostic tool for various allergic skin diseases.  相似文献   

过敏性皮肤病患者斑贴试验结果分析及临床意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的研究过敏性皮肤病患者斑贴试验结果及临床意义.方法对254例湿疹、56例慢性荨麻疹、28例特应性皮炎患者进行斑贴试验检测.结果三组患者中阳性率较高的致敏原有四种物质相同,分别为硫酸镍、重铬酸甲、卡巴混合物、芳香混合物;特应性皮炎组阳性率(64.29%)明显低于湿疹组(79.92%),慢性荨麻疹(76.79%)与湿疹二组阳性率之间差异无显著性.结论过敏性皮肤病患者阳性率较高的致敏原具有相同性;硫酸镍、重铬酸甲、卡巴混合物、芳香混合物具有较高的致敏性;斑贴试验主要用于检测外源性变应原,特应性皮炎的病因可能以内源性为主;接触性过敏原可以引起接触性荨麻疹;斑贴试验阳性致敏原常是引起面部湿疹、手湿疹的致病因素.  相似文献   

目的 探讨湿疹皮炎患者血清过敏原检测常见的阳性过敏原及其临床意义。 方法 回顾性分析中国10家医院皮肤科就诊并进行了血清变应原特异性IgE检测且至少一项阳性的湿疹皮炎患者。 结果 458例患者纳入研究,其中男209例(45.63%),女249例(54.37%),年龄(28.13 ± 23.11)岁。前3位常见阳性过敏原为蟑螂(180/458,占39.30%)、尘螨组合(152/458,占33.19%)、花生(116/458,占25.33%)。89.66%(26/29)特应性皮炎患者及86.84%(33/38)面部湿疹患者存在多种过敏原。皮损相对泛发者过敏率(88/110,占80%)较皮损相对局限者(245/348,占70.40%)高,差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 3.880,P = 0.049)。吸入变应原阳性率在11 ~ 20岁年龄组最高(39/43,占90.70%);牛奶(26/98,占26.53%)、牛肉(19/98,占19.39%),特异性IgE 阳性多见于3岁以下婴幼儿。北方与南方常见变应原不同,艾蒿、蟑螂、牛奶、黄豆、牛肉、淡水鱼特异性IgE阳性率(10.35%、42.42%、14.39%、13.89%、11.36%、13.38%)均分别高于南方(1.61%、19.35%、3.23%、3.23%、1.61%、3.23%),差异有统计学意义(?字2 = 4.917、11.959、5.958、5.594、5.641、5.235,均P < 0.05)。 结论 蟑螂是湿疹皮炎患者致敏率较高的变应原,临床意义值得研究。面部湿疹及特应性皮炎更容易多发过敏。年龄是影响变应原致敏的较重要因素。不同地域常见变应原不同。  相似文献   

目的 探讨南京地区变态反应性皮肤病患者血清中过敏原特异性IgE抗体水平.方法 采用免疫印迹法检测变态反应性皮肤病患者血清中过敏原特异性IgE抗体和总IgE抗体.结果 1 105例变态反应性皮肤病患者特异性IgE阳性率58.7%(649/1 105).检测的不同变态反应性皮肤病患者血清中过敏原特异件IgE抗体水平在吸入组中以屋尘过敏原特异性lgE抗体检出比例最高达36.83%(407/1105);其次是户尘螨,达23.26%(257/1105).在食物组中以腰果过敏原的检测比例最高,达7.33%(81/1105),其次是牛奶,达5.43%(60/1105).从性别上来看,男女在一些过敏原上差异有统计学意义.从年龄上来看,≤14岁组和>14岁组在一些过敏原上,经统计分析差异有统计学意义.结论 特异性IgE抗体和总IgE检测可以帮助临床寻找相应的过敏原,为变态反应性皮肤病的预防和治疗提供参考.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relationship between exposure to indoor aeroallergens in early life and subsequent eczema is unclear. We have previously failed to show any significant associations between early life exposure to house dust mite and cat fur allergens and either sensitization to these allergens or wheeze. We have also previously reported a lower prevalence of parent-reported, doctor-diagnosed eczema by age 2 years for children exposed to higher concentrations of house dust mite, but no other associations with other definitions of eczema or for exposure to cat allergen. OBJECTIVES: To extend the exposure-response analysis of allergen exposure and eczema outcomes measured up to age 8 years, and to investigate the role of other genetic and environmental determinants. METHODS: A total of 593 children (92 x 4% of those eligible) born to all newly pregnant women attending one of three general practitioner surgeries in Ashford, Kent, were followed from birth to age 8 years. Concentrations of house dust mite and cat allergen were measured in dust samples collected from the home at 8 weeks after birth. The risk of subsequent eczema as defined by the U.K. diagnostic criteria was determined according to different levels (quintiles) of allergen exposure at birth. RESULTS: By age 8 years, 150 (25 x 3%) children had met the diagnostic criteria for eczema at least once. Visible flexural dermatitis was recorded at least once for 129 (28 x 0%). As in other studies, parental allergic history was positively associated with most eczema outcomes, as were higher maternal education and less crowded homes. No clear linear associations between early exposure to house dust mite or cat allergen were found, regardless of the definition of eczema used. The risk of eczema appeared to increase for the three lowest quintiles of house dust mite allergen exposure (odds ratio, OR 1 x 37 for third quintile compared with first), and then to fall for the two highest quintiles (OR 0 x 66 and 0 x 71) even after controlling for confounding factors. CONCLUSIONS: The lack of any clear exposure-disease relationship between allergens in early life and subsequent eczema argues against allergen exposure being a major factor causing eczema. If the lower levels of eczema at higher levels of house dust mite are confirmed, then interventions aimed at reducing house dust mite in early infancy could paradoxically increase the risk of subsequent eczema.  相似文献   

Interrelationships between biliary dyskinesia and chronic urticaria, chronic eczema and atopic dermatitis have been studied in 210 biliary dyskinesia patients and 60 normal subjects. Incidences of chronic urticaria, chronic eczema and atopic dermatitis were found more frequently in biliary dyskinesia patients than normal subjects. Skin symptoms of these chronic urticaria, chronic eczema and atopic dermatitis cases showed significant normalization with improved gallbladder contraction rate. COMT inhibitor therapy and fat restriction were more effective for the skin symptoms and for prolonging the interval before recidivation or exacerbation of these allergic diseases than conservative therapy.  相似文献   

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